

Roll to Seduce

Tear apart a nazi.

Don’t love a nazi

Punch a nazi in the face.

Send a nazi to the shadow realm

Make nazis feel uncomfortable and unwelcomed

Fight a nazi

Ride a nazi corpse down a blood waterfall

Reveal the maddening truths of the universe to a Nazi

Steal a Nazi away.

Join a protest against nazis

Launch a Nazi into the core of the earth. As far from space as possible. They don’t deserve to even see the stars.

Bite a Nazi.

They are NOT good boys.

DON'T fuck a Nazi.

Have some standards, just don't do it.


@probablyfadrpgideas I did edit it but it doesn’t change reblogs from before it was edited…. I tried to stop it, but I was too late……… it had already spread……….. i was too late….

Don’t worry - @probablygoodrpgideas put “cultits” instead of cultists in his most popular post.

Cultits sounds like something straight from @definitelybadrpgideas

Cultits is when you have a large breasted female sacrifice for your horror rituals.


RPG Idea

Have a different RPG Idea blog DM each of your sessions.

I will bring an over abundance of Pepsi to the session. Or if it’s over the internet I will spam the party with images of Pepsi!

There will either be a lot of loot or a TPK.

you’ll have to wait until the tal’dorei campaign guide is released ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You’ll have to wait til I can sort all my universes and plot hooks into a playable narrative that doesn’t need railroading

There’ll either be a lot of loot or a…wait, hold on…


With me, you will have a great session (hopefully)

*lots of eyebrow waggling*


A game where you’re not allowed to say what your action is, you have to subtly imply what you’re doing and hope the GM gets the right idea.

"I'm going to...you know...*winkwinkeyebrowwaggle* to the elf in his...you know...*even more winking and eyebrow waggling and maybe some suggestive hand motions*"


Never underestimate the creativity (or perversion) of your players

DM gave my character a ring that allowed me to change a letter or drop a letter of a spell I could cast. The spell will reflect its new name. So a spell like Fireball would become Firball (sharp pine needles explode in a radius), Blur became Slur (if cast on a magic user, they can’t use spells with verbal components), Slow becomes Plow (till a field in a minute), etc.

I’m looking down my list of spells after I get the ring to see what mayhem I can cause & I don’t make it past the cantrips before I start laughing so hard I start to cry. I look up at the DM with a huge grin on my face.

“From now on I will only be casting Vicious Cockery at my enemies. It still does 1d4 psychic damage, but instead of insulting them, a disembodied dick smacks them in the face.”

I don't even need to add anything to this, it speaks for itself.

Anonymous asked:

You know semen isn't inherently UV reflective right? You need to spray it with luminol first.


That’s what I get for writing things in the middle of the night without researching.

I guess the DM can keep a bottle of luminol on hand for during sessions?


write your character sheet in UV reactive ink so when you roll up in da club you can roll up in da club

Make your character sheet invisible until it is soaked in the blood of an innocent child

Set you character sheet’s visibility to “false”.

Your character sheet is only visible after your character dies.

Your character sheet is only visible after dipping it into Pepsi.

Write your character sheet in pencil like a normal person, whats wrong with you guys?

Write your character sheet with a finger Bone dipped in ink

Hm, you see, that’s the opposite of what i just said.

Write your character sheet with semen so it only shows up under UV light.

Anonymous asked:

Roll a con cheek to figure out how long you can last in bed. then roll a performance cheek to see how good you were. (it gets really funny when some monsters has +10 in performance and you as gm roll a 19)

This idea has my approval.

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