Fanfiction Collection

@joeandtaylorfanfiction /

This page is a collection of all Joe and Taylor fanfiction! (These stories are not mine) Please feel free to submit a post or ask me to reblog, my inbox is always open!
Anonymous asked:

i wished I had found out about your Tumblr sooner...I was never involved in the fandom. Then this mess happened, things on Twitter were too crazy so like the least sane person on earth I decided to try and search for fanfics of them for the first time lool I was never even attached to their relationship because of the distance i kept from the fandom but I am a big empath, so if you saw me crying my eyes out you would have thought I was the biggest shipper.

But yeah I found out blog and started to read the fics I suppose as a way to live happy times. Then this week happened, things have been rough and I stopped.

I'm happy you aren't deleting it though. I'm going to get away from the fandom for a while starting next week to avoid more messes. As you can imagine as an empath it's really hard to filter these negative vibes. But in a month or two I will be able to go back to where I was and start reading again.

Following you on your other account 😊

I am so so glad this blog was able to be an escape for you! I think a lot of us are seeking an escape when we look for fanfic and I think that’s what made this part of the fandom so special! I will never delete this blog and I really hope it continues to provide something positive for everyone! With that said, I really hope you are doing ok and if you ever want to talk to someone please feel free to DM me on my other account! 💗

Anonymous asked:


You will be so missed!

I will miss this all so much more than I can ever express!! I love this little community so so much!! I feel like we all grew up a bit together in this time and that will be something I will never take for granted 💔


Hey everyone! I have come to terms with what I want to do with this account now that everything that has happened has simmered for a while. My tl is just not what it used to be (obviously), and has gone in a direction of things I personally just don’t want to think about anymore. I’m tired of reading conspiracies about the relationship and/or Taylor and Joes ways of dealing with the end. I don’t think it’s our place to speculate/demean anything they’re going through and I just personally don’t want to see it anymore.

With that said, this account will remain as is. I will be on it for a couple more hours to try leave it in the best shape but then after that I will log out forever. I have another blog that I assume most of you know about and I will see you on there! I really loved running this blog and had so much fun over these last few years making friends with you all! Your support from day one has always made me so happy and I cannot thank you enough! I’m sending each of you a hug and hope I’ll see you on other blogs again!

Love from, Kennedy 🥹🫶

Anonymous asked:

Welp we got our first real confirmation Austin unfollowed Joe

Yeah I saw that :( All I hope is that both T and Joe are okay and feel like this decision was best for them!

Anonymous asked:

i was so excited that we got a new chapter of that fic and as i was reading it i went on twitter and saw the new...... devastating

Yeah :( I’m really just holding onto hope that this is one of the media’s lies once again and if not that they’re both okay :(

Anonymous asked:

I’m so sad.

If this news is true, what will you do with your page? Can we still submit, will you delete everyone’s work? Will you just become a Taylor fic blog?

Hey! I’ll be honestly, maybe I’m delusional or maybe I just never trust the media but at this current moment I’m not going to feed into the speculation. But with that said, if this does turn out to be true this blog with remain as is! I will leave everything up as it exists and once the fics stop coming I’ll just stop being active! But this blog will forever exist!


all i care about is taylor and joes happiness retrospectively, but with that said, i never believe anything the media says so anyway i will be ignoring this until further notice


Traveling For Work - Vol 2 (Submission)

By the time morning came Joe was awakened by the sun shining into the room. His eyes opened slowly and he checked the time. It was just before seven in the morning, he slept longer than normal but he was pleasantly surprised. He was just rolling over to Taylor's side of the bed when he stopped himself after seeing his daughter asleep beside him. He chuckled softly and shook his head, bemused as to when she had managed to sneak into the room while he slept.

If he was being honest, he wasn't surprised at all to find her curled up beside him. Though he and Taylor tried to keep her in her own bed, he couldn't be too upset with her for waiting to be close to him when Taylor was gone, he suspected she did the same with Taylor whenever he was away. Joe smiled at the thought before he put his head back down on his own pillow. Watching her breathing made him smile and felt so lucky for their daughter. Joe laid there for a while, thinking of the memories of when he and Taylor first brought her home and all the times they would watch her sleep when she was a baby. Though she was much older now, she would always be his little girl and that is exactly why he didn't mind her sneaking into the room at night. He was well aware that this stage of hers wouldn't last forever.

Anonymous asked:

hey! i just started my new blog and wanted to send you a link to my story so you all can read it! Thanks!!

Hi! Thank you so much for sending this! I’ve just reblogged it now!

Anonymous asked:

I haven’t read through every mature story yet so I don’t know if that already exists but is there one kinda false god inspired like them fighting but still having sex because they can’t resist or where he punishes her whatever reason?

Hey! So the only one I can think of off the top of my head is this one! But if anyone remembers another please let me know and I'll update this ask!

Anonymous asked:

idk if anyone is writing/wants to write to prompts but I saw this one on here and thought it would be cool if someone wrote about it: Taylor in the last few shows of the eras tour is pregnant (but it’s not public and nobody but her family and close friends knows) and Joe is really concerned about her when she is sick and trying to get through the long shows

Writing prompt!


New Family Member Part 7 (Teaser), Meet Eloise - Submission

Joe smiled to himself as they walked down the corridor to the waiting room, the boys proudly walking just a few steps ahead of him to get the family into the room together. He was visualizing their family back at home, two boys and one girl, he couldn’t help but think of the perfect days they would have together. He pictured lazy mornings, pancake breakfasts and movie nights when they all would cuddle together before tucking the children into bed. He was so incredibly happy with the family he and Taylor had created yet he knew it was just beginning again.

He rounded the corner just after the boys and somehow smiled even wider seeing the family overjoyed with the boys’ excitement to tell them all about their little sister Eloise. Jackson had joined his grandmothers and was telling them all about the neat photos he took of the new baby and how he got to hold her first.

“Daddy, I want to show them the baby! Can I play with your phone and show Grandmas the baby pictures I took!?” Jackson asked excitedly before Joe kneeled down before him and smirked.

Anonymous asked:

something short i wrote but yeah 😭

Thank you so much for sending this! I've just reblogged it!

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