
Writing story hooks and characters is my jam.


A hook writer for stories and ideas. I can help with OC direction if you are up for it. Remember one thing above all else: "Have Fun With It."

Lantern’s Light

So I am following @multifandomscribette advice and just making a quick one-shot and not worrying about bigger projects. Marinette joins a Lantern Corps. But is green really her color? That is the real question.



Marinette was having the worst day of her life. Lila, the liar, had made good on her promise and then some. 

The Italian had twisted everything she could to turn it against Marinette. Whether it was her friends, educators, or family. New friends, like Alya demanded evidence even though she herself never looked into things or fact checked the lies Marinette pointed out. Old ones, people she thought knew her since diapers were now branding her of bullying and harassment. Not a single person in her class thought she was telling the truth.

They were all knelt down in the front of their profit praising her glory. Never once seeing the altar standing upon a pile of lies and deceit. 

What did the young heroin get for trying to confront the liar? Her educators expelled her from school finding her guilty of cheating, theft, and violence against others. The accusations were all brought up by none other than Lila. She always had some kind of evidence so her claims were never baseless, even if they were false. 

The cheating? Test answers found in her bag. Her hard work and hours of studying to get a perfect score are seen as proof misconduct instead of reward for her dedication. 

The theft? A fox pendet that wasn’t hers in a locker that was. A locker, just like all others in the school, that wasn’t locked. and a pendet that fell out as soon as the door was opened. The question of what thief would leave their pilfered loot in a place that could easily compromise them was never asked. 

The violence against others? Lila’s wrapped knee and limp. Garnered from being pushed down a flight of stairs. Right. In front. Of the. Principal's Office. Funny thing is how no one bothered to check to see how bad the injury was, instead they just wrapped it up without question. Another funny point is how no one noticed how quickly the limp disappeared when she accused Marinette of theft.

Refuting these claims was pointless, because she was the only person defending herself. Adrien, the one person she thought she could count on in her time of need said nothing. He was cowed into silence by his father standing behind him and his own passive nature around the man working against him. It hurt her to know that he would do and say nothing around his father.

She was expelled, but it wasn’t the worst the young bluenette had to deal with. No, the worst was what she was currently dealing with. 

“I thought we raised you better than this, Marinette!” Her mother shouted. 

“Maman, Papa I didn’t do those things.” She tried to defend. “Lila is trying to frame me!” 

“Why would she do that?” Her mother asked.

“Because I called her out on all her lies. So she promised to make my life miserable.” 

“Marinette Dapain-Cheng,” Her father’s voice was stern. “I will not have you lying in this house. You are already in a lot of trouble.”

“But I am not lying!” she shouted.

“Just like you didn’t steal from that girl or push her down the stairs.” he countered.

“I didn’t do any of those things.” She tried.

“Enough,” his voice raised but didn’t yell. He didn’t need to. The simple fact of him raising his voice was enough to stop most in their tracks. She was no different. Her teeth clicked as her mouth slapped shut.

“Enough of this Marinette. Your classmates had already tried to warn us that you were bullying the poor girl. Trying to get us to stop you from doing something regrettable. We didn’t want to believe them. We shouldn’t have to.”

“Papa,” Marinette’s voice wavered. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take.

He took a breath, “We’re so disappointed that they were right.”

Marinette gasped. 

“You… you believe them, Her!?!” She was close to hysterics. “She is-”

“No. no more!” He commanded. 

“Go to your room until we figure out the proper punishment.” Her mother ordered.


The teen’s world was shattering, crumbling to dust, and she couldn’t get her feet under her. She didn’t know how. Marinette truly had no frame of mind to understand all that was happening. Never before had anything like this happened. 

“Go.” Sabine, her mother’s voice was fierce. 

Tom, her father’s voice was just as commanding,“Now.” 

As numb as she was she still filinched, and said something she never would have thought she would to them.

“Yes Sir, Yes Ma’am.” 

Not Maman and Papa or Mom and Dad but Sir and Ma’am. 

It was forign to her tongue. Just as it was to her ears with how hollow her voice was.

She turned and headed to her room. She wasn’t sure if she bumped into anything or not. Her body jerked a few times like she did, but she couldn’t feel any pain. 

‘No that’s not right’ She thought as she got to her room. ‘It hurts. It hurts so much.’

The invisible strings holding her up finally snap, and she falls to her knees. 

Tears are running down her face as she sobs. Each breath is rugged and a mix of being too deep and too shallow at the same time. Her chest is hurting so much. 

The fabric of her shirt is straining in her grasp. She was grabbing at it like a lifeline. Like it was her own heart she was holding. Trying desperately to stop it from shattering into nothing.

‘Why does it hurt?’ she thought or asked aloud she wasn’t sure. ‘Why does losing everything you love have to hurt so much?’

She continued to cry harder and harder. 

It should have been no surprise that something velvet in color came flying into her room and talked to her.

The voice wasn’t masculine like she would have expected however. 

Instead, the voice was feminine and level.

“Marinette Dupain-Cheng of Earth. You have great love in your heart. Welcome to the Star Sapphires.”

“Marinette, are you alright?” Tikki asked. 

The little god was obviously worried for her chosen. As she should be with Hawkmoth trying to akumatize her.

Coming to her senses, the teen tried to fight off the negative emotions Hawkmoth was trying to use against her. 

‘Wait,’ she shook her head, ‘This isn’t right.’

Looking over her own emotions she couldn’t find any negativity. 

“Please, Marinette!” Tikki shouted in desperation when Marinette didn’t answer.

‘Oh Tikki,’ Was all she could think when she looked at her friend. 

Tikki’s eyes were full of fat tears. Her antennae were low and sagging. Her normal bright cherry red color was duller and a deeper maron red. Her entire body screamed worry.

“I’m okay.” She answered. “I’m okay Tikki. Hawkmoth isn’t in control.”

Tikki zoomed to her face quicker than lightning and hugged Marinette’s face.

“I was so scared.” She cried. 

The teen hugged back, cupping the little god against her cheek. “I’m okay now.”

Was she? 

She enjoyed the hug for a moment to address her feelings she found out that; Yeah, yeah she was. She was okay.

“When that thing came in I didn’t know what to do.” Tikki explained. “When it turned you into a crystal I was so afraid.”

She was still crying so Marinette wasn’t sure she heard properly.

“Wait? An akuma turned me into a crystal?” she asked.

She was confused. ‘Could hawkmoth do that?’

Tikki pulled away from the hug, “No, it wasn’t an akuma.”

She pulled Marinette’s hand in front of her face. “It was this.”

On her hand, on her left index finger, was a ring. It was a metallic steel pink with a star similar to the cardinal points of a compass at its center. It had a brilliant sheen to it.

Her awe at the peace of jewelry was short lived when she took in the rest of her hand. It was gloved in a material much like her miraculous costume. It was from fitting and a striking chromatic magenta.  

Her eyes traced down her arm. Hand to wrist, wrist to forearm. The glove stopped just below the elbow. Leaving her bicep bare. 

That led her to take in her entire outfit. Which, from what she could make out, was a stark contrast to what she was wearing just moments before. 

She quickly rushed over to a mirror, and the Marinette that stood before her something to behold. 

Gloves on both arms up to the elbow. Bare biceps. The rest of her was breathtaking for a lack of a better word. Her shoulders were just barely covered. The material went up to her Adam's apple on her neck. Her body was mostly covered in the same material as the gloves. There was a small oval window that showed off her stomach, starting at her sternum and ending just below her bellybutton. Below her navel was a pink star much like the one on the ring. The side of her hips were bare. It felt very risqué to the very modest Marinette, but it complemented her figure nicely. Her legs were mostly bare as well, her calves being covered by the criss-cross straps of a pair stylized gladiator sandals. She nearly missed that her back was bare by a larger oval window, as it was covered by her hair. 

Her everyday pigtails were gone. Her hair was now loose and freely draped over her back. Where her hair normally stopped at her shoulders, it was now at the small of her back. Her natural blue transitioned smoothly into a vibrant pink. 

Her face was the most commanding however. She had a tiara-like metal circlet resting at her hairline. It framed her face down to her jaw line. A branch lined her cheekbone, while another snaked up the top of her ear. Making a lazy S of the two branches. Her lips were colored in a way that brought attention to them. It wasn’t lipstick, just her natural color made to stand out more. 

And her eyes. 

Her eyes had a glow, a fire, to them that was indescribable. The navy blue she had since birth was replaced by a scarlet fire liking at the edges of her eyes. 

She was stunned, awed, and confused.

“Wha..?” Was all she got out looking herself over. 

“When that ring came into your room and landed on your finger it trapped you into a crystal. And when you came out you looked like that.” Tikki explained. 

“What did Hawkmoth do to me? I can’t feel his influence.” 

With a shake of her head Tikki says, “I don’t think it is Hawkmoth, Marinette. This feels different than an akuma.”

The teen looked at the ring, “If it isn’t Hawkmoth then who is it? Am I in any danger?” 

“Negative Sister. You are in no danger at the moment.”

The femine voice was back, and it made Marinette jump when it spoke. 

“Who are you?” she asked.

“The Sapphire Power Ring of Sector 2814.” The voice paused for a moment,  “You may understand it better with the term: Lantern Ring.” 

“Wait, like the Green Lanterns?” She knew about the Green Lanterns most people did. There were more than a few on Earth and they were part of the Justice League. 

“Similar in a way. But, unlike the Green Lanterns that use the power of will the Star Sapphires use the power of love.”

“Love?” She shook her head. “Not too many people love me right now. Wouldn’t you want someone else?”

“Negative. The Sapphire Power Rings seek out bearers who truly know love. Those that have lived in its comfort and have also been spurned. To become a Star Sapphire a bearer must know both what it is like to be loved and lose that love, as to better help her spread love across the universe.”

“Marinette Dupain-Cheng of Earth you have come to know love in its entirety. All your life you have enjoyed its warmth, and recently you have known the pain of losing that love. The kindred spirit of friendship, the passion of attraction towards a mate, and most painful to you the familial bond from your parents. Each lost to you, but each one made to make you stronger. Will you help spread love throughout the universe and shield others from heartache?” 

The ring’s neutral voice was calming. It didn’t hold any emotion in it other than the leveled calm it spoke in. Even still Marinette heard the passion behind it. She wanted to accept. With the ring’s calming voice and her own emotions back under control it sounded like the best thing in the world. ‘The ring did say universe, so I might need to rephrase that.’

 She looked up at Tikki and she got worried. “What about Tikki? What about Paris? Hawkmoth still needs to be dealt with. I can’t leave them, especially Tikki. I can’t abandon her.”

Speaking of Tikki, her brow furrowed “Marinette, who are you taking to?”

“Wait,” she looked to her friend. “You can’t hear it. The ring is talking to me.” 

“The entity known as Tikki; The Kwami of Creation is still bound to you. As her power aligns with that of love that  the Star Sapphires seek to spread throughout the universe.”

The ring actually spoke out loud this time so they both could hear. Tikki actually jumped a little when she heard it talk. 

‘Good.’ the teen thought seeing the reaction, ‘At least I am not crazy and hearing voices.’

Marinette took a breath with that. “Good I don’t know what I would do without Tikki.”

It continued to speak out loud. “As for the villain Hawkmoth this power ring can assist you in freeing your home from his tyranny. Warning:” It cautioned. “Ring’s power is less than 5%. Recharge is required if you wish to use its power to its fullest.”

She asked reflexively, “How do I charge the ring?”

“Recharging a ring requires a Sapphire Battery. Locating… Found… Sapphire Battery is in a nearby pocket dimension.”


‘Pocket dimensions, those are a thing now I guess’ The teen looked at her friend. ‘Well magic is real so why not sci-fi?’

“What do you think, Tikki?” 

“I can’t sense anything negative from it, but it did trap you in a crystal.” 

“Should I use this ring's power??”

“I don’t know Marinette.”

The teen closed her eyes to think. 

She weighed the Pros and Cons. 

“Okay.” she nodded to herself.

When she opened her eyes her mind was made up.

“Um, Ring?” she asked. “I have decided to use your power. Can we get that battery somehow to get you recharged?”

“Affirmative. This ring has enough power to pull the battery out of its pocket dimension.  All that is needed to recharge this ring is for you to recite the Oath and become a true member of the Star Sapphires.”

“Oh, what is the Oath?” 

“For hearts long lost and full of fright,”

“For those alone in Blackest Night.”

“Accept our ring and join our fight,”

“Love conquers all with violet light!”

Marinette smiles, “That was beautiful.”

She liked how it sounded. Like it was a promise and a battle cry at the same time. It resonated within her and echoed what she has always believed. ‘Love can overcome any obstacle.’

She followed the ring’s instructions and pulled the battery out of its hidden dimension. 

She put the ring to the lantern ready to become a fully fledged member of the Sapphires.

“For hearts long lost and full of fright,”

“For those alone in Blackest Night.”

“Accept our ring and join our fight,”

“Love conquers all with violet light!”

‘Whoa,’ she thought. Nearly tipping over. ‘What a rush. That felt amazing!’

“Marinette?” Tikki asked tentatively. 

“I’m good Tikki, I’m great even.” the heroen balked at that. Her voice sounded different. Not like it was someone else's voice, it just that it sounded like her voice carried more power behind it.

“You are glowing.” Tikki said in amazement. 

Looking at her hand she saw a soft glow like aura around it. She turned to look at the mirror again and saw the same violet light over her entire body. 

Her eyes were an even brighter fire in them than before, and her hair was caught in a faint ethereal wind.

“Whoa,” because really, what else was she supposed to say?

“What do I do now?” she asked her ring.

"Do what you have always done in life. Follow your Heart."

Quietly she let out a, “Thank you.” 

“Tikki?” she asked. It was a question that was never needed to be asked and the little god always had the right answer for.

With a quick zip to the new lantern she was hugging Marinette’s cheek with as much care as he tiny arms would allow. 

The teen quickly hugged back with all the love she could muster. 

Both shined brighter as their truest emotion came forth.

“Warning:” the ring spoke up, “Sensing large power dispersing over the city. Possible Akuma attack underway.”

“Thank you...” she said wiping the tears from her eyes “...Do you have a name I don’t want to call you ‘Ring’ all the time.” 

“Unnecessary, my function is to serve you in your duties. A name would be pointless.”

“Well, I don’t see it that way. You are just like Tikki and I refuse to treat you any different than her.”

“Parameters set: Should it please you, you may address this ring by then name of its previous host ‘Ferris’

“Welcome to the team/family Ferris.” She said and meant honestly. 

“So Tikki?” She asked with a smile. “Should we go meet our newest akuma, and finally put a stop to Hawkmonth?”

The Kwami’s smile was just as wide. “More than anything.”

“Spots On!”

Her Ladybug transformation washes over her Sapphire uniform with some slight changes. 

The pigtales are back and a bit longer. Her suit has larger black spots now, namely over the spots that were bare to the world in her other suit. The iris in both eyes were rimmed in a violet tinge. 

Lastly the ring was still there. Still as lustrous as when she first saw it. 

“Let’s see what Hawkmoth has in store for us.” 


The trick was brilliant in hindsight. Mayura used an Amok to create a  Sentimonster doppelganger of Ladybug to trick Chat into giving up his miraculous. 

‘I am kind of surprised that they didn’t do it sooner.’ She thinks to herself. 

‘But with how well it worked I can see why they didn’t.’ she snarks to herself.

The Sentimonster had gotten close to performing her task too before she showed up. It was a little harder to convince Chat that she was the real Ladybug with her new look and all. But it turned out alright. Mayura showed her hand too soon and tables turned quickly when Ladybug got the amok and freed the Sentimonster. 

Mayura was far more devious than they originally thought as she took back the amok and destroyed her creation. 

Both heroes watched as the feather floated in the breeze. 

While Chat Noir raged at the villainess she quickly institutionally reached out with her new powers to save the feather and hide it in a pocket dimension. It was that same time that Hawkmoth decided to show himself. 

The fight itself was quick with both Mayura and Chat being held hostage.

Hawkmoth, the egotist, decided to monolog “...Transform into regular kids. So fragile and easy to break.” 

She was about to yell ‘Release him’ fearing for Chat’s safety, but she remembered she had a trick up her sleeve. 

“Oh?” She smiles wickedly at the man. “What makes you think that?” 

“If you have noticed by now my powers have grown.” she draws attention to her new outfit. “I no longer have a time limit.”

It was a bluff. She was honestly not sure if she had a time limit anymore. But she knew she would be okay even if her transformation dropped. 

He snarled letting her know that he bought the bluff. Which was good. 

Up until he threw her partner off The Arc de Triomphe.  

With a shout of surprise she decided to drop the act and play her hand. 

Violet light shoots from her hand binding the villains pulling them behind her as she dives after her partner.

The self sacrificing dork let loose. “You had Mayura right where you wanted her. I could have managed myself. Why’d you do that?” 

“Because we are Ladybug and Chat Noir.” She smiled at him, “Ladybug by itself doesn’t sound half as cool.”

She pulls him up to his feet. Letting him dust himself off. “Besides, I am pretty sure they are still where we want them.” 

She turns his attention to the two villains bound on the ground next to them. 

“Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said your powers have grown.” 

“Something like that.” She chuckles, “How about we fix things up?” 


Not long after, the city was celebrating being free of the emotional terrorist and his cohort. There was already talk of it being a national holiday. 

She wasn’t enjoying the festivities though. She had something she needed to fix still. 

So here she was in front of her school with everyone of importance there. Her classmates, teacher, principle, and her parents. Next to her was The Sentimonster: Bugette. Turns out that Duusu could reactivate an amok feather and recreate a Sentimonster if the original item is still around.

Or rather, she was next to Bugette floating just to the left of a few inches off of the ground in her new uniform. 

And Bugette was doing a great job of being in charge too. 

“I have called you all here today, not to celebrate the victory we have achieved today. Instead, to discuss rumors I have heard coming from this school.” She sounded confident and official. “Those of bullying, theft, and violence.” 

The principle spoke up, “I can assure you Ladybug, you don’t need to get involved. We have already dealt with the problem.”

She glares at him. “That may be, but I still want to investigate to ensure that it was handled fairly.”

Marientte couldn't be happier. She was already thinking back to when she had gotten Duusu to recreate Bugette. During the process she used a bit of her ring's power to help. Sharing memories with the Amok so the creation could be more independent. She also phased the Amok to rest right next to the Sentimonster’s heart so no one could ever destroy her again.

She almost missed Bugette introducing her with a step to the side, “That is why I brought in a friend to help in the investigation.”

“Thank you, Ladybug.” she dipped her head in respect. “Sorry I couldn’t make it here sooner. I was… off world when you called.” It was true in a way. The ring wasn’t available back then.

She saw the shiver that ran down everyone’s spine as she spoke. The power coming from her voice alone must be intense. 

“From the sound of it I missed all the fun.” She joked. 

“It is alright, Star.” Bugette said as if nothing was wrong. “You are here now and that is what matters. With your help we can make sure justice is served.”

“Lead the way Bugette.” She wishes Chat was here to be in on this too. But she understands why he isn’t.

As the pair are led through the school for their investigation, she gets to feel the catharsis of Bugette asking questions that no one ever did when she tried to defend herself. She also uses this time to test her new abilities as a Star Sapphire. 

Finding fingerprints and checking matches, recreating scenes from earlier with energy constructs playing them out, and her personal favorite voice analisis used to check for any lying. 

Clearing her name was nice and it was healing a pain she had been ignoring for a while.

It came to a head when Lila shouted, “Why are you even here. That girl bullied me, made me feel unsafe here at school. I had to get her out of here before she actually hurt me.”

The Italian was crying by the end of her rant. ‘She is a good actress.’

“Hey Bugette, she is lying.” The lantern whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear. 

“Thank you Star,” Bugette smiled kindly back at her. “But I already know.”

She smirked when the crowds gasped. 

“How do you know that Lila is lying?” One of her classmates asked.

With the briefest of looks and slightest of nods from Marinete, Bugette glares daggers at the group.

“Because I never bullied Lila, and the only mean thing ever did to her was try and expose her lies. And because of that she promised to make my life miserable.”

She stands firm, “I know Lila is lying because,” 

Pausing briefly to mutter ‘Spots off ’and have her suit start to detransform.

Bugette declares “I am Marinette.” As the last of the transformation washes over her face. 

Marinette watches from her spot as everyone tries to either apologize to Bugette or try to yell or punish Lila. 

She closes her eyes over what Bugette was going to say next. It was something that her and Bugette agreed to when they made this plan. 

They would expose Lila and show everyone what Marinette already knew, but it was Bugette who had the final say on how she handled things after that.

“I can’t forgive you.” she said as tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. “Not yet.”

Marinette pulled her into a side hug, as it was just as much for Bugette as it was for herself. 

“You all turned your backs on me even though some of you knew me for years. You knew I wasn’t capable of what she was accusing me of.” She choked up. “And, yet you all believed her.”

“You doubted me when I tried to tell you the truth, never once did any of you try to look into her claims.”

“You truly thought I was a monster. And for that I can not forgive you.” 

Bugette then turned into Marinette’s chest and cried. The lantern and kwami hugged her as she weeped.

“Sorry I wasn’t here sooner Bugette.” She appologized to herself “But, I fear if I was any sooner the truth would have never come out.”

She meant it too. She wasn’t sure if things would have turned out like this if the ring didn’t find her.


Marinette sighed as she looked down at Paris. Floating above the streets higher than she ever thought she would be before.

A fond smile played at her lips. 

It had taken a while to get everything sorted out, but like most things in a post-akuma Paris things have finally settled. 

Gabriel and Natalie were behind bars. 

Lila was back in Italy in a very strict private school. 

She had become the next Guardian of the Miraculous. 

Emilie Agreste was awakened from her coma and was now taking care of Adrien. (who knew that all she needed was to be stabilized by The Guardian’s magic and a little extra ‘oomph’ from a power ring instead of a reality altering wish)  

She decided to  give out some of the Miraculous. Even though Paris no longer had its own supervillain, there were still others out there waiting. And Paris needs its defenders. America might have the Justice League. Paris and France had the Miraculous Team. 

The Parisians couldn’t be prouder to have Viperion; the snake, Ryuuko; the dragon, Queen Bee; the bee, Chat Noir; the cat, and Bugette: their ladybug to protect them. Along with them were newly minted peacock and butterfly. Though nameless right now they wanted nothing more than to show how their powers can be used for good instead of evil. 

And from now on, an occasional Star Sapphire to help anytime she is in the area. 

After all, Marinette had a promise to keep, an Oath to uphold, and stars to see. 

She would be back, Earth was her home. Until then she stole one last glance at her home. 

She wished the heroes luck. Congratulated the happy couple and leaders of a new super team. And promised to come back. 

With Tikki floating next her, and the miraculous box in its own pocket dimension. She prepared to visit the stars.

“For hearts long lost and full of fright,”

“For those alone in Blackest Night.”

“Accept our ring and join our fight,”

“Love conquers all with violet light!”



A special thanks to everyone who put up with my crap for the last couple of months


its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney

we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article

it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.


everyone go enable this immediately. it can be a bit hard to find because “visibility is under blog settings instead of general settings or privacy. you have to do this individually for each separate side-blog

if you can’t find it on the app then the update probably hasn’t rolled out to you, and you’ll have to go through the web browser. what a truly wild way/time to implement this


Killer Croc just doing his thing, walking through Gotham. Only to see a rockstar he vaguely recognizes from posters and...

A tiny girl in pigtails and bright pink clothing petting a full grown crocodile’s stomach like it’s a dog?!

Croc turns and hopes he can get away before the girl sees him.



But let’s make it something: Not far away from that spot he found Jagged and Marinette, Killer Croc encounters the Batfam.

Like normal he tries to fight them. Because he doesn’t like going back to Arkham.

The fight itself is pretty normal as far as Gotham Rouge vs Batfam goes. Meaning that Croc is starting to lose.

That is until a shout of “What are you doing!?!” followed quickly by one of the batfam getting flipped on their back.

The girl, because the shout came from a girl, rushes past the batfam to Croc.

It is strange enough for everyone fighting to stop, Croc included.

She asks him if he is alright, and Croc is a little dumbfounded. Because, it is the same small girl from before. The one that was petting a crocodile like it was a dog.

He doesn’t answer right away though. His silence has her fretting over him. Checking him all over. 

She turns from him to glare at the Batfam. Some even take a step back from her ire.

She starts to yell at them, in what Croc can only assume to be French. Every now and then pointing back at him accusingly each of them of something. Croc still couldn’t understand most of what she said, as most of it was in French.

Once the vigilantes have been properly cowed, she turns to him.

Something tells Croc that he should be scared of her, because who can yell at the Batfam and have THEM back down? But, her kind eyes puts that fear into the back of his mind.

She comes over to him again and grabs his hand hand, pulling him to a standing position. Doing so under her own strength. Which in and of itself is pretty impressive. But, Croc was still to confused from how she yelled at the bats and got away from it to happened to notice.

She tells him that she needs to check his wounds but she needs to get her supplies to do so. Leading him out the alley and back to where he has seen her before.

The rockstar is talking to someone else, who if Croc was honest, looked a little tired of the man’s excessive energy.

Nether the rocker or his manager notice their approach.

That is until the girl, practically right in front of them, calling out “Uncle Jagged, could you watch of my friend while I go get my supplies? He was getting beat up by a group of jerks in an alley way.”

“Sure thing Rockin-Mari,” the man says with out even looking at the pair. “I was just talking to Penny here-”

What ever he was about to say was gone with the wind when he and Penny looked his way.

To say Croc was confused by their reaction would be an understatement.

Jagged, as the girl called him, looks starry-eyed at Croc. Penny just takes a long suffering sigh.

“Crocodile man!” Jagged shouts, getting up close to Croc, “Please tell me how rockin it is to be you.”

Croc is saved from his discomfort with how close Jagged is by Penny, “Jagged, Marinette said he was injured, so you being so bombastic probably isn’t helping any.”

Concern washes over his face, “Oh, right.”

He takes a step back, but he still looks at Croc like he hung the stars.

It doesn’t take long for Marinette to get back with her supplies.

And she makes quick work of him with her first aid box.

Through out it all he can only think one thing.

“Why?” He asks her

“Why, what?”

“Why help me? Don’t you know who I am?”

“I don’t. Should it matter who you are?” She asks in return, “I saw you getting beat up for no reason, and I wanted to get you away from those bullies. Is there any other reason not to help?”

“I’m Killer Croc one of Gotham’s most feared criminals.” He introduces himself. The delivery is so matter of fact, it sounds more accusatory that she wouldn’t know how he is.

She doesn’t seem to care though, “Most feared because of what you have done, or is it because of how you look?”

The look in her eyes when she says that hits something deep within Croc. He isn’t sure what it is.

He doesn’t get the chance before she is waving him down to her level with a soft “Come here.”

She hugs his head in a soft embrace. “It’s alright. It’s alright.”

((That is all I got. But, Please someone add more to this. I really want to see Croc turn away from crime because of this. Maybe Jagged becoming a sponsor for him and/or him, Penny, and Marinette getting a work program for Croc. By the end of it I really just want to see Croc as Jagged’s security, wearing a large jacket and shades that Marinette made for him.))


Empress Penguin

This was all because of that one scene in Arcane where Jinx kills Silco. I watched it and thought:

'Wow, that was heartbreaking... I am pretty sure I could do something like that.'


This is a complete overview of a fic I kinda want to write.

Before we get into the actual story we need some world building/settings.

First, This is set more in the DC universe than MLB universe. The fight with Hawkmoth did still happen. Just to a point. There is gonna be divergence from cannon. Mainly because there are things I like from MLB and things I don't care for.

Second. How many of you have a heart? How many of you would be willing to let me borrow it and don't mind if I return it to you in worse shape than when you gave it to me?

Third, I joked before but this might be rough for some of you. It will be a slow burn until we get to the heartbreak but it will come and it will probably hurt and be a pretty intense.

Last bit. And to end this on a brighter note: Adoptive!Granddad Penguin.

P.S. I don't know if this will be important or not, but I kept picturing this in the old Batman animated series style. So that might explain some stylistic choices I make. There are more recent characters though so don't worry.

If you think you are okay with that then please welcome yourself to the new idea that has been brewing in my head.

(Bold) = chapter titles

() = possible story additions

(()) = author notes

A special thanks to @moonlitceleste who gave me a few ideas here and there.

Anonymous asked:

Idea to Yellow Lantern Marinette au: Marinette got a ring from gravely wounded Sinestro Corps member, when he crashed nearby Dupain-Chengs' flat (which is out of Paris and used only during vacations and long weekends)

ooh, this could imply many things - as in he loses his ring and she somehow stumbles across it a little like she did the ladybug miraculous, or she sees him injured and takes it (and does something to ensure he can never get it back), or something entirely different, like if she tries to save him and in his last moments he passes the ring onto her and tells her to protect it. there are so many parallels that could be drawn between mari's journey as ladybug and her journey as a yellow lantern (assuming she's both and not just a lantern) and how they'd affect one another!


TBH there is a simpler way to explain how this could work. 

Most, if not all, Lantern Corps Rings can scan the psyche of possible hosts to see if said host would/could be a good candidate for which ever Corps that ring belongs to. (This might not be true. My Comic Lore is not update) So there is no need for Marinette to take the ring away from whichever Sinestro Corps member she stumbled across. It probably wouldn’t let her if it didn’t think she could be a candidate. 
That being said, Marinette could very well be chosen as a Sinestro Corps member. 

Small ramble just so we are all on the same page:

As I said before the ring could scan her personality. And let’s see if I can set a foundation to this idea/au. 

Let’s say that “Random Yellow Lantern Goon #5435″ falls into Marinette’s neck of the woods. And said goon ends up crashing onto Marinette’s balcony. Marinette being the person we know her to be tries to help the goon. It’s all for not though, and the goon passes on. As they do the ring does as Lantern Corps Rings do when their current host dies. It looks for a new one.

Throughout this whole thing Marinette is freaking out internally. Thinking up one worst case scenario after another. But she isn’t letting it show. For two reasons; One) Hawkmoth, and Two) There is something?(someone?) dying in front of her. And she can’t let them see the fear she is feeling at the moment or they could freak out and injure themselves worse. Her internal freak out skyrockets when the being?.. alien?.. thing dies. She clamps down on her fears again, because of reason One. 

The ring immediately senses this and it has found its new host. 

“Marinette Dupain-Cheng of Earth,” it would start. “You have great fear in your heart, but do not let it control you.”

“You have the potential to utilize that fear to your benefit. Your enemies would be unable to stand against you, as even their fears would be to your benefit. You would be able to construct those fears into reality. The reign of Hawkmoth would be over. Paris would be free from his control. All that is needed is for you to join the Sinestro Corps. ” (It is a little wonky and it needs work, but it could work. The main thing here is that the ring is just acting like the little devil on her shoulder. It is in a sense telling her the things that she could justify to herself into using this new power)

Marinette was confused at first. The Alien had just died and now its ring was floating around her talking directly into her head. And it was right. 

She was scared. 

Scared of this ring. Of the dead alien. Her parents finding out. Not only about this but also about her being Ladybug. She was scared of so many more things too.

And she was Terrified of not being good enough to defeat Hawkmoth. The fight against him had gone on for too long in her opinion anyway. Everyday she worried, fretted, and feared that she wasn’t the right choice. That she was going to lose, and that Hawkmoth would win and take the Miraculous from her and Chat. 

But, this ring said that she had the power to defeat him once and for all. All she had to do was use that fear. join this Sinestro Corps. What ever that was.

‘I could,’ she would think to herself. ‘If it means I can save my friends and family I could.’ (Ah~ that path to Hell is paved with good intentions)

“H-How do I join?” She asks the ring. 

“You merely need to recite the Oath of the Sinestro Corps. Marinette Dupain-Cheng”

“Wh-What’s the Oath?”

“In Blackest day, in brightest night, Beware your fears made into light.  Let those who try and stop what’s right, Burn like my power Sinestro’s might.”

‘Kind of intense,’ she huffs to herself. ‘But, it sounds like it is suppose to stop the bad guys. Why else would an oath say ‘who try and stop what’s right?’’

“Alright I will do it.

In Blackest day, in brightest night, Beware your fears made into light. Let those who try and stop what’s right, Burn like my power Sinestro’s might.”

With the last word out her mouth the ring stops floating around her and zips to her hand. Gently locking itself onto her finger. 

Before her world is taken over by blinding yellow flash Marinette could have sworn she heard–

“Marinette Dupain-Cheng of Earth.  You have the ability to instil great fear.  Welcome to the Sinestro Corps.”


I could add more to this. Like how her Lantern suit would start off as a yellow version of her Ladybug suit but as time went on and she became more of a Corps member it would change into something more Vampirish? Idk I just think a yellow-lantern!Mari should be scary, and what’s scarier than a vampire that looks like it is made out of sunlight?… but it is like 6am and I was already running on fumes by the time I stumbled over this idea. (I really like the Lantern Corps AUs and think there should be more) 


Follow your heart? What if it isn’t yours?

Hey Magicatra peeps! Here is an idea for you guys. There is potential but IDK where to go with it. 

So as I said before this will be a Magicatra AU. Or at the very least it will have a base foundation of a Magicatra AU. 

Anyway in this AU Adora has the brand (or is it just a magical mark?) from the Heart of Etheria early on. Like as in a baby early (maybe not that early? I am kinda playing loose with this idea) 

At first the brand would glow like in cannon and as she gets older it would settle into something more like a tattoo. (I say this only for my own sense of aesthetic. because a Horde soldier with a glowing brand on their chest just wouldn’t mesh IMO) 

Shadow Weaver even though can easily sense the overpowering well of Adora’s magic, she herself could never tap into it. (So at the very least baby and toddler Adora are safe... Well as safe as cannon Adora was during that time). 

The only thing Shadow Weaver could do was teach Adora only the most basic of spells. This is because Adora has so much raw magical power ebbing and flowing through her at any given time she would overpower anything more complicated. ((Note: basic spell IMO is like a simple heal, i.e. burses and small scrapes, or maybe a shield or armor buff spell))

Now for the Magicatra stuff:

You may be wondering, “if Adora already has Heart of Etheria why couldn’t/wouldn’t be She-Ra too?” 

Which I reply, “Ah... I didn’t think that far ahead. Shut up.” 


But in all seriousness, Let’s say it could be a few things:

1. Shadow Weaver’s meddling warped/corrupted Adora’s magic, preventing her from being a balancing force Etheria needs.

2. Basically being a ‘living runestone’ she has free will. As such has been subconsciously repressing the call to action because she is ‘For the Horde’

3. Light Hope being Light Hope. She sees Adora possessing the Heart but not activating it as a problem. So she decides to use ‘the right key’ (Catra) to unlock that power that Adora has unwittingly locked away.

4.  I want a Magicatra AU. And the added drama when it is reveled that Adora might have to be sacrificed to save the planet would be quite the emotional gut punch. (I like my angst)

So possible reasons aside a few things I want to add to this.

1. Adora is a ‘Living Runestone’ in a sense. She is tapped into the Heart at all times and has a much power in her as other Runestones do. (Not much to this one other than I like the idea of Entrapta making that discovery and referring to Adora as such. I think it would be very cute.)

2. She can cause the magic in Runestones around her to overflow if she gets to close. Shadow Weaver had to teach her how stanch the flow of the magic within herself so it wouldn’t mess with the Black Garnet. (Cant have Adora mess with her precious source of power now can we)  Which means that simply being around other Runestones acts as booster to both herself and the Runestone. Meaning that Adora would get a boost to her natural abilities. A Princess if they were close enough to their Runestone would have their magical output amplified too. (this could be used in fun ways. In that the Princesses could use it to their advantage fighting Adora, or Adora could regulate the flow of her magic to disorient them.)

3. Give a few ‘In Sync’ moments between Adora and Catra. If the Sword of Protection is the “Key” and the Heart of Etheria is the “Lock” there should be moments when they are fighting that they are just synchronized to the point it looks more like they are dancing or predicting each others moves. 

That is the very basic idea I had, and I wrote it down before I forgot anything. What do you guys think?? Is this idea any good? Share your thoughts if you want to. I would be more than happy to get more input to expand this into an actual story.


I got a doodle request if you are up for it. It isn't so much a Maribat though so... IDK if you will be up for it. But Marinette as Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck) -- Basically an alien, vampire, fashion designer. With grey skin, orange to yellow horns, and a great sense of fashion.

Okay so I have absolutely no idea who Kanaya Maryam is (and I still don’t lmao) but I had lots of fun sketching this anyway, though the coloring is a bit messy because I may or may not have done this during debate practice as I seem to do everything these days but I hope you like it anyway :D

Hell Yeah! Rainbow Drinker Marinette!

A great crossover of Miraculous Ladybug and Homestuck (The only one to my knowledge). I know it was my ask that caused it but I love this. Marinette and Kanaya would be great friends making stuff together. That and when it comes to their friends the two are defiantly the ‘mom of the group.’ Both of the girls have a great dry sass. Please make this a thing guys, even if it is a one-shot 

Anonymous asked:

Different Anon. You mentioned projects... How many are you working on or... maybe I should ask how many projects do you have? Could you maybe share some with us? Like a list or something?

Oh, oh boy! Did you ask me the wrong question. lol. You want to know what projects I am working on? I’m gonna show you.

Key notes: Free to use = If you like the idea you are free to use it. Just ask about my notes. (Please give credit though) Willing to Share = I would be more than willing to share my notes on the idea and partner up on it with someone if anyone is willing. Not for Sale = Fics/ideas I plan on using and writing myself if it isn’t listed as FtU or WtS then it means that is something dear to me and I want to work on it myself. (these fics/ideas will not be all listed as NfS, so if you don’t see the added tag assume it is NfS) Paragon/Renegade = means good/bad version of the story.  Spin-off = typically a one off of a story already listed and will be listed in a sub-listing of that story. Eh / Da Faq/ Competent Folders = Are all unique and original ideas that I think are either good, meddling, or just plan bad after a second look. 

Each story title will also have a small decryption to go along with it.

With that out of the way my list of projects are under the cut. Enjoy. :3

Anonymous asked:

thank you for the response! you’re very kind and talented 💕

Thank you for your support. I hope you like the sprawling network of things/ideas my brain thinks are neat and force me to write about. lol XD

As always remember to “Have Fun With It”

Anonymous asked:

👉🏾👈🏾 are you still workout on the stitching au? it seems so interesting and exciting

Yes I am still working on the Miraculous Stitching AU. I just have the attention span of a goldfish, the inspiration of a gerbil, and the motivation of a sloth. In other words; I get distracted by things easily and it is tough for me to stay focused on one thing at a time. 

Do know that all the projects that I have started are still being worked on little bits at a time. So if you see me hyper focusing on a different thing for a while, just know that it will pass and I will get back to my work as a whole. 

Miraculous Stitching specifically: I do have the first chapter done-ish and other chapters ready to write down, so just know that once I am happy with it I will start posting the story. I will also Tag anyone who wants to be updated when the chapters come out. So if you have asked before, you are on a list and will be tagged... once I get off my but and get to it that is...

Thank you for the support and patience. 


Yep… I will never draw Horde Prime, at least not in this pose, ever again… god I draw his hair(?) 8 times and it still doesnt feel right … but fk it

I got inspired again. (this one i picture happening during the ‘dinner with horde prime’ scene)

“Are you comfortable, your majesty?” Horde Prime asked as he approached the dining table.

Calmly taking the head of the table looked to his two guests with a smile that belied his true nature. 

It struck Glimmer with just how amiable he was being. Like a cat playing with its food. She was terrified with how fitting there meeting was taking place in a dining hall.

“I strive to treat my guests well,” The young queen looked over to her other dinning companion. Adora wasn’t as shaken as she was, or if she was she hide it well under her stoic expression she typically wore.

Prime continued on, “I believe we can learn a great deal from one another.”

His clones presented dishes to all three at the table. 

Prime just watched with silent amusement. 

The constant hum of the spaceship they were in was the only thing preventing the silence from becoming oppressive. 

Glimmer could only look at her the food before her. It was some gelatinous cube. With Prime holding all the cards right now she did the only thing she could at the moment. 

She took a spoonful and tired to eat it. 

She couldn’t get more than a few chews in before Prime spoke up. 

“Ah~” He purred, “Enjoyable yes?”

He explained to the two, shifting his focus to Adora as he spoke “Its a delicacy from a distant world.” 

“Light years away from here.” The blond hadn’t really moved from her spot. 

“It was very much like Etheria,” Glimmer stopped eating and her back straightened.

Knowing he had their full attention his smile grew wider, “This dish is incredibly rare,” he lifted his had as if he was presenting the food as a gift. 

“As that world no longer exists.” And the other boot dropped. 

As calm and as generous as Prime was presenting himself to be. Sitting right in front of the young queen, on a silver platter, was proof of exactly what Prime was capable of. He was able to talk about a planet he destroyed over a meal like one would talk about some trivial fact to friends.

Those implications of just who Prime really was twisted Glimmer’s stomach. She dropped her spoon, it clattering on the table. She covered her mouth in horror. 

Her breathing was short jumping from one quick breath to the next. 

Prime for his part pretended he didn’t notice the look of horror on the young queen’s face. 

His grin was still there as asked, “Seconds?”

“No,” Gaining what control she could over herself Glimmer objected, “No thank you.”

“Speaking of Etheria,” The ever twisted host continued with his charade, “You must miss it terribly.”

“Would you like to see your home world now?” He asked. The empathy in his voice was like blacken oil to her ears. 

With a snap of his fingers the wall behind him lit up in a kaleidoscope of separate screens.

True to his word Prime presented Etheria to his dinner guests. On each screen was some form of desolation. From innocent families running to safety, to princesses and resistance doing their best to fight off Prime’s bots. 

“Why are you doing this?” Glimmer asked, tears at the edge of her eyes.

“Every rebellion forms around a leader,” He informed. “A beacon of hope.” 

He turned his head to a screen changing to a different feed. “That little note of discord.”

 “Ah1″ he purred again, “Here she is.” Stretching out his arm presenting the new feed as condescending as possible. “Your beacon of hope.”  

“Catra,” On the screen was the magicat running as best she could from the danger chasing her. 

Glimmer watched on feeling hopeless. Adora for her part finally reacted. Her fists clenched popping under the strain.

“She-Ra.” He snarled the word, “A nuisance that must be purged in order to bring peace to Etheria.”

They all watched as Catra fought off what bots she could before she got blasted and knocked off balance. 

“Stop!” Glimmer pleaded. 

The feed, that had taken up the full wall at this point, had frozen on a surrounded Catra.

“Don’t hurt her.” She asked.

Seeing how the horde clones had gotten in the defensive stance ready for anything she would try, she quickly had to justify her outburst.

“You-you want to use the weapon right?” He didn’t say anything so she continued, “You need all the princesses!”

“And-and that includes She-Ra. Without her the heart of Etheria is useless.”

“You can’t hurt her,” Her face twisted in anguish as if the idea of Catra being hurt was enough to hurt herself as well. 

Prime merely leaned his chin on the back of his hand. “Very well.”

“This has been most illuminating.” Confidently he boasted, “Thank you, Glimmer. I do look forward to more of our conversations.” 

While he spoke the clones from earlier began to clear the table of the first coarse, “But for now eat up.”  

For the first time Adora speaks up.

“What was that Little Sister?” Prime inquires.

“I said it is strange seeing this from the outside.” The blond repeats.

“And what exactly are you seeing from the outside?” He is genuinely curious, as Adora hasn’t been this bold as to speak out against him sense she boarded the ship.

“Seeing Catra’s safety being used against someone for their compliance.”

“Ah~ Yes.” He nods in faux interest, “I nearly forgot that you care for Catra just as much as Glimmer does.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She tries to hide her snarl.

“But of coarse it does.” His condescending purr was back, “Elevated heart rate. Dilated pupils. Catra means something to you.”

He leaned closer to her examining her, taking her apart and seeing what lies beneath. The warlord smirks at what he finds. 

“My feelings don’t matter.” 

He sighs with a shrug, “I suppose they don’t-”

“You’re going to lose.” 

It was spoken so flatly that everyone in the room stopped to process what she did. 

When her words registered Prime’s mask slipped, his smile he wore all meal changing to a snarl.

“What was that?” 

She turned to him, steel in her eyes. “You are going to lose.”

Prime growled at that. He actually growled at that. 

“A-adora,” Glimmer wanted to be hopeful. But, she also knew that they couldn’t be so brazen. 

Against her plea, Adora continued. “You are going to lose, because you are underestimating Catra.”

“How so?” He asked, glaring at her. “In what way could I be underestimating her?”

“You called her a nuisance. She is more than that.” 

The blond pushes her chair back to stand up. Walking closer to Prime but not looking at him but past him.

She nods to the screens, “I bet your bots already failed to catch her. Probably just scraps by now.” 

The screen turns on when he directs his attention to it. 

A good portion of the screens before remain dark. The few still on she the rebellion to safety.

“Told you,” she smirks at Prime. 

He is up before she can react. Arm outstretched, hand on her throat. 

“You insolent-” 

“Problem Prime?” She tries. 

“Your delusional mind for one. They are just delaying the inevitable. I have an armada invading Etheria.  It is that small band of resistance against the planet.”

“Doesn’t matter. You will still lose.”

His grip tightens cutting off her air ways. 

She grabs his forearm pulling it away from her enough to breathe. 

“The world has always been against Catra. And she has always come out on top. So your bots mean nothing to Catra.” 

His grip tightens again causing her to struggle to breath.

“You aren’t the first to try and bring her down.”

“Sh-shadow Weaver.”


His grip tightens further in an attempt to stop her from speaking.

She just smiles a devil may care smile “Y-y-you.”

“You will be just another obstacle in her way.” 

“Enough of this!” Prime shouts as he tosses her over the table into the opposite wall. Knocking her out. 


Oh ye uhm… I’m trying something but it’s 6 am and I probably should stop mhh… I will be able to do something with this?  

Sim over here giving me L I F E

I’ll be honest … If I’ll be able to make a lil comic out of this .. it will not be soft so … for now … I’ll give y’all some sugar xD


Mind if I try my hand at it? (Not really good at soft moments that don’t have un underlying hint of dark or angst to them but here is to hoping I am not a one trick pony)

To say today’s training sucked would be an understatement, if you were to ask Catra. 

She was late a few times sure. But this was the first time in a while that she had been late to a training session.

It didn’t matter though. Cobalt had the squad run through the training thrice over because of it. 

And now Catra was suffering the consequences.

“Thanks a lot, Catra,” Lonnie grunted, shoulder checking the magicat, as she walked past.

Catra didn’t even get to say anything in response as the larger girl was already out the door.

Raogelio was nicer, giving her the side eye with a grumbling growl as he walked past. He carried a limp noodle Kyle over his shoulder, and all that she could hear before they left was a weak “My everything hurts.”

The magicat looked down at the floor as she was left alone in the locker room. 

‘Stupid!’ She berated herself, ‘Why did I even think it was a good idea?’

She was shaken out of her thoughts when a large hand brushed against the side of her face. 

She startled a bit before she looked up to see who it was. 

Soft lips met her forehead with a soft kiss blocking her view of who it could be. But, it didn’t matter she already knew who it was. 

There was only one person who would ever do that to Catra. One person whose hands were as calloused but as caring and gentle as the one caressing her cheek. The one person that was kind to her in The Horde.


Her question cut off when the taller girl spoke, “You did good today.” 

For such a strong and imposing figure the blonde’s voice could be surprisingly soft when she wanted it to be. 

The heat rising to her face made Catra pull away. 

“No I didn’t,” her ears drooped as tried to refute it. 

“Yes you did.” The look Adora gave Catra made her blush even harder, she had to look away. “You did great today.”

She brought her hand to meet Adora’s.

“Because of me we had to run through training multiple times today.”

“And?” Catra had to keep herself from looking back into the azure blues of her companions and getting lost in them. Her growing blush was bad enough.

“If I wasn’t a stupid screw up none of this would have happened.” She had to pull Adora’s hand from her face to stop herself from nuzzling into it by accident. 

“Your not stupid Catra.” Adora argued.

“Yeah I am.” her lithe fingers hug tighter to Adora’s hand. “I was only late because I was being dumb.”

“I don’t think so,” Adora shook her head, “You aren’t dumb. I don’t think you are a screw up either, but if you are then maybe we can be screw ups together.” 

Grabbing the larger girls hand with both of her own she couldn’t help the smile quirking at the edge of her lips, ‘She always knows what to say.’

“Thanks, Adora.” 

An enjoyable flutter grew in her chest.

“Anytime.” The blonde smile came easy enough to her.

Catra turned to leave feeling lighter than she did before. Maybe things could turn around today. 

“Hey Catra?” Adora asked next to her locker.


“I like it.” 

Looking back and cocking her head to the side, “Like what?”

“The ponytail, it looks good on you.” The larger girl’s smile mischievous, “It reminds me of someone but I can’t place it.”

It took a moment for Catra’s mind to catch up to what the other girl was saying. Being around Adora was enough for Catra to forget her troubles most of the time, but when she did catch on she groaned.

“Ugh, Adora. You dork.” she groaned as the taller girl chuckled. “We were having a moment, which is rare, and you ruin it with a dumb joke.”

Adora for her part had a shit-eating grin as she rubbed the back of her head, right behind her own ponytail, “I have no clue what you are talking about.”

“You are a horrible liar.” she glared at her friend.

She turned to leave again, when Adora called out. “I meant it.”

“Ponytail or no it looks good because it is a part of you.” 

Catra didn’t turn this time, her face was too flushed to show to Adora. 

“I just wanted to let you know I noticed.” 

The magicat stammered out a shaky, “Th-thanks Adora.” 

It was... nice knowing that Adora paid attention to the small things. Even if it was part of the reason she was late in the first place.

Clearing her throat to gain back her normal bravado, “I’ll be there extra early next training session.” 

“I know you will.” Adora replied confidently. Like she knew Catra was telling her the truth. She had faith in the Magicat after all. 

It was probably why they were so close. 

“See you at the mess hall, dork.”

“Yup, save me a grey ration bar?” Catra didn’t need to see the puppy dog eyes Adora was giving her.

With a soft chuckle of her own, she answered, “Sure.” and left for the lunch hall.

And just like that all of her worries and soreness from earlier in the day were gone. All thanks to Adora. The one good thing about the Horde. And the only thing keeping her here. As long as Adora was here she would tough it out, they would stay in the horde together to support each other. 

‘No amount of Horde bullshit or princess magic will change that.’ She thought confidently as walked the halls of the Fright Zone. 


Let’s have fun with Miraculous 3

Threads of Fate are looser than you think

So this is an idea that stuck me late last night. I can’t think of a way to work it but I feel like you lovelies in the MLB fandom could do something fun with it. 


Let’s say that there is a being that senses how things are going to go in the MLB universe and they decide to step in. 

IDK if they a Spirit, Demon, Devil, or God yet. I leave that to all of you. 

Anyway the being asks Fate (a being high up in the otherworldly realm) if they can interfere with the way destiny is suppose to go. They know that Fate has more than one way for destiny to be fulfilled. (meaning that someone else can get Tikki’s miraculous and be Ladybug in Marinette’s place)

Somehow they convince Fate to let them interfere with destiny. Meaning that the being can partner with Marinette. (Which means Marinette can have her own magical adventures along side the Miraculous crew.)

But, Fate has some stipulations.

1. Things will be harder for the being. (and Marinette as a result) Either in the case where there are other spirits who are angry with the being and want to take them out or Fate will have the being (and Marinette) fight against some type of golem that are meant to correct the ebbs and flows of destiny.

2. If Marinette ever becomes Ladybug and as a result ends up following the original path of destiny then the being will face the consequences of trying to change destiny. (what that punishment is IDK)


I hope you guys have fun with the idea

Want to also thank @loveswifi and @multifandomscribette for letting me bounce the idea off of them at ungodly hours in the night. 


Innocence of an Enemy Soldier

How did it come to this 

The throne room of Bright Moon is packed. Every princess of the Alliance was in the room. The walls were lined with guards, one could count two of them for every person of importance. 

The air was thick with tension. Everything that led up to this point had been, well crazy, for a lack of a better word. 

The two that were in the center of the room dominated the attention of everyone, whether it was guard or princess, all eyes were on them.

Queen Angella sitting on the throne in ever present elegant demeanor. Her posture regal and commanding. 

“Before I make my final judgement I want to make sure that you fully understand what this means for you.” The Queen asked the woman standing before her.

Her opposite, stood definitely before her. Seemingly unaffected by the chains that bound them. They carried themselves in a soldier’s stance, shoulders square, back ramrod straight, chin parallel to the ground, standing at attention. It was like the soldier was born into it. 

“I do.” Was all the flat response of Horde soldier. 

Her steely blue eyes never once leaving The Queen’s. 

The queen tried again more earnestly, almost pleading the blond to reconsider this judgement she was about to deliver.

“That, as per your own request, upon being found guilty of crimes against Bright Moon and the Alliance of the Princesses that you be executed.”

“I am aware.” Was all the soldier said with the simplest and faintest of nods.

Her voice, much like her militaristic stance hadn’t wavered in the slightest. It was strong and determined, willing its owner to see this to the end.

With a heavy sigh, the queen closed her eyes before she started to speak, “Then I, Queen Angella of Bright Moon,” She opened them again to look her captive in their eyes, “Find you Adora Force Captain of the Horde guilty.”

The way those words hung in the air made things so much more real for Catra. This was really happening.

The air lost all its warmth, she went deaf to the world around her, even the color started to dull at the sides of her vision.

As everything faded away she stared numbly into the only thing that she could. 

Those steely blues were the only thing she could focus on and she wondered how things came to this. 

Throughout all her trials as She-ra and as one of the leaders as the rebellion the Magicat couldn’t have pictured things ending like this. Not once sense she had picked up the legendary mantle did the thought cross her mind that this would happen. 

Some part of Catra hoped that she could have convinced Adora to leave the Horde and join the Alliance like she had. 

Now though, she was stuck staring lifetimes into those marvelous blues. Watching as they started to gleam with the first real signs of life they had in a long time. 

It makes Catra want to yell when she sees how that speck of life isn’t determination she had grown up with but acceptance of what is to come.

“Why,” She hears herself say. 

If she is honest with herself, she isn’t even sure if she said it to herself or yelled it with how muddled the world is to her right now.

She knew she cut off the queen from what she was going to say but Catra didn’t care. 

“Why did it have to turn out like this?” She can’t help but ask. Hoping that this will all make sense soon.

When she feels the wet anger well at the corners of her eyes and spillover running down her cheeks she asks again. 


She can hear her own voice again and it sounds so weak. 

“...Can’t you stay.”

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