
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.

@dreadpiratedash / dreadpiratedash.tumblr.com

I'm Dash (they/them). I'm a nonbinary wannabe pirate, part-time stylist, writer of queer fantasy / sci-fi novels, and an incorrigible nerd. (Profile pic by the incomparable @leafiedraws)
INFP | Chaotic Good | Cabin 6 |

actually there were 0 time travellers on the Titanic, because the time cops have an entire outpost to safeguard that one particular point in history. every rookie spends a least a month on Titanic duty and they all complain bitterly about it since it is, essentially, the time travel equivalent of being the guard who has to stop tourists from licking the Liberty Bell.

listen. LISTEN. there's going to be somebody, maybe several somebodies, at the travel hub who's dressed nice and knows all the right words and swears back and forth that they can sell you the credentials that will get you into the Titanic's timespace. they'll sell you IDs that pass you and your friends off as 23rd century history students or, worse, some 24th century brats who will go crying to their corporate sponsors if you ruin their paid vacation.

the IDs will look very impressive. they will not come cheap. they will not help you.

there's no checkpoint to bluff your way through and nobody who wants to hear you try. if you try to time travel anywhere near the Titanic, whether you try to board with all the other passengers or appear on the boat in the middle of the voyage, you will get slammed directly into a whitespace dragnet - a time bubble, in layman's terms.

and you will be surrounded by at least a dozen time cops, all of whom are bored and cranky and very eager to flex their newfound authority, which means they will absolutely detain you for as long as possible and insist on giving you a lecture when a slap on the wrist would do. if you talk back they might double your fine or even suspend your chronal permissions for up to a year.

and then they'll send you back to the hub in your period piece clothing that will suddenly look very stupid, and the guys who sold you the ideas will have fucked off to 1998 by then and you won't have a chance in hell of getting your money back, and what I'm saying is that it's not worth it, dude. it's just not worth it.

This is too specific to not be from experience

what are you, a time cop?


Jeff Bezos's Amazon and Elon Musk's SpaceX are both fighting in court to have the National Labor Relations Board declared unconstitutional. Starbuck's and Trader Joe's joined them in separate lawsuits. All of these companies have a disgraceful history of worker abuse and union busting. All of them have been charged by the NLRB with hundreds of violations of workers’ organizing rights The NLRB is standing up to their union busting. That’s why they’re trying to destroy the NLRB. I'm going to do my best to keep you all informed about this case as it snakes its way through the courts. The future of unions may depend on the final verdict. http://dlvr.it/T49LM1


No better time since their minions set up the courts to do their bidding.


From this:

to this:

Okay this is cool and cause Sam Neill is a kiwi and I was just thinking about what a new NZ flag could look like, heres the nz flag with the Maori flag instead of the union jack:


The maori flag looks so cool what the heck


i feel like the boeing whistleblower case should radicalize more people. a major airline company is producing planes with less and less regard for safety and it's starting to get noticeable. man takes them to court, which would reduce profit at the cost of public safety. he fucking dies the night that boeings legal team asks him to stay an extra day. if nothing happens about this, i hope it gets through to people that america would literally kill you for a few extra cents


A little advice from someone studying extremist groups: if you’re in a social media environment where the daily ubiquitous message is that you have no hope of any kind of future and you can’t possibly achieve anything without a violent overthrow of society, you’re being radicalized, and not in the good way.


If the solution to your problems sounds like “we need a blank slate” it’s a lie. There are no blank slates, and the closest approximation people can generally imagine is “burn it all down and let God/fate/history sort it out”.

That’s not problem solving. It’s barely catharsis, in practice. It doesn’t just create more problems than it solves, it destroys more solutions than it creates.

Put the apocalypse down, and back away slowly.

Real solutions to complex, systemic problems are not so easily reduced to “us good, them evil; kill them.”


[image transcript:

Voting as Fire Extinguisher

When the haunted house catches fire: a moment of indecision.

The house was, after all, built on bones, and blood, and bad intentions.

Everyone who enters the house feels that overwhelming dread, the evil that perhaps only fire can purge.

It’s tempting to just let it burn.

And then I remember:

there are children inside.

—Kyle Tran Myhre. end id]


Leverage episode where they have to bypass security and burn the Gävlebocken

This would be part of a completely unrelated job in Sweden where burning the Gävlebocken only ends up being necessary by a hugely convoluted sequence of events, so that the entire episode everyone has to constantly remind Parker they are not here to burn the Gävlebocken, leave the Gävlebocken, do not be distracted by the Gävlebocken. Until we finally are rewarded with the delight on Parker's face as everyone on the team concedes that in fact we now must burn the Gävlebocken.


Pablo Hidalgo was having a semi-breakdown on his twt yesterday because of people using words based on things that only exist in our world (milestone, dumpster, etc) and tbh this was so real of him he might be one of my favorite Star Wars creators

and a link https://x.com/pabl0hidalgo/status/1732151343366975889?s=20


Three Things: 1. I wrote "a dime a dozen" into a book specifically to mess with Pablo, 2. This man told me with COMPLETE SERIOUSNESS that people in Star Wars do not send texts or emails, and 3. I had to take the word "canape" out of Crimson Climb, and I forget what we ended up using, because one of the direct translation options was "Force meat" and every time I think about it, I pass out a little bit. I do love the vibes, though.

what if a catholic priest were to just bless the entire ocean would it turn the entire thing into holy water or do priests have an effective blessing range? does that range increase based on your level? can the pope bless the entire ocean?

so technically any priest could, but shouldn’t for pooping reasons. 

source: my brother is in his 4th year of study at a catholic seminary, and referred to one of his professors.

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