

@lunarfllwr-blog / lunarfllwr-blog.tumblr.com


Apologies everyone! I’ve been working a lot at my new job and I kind of just crash once I get home, hopefully I’ll adjust soon and I’ll be back to reblogging things! XD


Tips for beginner witches

Where to start? This is the most common question i receive. I understand how overwhelming the craft can be! There are so many different components, and you can rest knowing your education will NEVER be complete. You will continue to learn new things all the time, and there is no rush to the order in which you learn! Cool down, and take some time to really fall into theory before jumping into practice. Its very important to read as much as you can, from as many sources as possible. Here are some of the many things you can research:

  • Crystals & their uses
  • Color correspondences
  • Different kinds of Magic
  • Different kinds of witches
  • Tools
  • Moon Phases
  • Planets/Celestial Bodies
  • Witch History
  • Herbs & their uses
  • Plants that are naturally abundant in your area that you can use in magick
  • Energy
  • Meditation and Visualisation
  • Astral Projection
  • Deities
  • Tarot cards and other forms of divination
  • Symbols (runes, sigils)
  • Theban alphabet 
  • Incense and Oils
  • Animals and what they represent
  • Sabbats
  • Cleansing, charging and consecration of tools
  • making mundane things magical

There are so many more things, so feel free to add in anything I missed or that you personally find important.

Witchlings, please ask me any questions you may have as i am happy to answer to the best of my knowledge. I will be putting up more educational posts over the next few weeks, so please ask or message me if theres anything specific you’d like me to cover. I’ll more than likely have a post for each of the bullet points above.

Blessed be!


Beginner Tarot Tip

Testing to see how accurate your deck is? Ask questions about your past that you already know the answer to. If the cards make sense, your deck is probably accurate. If not, you might want to cleanse your deck or make sure that you’re really focused during your readings!


Emoji spell for a nice morning


May you feel refreshed, calm, and ready to take on your day.

Likes charge, reblogs cast!



Emoji spell for “I shall sleep well tonight and into the future.

Likes charge, reblogs cast!


friendly reminder from your resident herbalist bitch that natural does not equal safe, and to please please P L E A S E research any herbs/essential oils/vitamins you use in or on your body. the new trend of using natural remedies instead of OTC products is nice to see but also terrifying because this stuff does real things that can really tear you up, especially if you don’t mention that you’re using them to your doctor. don’t hurt yourselves or your children thinking just because it comes from the earth that it’s safe or appropriate in all instances.

Always boost this kind of content!

And a reminder that Young Living recent was found to be selling Essential Oils that were not purely what they said on the label. AKA: cutting the oil with someone else to make more profit.

These MLM EO companies are literal garbage. Please don’t buy from them.


Stop teaching children that there is only one person out there meant for them. Let it be easier for people to let their toxic relationships go without fear of losing “The One”.

Its so fucked up and weird that we don’t tell people that there will be multiple important people in their lives


Headcanon: Professor McGonagall has a muggle wife she never mentions to the students, because they never ask.

Four years after Harry’s left Hogwarts he visits McGonagall’s home to talk her out of retirement, and the door is opened by a woman he doesn’t recognise. Confused, he introduces himself and asks to see McGonagall. The woman recognises the name and invites him in, saying Minerva will be home soon. She then talks a mile a minute, but not about the war - about the stories she’s heard about the golden trio from their head of house. About how Harry stood up to Umbridge, and how clever Hermione was, and how Ron had been able to beat her chess game, and how PROUD Minerva was of them all.

By the time McGonagall does arrive, Harry and her wife are chatting like old friends. Minvera’s wife calls her things like “Darling” and “Pumpkin.” Harry cannot believe his ears.

Harry is invited to tea every Wednesday from then on. He always looks forward to it.

but lets be real here, even with the “darling”s and “pumpkin”s Harry still wouldn’t catch on and he’d go home and tell Ginny all about McGonagall’s lovely gal-pal and Ginny would have to be like “babe…that was her wife”

You’re right, fuck! How could I forget how deeply unobservant Harry is?!

“Harry, they’re lesbians.”


500 followers giveaway.

Thank you all for the support on my yet another new blog, haha. I thought I would do a giveaway and here is what I have for you -

||♡ Sun and Moon Tarot. || Selenite slab. || Tumbled crystals. || Black Stone Incense and incense cones. ♡||

Rules -

☼Must be following me. ☼Must be 16+ ( below 18 -permission ). ☼Like and Reblog to enter. ☼Do not tag as giveaway.

Much love, Magiisa 🌹

Ends soon, Oct 15th.
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