
Women from Mars

@womenfrommars / womenfrommars.tumblr.com

Juno // 1999 // The Netherlands // gender critical and anti-porn feminist sideblog // anon is on for nice people only // reblogs are on for the haydurs

Essay post archive

Gender Critical

Unnamed post (gender non-conformity) [LINK WORKS]

Unnamed post (satire) [LINK WORKS]

‘‘Deconstructing the ‘‘brain sex theory’‘ (’‘Brain sex masterpost’‘ 2) [LINK WORKS]

Unnamed post (defining womanhood) [LINK WORKS]

Unnamed post (pronouns) [LINK BROKEN]

Unnamed post (gender neutral language) [LINK WORKS]

Unnamed post (’’gender euphoria’’) [LINK WORKS]

Unnamed post (self-identification) [LINK WORKS]

Gender Dysphoria


‘‘Compulsory Heterosexuality’‘ (’‘Political Lesbianism’‘ 2) [LINK BROKEN]

‘‘Men want non-consensual porn’‘ (’‘Critiques of pornography’‘ 1) [LINK WORKS]

Unnamed post (religion) [LINK WORKS]

Unnamed post (beauty standards) [LINK WORKS]


‘‘Islamophobia’[LINK BROKEN]


still love it when people on tumblr with like 3200 niche fetishes who can't even feel attraction to actual people anymore call other people puritanical and anti-sex for being opposed to things like porn and genuinely stupid kinks and fetishes. like you would not be able to look a partner, real or hypothetical, in the eye during sex and you have to invent 200 games to play in order to get off but yeah you're very pro-sex. sure. that's what sex is, it's stupid dissociative roleplay with someone you're not truly attracted to in order to satisfy yourselves independently of one another. lol


I know this is just like pointless to point out now but the "male gaze" is an art critique theory that was then expanded by a feminist regarding the role of the camera in film...it's not really about what men in general look at and there isn't really a female gaze. so hot men in movies doing hot shit is like not really anything. it's like the camera is a man looking at what he thinks a woman should look at if the camera allows women some heterosexual desires within the framework of what the male camera deigns is acceptable for her. but idk who cares anymore about anything. call a man in a sweater vest for a unisex jewelry ad on instagram the female gaze it's fine like really like who cares not me I'm not even mad it's fine.


World renowned actress vs. her male co-star.

Also I literally am a fashion girl lmao. I know who Mugler is and I always thought his work, while it was incredibly structural and artistic, when featured on a real live woman at places that are professional in nature ,would always come across as unsettling, sexist, and uncomfortable. If not for everyone else, then for her.

She is bound and cannot walk, existing for the gaze of others only, he is free cloaked, and loose. Men dressed both. The symbolism and intent is quite clear.

Exhibit 2755

She only wore it for a few minutes, but she suffered damage to her health for several days because of it.

It burned inside, she had excruciating pain in her neck and head from carrying it, it hindered her ability to breathe while she wore it and after.

In an interview she describes all this. That she regretted having worn it, that it was a mistake. But a ''cool'' mistake because you know ✨fashion✨.

This is so crooked like it's usual for girls and women since we are treated like this since new born. But boys have the luxury to comfort, to practical and with it, a better health in long term. Because it does affect our health.


A new law in Belgium celebrated by activists for providing a “labour contract” to prostitutes will also enable their pimps to punish them with a government mediator if they refuse sex more than 10 times in a six-month period. The Belgian Parliament voted for the law on May 3, with 93 in favor, zero opposed, and 33 abstentions.  

The legislation is being touted as a win by UTSOPI, the Belgium Union of Sex Workers, which had lobbied extensively for the legislation. The law outlines that prostitutes will receive health insurance, a pension, maternity and holiday leave, and unemployment benefits. Their pimps will be forced to provide them with a “safety button” to use for emergencies.

Their website claims that the law “is a historic step in the battle for sex workers’ rights” and will create a “respectful, fair relationship” between prostitutes and their pimps, with UTSOPI spokesperson Daan Bauwens telling media that he believes “Belgium is really demonstrating that it aims to protect sex workers, regardless of any moral judgements about the profession people may have.”

Prostitutes are to be granted “rights” to refuse sexual acts, stop sexual acts, perform sexual acts in the manner they prefer, and refuse to sit behind Amsterdam-style windows (public facing windows where prostitutes are on display). However, should a prostitute use these “rights” 10 times within six months, their pimp can then call on a government mediator to intervene.

All pimps must have a registered office and apply to the Belgian government for approval to offer contracts to prostitutes. The contracts will be disguised as hotel-restaurant-café (HoReCa) contracts so that prostitutes can remain anonymous.

Andrea Heinz, a prostitution abolition advocate, called out the new legislation on X (formerly Twitter).

“There is little chance this will (actually) favour women. Under legalization/full decrim, pimps become ‘managers’ with the backing of the state to further entrench and maintain their power. Pimps see women they sell as products, not people deserving of full dignity & respect.”

Outside the realm of so-called “sex work” activism, social media users have expressed horror at the new law.

“So the [government] helps pimps to coerce sex, what a disgusting idea,” posted X user @Bob16747466.

I couldn’t believe this was true, I thought it had to be exaggerated, but no it seems 100% true. I went to their own website (which is linked in the above article) and they claim it themselves. Holy shit.

Anonymous asked:

You ever wonder how the most "hit random on the charactor generator" looking ass mfs trynna start Auschwitzh2? Atleast the Nazis had some drip like what the fuck is a "Joost" or "Bambie Thug" supposed to be? Asylum escapees the musical. Monetized mental malfunctions. Eurovision? Yeah I can tell that these morons be seeing some visions that's for sure. My sleep paralysis demon looks more fresh than some of them do. It/They/She be thugging on my bambi till I joost. How are they gonna exterminate the Jewish race while looking like a failed human experiment? Is being addicted to crack a requirement for joining the cause or is that a perk?

Wait, do people think Joost is a made-up word? Joost Klein is his real legal name. Joost is an oldschool name given to boys jdkbfdjkfbdgfh

Also he refused to drop out of the competitions weeks before it actually took place when pro-Palestine activists urged him to, thus he was branded as a pro-genocide Zionist here a while ago. He also committed the crime of filming a dance TikTok video with the singer from Israel a few days before the finale, and had to take the video down after outcry from fans

Anonymous asked:

"This is very obviously blatant antisemitism because if Israels representative was Arab none of these untermench brats would be acting like this" honestly I don't think that's true. Arab Israelis have been demonized a lot lately. Look at what happened to Yoseph Haddad at Columbia. Even Palestinian peace activists who aren't Israeli but condemn violence against Israelis have been getting harassment. Obviously antisemitism is still involved (they're traitorous collaborators siding with the evil Jews) but I do think they these crowds would attack an Arab Israeli contestant at this point.

Girl ur kidding yourself if u think the eurofags would react the same way to a dude called Baraa Hamadi or something going up on that stage. Its not at all surprising that Yosef Hadad is hated nor any other political activist, but some random Arab singer? fat fucking chance. If it was Nasreen Qadri or Loai Ali on that stage noone would dare to say anything because these ppl r virtue signaling cowards and virulent antisemites


"Progressive" people here in Europe believe only Arabs are native to the Levant but I doubt most of them even are aware of the existence of Arab Israelis

Anonymous asked:

ugh this drives me crazy i know eurovision has never really been 100% apolitical but this year it has turned into a complete culture war shit show.

ppl supporting joost bc "he must have been dq for his criticisms of israel" when he alledgedly assaulted someone??? "believe women" only as long as it doesn't interfere with antisemitism huh?

and don't get me started on the israeli delegation harassment claims bc the only "proof" is israeli journalists being mildly annoying at worst (as is their right, especially as journalists) and the delegation calling out antisemitism (as they should), which is not comparable to the joost situation on any level

and now several points announcers who were too cowardly to reject the job in the first place suddenly realised that enough ppl hate israel that they actually gain more clout by withdrawing

sorry for (mis)using your ask box for ranting, i just needed to get this off my chest and most (all?) eurovision accounts are too supportive of joost for my taste

Nobody also seemed to mind the fact that he performed in Russia during the war, ain't that convenient? So performing in Russia and bankrolling the RuZZian government is OK but uuuuuh sitting next to an Israeli singer is a cardinal sin, but he's not an antiesemite he's probably just an anti(((zionist)))!! Bdbfnjsnfnf


WAIIIIT, he played in Russia? After the attacks and during the ongoing war? If that's true it's so telling!

To give more info as a Dutchie. He filmed a TikTok with Eden (the Israëli singer) and then had to apologise for it because his fans were mad

He had requested beforehand to not be filmed when going off stage and some camera woman did it anyways. So he made some rude remark and she felt so threatened that she filed a police report against him. He was not disqualified for any political reasons. He simply violated the terms of the event. It's still not clear what he said exactly. Some are saying it was just a middle finger but I doubt that someone would go to the police for that

Lots of people here are salty he was disqualified and are making up conspiracy theories about how ((((they)))) needed him out of the competition so Israel would win. There are rumours going around that an Israeli (either a journalist or a background dancer) made jokes about Joosts dead parents (his song is about his father passing but absolutely nobody made jokes about that). Others are saying the Israeli background dancers were filming him secretly but that's likewise a rumour

Earlier pro Palestinian activists here urged Joost to drop out of Eurovision as part of a boycott and he refused so he was branded as a pro genocide Zionist pretty early on

It's the talk of the day here and lots of people think it's hypocritical to allow Israel to enter but to disqualify Holland. Truth is it has nothing to do with politics and he got disqualified for being an ass. There was no physical violence but what he said must have been pretty horrible regardless


Can‘t believe that you seriously place white men above other men, as if they were any less misogynistic and violent. Guess what that makes you? A racist.

And it doesn’t help women at all, given the fact that white men are the most privileged people on earth, and aren’t going to do anything for women except for hurting us further. A man is a man. A white man isn’t better than a black man etc., and vice versa.

Your narrative only harms women. Genuinely disappointed.


shut the fuck up you are so lame as a person and "feminist". grow up. women and girls in europe are sexually abused by immigrants from africa & middle east and I will talk about it as a european woman. I will choose a norwegian or german man EVERYTIME over a fucking traumatized crazy muslim guy from iraq and you are insane if you claim they are the same.


Look, ladies, no one actually thinks the melanin content of someone’s skin makes them a sexist, misogynistic rapist. That’s the dumbest attempt at a causal relationship I’ve ever seen.

It does serve as a physical feature…that serves - much like men’s features compared to women’s in general - as something the brain unconsciously takes note of. And when women see men, they take note.

Please tell me which countries do and do not have punishment for men raping women, where the woman can go to police and have her case heard, where husbands can’t rape wives, where it isnt seen as “she was asking for it”, where it is or isn’t seen as something regular that is just “part of life”.

Like it or not…westernized countries have the most protections for women, have the most women’s rights, and are safer to live for women. These countries are majority white. And again, it has nothing to do with any biological process that colours your skin.

It’s culture.

It’s what your parents teach you.

It’s how your society functions.

If you live in a country where society and your parents teach you women don’t matter, and are objects to be used and owned by men, then yes, obviously it will be more dangerous for women.

No one is saying western countries are perfect. But to ignore the obvious fact that because of our western laws, children grow up with more respect for women and treating them as equals is willful ignorance. There’s a reason we don’t want sharia law in our countries. Because it fucking sucks. It’s a shitty legal system and way to live. We don’t like it so we don’t use it. When cultures normalize things, they leak almost effortlessly down generations, and culture changes.

Mass immigration does not leave room for cultural assimilation, leaving it much more dangerous for women in western countries who are seeing tens of thousands of illegal immigrants (mostly young men) coming into their countries with no oversight.

Y’all need to stop being so naive and use your fucking heads. Men suck. As a whole. But, if you give me a choice between being stuck alone with a man who lives in a culture where women have equal rights, and rape is punished, versus a country where women are owned by men, where men can rape their wives, where women do not have the same rights….I’m choosing the first man. And the likelihood that he will be white and that the second man will not be is high.

Women will also feel differently about men who aren’t white but who were very clearly raised in western culture compared to men who aren’t white who weren’t raised in western culture. Gonna trust the guy raised not to hate women.

Further, there ARE people / areas / cultures where people…basically look / are white but do not have western values. It’s the same deal. Because it’s not skin colour.

It’s just that skin colour mixed with voice / accent happens to be a decent predictor of what area someone was or was not born. It’s not perfect, it’s. Guesstimating. And sorry, many of those men aren’t white. It’s literally for our safety. Because I don’t scrutinize women from other cultures in the same way…because she isn’t likely to violently assault me.

Acknowledging these facts isn’t racist.

Stop trying to please people who don’t even think of you as human.

"I will choose a norwegian or german man EVERYTIME over a fucking traumatized crazy muslim guy from iraq and you are insane if you claim they are the same."

I don't even know what to say to this, I'm literally fucking flabbergasted. Like genuinely what do you say to this??? What the fuck is WRONG with you?


Ok lets get into it then.

"Like it or not…westernized countries have the most protections for women, have the most women’s rights, and are safer to live for women. These countries are majority white. And again, it has nothing to do with any biological process that colours your skin."

Oh no the fuck we do not. Just because the west might have the "most" doesn't mean they work, nor does it mean they are properly enforced, NOR does it mean were a safer place for women to be.

In fact, a quick google search would tell you that some of the safest places for women to live are in NORDIC EUROPE, WHERE THE WOMAN WHO MADE THE ORIGINAL POST IS FROM. Given the way you spell "colors" "colours", I'm going to assume you're not western either. I could be wrong, but its the assumption I'm making (Ha see what I did there, see how stupid your logic fucking is)

Sharia law fucking blows, but people immigrating aren't brining it with them, that's not how law works?? You think people are just gonna assimilate to Sharia law because immigrants showed up??? Fuck no. It doesn't matter where they come from, the laws and culture don't magically transfer over. This is a common xenophobic, anti-immigration talking point.

"but, if you give me a choice between being stuck alone with a man who lives in a culture where women have equal rights, and rape is punished, versus a country where women are owned by men, where men can rape their wives, where women do not have the same rights….I’m choosing the first man. And the likelihood that he will be white and that the second man will not be is high."

Picking either is a shot in the dark if you're being honest with yourself. Either could be dangerous in their own way. Rape culture in the west is different than in the east, but its still rape culture, and rape culture doesn't discriminate.

Further, there ARE people / areas / cultures where people…basically look / are white but do not have western values. It’s the same deal. Because it’s not skin colour.

It’s just that skin colour mixed with voice / accent happens to be a decent predictor of what area someone was or was not born. It’s not perfect, it’s. Guesstimating. And sorry, many of those men aren’t white. It’s literally for our safety.

By this logic, assumption is pointless, you said it yourself that these "exceptions" to the stereotypes exist, and therefore your barrier of using "Race and Accent" to "protect" yourself has a huge fucking hole right in the middle of it. You can assume, but there's always the chance that you're wrong, because you can't tell who is and isn't dangerous just by looking at them. You can tell who does and doesn't rape women just by looking at them, therefore trying to use race and ethnicity to save your ass just makes you more vulnerable to white rapists. It doesn't matter if someone raised to respect women or not, If they've been assimilated into rape culture, they're gonna participate, even if its unknowingly or unintentionally.

Girl these are the same kind of talking points white supremacists used to fight back against integrating the schools during the civil rights movement in America....

Just wanted to point out Shariah is absolutely being brought over to Europe. In the UK immigrants have formed Shariah law courts. Of course these aren't genuine courts of law under British secular law, but they are used by muslim minorities to solve disputes or to prevent genuine law suits. For example a woman married to a man under Shariah law may seek a divorce and then she'd go to such a court, if she's legally considered not married by British law. Many immigrants in the UK are also shocked to find out that a Shariah law marriage holds no power in the British legal order, i.e. they think they are legally married under British law but aren't. So muslim minorities in the UK essentially created a seperate legal order and some also advocate for that legal order to gain official recognition in the British legal system. See people like Ali Dawah and Haqiqachu (?)

I also remember a case from my own country (Holland) where a woman sued a man because he wouldn't allow her to divorce him under Shariah law. She went to a Dutch secular court and the court ruled the man was acting unlawfully towards his wife (under Dutch law, that is). The fact such cases are brought to court speaks volumes on the lack of integration into Western culture


"The notion of Palestine being Arab emerges, really, only in the 60s. because... what did Israelis do? the colonial era is over; the Ottoman Empire is gone, finally the British are gone, and the Jewish people finally, having outlived all these empires, going back to the Roman Empire, finally restore their sovereignty. What do they do? they do what every self-respecting people in history did when the colonial people were gone- they call the country by their name, right? so Siam becomes Thailand, and the Gold Coast becomes Ghana, and Palestine becomes Israel because Palestine was the colonial name and Israel is the original, indigenous name.

Once the Jews call the land Israel... in order to present the Jews as foreign, [...] thieves, interlopers, Arabs began to hijack the name Palestine, to say, actually we are Palestine, whereas previously everyone understood it was Jews. and I love it, because sometimes you see on the internet, oh look Palestine existed, and they show, like, the Palestine football team and if you look closely all the names are like [...] all Jewish [...] because this was the Jewish football team of the Jewish state in the making, and the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra was the orchestra of Jewish exiles that became the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. So, this is a classis [...] hijacking of the Arabs of something that was very Jewish, in order to present the Jews as thieves, rather than the original owners."

-Einat Wilf (source)

Source: youtu.be

I hope the irony of going to a university named after Christopher Columbus and protesting against the indigenous people of Israel isn’t lost in the literature department of Columbia University.

Or even the fact that they are on Manhattan island which was stolen from Native Americans.


let me outttttt. LET ME OUTTTTTT.


There's a reoccurring theme amongst non-binaries that they never want to be referred to as feminine because they see it as demeaning. I can see when they also add the porn rot and BDSM culture to their misogyny how you would have come to that conclusion. She/her is for subhumans/ people lesser than to them. The misogynistic movement is winning.

Of course someone who believes being referred to as a woman or “she” is demeaning, is submission, is subordination, would not want to be referred to as such in daily life, by peers, or by those they desire respect from.

They’ve opted for disassociation from womanhood itself, instead of disassociating womanhood from the degrading role that a misogynistic society makes it out to be. I’d know.

How do you even begin to address this level of internalized sexism?

When women see themselves as somehow inherently submissive to their (usually male) partners but try to loophole escape sexism by situationally (sometimes only online) claiming they/them pronouns. Like sis no one ever sees you as anything but a woman. You cannot identify out of sexism.


As a seasoned Reviewer #2 I have some questions that are more like comments:

10:45 is considered MORNING by these retards???

Drum circle for 45 minutes???

I love how CHANTS! WITH! ANGELA! takes more time than whatever "queers for palestine" is vfjfbjskskfnb poetic

Abolition letter writing??? I thought this was college not high-school hshfjbfjs

What's a WATER RITUAL and how is it relevant??

They invited Linda Sarsour as a speaker? That's a name I haven't heard since 2017 but I think she is a Holocaust denier. She spoke at the US women's march some years ago too and she's a feminist but also supports Shariah las

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