
your honour, I did not read the terms and conditions, in fact I closed my eyes and clicked the mouse at random which the software incorrectly assumed constituted a legal and binding agreement on my part.

*I high five my defence attorney as the prosecutor grinds his teeth*


I mean we joke but it has literally been determined in a court of law that a checkbox does not constitute a signature and an average EULA is not a valid contract.

Except it depends what jurisdiction you are in. The vast majority of the time the court will hold you to having read and understanding the terms and conditions if you check the box saying you have.

Thank you. The other post was false hope for people. Usually it's binding.


There are many days I feel like this

I’m gonna reblog this every time it gets too far down my blog cuz it’s SO important


Anyways I despise men that go after women much younger than them just know I would kill you if I could

Please stop asking me what age gaps are #acceptable. You’re completely missing the point that men’s prioritization of youth in women stems from pedophilia culture regardless of whether or not the woman is an adult. Please consider why you are so hellbent on justifying age gaps and consider the damage done to women in this normalization


The bourgeois political apparatus wants people to “get out the vote”, is SUPER EXCITED about you voting, because it gives people the illusion that they have the power.

We don’t have the power in this system, though. Power rests in the hands of those who control the economy and the resources: the capitalists. You can’t expect a system that runs on class divisions in the most important aspect of social reproduction to be sufficiently democratic. Our working lives aren’t democratic – our working lives that reproduce society daily – so why should the political apparatus that maintains the working day be genuinely democratic??

I still recommend voting as a means to use what little bullshit power they present you with, but just realize that qualitative changes won’t happen until people start organizing outside the Democrats and outside the electoral system more broadly. Everyone in power has accepted that capitalism is the “end of history” and understands politics as merely managing economic crises when they happen, not as a means for people to proactively meet their needs and hold real political power.

We need a labor/socialist party ASAP. Pour class conscious sentiment into it and focus it primarily around grassroots activism and labor organization. A concentrated attack over the last several decades from the establishment has decimated the left’s popularity, but recent capitalist crisis and growing class consciousness is reversing the tides. For that reason, now, we need to take advantage and build a party for the working class and eventual socialism. Reforms are good, as they’ll show people what’s possible and what their mobilization yields, but eventually we need to accept that a social revolution will be necessary to fully unravel capitalism and replace it with a genuine people’s democracy.

Now is the time. Propagate, organize, agitate, revolutionize.

This is not the election to be doing this shit. When the options are corrupt capitalist or Hitler 2.0, you focus on keeping Hitler 2.0 out of power rather than dismantling capitalism

It’s never the right election “to be doing this shit” according to liberals. It’s a moot point for this election anyway – you really think I’m saying we should organize a labor party right now, today, in a few hours, to challenge the entire electoral system with comparatively super-limited (but rising) class consciousness among people? Nah, I’m saying that it’s our job throughout the coming years and decades. Stop bringing this back to “harmless soccer mom vs super world apocalypse” fear tactics, just recognize that we’re probably going to have neoliberal imperialist Clinton for a president by the end of today, and then start helping us build a new party and related grassroots movements to challenge capitalism.

Look, I’m all for socialism and taking down capitalism, but telling people their vote doesn’t matter on a day when a bigotted cunt could control the most influential country in the world is just bullshit. You can post all you want tomorrow, but today it is a matter of life or death for many minorities across the country. I don’t like Hillary, but at least her supporters arent calling for the appeal of the 19th amendment. Trump wants to make capitalism even worse, Hillary wants to help. Not as much as Bernie would have, but its still better than reducing taxes by 15% for the rich.

You keep making this lesser of two evils argument which is more or less irrelevant to what OP was saying. You just dont want to think critically beyond Trump and you don't want anyone else to talk about it, but that's dangerous in and of itself.


If you ever want to get upset anons in your ask box just mention that Europe isn’t a continent, it’s just the in-denial part of Eurasia.


Anyone: *says anything ever about eating fast food even one time for any reason*


Happens with McDonald's every time


i’ve yet to see any good argument against veganism outside “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism,” which only applies to veganism as a deliberate political choice, and it only means that veganism won’t change anything, not that it’s actually bad. all that other shit like “well actually the plant industry is ALSO bad in xyz ways” is just like.. yeah? and we the non-vegans also eat the plants. so what’s your point

Blah blah blah there's nothing wrong with eating meat and that's my argument bye


Diary of a Black Male: Entry #46

I met this girl at work a few of months back. I thought she was cute so I gave her my number, but I told her we would talk business. Her name is Melanie– short, brown skin– one of those delta sorority sisters who sounds mad country. She wanted to work on this piece with me– at least that’s what she made it seems like. She wanted to do a spoken word visual about growing up in poverty as black people. I thought she had a great vision. I let her know that it was a really good idea. I was kind of excited to be honest. She called me that same night to talked about it and everything sounded like a go.

We made arrangements to meet up to actually discuss this vision. We sat down and thought about different ways to portray the different ideas. We had gone through a lot in our short time on this earth. We came from different backgrounds, so she never saw the things that I saw. She told me I introduced her to a new world. She told me she liked that about me. I wasn’t sure if it was the compliment or not but at that moment I felt some real ass chemistry. Before you know it we started to share some personal thing about our life. She told me she appreciated how open and transparent I was. Things had got really deep.

Maybe a little too deep, I could tell it had gotten a little overwhelming so I asked if she wanted to go for a walk. She agreed and we went outside and just start walking. It felt great. I love nature. I love everything about it. It kind of helps me feel free. I could tell she felt a little better herself. Finally, we had a seat on the bench that was right outside this coffee shop. She told me that she was glad she ran into me when she did. She told me I seemed like a great guy and she could the two of us becoming really great friends. I agreed. I definitely saw that too.

I cannot lie. That shit made my dick tremble a little bit. Don’t ask me how or why– just know that it did. I made the suggestion to link up again some other time. I told her we would have fun and the next time we link up we didn’t have to talk about the heavy shit. After that we kind of said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Later on that night she thanked me for listening to her. She told me she has always had so much to say but no one to really say it to. She told me that was the reason why she wrote– to say the things she couldn’t say to anyone else. Ironically, that was kind of the reason why I started to write. I used to write just to clear my mind. I wrote anything from poems to essays– outside of university work to journal entries.

The more she revealed about herself the stronger my attraction towards her became. Sometimes when she would speak I could just hear the passion in her voice. It was the sexiest thing ever. She made my dick tremble quite often and didn’t have to be talking about sex. Bruh, she told me a story about how she had to go off on her co worker– I swear I couldn’t help myself. That shit was sexy af. She just started going in and I could hear myself saying, “damn, I love you” I was thinking to myself, “this chick might be wifey.”

Over the span of couple months we had gotten really close. Sometimes when she came over she would spend then night. We had gotten really close. I felt like it was about that time to take our relationship to the next level. I felt like I could be myself with her and I felt that wholeheartedly. We had already gone on a number of dates. There was no reason why we weren’t already a couple. I had been thinking about it for weeks. I had even called my best friend to ask for his opinion. He gave me his blessings and that was all I needed. I trusted his word. He always had my best interest at heart.

That night I called her and asked her if she could meet me at the coffee shop. The coffee shop was the symbol of our relationship. It symbolized the pinnacle of our growth. It was apart of our history. We met there often to talk about our project ideas and to talk about life. That coffee shop meant a lot to our relationship and I wanted it to continue to be apart of us.

That night I told her to meet at the coffee shop so we could talk about this idea I had. It had been awhile since we actually sat down and talk about our ideas. My ideas often came to me while I was laying in bed. I would usually write them down before I go to sleep. We called each other every night before bed. I guess that’s why I’ve been thinking about her so much lately. I didn’t think about much of anything at night other than spending time with her. I guess you can tell how much I really liked her.

She called me to let me know she was close. I had already ordered some tea and sat on the outside. Before she got off the phone she told me that she had something to tell me. I had no idea what she had to say but it made me nervous. I was already been kind of nervous to finally ask her out despite being so close but it added to my anxieties. All types of things started to go through my head. I called my boy back real quick to calm my nerves but as soon as he answered the phone I could see Melanie pulling up.

I told him I’ll call him back and greeted Melanie. She smiled and gave me hug as usual. Everything seemed to be fine and my nerves seemed to have calm down. She asked me about the ideas I had. I kind of wanted to know what she had to say to me before I got into why I asked her to come out. I just told her away. I told her about a few project ideas for this short film I wanted to do. I wanted to document black hair and what our hair means to our identity. I wanted to focus on standard of beauty and natural hair for both men and women. There were some other things I wanted to discuss but I was too anxious to find out what she wanted to say to me.

She started to mention the weather and asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. She knew I loved shit like that. I thought it was going to have one of those romantic moments you read about in story books. After awhile my anxiety dissipated and I was actually feeling pretty good about everything. While we were walking she grabbed and held my hand. She told me that she really like me and maybe even loved me. I was excited and a little relieved but I also had butterflies in my stomach. I could only smile despite the discomfort.

She mentioned her ex. She told me she wanted to tell me something and it had to do with him. I could feel myself getting sick to my stomach. My anxieties were going through the roof at this point. I stopped walking. I stood there and waited for her say something disappointing. I just had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me I wasn’t going to like what she had to say. Then she looked over to me and said “my ex is actually my husband” I just looked at her in disbelief. Apparently they hadn’t gotten a divorce but they were just separated– legally at least.

He had been overseas for six months on a mission. She said that he was coming back and that he was going to kick her out the house they had together. She told me they had some type of agreement but that didn’t matter to. She lied to me. She was never really honest with me. This entire time I thought I had really found someone to me. I thought I finally found someone. There was not enough unconditional love that would make me forgive her so easily. I couldn’t believe I let this happen to me.

She had a whole ass husband. A whole ass military nigga. I got so sick that I actually puked. I had to leave. I had to get away from the situation. I didn’t know what else to do. She could have told me about this. I don’t know why she hadn’t told me this to behind with. There had been so many opportunities for her to tell me about this but she waited until the moment I thought she couldn’t do any wrong.

She told me that she had more to say but I couldn’t take it. I didn’t want to hear it. I just went home. I didn’t even call my boy. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. She had been hitting me up that entire night but I refused to answer. I just put on some Jazz music and internalized everything gotdamn thing that has ever happened in my entire life up until that point until I just fell asleep of exhaustion.

I felt so empty and incomplete but I also had this heaviness about myself. I didn’t want to talk to her but I knew I wouldn’t feel better until I found out what else she had to say. I shut myself out from the world for a couple days. I just hadn’t been feeling like myself. I hadn’t returned any of her calls and to be honest it was eating me alive. I needed something to help me take my mind off of Melanie. I thought if I invited another woman over that she would help me take my mind off of things. I thought she would make me feel good– make me feel like myself again.

I called Jasmine. We used to mess around from time to time. I hadn’t seen her in awhile. I ask her if she wanted drop after she got home from work. That usually meant she would come through for sex. I thought that was something I needed but when she got there I just wasn’t feeling it. I could barely function let alone entertain a woman while the entire time I was thinking about someone else. I didn’t make me feel any better. I actually felt worse. I thought she would be fun. I thought she would’ve brought me out of that shitty mood I was in but all she really wanted to do was to have sex. I guess I got what I was asking for.

I had been too detached to do anything remotely close to sex and Jasmine didn’t like it. She had gotten really upset so I just asked her to leave. While escorting her out Melanie pulled up.

Lol Melanie is separated from her husband so I dont see the big deal.

“The tropes and stereotypes of Black women - there’s about 4, 5, or 6. These tropes always come up in art & film, television depictions. A lot of times they’re detrimental…The first one: Mammy. The Mammy trope has roots all the way back to slavery. They are usually heavy-set, matriarchal, jovial, Big Momma, subservient, almost like maids, dark skinned, motherly, self-less, always trying to do everything for everybody, homely, asexual, not sexy. That’s the external idea of a Mammy. The internal is ‘I’m selfless’. Gotta do everything for my husband. Everything for my kids. Everything for massa. Everything is about pleasing other people. Another one is: Jezebel. So Jezebel is sexy. The woman who is the nemesis of respectability politics. The nemesis of a ‘good woman’. Good, wholesome woman. The opposite. She’s the ho. She has no morals. She’s the oversexualized woman. She’s got the sexy coke bottle figure. She’s promiscuous. The bitch you don’t want around your husband. This is the one your mama taught you about. Them women! Them street walkers. Them sex workers. Them women that be in the church trying to sleep with your husband. Then we have the Queen. There’s a positive and negative to Queen. The negative is more of the side of 'Welfare Queen’ - They live by themselves. They are lazy. They live on the government. They are just breeders. They just have babies. Just having babies to file for them. The positive Queen is the motherfuckin Erkyah Badus. The Jill Scotts. She got her hair natural. She’s pro-patriarchy. She knows her place as a woman is to serve her Kang! She’s the ultimate Pickme. She knows her place as a woman is under a man. It’s that good, respectable, 'Mammy’ too, but she’s a 'woke’ Queen. She looks like she smells like Shea Butter, sage and soul food…They are like the Hotep niggas. They are usually 'sexy’ because they are under the male gaze. The last one and why it’s relative to Pose is - The Sapphire. The Sapphire is feisty, masculine in a feminine way, castrating. She’s the type of woman who always looks down on men. She always has something smart to say. She don’t take no shit. 'Oh honey, you ain’t gonna do that to me!’ That feisty Black best friend. She will fight. Candy on Pose was The Sapphire of the show. She was the main Sapphire. Usually when we have a conversation about colorism,your proximity to whiteness means you are more 'feminine’ when it comes to female’s tropes…A lot of times, back in the day, even to this day, clearly to this day because of Pose, the softer, more feminine girls, typically light skinned are gonna be given this imminent image of femininity and softness, and the darker girls are gonna get the harsher Sapphire type of images….Look at Pose. Who of the girls has the harsher personalities and images? Candy & Electra! They are the darkest girls of the show. Electra’s outward appearance is refined. She puts on airs of this 'active refinement’. Just as soon as Candy pulled a knife, she pulled a blade. She’s very heartless and feisty as well. Electra isn’t soft as far as her personality. Her outside is. She got the furs and stuff! Saaphires are villains. They are depicted as the bad ones. I think because the creators and writers of Pose thought that positioning one of the darker girls - Electra as one of the pinnacle beauties was enough to balance that colorism thing! But when it came to personality and character arc, they failed because they went back into those same level tropes. The lighter girls are made to be soft and more 'considerate’.. Candy had to be the one who was a catalyst to die and teach everyone a lesson. That goes back to the social norm that Black women have to be the mules of social change.”
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