
trashcan nerdlord

@bifca / bifca.tumblr.com


marine biology is so scary because it’s such a small field. i was giving a talk on cetaceans and afterward a woman approached me with her husband and she said, “you did very well. [husband’s name] actually pioneered the research and published the first paper on that. We were very impressed by you.”

Which is such a scientific interpretation/public education win I will cherish forever but also for the rest of my life any time I give a talk I will be haunted by the knowledge that the world’s leading expert who literally discovered/invented the topic might be in the room,

which is like, the opposite of what you’re supposed to do for stage fright. In fact I never used to experience stage fright but now I will.

There are limitations to the benefits of being a marine biologist


i feel like the boeing whistleblower case should radicalize more people. a major airline company is producing planes with less and less regard for safety and it's starting to get noticeable. man takes them to court, which would reduce profit at the cost of public safety. he fucking dies the night that boeings legal team asks him to stay an extra day. if nothing happens about this, i hope it gets through to people that america would literally kill you for a few extra cents


using ai to write your papers is so embarrassing stop being a pussy and just dont turn anything in if you dont want to do the work... have strength in your convictions


oopsie! You got a bit too manic about a creative project too close to bedtime and now your brain is too awake to sleep. One million dead 10 morbillion injured

Also you haven't actually worked on the project, to be clear


telling a joke on tumblr is fun but watch out! if it gets over 1000 notes your joke is automatically exposed to people who have never once heard a joke in their life.

"why would you say that" because it was funny. "but that isn't true" it's the funniest way to express that sentiment. "why would you do that" because it's a joke.


I know this is a tiny part of the wider problems born of diet culture, fatphobia, classicism, and racism but like god the idea that "healthy" food must inherently taste bad has completely ruined us as a society.

Every time you feel bad for having coffee with cream and sugar or ranch on your salad or putting extra butter and salt on your veggies I want you to imagine the spirit of John Harvey Kellogg in front of you and then I want you to kill him with a real gun and eat your delicious food in peace.


actually for fusies, let’s make it a poll

original post for context:

14 hours a day work and 7-9 hours sleep a night leaves two hours to eat, shower, buy groceries, remember what fucking grass looks like, book in your therapy session for your crushing burnout, run yourself into an early grave and leave a stressed but incredibly wealthy corpse.

Or earn more than the median salary in Washington DC and have your whole life to spend it on doing the things that you enjoy.

"Do the hard things now for an easy life later."

That easy life is called a stroke.

"You always want more for yourself"

It's called a stroke


I just want to formally acknowledge to the person driving in front of me with bumper stickers reading "I'd Rather Be Slowly Consumed By Moss," "Slime Mold Is My Co-Pilot," and "Honk If You'd Rather Be Watching The Cinematic Masterpiece 'The Mummy' Starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz" that I know you have an account here and I approve of you


There's something quite charming about relatively small objects that are way heavier than they look. ooohh you're one dense little freak aren't you


I just heard my mom tell my brother, “when you die, you will go outside and garden until your father says you’re done” and it took me a second to realize that my brother was playing a videogame and this was not a theological discussion.


The Garden of Death

Watercolor and gouache by Hugo Simberg, 1896

“Gone outside to garden” is a strangely affecting euphemism for death.


ohhhhh my god u made your greedy rich villain fat? should we tell everyone? should we throw a party? should we invite jk rowling

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