


Game of Thrones, Metro series, Witcher, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Chernobyl, Lord of the Rings, Inheritance (Eragon,...), Star Wars

love as a form of destruction

wishbone, richard siken / no children, the mountain goats / carry on, rainbow rowell / quora / anecdote of the pig, tory adkisson / on earth we’re briefly gorgeous, ocean vuong / how to become a myth, nikita gill / bonjour tristesse, françoise sagan / all too well (10 minutes version), taylor swift / crimson peak, guillermo del toro / start here, caitlyn siehl / jason and medea, john william waterhouse / would’ve, could’ve, should’ve, taylor swift / bloodsport, yves olade / mabel podcast ep 28, becca de la rosa and mabel martin / a lot to be mad about, kiki nicole / gone girl, gillian flynn / gun song, car seat headrest / altered carbon, richard morgan / the good fight, ada límon / i come with knives, IAMX / wishbone, richard siken

On Jameson and rage

K.C. Cramm // anger I’m good at // White Oleander by Janet Fitch // Audre Lorde // Richney Edwards // Warsan Shire 
glass, irony and good, anne carson // margaret atwood // enough, suzanne buffam // linnea paskow // in conversation: kathleen turner, david marchese // haunted womanhood, heather havrilesky // where to begin, sue zhao // the stream of life, clarice lisepector
“As for myself, I had a lot to say. But I was silent.”

Albert Camus, from Youthful Writings; “Intuitions,” wr. c. 1932


~A little bit more detail on Dyatlov's background and why he chose to run away from home. He wanted an education.

Ablaze - The Story of the Heroes and Victims of Chernobyl by Piers Paul Read


I had more spine-tingly, goosebump, joyful, punch the air, yay days on this show than anything in my life.

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