
My Short Stories and other Writings


Main: DaydreamOdyssey / My Ao3: BlueDreams / Storywrite: NickOdyssey; / Prose: NickOdyssey  / Stories under #my writing #njm ADHD writer. 29. Expect romance, adventure, sci-fi and fantasy, horror, and anything else under the sun (Reblogs and comments appreciated!). If you just want to chat about writing and non-writing things, messaging me is fine!

Writeblr Re-Introduction

Always been active off and on, but I want to get to more people since the vast majority of my followers have been inactive

Name’s Nick, and whatever nickname you can come up, and I deal in flash fiction, short stories, poetry, writing prompts, and discussion prompts!

You’ll enjoy my blog if you like sci-fi, fantasy, sci-fantasy themes, a good chunk of romance (M/F mostly, but I’ve done others), action/adventure, horror, and some satire and realistic fiction

Current WIPs:

  • Starlight Journey: Sci fantasy epic with empowered people fighting invaders from another dimension, self discovery, and connection with unlikely people.
  • Love and Blood: Horror romance between a man down on his luck and a mysterious woman with an unusual background.
  • The Band: 5 amateur rockers get trapped in a strange new world and must escape while being transformed as monsters. Hilarity ensues.

I post lots of stories with their own universes, particularly Haven and Reina (a sci-fantasy pair going on adventures) and the Band (a comical rock band full of dysfunctional but talented folks)

You can look through anything of my own through #my writing or (more reliably) #njm

I’m not very talkative, but I’m always open for friendly and professional talks, and I’m down for asks, messages, and tag games if we have enough rapport

Enjoy your stay and prepare for weirdness!



Owner of a Clonely Heart

Those cherries. It all started with those damn double cherries.

Luigi was a cautious man and he was the best person for the careful job of delivering a shipment of special cherries. Delicious yet potentially chaotic if the wrong person took them. Or if they were just really loud.

An incoming rush of volume approached Luigi, and he was all too aware who that was, and his nerves were buckling. The energetic voice grew louder and he tried to hasten his pace, sweat dropping like rain and teeth clenched like a fist. He could see the next shipping zone and he was elated to almost arrive.

His smile dropped as he heard an incoming "heeeeEEEEEEEEYYYYYAAA, LUIGIIIIIIIIII" speeding like a blue shell. The yellow dressed Daisy pounced on him in unfettered joy. He sighed in disappointment over the dropped cherries but he shrugged because Daisy was a fresh bit of excitement. The shrugging was weighed down since she felt heavier than usual and he couldn't get up.

Luigi looked behind and saw the effects of the double cherry: Daisy after Daisy after Daisy appeared on top of him. A cacophony of excited jabber and cherry eating created a new problem. Luigi was too timid to tell them to get off while in their zone and he begrudgingly pushed up the Daisy clones on his shoulders and trudged on to preserve the remaining cherries.

No good deed went unrewarded, however, as Daisy leaned down to give him a kiss, then another and another. The mood boost gave him a sappy smile and he went on in a breezy pace, less worried about making it on time and taking this new turn with stride.


The WIPs of the 12 Worlds

Inspired by the ever excellent @caxycreations 's list of books set within Relan, I thought I'd try and do the same. Don't take this as a list of how many individual books get written, though, since I've barely a clue as to how I intend on organising these WIPs in their eventual writing like that. Now, going in a semi-chronological order, we have:


Probably the most anthology-like of them all, and since it spans five years I've got several short story ideas in mind for this.

Swift Seas And Whirlwinds

Recently, I've been going towards making this a duology. Also, hopefully, the first one which'll get written and published... Somehow. Also, add one for a prequel I have in mind.

The Commonwealth Calls, Terror Immortal, The Snake In The Sandbox

I tend to think of these WIPs as a set, since they're what got me started in the whole writing business, and feature my dear Gustav. Going off the lengths of the conflicts they each represent, I'm thinking 2-4-2 books each?

This accounts for the main series I have in mind, which center around some of the major conflicts I've got so far. For more minor plot lines I've had in mind, some of them include:

  • Place Of No Honour, which tracks one of the pre-SSAW conflicts I've been meaning to work on
  • The Journalist Story, which features journalists and press teams in a city tearing itself apart
  • Various companions for the 'Big Three', which focus on their relevant wars going on in other theatres
  • A short series following Gustav post-Wars through the eyes of his newly assigned aide de camp
  • Probably even more short series with Gustav, focusing on his career between the three wars and what he gets up to.

intro post.

call me crow! I am a 22 year old bi trans man writer who's pakistani and white. I love fantasy, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. And I also love writing these stories, of course. I'm currently writing two stories that are at admittedly two different stages but I hope to keep track of my progress through this blog.

a diamond in the sea - Johnny Rodrigues grew up on Solitam romanticizing pirates, especially his big brother Bruno, captain of the Sun Pirates. His own dream is to be a pirate someday. One day, the members of the Sun Pirates all come back but one person is missing-Bruno. Johnny will soon embark on a journey to find his big brother with the help of his crew he meets along the way.

status: first draft in progress

project dress up doll - Mellie grew up never fitting in with other people around her and when she got into college, she expected that to be the same. But one day, when she's paired up with the girl she's had a crush on since freshman year, Samrina, she learns they have more in common than they thought.

status: plotting


Thumbprint Challenge

Rules: make a list of things that are consistent/common in your writing

Thanks @corinneglass for the tag! Some consistent things in my writing are:

  • Trauma, abuse, and recovery
  • Spec fic (sci-fi or fantasy, can’t live without it)
  • Nonhuman identity/differences as symbols for real-life issues
  • Queer characters
  • Traumatized/sympathetic villains getting better (even if just a bit)
  • Strange biology/physiology differences in fantastical species/people
  • Representation

Those are the main ones I can think of atm but there may be others :)

@elsie-writes @rkmoon @nebula--nix have y’all played this one yet?


Monica's Weird, My First Novella!

Do you like Dark Science Fantasy, unconventional protagonists, and the storytelling of games like Half-Life?

Well, I just published my first novella! If you can spare a few dollars, I'd be happy to read your thoughts!

It's about a dystopia, a fairy, and Monica, the emotionless girl tying them all together.


I've been wanting to post more on here about my little book projects, so here's a short comic that I put together a while back, for a single-sheet folded zine. The illustrations were done in pen and ink wash, and then tinted digitally with the intention of being printed on my college's Risograph machine. The poem is one I wrote a couple of years ago, about the Raven and Dove from the biblical Flood story.


Writing tip of the day: whenever you can, plug a plot hole with a character flaw!

Every time you realise that it makes no sense that the characters didn't do some super logical thing in the first place, figure out which character could have prevented it by simply the way they are as a person. You're not only solving the problem of the plot hole, but also the issue of writing flaws into your characters in a way that doesn't feel gratituous and contrived.

Why did the characters not use this weapon they had access to the whole time? - The character who could have told them about it wants to have control over people and had personally decided they shouldn't have it.

Why didn't that one genius character just tell everyone how to dismantle the robots? - They meant to, but being an absent-minded genius, they literally just forgot.

How did nobody notice that this little girl has been hanging out with an actual demon for seven years? - The demon made her pinky-promise not to tell anyone about it, and being naive and overly trusting, she didn't find that sketchy at all.

Why didn't the characters go to The Big Cool Guys for help in the first place? - The character who is stubborn and overly proud wanted to choose death before dishonour and didn't want to ask for help.

Every time there was a perfectly reasonable solution accessible to the characters all along, that could've resolved the whole plot in minutes, always try to find an angle where someone prevented it just by who they are as a person.


Family Dark Matters

Billy always left out when classmates talked about their family. Many had exemplary jobs or were successful pioneers. Sure, he was comfortable with it all but it was tough for him to say who or what they were.

Kids were prone to imagining Billy's family as anything from hillbilly hermits to creepy, kooky counts. A recent rumor was that Billy's family were monsters who wanted to eat kids and used Billy as bait. Whatever the first comments were, they spiraled into gossip that made Billy bang his head.

Tom teased, Sally snarked, and Pete patronized until Billy piped up and said they were astronauts. Many kids were excited and asked questions he couldn't answer but at least he felt less of an outcast. And in a way, he wasn't exactly wrong.

School ended and he rode off the bus to relax at home. It was a normal, quaint house with all the comforts of modern life and a lack of gravity. Billy floated upstairs to a roomy black void where four tiny galaxies spiraled around. A little one ran over to Billy and wagged its cosmic tail, and a bright couple asked how Billy was doing. And on the rocker was ol' Granny Supernova.

Billy's classmates could never believe he was adopted by the dimension lords, but some secrets are better left to the imagination. Billy didn't care either way because it was the best family he had ever known. What more could a kid want if he had his own universe?


i feel happy when you're close

summary: Felt like writing something really nice and "fluffy", and I've also been thinking a lot about them during their university time again. So have this: a nice 'morning', Toby waking up a bit late and enjoying the beginning of the day cuddling on the couch while Klara is planning a brunch. They're having a good time, something they really need <3

no warnings or anything.


Sunshine shone from the window, creating warm, light spots in the hallway. Klara's cat meowed quietly as she passed Tobias by, and sat down in one of the sunny spots, watching him yawn and fix the position of the shirt he wore open.


Blue Rose characters

Recently found out the tabletop RPG and the races and world were very interesting, so I wanted to take a shot at making a party.

  • Dalina The Vata'sha - A scrawny yet deadly dark elf with red hair and gold eyes. Distrusted by others because of her urchin background, she makes a point of being utterly sharp and forward, and is comfortable with dual wielding.
  • Dash The Rhydan (telekinetic badger) and human bondmate Peace - A curmudgeonly beast looking to find the greatest foods after a long drought forced her to move out, she found herself with an older hermit who wanted to make amends for her cruel past. The former uses agile berserker tenacity while the latter is a healer.
  • Meree The Sea Folk - A full figured, cyan lady with sparkling violet hair who had left her polluted ocean and loveless marriage to find a new home. Timid and shy yet friendly and curious of this new hardened world, she prefers wizardry from afar in combat.
  • Kesen The Night Person - A pale orc with a blonde mullet, she was forged to kill in the wasteland until a unspoken incident changed her life. Wielding heavy armor and a sword as large as her, she is excellent in combat but weak in all other life matters.

Throughout their journey, they will find strangers who will aid and hinder them in their quest, and they must settle their differences in mind and goals in order to succeed.


There's Nothing Down Here For You

Christian turned numb and still in the darkness. His head lingered further away from his body, slithering and wriggling into the pit to find anything. The primal desire to move and live without thought took over and his listless tunneling continued. He didn't know what up or down were and just squirmed around in the earth.

Earth. Part of the title of a song from adolescence. Bits of the melody echoed in his mind as his grub head calmed down. Bittersweet feelings of a time that he could never return to physically but tattooed on him as a reminder of his journey.

He could feel dirt. If he can feel, he wasn't dead. And if he's alive then he can think. He can think and search around for the softer soil closer to the surface. Minutes of fruitless endeavors sunk him but it triggered a memory of being stuck on a tough question on a homework assignment. How his father sat down and helped him work it through.

Christian couldn't remember what the question was or even the subject. But he missed someone caring about his problem. He missed the unspoken love of sharing time and receiving help. He wanted more like that even if his father wasn't here. Christian hastened his resolve when he remembered love exists no matter when and where. That others can offer love and care despite flaws.

He remembered telling Erica about the awful thing about the moth and how she hugged him after seeing how distraught he was. He remembered an aunt. Aunt Linda, the one who taught him how to swim and give CPR to avoid another drowning incident.

Christian knew he had fucked up, but that he was an ordinary man, and ordinary people are just trying to exist in a confusing, lawless life. He knew that he did not have to be a doctor for absolving himself of sins and he could simply be one to prevent harm and pain. A child is not innocent or evil, he understood, but an animal that can talk. Even early adulthood was a difficult time for adjusting to losing loved ones and a way of life.

Christian could learn to live again and to live above the surface again. The soil softened and he could feel warmth of the sun. His dropping stamina weighed him down yet his hand punched upward and created a mound where a spotlight beamed upon him. Christian hid his eyes from the immediate brightness, yet he paused, breathed, and erupted from earth with his moth head returned and his arms grasping for air and freedom.

He climbed himself out of the pit and laid down on the warm grass to rest. The breeze cooled his mind, the green trees waved peacefully and vibrantly, and the flowers smelled of life. Christian closed his eyes to relax to songbirds, never noticing how unique each one was for species and purposes.

He scheduled an appointment for therapy, one for a prescription, and took time off to embrace a side of life he forgot about. He checked his phone contacts and texted each one to see how they were doing. Most of them did not respond. He'll give it some time. And he felt it was time to make new friends or fail trying.

Maybe making new memories would unlock older ones that reminded him of the fullness of life. And if not, he had the entire future to change his luck and explore opportunities he ignored. Healing himself led Christian wanting to heal others like never before when feeling this new freedom.

Out of curiosity, Christian checked the mirror and saw his regular face again. He was no longer his past.


The devastating difference between how much time it takes to write something vs how fast people read it lol

you're falling in the trap!! it will be read by many people, many times, and it will live on in their memories. and maybe no single other human will match you in time spent dedicated to your story, but as a collective we will outlast you. acts of creation only grow when they are shared

This. Writing is not like dinner. It can be consumed many times

This has probably been said but the way I had to force myself to understand writing was that it wasn't like making a meal, but it was like making a blanket

Somedays it will only be used once, and briefly, and then tucked away and forgotten about

Other days it will be used for weeks at a time until every pattern stitched in is memorized

And a couple times it will be wrapped around someone and used until the edges are frayed and worn and falling apart and every fibre or string or piece of yarn that was used in it's creation is memorized as something beautiful

Writing isn't cooking

It's creation

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