

@colorfulsouls / colorfulsouls.tumblr.com

UNDER CO. Indie selective multimuse.
———— HEY !! it’s a ya boi’, && your favorite italian is BACK !! have you ever wanted to interact with the MAN, the MEME, the LEGEND,   WALUIGI ?? && wanted to join in on his cheating shenanigans?? if you’d be so generous to like && reblog this, i’ll check you out!! non-rp / personals, DON’T REBLOG !! thx! && just remember-

                         WALUIGI NUMBER 1 !! 


          AUGH!! ”   The only response to her presence for several seconds is a quick and high  SHRIEK !  and the THUD of his body against the locker as he makes way for the girl. ( IF YOU DON’T SHE’LL RUN YOU OVER WATCH OUT WATCH OUT !!! )  WHA-WHADDUHYOUWANT?! I mean -- hi.    ///   @rollerbarbie


     Didja see that!   BRIGHT SMILE, sharing to whoever is closest - his friend’s girlfriend in this case.  The lunch lady gave me some extra tater tots! Ya want some?   Or is she his ex-girlfriend? Doesn’t matter; tater tots are for everyone, regardless of relationship status.   ///   @emojicode

( What? )
[ There’s a gentle eyebrow raise, catching the hesitancy from his dear friend. Why would he want to know…? ]
Tim… Timmy Timmy?
( A… nice manga? )

     Yeah? We--well what kind of mmmmanga? You want that hen...you want that heeeenn...that tentacle shit? ”  Stutters and giggles, hard to tell which is interrupting his speech more. He bumps a crutch against one of Timmy’s wheels  ---  Wink wink, nnn-nudge nudge, very much?


     Heya Tim-Tim.  Voice takes a gentler tone, as if hesitant. Tender subject? Hard to say.  So, I was wondering, in a purely hhhhHY-pothetical scenario, what would you....wha--what would you like for Chr...for Christmas?    ///   @ukulelesolosandfoiledplans [Timmy obv]

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