
You Are What You Love, Not Who Loves You

@kaistarus / kaistarus.tumblr.com

life sucks sometimes, but it'll pass // ao3

I am sorry to everyone who tagged me in some tag game and I never responded. I saw it and thought “aww they thought of me” and proceeded to forget about it right after


when you're sick you're either a prince moder or a dog moder. prince moding is when you demand many little treats, drinks etc. i personally prefer to drag myself off to a secluded corner to either die or recover, aka dog moding


i am committed to TWO THINGS

  • 💯🔥🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪💯💯🔥💯💯🔥💯💪💯💯💯💪💪💪💪🔥💪💪💪💯💯💯🔥🔥💯💪💯🔥💪💪💪💯🔥💪💯🔥💪🔥🔥🔥💯💯

💯 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥 💪 💯💯🔥 🔥💯🔥 🔥🔥 💯🔥 💯🔥🔥 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯 💯🔥💯🔥💯💯

i’m in love with you


randomly remembering the time in 2012 when everyone kept saying the world was going to end at midday that day and like, i didnt really believe it, but i didnt want to be a complete fool if i was wrong, so i excused myself from class to go sit the field and perfectly timed the beat drop to a skrillex song just in case something happened. and im just. retroactively amused by the idea of ushering in the appocalypse with skrillex. most 2012 thing you could possibly do.


I don’t know which author needs to hear this right now but even if you never update your wip i would never regret reading it a time of joy is never wasted


free my girl she did all that shit but the fandom is mischaracterizing her for it

free my girl she has the same character traits as a male character but is getting deemed a bitch for them

free my girl she acted irrationally in a situation where it was impossible to act rationally and is now being hated for it


hey sorry we put your players in a time loop. yeah they can only win by learning, and they can only learn by playing. yeah grant o’brien is carboloading next to their podiums. yeah they know that x equals 8 so y must equal 6. no they can’t use the ladder. yeah now they’re doing the wenis. sorry. 


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Being a young adult is so strange. You enter a coffee shop. The 20 year old girl waiting behind you cried all night because she just came to a new city for university and she feels so alone. That 27 year old guy over there works a job he is overqualified for, he lives with his parents and wants to move out but doesn't know what to do about it. That one 24 year old dude already has a car, a house, and a job waiting for him once he graduates thanks to his dad's connections. The 26 year old barista couldn't complete his higher education because he has to work and take care of his family. The 28 year old girl sitting next to you has no friends to go out with so she is texting her mother. That couple (both 25 years old) are married and the girl is pregnant. The 29 year old writing something on her laptop has realized that she chose the wrong major so she is trying to start all over. We are not alone in this, but we are actually so alone. Do you feel me

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