

@tophatcats / tophatcats.tumblr.com

Ange | 199X. BG painter for visual novels and animation. but wow do I draw a lot of characters.

Yeah I’ll do a pinned post, why not.

Ange (they/any) - I’m a digital artist who does background design/painting for indie visual novels and oc/character fanart when I feel like it. I post sporadically here on my sketch blog, document my obnoxious outfits on my fashion blog @ange-la-ange-ootd, and reblog everything else on my side blog @ice-cold-firestarter. A yume posting side blog is out there but you gotta find it (or ask).

My art commissions are open. commission info page + TOS

I’m elsewhere on the net: cohost, neocities, (jack jeanne only) twitter

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