
My Mad Fat Diary Fanfiction


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MMFD Fanfic Round Up Omnibus Edition: March - November 2019

Long time no see! *coughs guiltily*

I’m not going to apologize, but here’s some fic! (Okay, the truth is that I kept hoping I’d have something of my own to list in the round up, but I have to just suck it up, post the backlog, and get my arse in gear with writing.)

Since it’s been an age, there is a good chance I’ve missed something, a story, a new author, or a new place to post fic. It’s easier for me to focus on Tumblr offerings, but let me know if I’ve left something out (wherever it may be) and I’ll update the post.

Mega thanks to those writers keeping the fandom alive, and Happy Holidays to all!

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@finn-nelson-for-the-win -- Good Neighbors Ch. 6 - Ch. 7 - Ch. 8 - Ch. 9 - Ch. 10 - Ch. 11 - Ch. 12 - Ch. 13 - Ch. 14 - Ch. 15 - Ch. 16 - Ch. 17

@flirtmcgirt -- Make It a Double Pt. 1 - Close to You Pt. 2 (FYI, flirtmcgirt has announced a fic retirement, so please don’t message her for additional chapters or updates.)

Anonymous asked:

Hi hi hi 👋🏼 This is in answer to the nonny who was looking for the story where RINN were getting touchy but then Linda interrupted about dishes! I’ve only gone and bloody found it!!!! It’s “still dreaming” by orphan_account on ao3 😬😬😬

ONCE AGAIN Tumblr screws me over by not showing me that I have messages! I don’t know how long ago you sent this, but thank you for responding and thanks to the person who orphaned the work instead of just deleting everything.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! this is a long shot but I thought if anybody could help, it would we the impressive hive mind at work here. I was trying to remember a fic I read a while ago where Finn had either snuck into Rae's room (or they may have fallen asleep) and things were getting heated but they were interrupted by Rae's mum yelling at her at 6am because she didn't do the dishes. I cannot for the life of me figure out who wrote it or what it was called T-T. Much love and thank you in advance!

I have NO IDEA how old this ask is, so apologies for the appalling lateness of this non-answer.

It doesn’t ring a bell for me (but I’ve been a little distracted lately), so I’m posting this in the hopes that it will be identified by someone else. Anyone recognize this story?

Anonymous asked:

Hey I remember reading AGES ago, a short story someone posted from Finn's POV. It was the scene in season 1 when are goes to Finn's house before the rave and I think another scene from season one in Finn's POV. Do you know where to find them? I know its a bit ambiguous, sorry ;)

I’m pretty sure that I never get a notification on the little envelope icon when I have an ask … I saw this when I finally checked all notifications for the Round-Up. So, I’m sorry for the delay! I have another ask that is probably months old, and I feel real bad. 

I can’t think of which story this would be, unfortunately. Does it sound familiar to anyone else? 


MMFD Fanfic Round-Up Dec 2018-Feb 2019

As long as there’s life, there’s hope. At least it’s a quarterly update and not longer. :D

Thanks to all the writers keeping the hope alive! Please let me know if I’ve missed anything, and I’ll revise the list!

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@madfatty -- Snippet based on illustration (read those tags tho)

@mirandasmadeofstone -- How Soon Is Now? Pt. 3


One In a Million by bittersweetblonde on AO3

The Day After by BreezeTheMorningLight on AO3


MMFD Fanfic Round-Up Summer-Fall (June-November) 2018

Hello and sorry for the interruption in service!

It’s been a busy summer/fall, both good and bad, and now I’m playing catch up all over the board. Hope all of you in the Northern Hemisphere had good summers and autumns and are ready for the holidays!

I’ve already got some fics for the December Round-Up, and am really hoping I’ll get this train back on monthly service (that is, if the whole damn site doesn’t implode with this latest BS.)

There is a better than average chance I missed something, so let me know if you know of a writer or story I didn’t list. (If they posted something in the last few days, I’ll list it next month.)

Thanks, fan-dem! I’m sorry that I forsook you; I will strive to do better!

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@finn-nelson-for-the-win -- New Beginnings Ch. 2Ch. 3Ch. 4 - Ch. 5In My Head Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3 

@lily-pop-2 -- A Shy Existence (repost of deleted fic) - Worlds Apart Pt. 18

@mirandasmadeofstone -- How Soon Is Now Pt. 1 - Pt. 2

@my-mad-fatuation -- Killing Time Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 - Pt. 5 - Drawn to You

Anonymous asked:

Hey I hope this isn't too much to ask, but by any chance do you know of a fanfic where Rae and Finn supposedly hate each other but they're hooking up anyways and Finn eventually ends up admitting his feelings for rae? I read it a couple of weeks ago but I can't remember the same.

Hi, Anon! I don’t know how long this message has been here, I never got a notification that I had any new messages! To be honest, I’ve read a number of fics like that over the years … Maybe the fan-dem can assist? (Again, sorry for the delay in answering!)


MMFD Fanfic Round-Up March-April-May 2018

Yikes! Sorry, gang, I’ve been alternately busy, sick, traveling, reading books for my goodreads challenge, ETC and time just slipped right away! 

Thanks so much to all the writers for continuing to tag me; it’s made this a LOT easier to catch up with. I promise to try not to let it get away from me again, but we all know it might happen. My intentions are good, I swear!

As ever and always, PLEASE let me know if I’ve missed any fics. I’ve checked all the usual tags, and I think I’ve included everything I’ve been tagged IN, but since this is a larger time-frame than usual, it’s likely that something has fallen through the cracks. 

Happy reading, fan-dem!

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@finn-nelson-for-the-win -- Drabble Challenge Prompt - New Beginnings

ELSEWHERE: Queenie_004 has graced AO3 with some wonderful gems, go check them out! Push - Kiss Me Blind - The Words I Never Got To Say - How Fast the Night Changes - We See Things They’ll Never See - My Luck Could Change - Hanging By a Moment

Anonymous asked:

Thank you so much for doing these fic round ups. Your tumblr is my go to for finding new fics. Xxx

You are welcome, but I must apologize for the shameful pause in posting. The latest one is coming at you MOMENTARILY

Hoping I can keep up a better pace in future! :D


MMFD Fanfic Round-Up January/February 2018

Hello, all! Here’s the bi-monthly round up! We’ve got the happy few who are doing the heavy lifting–thanks to you all for keeping the torch alight!

Also, @believethaticanandiwill, I saw your story and will include it in the next round up (but it was posted on March 1st!) 

Let me know if I’ve left anything out, I’ve tried to check all the usual tags and places, but things can slip past my radar. Happy reading!

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@commonpeople-ficCommon People Ch. 6 Pt. 1 (edited post to add!)

Anonymous asked:

Hi, and thank you for the round ups, it's wonderful that you keep on collecting the fics and posting them for our reading pleasure. This latest had one gem missing: the Common people fic came out January, didn't it? I didn't see it on the list. Mwah to you anyways

Oh shit! I checked every tag I normally check and it didn’t come up . . . I should have KNOWN I’d forget a gem. Off to rectify this grievous error! (Sorry, @commonpeople-fic!!!)


MMFD Fanfic Round-Up January/February 2018

Hello, all! Here’s the bi-monthly round up! We’ve got the happy few who are doing the heavy lifting--thanks to you all for keeping the torch alight!

Also, @believethaticanandiwill, I saw your story and will include it in the next round up (but it was posted on March 1st!) 

Let me know if I’ve left anything out, I’ve tried to check all the usual tags and places, but things can slip past my radar. Happy reading!

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MMFD Fanfic Round-Up November/December 2017

I’m woefully behind, but was on vacation for two weeks where I opened my laptop a total of three times for a couple of minutes each. I’ve started the January Round-Up, so that should be posted in a more timely fashion.

I’ve done the checks I normally do, but am not confident I found everything, so please let me know if I’ve left something off this list, and I’ll update the post. :)

Thanks, all, and Happy FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of our favorite show airing! (January 14, 2013 is when the first episode went out, can you believe it?)

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@my-mad-fatuation -- Unexpected - The DUFF Plan - Admitted


MMFD Fanfic Round-Up August/September 2017

Standard apology for the lateness, m’dears!

Please let me know if I’ve missed something, which is always possible, even though I check multiple permutations of the tags AND all my notifications here. :D

Thanks to the writers for keeping me busy! xoxo 

Happy equinox, everyone! (That covers both hemispheres, right?)

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@fanningon -- Gifted us with a MONTH’S WORTH of 31 fics which can all be found on her fanfic masterpost HERE under the 31 Days of Fanfic Challenge (since she went to all the effort to organize it over there, I figured why duplicate efforts here?)

Anonymous asked:

This is a day late but yesterday was fan fiction writers' appreciation day and I just wanted to shoot you a quick message to say thank you for these round ups! I'm sure it must take time and tag scouring and it's important you know that as a reading your efforts are a BIG resource for me. I APPRECIATE YOU!

Aww, thank YOU! And I appreciate all the writers still beavering away--without them, there wouldn’t be the need for my minor organizational efforts!


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