

@2p-taliaimagines / 2p-taliaimagines.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Your old posts are gone fam! I cant find them! Did something happen?

👁👄👁 bro what

I didn’t do anything to them?? Is tumblr really disrespecting me like this

Anonymous asked:

2p France with his seven year old son?

- a mediocre dad at best

- he’s not bad but he could do better

- doesn’t know how to answer his son’s wild questions

- has a strict bedtime routine

- leaves his son in the hands of someone else during the night most of the time

- his son has probably seen some traumatising shit, 2ps aren’t always mentally healthy

- tries to buy his son nice things as much as he can

- has a list on the fridge of what he can and can’t feed his son

- needs help raising his son

- juggling multiple jobs to financially support himself and his son

- loses his temper sometimes

- this stuff his hard yknow


Hispanic= Spanish speaking

Latino= From latinamerica

A peruvian is latino and hispanic, a Colombian is latino and hispanic.

Someone from Brazil is latino but not hispanic

Someone from spain is hispanic but not latino

I completely thought those were synonyms, thank

Reblog to save a life


This is funnier than anything shitpostbot could ever dream of.

Only 32 days until this joke expires. Reblog while you can.


Source: twitter.com

Seriously. What on earth could a 3 yr old do to “warrant” a gun to the chest???

Apparently they were in the process of arresting her mother (whom they beat while handcuffed, naturally), also pointed the gun at the head of the child’s grandmother, and pointed the gun at her when she did what any toddler would do and started wailing. The incident gave her one of the worst cases of child PTSD the expert they assigned has ever seen and she’ll need therapy well into her adult years. 

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of gun safety knows that you do not point a gun at anyone you are not willing to kill. So best case scenario these officers were grossly incompetent and worst case they were willing to kill a child for crying. This settlement is the least they deserve.


ik y’all hate me for being absent af but I got an audition today pray for me


Unbelievably sad. A nine year old bullied to death in four days. 9 years old. Children who identify as LGBTQ deserve to be protected and supported at school!


Straights say homophobia doesn’t exist because marriage equality was passed, this is absolutely revolting #protectLGBTQyouth


someone explain the jewish holidays to me like i'm 5 years old

Purim: They tried to kill us, we survived. Let’s tell the story, wear silly costumes, and get wasted. (Optional: have a carnival or a play!)

Passover: They enslaved us, God freed us. Remember this via a big ceremony/feast and then don’t eat bread for a week. This is a big one; you’re going to have to clean your house and host all your relatives.

Tu B'Shevat: It’s Earth Day, let’s eat some fruit.

Simchas Torah: We read the entire Torah every year, and we got to the end! Let’s have a dance party and then start all over again!

Tisha B'Av: They destroyed our temples. That sucked.

Rosh HaShanah: Happy New Year! It’s time to ask (and grant) forgiveness for the wrongs done in the past year, pledge to do better, and wish for a sweet new year. And go to synagogue for HOURS.

Yom Kippur: Rosh HaShanah’s somber counterpart. God decides on this day your fate for the next year. Repent your sins, hope for forgiveness, and fast. (And go to synagogue for HOURS.)

Yom HaShoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Sukkot: Harvest festival! Sleep in a hut under the stars.

Shemini Atzeret: Man, I don’t even know?

Shavuot: God gave us the Torah! That was pretty nice of him.

Chanukah: They busted up our temple and tried to forcibly convert us. We responded with guerilla warfare. Let’s eat some fried food. Candles!

So basically the entire Jewish holiday calendar is giving the middle finger to death and high-fiving, with or without various combinations of prayer and foods.

Yup. Or as we say, “They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat.”

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