
Don’t Steal

Hey there!

So it’s come to my attention that there are some people stealing art from others so they can post and be part of the #septicart event to try get some attention. I do not condone this type of behaviour and if you’re doing that then you’re taking away from extremely hard working people. This is an event for people to join together and work towards a common goal and have fun but stealing art takes all of that fun out of something like this, ruins it. Artists already have a hard enough time getting their content out there and being noticed which becomes even harder if you’re just taking their content and claiming it as your own or, just posting it vaguely hoping you don’t get caught.

If you steal art or repost someone elses art to try get my attention or to be featured in a video, you are not the type of person I want to be associated with or want in the community. I know some of you can’t draw or participate the way you’d like to and just want to be part of the event but there are many ways you can be a part of things. Even if you can’t be a part of THIS event specifically, you are still a part of the community in general. So please contribute fairly and be considerate of others. Build each other up, don’t tear each other apart.

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