
@artzy_lia insta

@artzy-lia-art / artzy-lia-art.tumblr.com

instagram: artzy_lia

Prose and Cons

I had the pleasure of also writing a fic for the @grishaversebigbang! Please go check out the other wonderful fics written by my fellow Etherealki. 💙

Thank you to my Corporalki @jdobrski and my sensitivity readers @niecity, @nekonamicosplay, and @wybiegowritey

And my talented Materialki (please check their pieces out and show them some love):

@dingy-doodles​  x

Summary: When his father kicks him out of America in disgrace, Wylan leaves for London looking for opportunity. He loves telling stories and sharing knowledge, so when the publishing company Crows Publishing accepts his application as a writer, he is overjoyed. There’s only one problem- Wylan can’t physically write. The solution to this stumbles into his life as Jesper Fahey, the anonymous author of popular war-time novels and coworker. They quickly enter a co-writer relationship, but maybe Wylan wants it to be more. The pair starts to get closer, but it isn’t long before Wylan gets caught up in the secret goings of the Crows Publishing company.

Keep reading after the cut for chapter one! 


GVBB is here!! ok y’all here’s my piece for Prose and Cons, a fic about wylan, jesper, and a certain gang of crows + a publishing company. yes, i know you are DYING to read it (#relatable) so here’s the link: Prose and Cons

this fic is written by the ever so talented @angelawongart and beta’d by @jdobrski

other materialki that you must check out: @artzy-lia-art (@/artzy-lia on insta) {click me}, @ninaaswaffles {and me} , @protec-kuwei-yul-bo {and me!}


Seacrow - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26082616/chapters/63439324


My art for the Grishaverse Big Bang happening over on tumblr. It is a lovely event I had an honor to participate in with @memoriesoflastwords, who wrote the FanFiction this art is inspired by, beta read and edited by @niecity, also other incredible artist whose art you need to check out is @chaosvvolf. Check them all out immediately! 💜 Also don't forget to check my Instagram when I post all of my work ✨


#17 - The Gonking Geese

Project Info

Gang name: The Gonking Geese 

TItle: Prose and Cons 

Synopsis: When his father kicks him out of America in disgrace, Wylan leaves for London looking for opportunity. He loves telling stories and sharing knowledge, so when the publishing company Dime Lions accepts his application as a writer, he is overjoyed. There’s only one problem- Wylan can’t physically write. The solution to this stumbles into his life as Jesper Fahey, the anonymous author of popular war-time novels and coworker. He’s more than happy to transcribe for Wylan- at a price. The pair starts to get closer… but it isn’t long before Wylan gets caught up in the secret goings of the Crows publishing company. 

Short excerpt: 

Wylan couldn’t believe he’d already needed a new tutor. He already felt bad enough that his professor was paying for it, and now he’d complained about his old one? In times like these, he thought that maybe it was a good thing he could no longer disgrace the family name. The library he’d agreed to meet up at was on campus, and it stretched a sizable distance. It had a big, arching front doorway and, once inside, beautiful oak shelves lining up the tall ceilings all the way to the back. Wylan held down a shaky breath thinking about the words lining those pages, words that he couldn’t read. It was almost suffocating.

There were about fifteen people spread around the library’s common area, including a plump, whiskery little man sitting at the front desk. Wylan shuffled his way over.

“Hi, sorry, I’m looking for a- um,” he glanced at the slip with the address and his tutor’s name, a name that he already memorized but he looked at the slip nonetheless, “Jesper Fahey?”

“Always great to meet a fan,” called a rich, deep voice behind Wylan. He spun on his heel, coming face to face with a tall, dark-skinned man. The confident expression on his handsome face made Wylan’s heartbeat quicken. 

“Hi, I’m uh- Wylan Van Eck. I’m assuming you’re Jesper Fahey?” Wylan said, stumbling over his words. 

“That’s my name,” the stranger said, raising his eyebrows in amusement, “And nice to meet you, Wylan.” Wylan reached his hand out for a handshake, but Jesper started down the hallway, looking for a table to sit at. The whiskery man stared at Jesper and went back to reading, smoking his cigarette when Wylan turned back to him. 

“Uh- wait up!” Wylan called, dashing to catch up with Jesper. 

Finding an unoccupied desk in the middle of the library, Jesper sat down, pulling out various books from his worn messenger bag. Wylan sat down, mimicking Jesper’s actions. 

“So…” Wylan started, glancing around the musty library, “What subject should we start with today?” Jesper looked up from his bag, pulling a textbook out.

“I was thinking we could do English. Professor Williams told me you were struggling with the reading assignment?” Wylan glanced down at his hands, embarrassment flushing his cheeks. 

Clearing his throat, Wylan replied, “Yeah. Something like that.” 

Jesper gave him a wide smile and said, “It’s fine Van Eck. So, how far are you into the book?” 

“I haven’t- um, I haven’t started it,” Wylan clenched his fists tight, “I can’t read… it. I can’t read.” Jesper’s playful smile dropped just enough for Wylan to feel shame flood over him.

“Oh,” Jesper simply said, scrunching his eyebrows, “Well, we can either read it together or I could give you a brief summary. Williams said that we should be at chapter ten by now so I highly recommend looking at the summary.” Jesper gave a flirtatious wink.

Wylan took a deep breath in and felt the tension leave his body. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.

Gang Introduction 

Role: Etherealnik

Short introduction/fun fact: I can only write at 2am, it’s the only valid time to write

Role: Etherealnik

Short introduction/fun fact: Six, Hadestown, and Alice by Heart are my holy musical trinity

Role: Materialnik

Short introduction/fun fact:  I have a really ugly dog and a minor StarKid obsession :))


Role: Materialnik

Short introduction/fun fact: I was nicknamed after my scooter and it surprisingly stayed throughout the years


Role: Materialnik

Short introduction/fun fact: i enjoy reading *cool face* *cool face* 

Role: Materialnik

Short introduction/fun fact: If I don’t draw fanart I don’t think I could function. Also I was born on Halloween so I’m secretly a witch


Role: Corporalnik

Short introduction/fun fact: i have x-linked ichthyosis



#27 - The Wraith’s Crew

Project Info

Gang name: The Wraith’s Crew

Title: Seacrow

Synopsis: It’s been around two years since Inej has left Ketterdam. Since then, some say she’s never come back, some she’s come and gone. What counts is, Inej gone, news of her are everywhere - of how she fights against slavers, of how she is no different than a mother to the ones she saves despite not being much older. But when she needs help, will the Dregs welcome the Wraith back? Will the old Crows open their nest to Inej?

Short excerpt 

“Inej wanted to find you. No one’s ever left behind, that’s our philosophy, no matter how hard it is to fight. We fight, knives and pistols, and always come back to each other.”

That felt like family.

And that stopped Nastya from eating even just another bite of food. That felt like what she had promised her family before going to Os Alta, to come back, as soon as she could, to stay by her parents’ side, to work on the vegetable garden when they were too old to break ice and turn the soil.

Gang Introduction 

Role: Etherealnik

Short introduction/fun fact: I switch between Italian and English without reaziling it. Not good during exams.

Role: Materialnik

Short introduction/fun fact: I have synesthesia and can see sounds.

Role: Materialnik

Short introduction/fun fact: I have a slight addiction to coffee not sure how much that qualifies as fun but it’s true

Role: Corporalnik

Short introduction/fun fact: I can’t sleep unless my room is really cold.


Role: Materialki

Short introduction/fun fact: I am currently obsessed with Pride and Prejudice


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