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the parallel between Lestat marking all the tenor's flat notes and Armand writing all his aggressive director notes for Claudia on the 500th performance... the performing community of Paris better thank their lucky stars everyday that lesmand didn't become a real couple because there would be no survivors

I noticed the same parallel! It’s hilarious, I love it, but now I’m just imaging them in said modern au.

I feel like the older cohort of their students— the ones who have survived the psychic damage and stuck with it— have an ongoing bet if they’ll have to find a new hobby if/when the theatre closes because their relationship falls apart.

They track the relationship via type of shows performed. If they split the troupe and do two, then it’s either a good thing or a sign of potential impending collapse (and requires other interactions to confirm). At their best, it’s compromise, and like… weird experimental classic reinterpretations.

No one can say their students don’t end up with a range!


//so I just finished watching IWTV 2x4 and any coherent thoughts will have to wait a minimum of three business days for my internal screaming to abate into anything even remotely coherent.

Like the Armand backstory???? AMC YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME!!!!

I thought I’d be lucky to see it in s3, but nooooo instead they hit me with it a week after the Lestat backstory!


//The funniest part of reading Interview With the Vampire fic (and yes, that is a suitably strange experience knowing the history), and very specifically Armand fic is being stuck in the position of being uncertain which version of the character I’m dealing with. Is this a visually teenaged ginger? Or a tall, legitimately adult man with a completely different palette?

Does the author mention curls? It could still go either way! Do they mention pretty enough to be a Renaissance painting? It could still be either!

Both are good, but it does change how I’m envisioning the scene. They’re both Armand but they do have a different Vibe.


//Has anyone considered who painted Lestat’s portrait at the Theatre des Vampires???

Because I think it’s book canon that Armand was this like… prodigious painter of religious icons, who stopped after he was brought to Italy…. And just the potential vibe of him being the one to make this painting of Lestat has hit me. Lestat the saviour, Lestat this bright prince who brings Armand from the sewers, Lestat who collapses the religious tones of the coven out from under Armand, and at least temporarily, becomes this captivating fixture of Armand’s life.

And then he leaves, and like with the last time, Armand doesn’t paint again. Some extra fun and angsty vibes in the fact that the painting will then burn.

(How else does he get the portrait? Is it Armand’s last painting?)


**| Something I haven’t seen mentioned yet (and yes I’ve picked up watching interview with the vampire) is Armand’s fascination with tech done in a really fun way! There’s the blender mention (so book fans thank you for the introduction to that) but largely that seems to be one of several things. It’s that followed by something else, followed by something else.

In the show we see the way he uses the film projector at the Theatre des Vampires, which would have been, while not the newest, hottest invention off the presses by the 1940s, still comparatively contemporary.

In Dubai we see him using an IPad, both dying his act as Rashid, and then in bed with Louis, which suggests it’s something he does actually use!

I’m not sure what this feels like it means, but it’s something interesting I noticed nonetheless. More so, because he’s the only vampire we’ve seen thus far who leans into it in quite the same way.


Random worldbuilding: A culture where everyone's social status is expressed through how their hair is braided.

Children all have the same kind of a simple, unisex "child's braid" which is meant for their parents to be easy to do - traditionally boys were only taught how to do a "wife's braid" while women braid both their husbands and their children, but a modern man is naturally an attentive father and contributes to both cleaning and feeding, and clothing and braiding his children.

While this kind of knowledge is more accessible in the modern age, the art of braiding is still seen as an intimate family thing, and it's not unusual for a youth to come out to their parents by the way of braids - for example a daughter asking her father to teach her how to do the "wife's braid", or a son asking her mother how to weave the "husband braid" for their future spouse. Or a trans kid asking their parents to give them the other gender's braid when it's time to transition from the child braid into the "unmarried youth" one.

It is nonetheless still somewhat common to see an older gay man with a "wife's braid" or two older women both wearing "husband braids", because that was the only way they were taught to braid a future partner's hair when they were young. They could learn the "appropriate" braid now, but it has become a part of the culture, an old-fashioned gay thing to do. It's pride - if you wear this braid to show that you're an adult with a spouse, why try to hide who braids your hair every morning?

The only braid that one is expected to do on themselves is the widow's braid - the only one that is also unisex, braided in reverse from the simple children's braid. Sometimes, young unmarried adults who have no interest in starting a family switch directly into wearing a widow's braid to signify that they are not looking for a partner and are independent adults on their own.


Two of the stained glass designs that are mentioned in my new fic, Delirium Tremens!

I intended to have this out months ago, but the stars were surprisingly hard! It's hard to make things look glowy with no soft edges, so it was a fun challenge.

The fic itself might honestly be my favourite thing I've ever written, and some five years in the making, with a playlist that can be found here. It's the origins of my human heart pencil holder on my desk.

Chapter 2! Carlos in the Desert Otherworld (AKA, it’s actual title, Fever) is officially up! It’s also the lightest point of this fic until the last chapter.


A not quite moodboard, not quite palette for the absolutely flawless Dottore/Baizhu fic Post-Mortem by EveoftheApocalypse! I cannot praise this enough: the writing is gorgeous, the characterization is immaculate, and it is and potentially my favourite fic for these two! Undoubtedly on my list of recommendations. (This is alongside the first part, because Post-Mortem is the sequel to To Life which is also incredible).

This in specific emerged from chapter 12's trifecta of trios: amber, honey, gold / dedication, eternity, loyalty / ice, snow, stars, and I hope I captured at least some of that!


//Idea for something halfway between a fic and an intractable blog: someone blogging the Fall of Desert Bluffs. They would just be some normal citizen watching as their town gets taken over, with the occasional commentary on the radio broadcast of the day.

The blog would have some relevant plot things, and a lot where it comes in half note mentions, around things like ranking Italian soda flavours.

It would be posted in real time, and you could send things in for in-character blog post reactions, or comment on the ao3 (the “archive” of the posts).

Would anyone be interested if I made this?


Two of the stained glass designs that are mentioned in my new fic, Delirium Tremens!

I intended to have this out months ago, but the stars were surprisingly hard! It's hard to make things look glowy with no soft edges, so it was a fun challenge.

The fic itself might honestly be my favourite thing I've ever written, and some five years in the making, with a playlist that can be found here. It's the origins of my human heart pencil holder on my desk.


You should tell me about your Hazbin oc. Smiles.

@coronaryqueer | Please understand this is A Can Of Worms, and all can be poked and prodded @singthesongsofsin

Hellaina: She’s my scary snake lady! She’s Vox’s PA (though in truth more akin to a COO). Technically he owns her soul, but she thinks she got the much better deal out of it. She died in the early 1980s of a heart attack induced, in large part, but the whole… 1980s work culture. She is, all things considered, quite happy down in Hell! (She also despises Valentino).

Dia: Hellaina’s wife, and regular in cannibal town. She runs a butcher shop, because her actual skills in pathology aren’t… super useful here. In life she sold organs on the black market, and is a special sort beloved freak. Definitely some vibes of pastel whimsi-goth in that girl.

Jayden: Velvette’s PA. He was created to fulfill a joke originally. Vox has a snake PA, and one of my writing partners hc that Val also had a snake PA, co clearly Vel needed one too. He’s very young, like, died in the last five years and was an influencer in life (and still is in hell) sort of young.

Adelard: OLD. He was in the seminary until he had a bit of a crisis of faith, left to become a healer during the early 1300s, and then a plague doctor when that all broke out. He killed a lot of his patients because it was kinder for that than to die slowly of the plague. In Hell he’s the closest thing to a librarian, and definitely a bit of an eccentric! He collects a lot of the newly fallen.

Belphegor: lord of Sloth, narcoleptic, and an idealist. Probably going to quit at some point to create purgatory, or just… somewhere for the vast majority of the dead to go who weren’t great people but don’t deserve Hell either.

Astaroth: Bel’s best friend, another fallen Angel. Tara spends most of her time on Earth, acting as the classic deal demon. She has a fwb deal with Mephistopheles (yes the one from Faust), and also as Bel’s inter-ring liaison a lot of the time.

Metatron: the Voice of God! (And heretical on my part). He was the first thing ever created, before the universe itself was, and he, God, and Asherah were the primordial polycule… at least until she went to sleep. God did too, some 1400 years ago, so Metatron has been keeping Heaven and Earth from realizing God is MIA by acting in his stead.

As for the wtnv OCs!!!

The new one is Nezha. They’re a glassblower from DB, they’re tiers of punk, they created and then destroyed the stained glass of the Smiling God in DB’s Joyous Congregation. (I have more hc about that, but shhh, the fic will be released in a few days). Their Double was Theseus’s best friend until her death— weird magical inter-city coven they were all a part of.

Speaking of Theseus! He’s the NV weatherman. He’s quite chill, all things considered. He was part of the magical intercity coven (where he met Ted the Weatherman (mentioned! And therefore canon!) from DB. He’s known about the weird effect of the towns for aaaages, but as no one ever asks the weatherman anything, he’s never volunteered any information. After the coven fell apart, he went to uni for meteorology. In an as yet unfinished fic, he becomes Maddy’s (Kevin’s sister) best friend.

Mikhail and Matvei: a set of doubles who hate one anotber. They both went to school outside the Desert. But whereas Mikhail is a relatively good person, he studies time, Matvei is EVIL. Matvei was a StrexCorp enforcer, Matvei is now working on the Sandstorm project. Matvei carved out one of his own eyes in a show of devotion to the Smiling God, and is a hardcore loyalist even without drugs.

Speaking of! Helios is the Smiling God! …sort of. Helios created DB and then just sort of… forgot about it. He came back to find Strex and is now masquerading a priest to figure out how to fix it. He’s also the Greek pantheon Helios, same dude. In the same unfinished fic, he’s Jocelin’s (Kevin’s nibling) biological father.

Maddy and Jocelin! Kevin’s sister and no king respectively. They would be Abby and Janice’s doubles. Maddy wanted to be a botanist, as after their mother took off, ended up raising Kevin. They’re still quite close in large part because of Jo, and because there is no double of Steve. Jocelin, as a child, has a sun allergy Strex ‘fixed’. They’re like… 13 right now, but getting into acting! After Strex was defeated, they were some of the first to move to NV.

How many more do I have??? I think I’ll leave it here for now! (I need to be better at actually messaging you, I promise I’ll try!)

Theseus: Well, it rained today, but as a whole it's been warmer than it was last week.
Cecil: Why does it seem like every time you talk to us, you end up talking about the weather? Is your life so unimaginably dull that you can't think of any events in your life to describe that might be more interesting than the weather? Let's think of something for you to talk about other than the weather. I mean, we barely even know anything about you, other than where you live.
Cecil: Let's start there. What do you do for a living?
Theseus: I'm a meteorologist.

broad daylight in horror is massively underused

there’s a constant feeling in nighttime horror of “this is an unnatural, liminal situation you’ve stumbled into. once you make it to the other end, or if everyone were to know the truth, you will be free of it.”

once the sun crests the horizon, however, there’s an unspoken shift in the underlying tone. this aberration of the natural order has come under all scrutiny and it is still there. you continue to cry for normalcy, but the world does not acknowledge what you believe it should be. no amount of truth or time will end this, and in my favourite of executions the very framing and narrative itself doesn’t acknowledge the dissonance. 

it all comes back to alienation, in the end. always.

if nighttime horror evokes a sense of isolation through salvation being just out of reach, then daytime horror evokes it through the realization that it never existed to begin with. that the walls and locks were all paper-thin artifice. that this is now tomorrow. forever.

broad daylight in horror is seeing the yawning abyss and knowing there’s nothing to wake up to.


@melpomaen | Everyone else excuse the break from our regularly scheduled programming for some Tolkien nerdiness.

I Wanna Be In The Calvary Noldor edition (as sung prior to the Burning of the Ships)

I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before I wanna good mount when the trumpet sounds and I hear the dragon's roar I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war

I wanna horse in the volunteer force that's riding forth at dawn Please save for me some gallantry that will echo when I'm gone I beg of you sir let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long

I'd not a good foot soldier make, I'd be sour and slow at march And I'd be sick on a swan ship, and the Belegaer'd leave me parched But I'll be first in line if they'll let me ride, by god, you'll see my starch Lope back o'er the heath with the laurel wreath underneath that vict'ry arch

Let me earn my fleurs in the battle's blur where the day is lost or won I'll wield my lance as the ponies dance and the blackguards hit their drums A sabre keen, and a bow notched and an army at my back Where the minstrels lead with the cold, cold steel let me be a cav'lryman

Let 'em play their flutes and lace-up my boots and place them back to front For I won't be back on the Helcaraxë until I'm finished in my hunt I wanna be in the cavalry if I must go off to war I wanna be in the cavalry, but I won't ride home no more


I Wanna Be In The Cavalry: Reprise (Written sometimes in the late first age)

I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before

Courageous at first we took their worst, our positions we held stout We clung to belief and we hung on the speech from our trusted leaders' mouths Overwhelming odds and a hopeless cause and our cities overrun There were them that said we was badly led and that were we outmanned

I lost count of the worthy mounts that from under me were cut My favourite mare with her head in the air took poisoned arrows in her gut In the first two weeks on the Ard-Galen my brother lost his arm Was only sixty years till all we prayed was get us home unharmed

O for the day that we changed our names and the well that we were wished The men's congrats and the pats on the backs and the ladies that we missed The band that played and the grande parade and the patriotic shouts All faded fast, didn't even last till the uniforms wore out

And there were none to replace nor to help us face the winters cold and bleak That chilled to the bone the pneumonia prone and froze our bootless feet Then the red-clad came with oath-bound fits, blood and stolen gem That proved in the end to have killed more men than the vilest enemy

We were finally forced to feed on horse and carcass we could scrounge When the wagons stopped and we'd burnt their crops to charred and barren ground With morale in doubt and our pride run out no honour did I see All I seen were a thousand dreams piled dead in front of me

I wanna be in the cavalry if the send me off to war I wanna be in the cavalry but I won't ride home no more

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