

@anti-anti-billdip-blog / anti-anti-billdip-blog.tumblr.com

Inspired by the lovely folks at anti-anti-wincest, or AAW, this blog is dedicated to fighting tagged hate and spam in the BillDip/Cipherpines tags. These tags are for fans of the pairing of Dipper Pines and Bill Cipher to find artwork, fanfiction, headcanons, and other relevant content posted by other shippers. They are not there to see hate, and such content can be extremely detrimental to the welfare of someone who may be using that ship to cope or simply to cheer themselves up.
Fun fact, disclaimers tacked onto the end of a post don't do shit, bud. If you're tagging hate and calling people names and suicide baiting, you're an asshole.
I'm Mod K, 21 years old, and been in fandoms for around eight years. I've seen all this crap before. Read the About page if you want to know more. I'm ready to take on antis. Game on.
Note, I don't care about untagged hate, or people who use anti tags. It's their right to dislike and criticize a pairing. I'm just here to try to keep it out of the actual tags.
That being said, inbox and submit are open, anon is on. Let's chat.
💙💛💙💛Also I AM in this fandom and a shipper, so feel free to talk headcanons and stuff with me too! I'm always happy to discuss BillDip and may reblog art and stuff from time to time.💛💙💛💙
Anonymous asked:

Hello! I am Robin the BillDip shipper! I am a csa survivor and keep up the good work! Some user called me a pedophile and I it resulted me into getting panic attacks and being pedophobic....But later on I realized I am asexual panromantic. I am only attracted to personality not someone's body....Anyways most of my BillDip is consensual and aged up.

Hello! I’m sorry someone made you feel bad. It is never okay to call someone something like that, and tbh if they’re not a licensed psychologist that isn’t their call to make anyway. So just try to remember that if anyone tries to accuse you of something, what you ship has nothing to do with that and only an idiot would instigate otherwise. Those people don’t know you and they aren’t qualified to be assigning mental illnesses to anyone. I’m glad you like the blog and just keep on shipping however you want! :D Your identity is completely valid and fuck what anyone else tries to say about you.

Anonymous asked:

I can't believe you justify the perversion of pedophiles and the cruelty of abusers. As a victim of abuse I have to ask, how do you sleep at night? How do you live with yourself knowing you support people who justify and romanticize the shit that's happened to me and millions of others.

Pedophilic Disorder is a mental illness that should be treated with the same compassion as depression or autism (which are disorders that I am diagnosed with). 

Supporting a person’s right to seek therapy and treatment without having to fear for their life, career, and social connections is not the same as excusing any actions they may take.

I do not condone child abuse, and I am very well aware that attraction to prepubescent children and pubescent teens is very abnormal. But the attraction in and of itself is not a crime. You cannot punish an emotion.

Also, less than 40% of all child sex abusers are actually pedophilic. the great majority of perpetrators are opportunistic, and have no preference regarding age. It’s also worth noting that among that +60%, higher rates of psychosis have been observed in comparison to sex offenders who did not victimize children.

As for the -40% who suffer from PD, studies have shown differences in brain structure compared to neurotypical control groups. There is often a decreased amount of white matter in the brain. There also seems to be a possible connection to head trauma suffered as a child or teenager, which could possibly damage the centers of the brain that process sexual attraction, and cause it to be triggers by abnormal things, including prepubescent children and teenagers.

In addition, by demonizing all people with PD (which is incredibly ableist) you are wrongfully assuming that mental illness and morality are mutually exclusive. Morally Aligned Pedophiles (MAPs), as they term themselves, do exist. There is obviously not an accurate way to measure the approximate number, since the vast majority of people with PD are only discovered through criminal activity. But nearly every person with PD at least BEGINS as a MAP.

You see, it’s the criminalization and hatred of PD that makes people fearful of seeking treatment. Therapy is absolutely necessary, in order to learn coping mechanisms. Coping mechanisms are necessary for people who feel they may have trouble resisting their urges. By creating a stigma which causes people to fear for their lives and livelihoods, you are cutting people off from the help they need. You are directly contributing to child abuse by cutting potential abusers off from the resources that would STOP THEM from becoming abusers.

I sleep very well at night. I live my life happily and proudly. I’ve done my research, and it’s all backed up by reputable sources and legitimate scientific testing. 

The APA recognizes PD as a mental disorder and recognizes the crisis regarding the misuse of the word “pedophile” in society in a way that demonizes people suffering silently from PD. 

If you disregard the opinions of thousands of trained and licensed mental health professionals, you may as well throw away any diagnosed disorders you may have, since they are being treated at the standards those very same people set after decades of extensive research.

If you don’t support ALL mentally ill people, Don’t say you support ANY of them. I, personally, do not accept support from people who pick and choose to support people with “nice” disorders. 

Anonymous asked:

'Just block the tag' not every damned person can do that you know.

I disagree (。・ω・)ノ゙

If you are using tumblr, then you have full access to a wide range of browser addons that improve the site. Xkit is the main one, with its Blacklist plugin. Or you can go oldschool and use Tumblr Savior instead. Personally, I use both at the same time.

If you’re stuck using mobile tumblr and have no other options, you can still block users who post things you don’t like.

It’s very very simple.

There is absolutely no excuse to harass people just because you refuse to take steps to protect yourself.


Pro-tip, even on mobile, there is an app you can use called Washboard that will connect to your PC account (assuming you are able to spare some time to log in on a computer and do this but I'm sure you can make the time) and allow your blacklist to continue working on your phone. http://teenlockery.tumblr.com/post/61312737761/how-to-blacklist-on-mobile-using-washboard So basically there is no excuse for not blocking things.


Drawing porn of child characters from comics or cartoons is ILLEGAL in the United States

18 U.S. Code § 1466A - Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children                                                                 

(a)In General.—Any person who, in a circumstance described in subsection (d), knowingly produces, distributes, receives, or possesses with intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that—                    


  • (A)    depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; and
  • (B)    is obscene; or                                                                


  •   (A)    depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; and 
  •    (B)    lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value;  or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be subject to the penalties provided in section 2252A(b)(1), including the penalties provided for cases involving a prior conviction.                                

(b)Additional Offenses.—Any person who, in a circumstance described in subsection (d), knowingly possesses a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that—                    


  •      (A)        depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; and                      
  • (B)      is obscene; or                                                                


  • (A)   depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; and                                                
  • (B)   lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value; or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be subject to the penalties provided in section 2252A(b)(2), including the penalties provided for cases involving a prior conviction.                                

©Nonrequired Element of Offense.  It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist. Source

Most recent conviction seems to be May 2016. That’s this month.

When abusive adults in fandoms prey on the children in them, try to spread that it’s okay to draw child porn of the child characters, to sexualize the child characters, they are breaking the law and encouraging minors to break the law. The law doesn’t care if you use it as a “coping mechanism” (even forgetting that abused people can become abusers themselves). This is illegal and it can get you imprisoned.

Please boost this. Not enough people know the law exists and big-name artists routinely bully people, survivors, minors into believing that spreading child porn in their fandoms is okay and to do it themselves. It’s not, and it can get rebloggers arrested for possessing and spreading obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children.                 


PROTIP: Read the definitions before shittalking a statute. This statute has everything to do with actual flesh and blood human beings and nothing to do with lines on a piece of paper. The only way to get a conviction from non-flesh and blood is if the depiction is indistinguishable from an actual person, that is, a 3-D rendering. In addition, trying to outlaw anything relating to speech in these here United States is gonna be hells of difficult because of that dang pesky First Amendment–you know, that same freedom of speech that gives you the right to engage in this kind of coprolalia. (See the “lacks artistic merit” part of this section, and the “is obscene” part of this section.) If the United States Supreme Court doesn’t know what actual, adult on adult pornography is (the actual, literal legal test is “I know it when I see it”), what makes you think SCOTUS knows what child porn is? And this doesn’t even apply outside of this here America country, and believe it or not, there are dozens of other nations out there.

tl;dr You’re full of shit, you are not authorized to give legal advice in any jurisdiction, and you are deliberately fear-mongering by misinterpreting the law.

Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

– signed, a fucking lawyer

e. what i said above was ambiguous, have a clarification. if it is not of a specific identifiable minor child, the only way you can get a conviction under the statute is if the rendition is indistinguishable from an actual person, that is, a 3D graphic image.

@allships-are-goodships and @anti-anti-wincest, this is the post your anons are talking about, with an excellent clarification and complete rebuttal!

I may have followers who were worried about this, so here's a rebuttal from an actual lawyer. It's okay to draw ship art. Absolutely okay.


The law DOES NOT apply to fictional characters. That long bullshit post about that one statute? The statute DOES NOT APPLY TO CARTOONS AT ALL. It is Specifically about images that either involve real children or are indistinguishable from real children (super realistic digital image). It's been recognized as a violation of constitutional right to arrest someone for art. Any art. As long as it doesn't depict real children, you're literally never going to be in real trouble for it.

Anonymous asked:

It's great to see someone around my age who also ships stuff like this, and knowing it's not just me. Honestly, antis make me feel like such a sick freak, even though I know shipping is just fiction, doesn't really hurt anyone, and I use it to cope with past issues that I don't really like sharing because I'm scared I'll get told it wasn't "bad enough", get grilled with more questions or that I should have been over it by now. Thank you so much for making this blog.

No problem! And sorry this blog isn’t so active, but that’s mainly because I decided that the best way to fight antis is to just ignore their petty asses as if they’re children throwing a tantrum. Because that’s basically what they are. If I don’t give them the attention they want, hopefully they’ll get bored and move on.

But yes, I am 21 years old and I ship BillDip. For that reason I often reimagine (because you can do that in fiction, what a surprise) Dipper as close to my age. It’s easy for me, as an adult, to write another adult. And I’m asexual but I’m still more comfortable imagining an adult character getting romantic/sexual with a demon than a kid, though anyone who’s paid even the slightest bit of attention to canon would know that Bill wouldn’t give a fuck about Dipper’s age anyway. He’s a trillion years old and human morality means nothing to him. But I don’t ship based on ages. Never have. I ship based on personalities and no more. When I was a teen I shipped a ton of “problematic” stuff from Invader Zim. Am I expected to just stop shipping things because I’m now an adult? Um, no, because fictional interests have nothing to do with age. I still watch cartoons for fuck’s sake. So yes I will ship, and I won’t let anyone make me feel bad about it, because as long as I know where to draw lines in real life, who cares?

Sorry I got kinda off track but I’m sorry antis have made you feel bad. Never feel bad about the things you ship, there is nothing wrong with you and they have no right to tell you how to recover from your abuse. Cope however you like and if anyone gives you shit for it, block them. You know what’s best for you. :)


From now on I just encourage people to respond to anti-shippers/anti-problematic fiction people with Fallacy Football memes that fit the context of whatever argument they are having with one.

“Abuse apologists!!” “Pedophiles!!”

“You are a pedophile/abuse apologist!”

“Violence in fiction is not the same thing as sexual content! This isn’t the same as the video games make kids violent argument that was found to be untrue!”


“Fuck you I hope you die you scum!!”

“There’s a whole community that feels this way!!”

“Shipping leads to real life abuse because it teaches people it’s okay and I’m not reading any of your sources talking about how it’s more complex than that!”

“If you don’t agree with me then you are a terrible person and as bad as people who actually hurt others!!”

“Shippers have done bad things too!!”

You see where I’m going with this.


sorry I haven’t been that active, I just haven’t felt up for dealing with antis because they literally just regurgitate the same misinformed nonsense all the time and it gets boring. I will debate with them if I see them directly bothering one of my friends or if they message me first, but I see no point in trying to seek them out because that doesn’t make me much better than them.

So my outlook from now on? Don’t even give them the benefit of your response. You talking to them gives them an opportunity to come after you and accuse you of horrible things. The best way to beat them is to just block them the moment you see them. If the post is bad enough, feel free to flag it. It can be considered spam if it is irrelevant to the tag or misleading. For example, tagged with a ship name so you expect it to be in support of that ship but instead it’s hate. Which doesn’t belong in that tag. But mostly you wanna make use of that block button. They can’t do much if they can’t find your posts in the tag, huh?

If you do get engaged then that’s another story. Feel free to debate civilly if you wish, or hell, aggressively if that’s your style. But there’s no shame in telling them, “I do not want to argue about this, if you don’t want to see my content then block me and blacklist the tag” and then block them. Don’t force yourself to talk to any anti if they’re bullying you and making you feel bad. Cut them off immediately if they start that abusive shit.

Those are my feelings on the matter. Feel free to @ me if you need help or send me a message, but I’m probably not going to intentionally seek out these people anymore. They aren’t worth my time and they aren’t worth yours.

Anonymous asked:

Gross, billdip-is-dead is posting in my tag :/

gross. Block em, you'll never see their posts again. It'll be like they're screaming into the void


I wish words like ‘pedophile’, ‘abuse apologist’, etc. hadn’t become such huge buzzwords on this site to refer to anyone who has indulged in fiction or has an opinion on it that isn’t the extreme “fictional content is evil so we must edradicate it and shame everyone who looks at it” mindset. Those accusations are so dangerous to throw at people and cause so much damage and now they basically apply to like half of this site which is terrifying because anyone could get labeled those things if they catch the attention from the wrong person.

I’ve seen those false accusations used to destroy the reputations of people who were at times barely adults or even minors themselves by getting a mob against them for superficial or even fabricacted reasons, as well as seen those accusations destroy the mental health of vulnerable individuals and trigger them as well as drive them to near suicide time and time again.

Can people PLEASE stop misusing words like this that hold such huge negative connotations to refer to people that don’t even remotely fit under these categories? It’s so insulting and trivilaizes real abuse to say a bunch of people who aren’t doing anything to hurt anyone somehow fit under abusive categories. It’s fucking sick.

ALSO!!!! If you’re actually properly educated on the matter, “Pedophile” has NO NEGATIVE CONNOTATION WHATSOEVER! Just like ALL parphilic disorders (abnormal sexual attraction to non-explicitly-sexual things, like feet, or balloons) pedophilic disorder is a MENTAL ILLNESS. Not only that, but it is believed to have neurological roots. Researchers have theorized that some factor causes neurons to misfire and trigger sexual arousal when faced with non-sexual things, such as prepubescent children. Pedophilia can also be a part of many other mental disorders, including those in which a patient may be mentally regressed to a much younger age, thus causing them to be attracted to kids that are “the same age,” even though they’re not. NO MENTAL ILLNESS IS A CHOICE. And by demonizing people and falsely accusing them of abuse, you are contributing to a stigma that results in pedophilic people NOT seeking treatment and bottling their feelings up inside. Some people are able to do so and live their lives normally. Countless others will reach a breaking point and act on their urges, despite knowing it’s wrong. All it takes is compassion and understanding. But that’s something that Antis are completely devoid of, isn’t it?

Anonymous asked:

This is probably a dumb question but I don't know any billdip blogs. I've been looking for this billdip comic where dipper was tricked by bill nearby the portal in the basement and as dipper is nearing being pushed through, he manages to take bill with him using gideon's amulet and messed up the universe as a result but bill gives him a chance to start over? I'm sorry for bugging you on this, I just wanted to find this comic since I can't seem to locate it. Thanks!

Hm, I’m really not sure, anon. I know The Cipher Project involves the portal but I’m not fully caught up on that so I don’t know if that’s it. Maybe one of my followers can help?

Anonymous asked:

Just a btw safe-search is on by default on mobile as well

There you have it folks. Amazing


I will be opening asks if anyone wants to send receipts.

Furthermore, if anyone is interested in sharing their stories about how billdip-is-dead caused harm to them (I know many people feel this way but are scared to speak up about it) please send a message and I will compile all the messages as evidence.

I will keep everyone anonymous so do not worry about having your username attached to anything. You have my word.

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any ideas or tips for my account? I wanna get lots of asks about ships like other accounts like yours. (my account is @ciel-against-antis , but it's not my main, so I'm just staying on anon.) I wanna help people.

I'm not that active here these days but really the best way to get noticed is to make your presence known in the tags. Make supportive posts. Talk about headcanons. Heck you can even go as far as to address people that are posting ship hate, the resulting debate will definitely bring attention to you. You can chat with other shipper blogs and be noticed by their followers too. So there are a few things you could try. And you can ask the more popular blogs for shoutouts even. Good luck to you! :D


Why do antis like comparing shipping to Fifty Shades of Grey??? There are so many things wrong with it that I barely know where to begin. First off, the target audiences, so to speak, are like. Completely different. Trying to equate middle-aged women with little to no knowledge of how abuse or BDSM works isn’t quite the same as a community in which very many people explicitly understand that it would be wrong in real life, and have even gone through abuse. Not to mention the fact that ships aren’t really marketed toward anyone like mainstream entertainment is. You have an interest in it, you seek content, and you don’t really see much otherwise. Movies and books have target audiences to catch peoples’ interest, shippers just create content for those who already like it. And setting aside sexual art (which the majority of is properly tagged) I really don’t think a drawing of two characters cuddling or kissing is gonna make people think “oh, manipulation and abuse are fun things!” That’s just the wildest reach. I don’t really understand how anyone can pull abuse out of content that actually portrays a healthy relationship just because of the “problematic” elements in it, and even less so when literally the only problem is how one or both characters act in canon. But, arguments aside, they probably like to use the analogy because it is highly inflammatory and, because people don’t really bother to look into things on this shit site before jumping onto hate campaigns, it works because obviously anything that resembles 50 Shades of Grey is immediately disgusting and shouldn’t exist (not that this isn’t true to some degree but that’s just not how shipping works).

Anonymous asked:

My best friend loves BillDip, which (as we know) is a commonly hated ship. She's a very sweet, kind, innocent person, but she's also sensitive and aggressive... if that makes sense. So, I guess I kind of want some tips on a) how to help her stay away from the hate, and b) help her cope if she comes across it. If you can't provide, that's 100% okay! If you can, then thank you! xoxo

I think the best thing to do would be for her to preemptively block as many antis as possible. I know @antis-to-block regularly posts people who spam tags and you can search by pairing, but if she’s worried about blocking someone who isn’t actually an anti then I'd really have to suggest just carefully going into the tag and blocking from there. It might be an uncomfortable experience with all the hate, but a few minutes of scrolling and blocking will probably get you off to a good start. And afterward she can relax and look at some actual content to forget about the antis. Or if she isn’t up for that, maybe you could go and collect names for her to block and just pass them along. I’ve blocked tons of antis on my main and the BillDip tag is pretty clear for me. And since I can’t see them, they won’t see anything I post. That would probably be the best way for your friend to avoid those people. Tagging BillDip posts as only BillDip, without the fandom tag, should also keep it specific to the ship tag, so if anyone finds it they were clearly looking for it.

As for what to do if she does find hate, I think the best thing to do is just take a deep breath, tell herself that they’re just whiny children throwing a tantrum over something they don’t like, and then block them because their opinion isn’t worth listening to and doesn’t belong in that tag. Harsh but it’s easy to not let what they’re saying affect you if you just think of them as pests and immediately block them to get their post away from you. And then you can keep scrolling and looking at actual content to calm down. Maybe she could keep a tag on her blog for fluffy BillDip, or a folder on her computer, that she can dive into whenever she sees something upsetting.

That’s the best advice I can give, others are welcome to provide comments too!

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