
https://www.reddit.com/r/UntitledCommunity/ Download the Reddit app here: https://reddit.app.link/wwu4bpjPtW

Now I gotta subreddit for the Untitled Community! Tumblr has become a lot morr dead recently so I’m broadening my horisons for those who feel the same about this platform, feel free to join people


Go and follow my Instagram page if you don’t use tumblr all that often but want to keep seeing my posts, stay well people :)


Just a quick thank you

Thank you for everyone who has shown @cacodactyl some love, it’s been so great seeing his piece blow up like this so even though I know only a small percentage of people will see this, thank for supporting my mate and his amazing art work; he deserves it so much :)

Oh and still go and show him some love :)

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