

As a child, I was always searching for the meaning of it all, the big Why; and my father always said that there is no one big purpose but I had the most ripe orange today and kissed my cat goodnight, I think that's enough purpose for a day.

-Ritika Jyala, excerpt from The Flesh I Burned

“Sometimes in late summer I won’t touch anything, not the flowers, not the blackberries brimming in the thickets; I won’t drink from the pond; I won’t name the birds or the trees; I won’t whisper my own name. One morning the fox came down the hill, glittering and confident, and didn’t see me—and I thought: so this is the world. I’m not in it. It is beautiful.”
— Mary Oliver, October (excerpt)

I think about my ancestors all the time. They were people, people who fell in love, people who had pets, people who had a favorite book, people who were passionate about a specific topic, people who went through their own tragedy and suffering. Every single one of them was a person with their own unique life experiences.

And sometimes I think of the really old ones- the ones who spoke languages that are no longer spoken, who lived alongside wildlife that no longer exist, who belonged to cultures that are only known through remnants of pottery. I think of the people who saw the world when it was wilder and more beautiful.

“Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.”

Linda Hogan, from ‘Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World’ (via jardindefruits)


It's March 2021.

Breonna Taylor was murdered by the police on March 13, 2020.

Breonna Taylor has not received justice.

“Do you ever realize how badly you’re going to miss a moment while you’re living it? Like wow, these are the good days. I am here and I am happy and I am alive.”

— Unknown


im so tired of seeing (white) people comment on how expensive native made goods are. your expected prices for items are made by underpayed exploited people. asking natives, who are already more likely to be at a financial disadvantage, to charge those same rates, especially when we already underpay ourselves for what we make, is so insulting. i know that my beadwork is more expensive than a pair of earrings from F21 or h+m or walmart or amazon. but i still make $3-4 an hour on them, i pray over every stitch like i was taught, i use a stitch that is specific to how i was taught. you arent just buying beadwork, or a weaving, or a piece of silver jewelry, you are buying the result of hundreds of hours of practice and learning, and traditions being passed down.


trump finalized auctioning off land in the arctic national wildlife refuge to oil and gas companies which would not only damage the ecosystem, negatively impact wildlife, and pollute one of the last environmental regions untouched by human greed but it would also disproportionately affect the Gwich’in who rely on the migration of caribou in that region.

reblog or maybe consider donating to the natural resources defense council on this?



Red Sucker Lake First Nation is fighting a COVID outbreak without running water - PPE is being shipped to them ASAP, however if you want to assist with shipping costs, you can etransfer a donation to torontoindigenousHR@gmail.com


Brandon Bernard

july 3, 1980 — 9:27 p.m. december 10, 2020


hello !!! brandon bernard is a black man scheduled to be executed on 12/10 for a crime he was convicted of when he was eighteen, and his own jurors and warden believe he should not be executed. if you go to this website (coded by this wonderful girl!) it will generate a unique email template that you can send to your senators, representatives, and the department of justice. it takes less than five minutes to do so please do your part to help!


Black kids deserve to be treated like kids.

Black kids deserve to be able to grow up at their own pace instead of being held to adult standards as children.

Black kids deserve to grow up without fear that white adults will somehow feel “threatened” by them and make them suffer for it.

Black kids deserve a safe place to unload their thoughts and feelings without being belittled or punished for it.

Black kids deserve a support system.

Black kids deserve to be taken seriously.

Black kids deserve to take up space.

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