
oleg but like with a k on the end


crimeofpassion on discord. i swear im still here

hey nothing personal friend many people have pointed this out but i'd just like to say that besides how sad it is that you are unwilling to believe a relatively innocuous story was posted on twitter dot com for any other reason than clout, a little basic research digs up the fact that there is in fact an archive for new york times crossword puzzles in which you can access previous puzzles if you happened to miss one or wanted to go back through a series of crosswords if you just got into it recently. is it really so hard to believe that someone had access to previous crossword puzzles, just like you had access to previous days' answers?

i get it, people love to search for ways that famous posts didn't "actually happen" because it always feels good to be right on the internet, especially if you make up the narrative that the original poster is just doing it just for attention. but if you don't do any more research than that it kinda just looks sad and bitter for no reason. we pattern-finding animals often can't accept that the world is full of beautiful coincidences, but they're happening every day all around us.


PROMISE KEPT: Future Paradox Cursola!!! Rock/Grass

Unexpected adaptations cause Promise Kept’s branches to grow hybrid land-sea anemone. Ecologists theorize Cursola reverted back to its ancient form, after decades of restoration efforts by humans.

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