
Neurodivergents Welcome!

@adhd-hippie / adhd-hippie.tumblr.com

she/they aspec gender queer

My random unsubstantiated hypothesis of the day: the popularity of "stim" videos, fidget toys, and other things like that is a warning sign that something's Deeply Wrong with our world.

Don't freak out. I am autistic. These things are not bad. However, can we just...take a second to notice how weird it is that there are entire social media accounts full of 10-second videos of things making crunching noises, people squishing slime in their hands, and objects clacking together, and that enjoying them is mainstream and normal?

It seems that nowadays, almost everyone exhibits sensory-seeking behavior, when just a decade ago, the idea of anyone having "sensory needs" was mostly obscure. It is a mainstream Thing to "crave" certain textures or repetitive sounds.

What's even weirder, is that it's not just that "stim" content is mainstream; the way everything on the internet is filmed seems to look more like "stim" content. TikToks frequently have a sensory-detail-oriented style that is highly unusual in older online content, honing in on the tactile, visual and auditory characteristics of whatever it's showing, whether that's an eye shadow palette or a cabin in a forest.

When an "influencer" markets their makeup brand, they film videos that almost...highlight that it's a physical substance that can be smudged and smeared around. Online models don't just wear clothes they're advertising, they run their hands over them and make the fabric swish and ripple.

I think this can be seen as a symptom of something wrong with the physical world we live in. I think that almost everyone is chronically understimulated.

Spending time alone in the forest has convinced me of this. The sensory world of a forest is not only much richer than any indoor environment, it is abundant with the sorts of sensations that people seem to "crave" chronically, and the more I've noticed and specifically focused on this, the more I've noticed that the "modern" human's surroundings are incredibly flat in what they offer to the senses.

First of all, forests are constantly permeated with a very soft wash of background noise that is now often absent in the indoor world. The sound of wind through trees has a physiological effect you can FEEL. It's always been a Thing that people are relaxed by white noise, which leads to us being put at ease by the ambient hum of air conditioning units, refrigerators and fans. But now, technology has become much more silent, and it's not at all out of place to hypothesize that environments without "ambient" white noise are detrimental to us.

Furthermore, a forest's ambience is full of rhythmic and melodic elements, whereas "indoor" sounds are often harsh, flat and irregular.

Secondly: the crunch. This is actually one of the most notably missing aspects of the indoor sensory world. Humans, when given access to crunchable things, will crunch them. And in a forest, crunchy things are everywhere. Bark, twigs and dry leaves have crisp and brittle qualities that only a few man-made objects have, and they are different with every type of plant and tree.

Most humans aren't in a lot of contact with things that are "destroyable" either, things you can toy with and tear to little bits in your hands. I think virtually everyone has restlessly torn up a scrap of paper or split a blade of grass with their thumbnail; it's a cliche. And since fidget toys in classrooms are becoming a subject of debate, I think it pays to remember that the vast majority of your ancestors learned everything they knew with a thousand "fidget toys" within arm's reach.

And there is of course mud, and clay, and dirt, and wet sand. I'm 100% serious, squishing mud and clay is vital to the human brain. Why do you think Play-Doh is such a staple elementary school toy. Why do you think mud is the universal cliche thing kids play in for fun. It's such a common "stim" category for a reason.

I could go on and on. It's insane how unstimulating most environments humans spend time in are. And this definitely contributes to ecological illiteracy, because people aren't prepared to comprehend how detailed the natural world is. There are dozens of species of fireflies in the United States, and thousands of species of moths. If you don't put herbicides on your lawn, there are likely at least 20 species of plant in a single square meter of it. I've counted at least 15 species of grass alone in my yard.

Would it be overreach to suggest that some vital perceptive abilities are just not fully developing in today's human? Like. I had to TEACH myself to be able, literally able, to perceive details of living things that were below a certain size, even though my eyes could detect those details, because I just wasn't accustomed to paying attention to things that small. I think something...happens when almost all the objects you interact with daily are human-made.

The people that think ADHD is caused by kids' brains being exposed to "too much stuff" by Electronic Devices...do not go outside, because spending a few minutes in a natural environment has more stimuli in it than a few hours of That Damn Phone.

A patch of tree bark the size of my phone's screen has more going on than my phone can display. When you start photographing lots of living organisms, you run into the strange and brain-shifting reality that your electronic device literally cannot create and store images big enough to show everything you, in real life, may notice about that organism.


This is fascinating! I used to be a big consumer of ASMR videos but I've noticed my desire for them decrease immensely since January.

Prior to 2022 I was living in a basement apartment, in a suburb, in a large town. In September I moved to the coast, in January I moved into my current apartment with 4 large windows and less than a mile from the ocean.

In front of my house is a grass patch I've let go and fill up with wild flowers, behind the property I live on it is wooded and generally speaking the weather here is far more tempestuous than it was in my old home.

Wind is a daily reality and creates so much sensation and noise. Not to mention I go to the beach weekly. Rarely for long and in winter it's too cold to leave my car but the roar of the ocean, the smell of it, the sight, these are all stimulating in a way that no slime or fidget spinner could ever even approach.

I think op is on to something here and I'd love to see it studied

I had to leave the beach home in Nov due to shitty job issues. I'm now back in a basement apt while I save to buy a house.

Really glad I hopped back on Tumblr and saw this because 100 % explains why winter (mostly indoors) was so hard and why the return of the sun was actually a welcome experience rather than the doom it usually is for my frost and rain loving soul.

I spent the last 2 evenings outside for hours. It's probably time to try gardening again.


Logged in again simply to say I hate it when parents say "only parents understand".

I was a babysitter from ages 13 to 30, I lived with my sister and her 2 kids for 3 years, I was a para educator for 2 years and am in my 3rd year of teaching.

I am not a fucking parent, and please don't call me one, but I sure as fuck know about bedtimes and diapers, booster seats and binkies, and I sure as shit know what it's like to be so sick of kids and kid problems that going to the bank feels like a treat.

Your experiences aren't unique and your challenges aren't special so fuck off Brenda!


Why is it okay for dog people to talk about how much they hate cats but I even vaguely hint at the fact that I don't really care for dogs and I'm some kind of monster?

Seriously dogs are loud and smelly and they don't bury their shit. The pee on your grass and they're just awful pets in my opinion. But say that to a person on the street and they act like I told them my hobbies include killing puppies.

Meanwhile they feel it's perfectly okay to tell me cats are evil and they hate them, no reasons cited at all.

Okay, you're not a cat person that's fine. But dogs aren't inherently better and I'm allowed to think they make shitty pets.

This is a rant and an expression of MY feelings. Great you have the best dog ever, I'm happy for you. Yes I know dogs are cute I don't work at an animal shelter an not get that. I even routinely spend hours petting, feeding and walking shelter dogs. They're sweet, they still suck and they still smell. Yes yes cat smell too except they dont their litter boxes do and thars fixable. Ive heard the arguments, the reasoning, the excuses. The fact is im allowed to say i dont like dogs!


Year 29 of trying to explain that the mistakes I made are actually due to a disability (adhd) and being ignored.

People are so fucking supportive when it's lol lost my keys inside emy house, lol I'm so disorganized. But when that's not your issue, when people are forced to deal with the emotional disregulation and impulse control that can lead you to being unintentionally hurtful they don't wanna see it.

Guess I'll just have to keep working on the aspects of my disability that have been present since day one, that I've been working on for 29 of my 39 years of life, and hope that this is the year I stop being disabled i guess.

Kaniela Ing said Lahaina’s pre-colonial history is particularly important for people to know—not just for the sake of Lahaina’s Native residents, but because it reveals the deeply unnatural roots of this so-called “natural” disaster. After all, he noted, Lahaina used to be a wetland. It was only because of colonization and climate change that it became a tinderbox. “Lahaina wasn’t always a dry, fire-prone region. It was very wet and lush, historically. Boats would circle the famous Waiola Church. Lahaina was also the breeding place of aquaculture. It had some of the world's first and most innovative systems of fish ponds. ”But at the dawn of the 18th century, sugar barons arrived and illicitly diverted the water to irrigate the lands they had stolen. (Note: 18th century European sugar and pineapple barons also brought invasive grasses, Wired reports, which now cover 26 percent of Hawaii and become “explosive” fuel for wildfires.) “Today, descendants from those same barons amass fast profits from controlling our irrigation, our land use, and political influence. Alexander and Baldwin are two big missionary families of the original oligarchs, and they’re currently the largest landowners on Maui. That’s the name of their corporation and they’re one of the top political donors here today. “So on one hand, the climate emergency caused this. On the other, it’s also that history of colonial greed that made Lahaina the dry place that it is."

“I think this is an opportunity to build community in a way that it's harder to do normally. Like normally, there will be organizations doing political stuff, asking folks “do you support 100% renewable energy?” And the only people you you activate are already activists.

“But we really need to do both. We need to be doing wellness checks for disaster survivors, not just for the first month, but even for years out. We need to be helping them through insurance claims, advocating legislatures and the federal government for more assistance down the line when the cameras are gone and people stop paying attention. That's when the real work begins.

“If you look at the far right, they’re doing this. Proud Boys are out doing disaster relief. So we need to be the ones doing it. Stop talking, stop navel gazing, and mobilizing people who already care about climate, and start asking people what they need.”-Kaniela Ing

Source: heated.world

Every january goth couples are fucking hard to try and have a halloween baby they're gonna name ophelia or some shit

I’m a Halloween baby but my parents are normal so I’m Garrett

Hi garrett


PSA: *Beware* AI-generated fungi guudebooks!!

…Not a phrase I imagined myself typing today. But, via @heyMAKWA on Twitter:

“i'm not going to link any of them here, for a variety of reasons, but please be aware of what is probably the deadliest AI scam i've ever heard of:

“plant and fungi foraging guide books. the authors are invented, their credentials are invented, and their species IDs will kill you”

…So please be careful if you run across anything of this kind.



if there's anything worth paying for and anything worth the time to research it's a guide to fungus, lest you die.


i sit down to write a simple little oneshot

i look up from computer once I am done, eyes red and vision blurry. the time is 2 AM. the word-count is 16k. we are 6 chapters deep, and now there will be a spin-off sequel. i have lost control of the narrative. i have lost control of my life.


I just saw a story on AO3 tagged "pet p!ay"


Ok, unless something's going on I'm not aware of (extremely likely), I gotta point out the term "Pet Play" is significantly older than Tik Tok, or most of its userbase for that matter.

Yeah, I'm not mad about using the term "pet play". That's a perfectly fine term. I'm mad because they didn't use that term: they used "pet p!ay", a censored version

Oh. Oh gawd I missed that. Objection withdrawn, that is objectively terrible.


To anybody who is new to posting on ao3, if you’re using a tag you have to use the correct spelling of that tag. People aren’t going to type in every version of a censored word to hide or look for your content 


For everyone new to tumblr, the same rule applies to tumblr too.

You cannot censor your tags! Censored tags cannot be block or filtered. Censoring tags HARMS your audience, it does not protect them


taking a class on sex this semester which has resulted in many fun things like "sex activity" and "sex final" being added to my planner. being very mature and serious about this .


I had a class called "What is Evil?" The professor called us his "evil students" and I got to say things like: "I have evil class later." and "I have readings in evil to do." and "Well my evil professor said..."

I miss having that class


[ID: tumblr reply on this post reading "my partner did a sociology degree and one of the modules was on organised crime. very funny to see stuff like "anyone doing organised crime this afternoon" in a uni groupchat"]


The more I get back into liking, loving and lusting on people, the more I'm reminded what a sanitized, segregated lie queers have been built into.

I've met the sweetest, prettiest queens who tell me "Well, I'm a transsexual. Sometimes I call myself a transman because both my trans self and my manhood are me."

New friends tell me about the sexcapades their closed polycule gets up to that they just watch because they're a kinky ace.

There's staunch lesbians who helped the love of their life transition as a transmasc, gay men begging to be topped by trans men with the fattest tits.

Older queers don't hesitate to shout "oh, like Prince!" when I tell them I'm androgyne. Vanilla questioning men will text me day after day before shyly confessing I'm their dream guy. Closeted trans women ask to kiss me because I'm their dream girl. Doms and subs who melt when they realize I'm both and neither, and they didn't know somebody like me existed.

There's vanilla lesbians on Grindr and acearos who have shown me love deeper than I thought possible and guydykes kissing girlfags and MtFtMtX elders and throuples that have so much affection that they just collectively parent babygays who got disowned.

Everybody is so beautiful! There is so much love! It is no wonder a cruel world has a vested interest in suppressing queerness when humanity is so expansive to us.

I also want to make it explicit that not only are these real people, but like. This is explicitly about people I know across the spectrum of race, ability, and more. Including me, a fat cripple!

Queerness is not the exclusive domain of the thin, the white, and the ablebodied. If you are any of those things and can only picture queer people like you? You need to ask yourself why.

That's why I'm making this addition. It is on me as a white person to make the room for queer BIPOC that is vehemently, violently denied. And I did not make that room in the original post.

Intersectional and lateral aggression kills. There's no "community" without U and I.


Maybe we shouldn't be attributing someone's worth to their ability to love?


looking at tumblr reactions being like "omg i thought it's just a joke and we're not watching oppenheimer" to ppl actually watching both of barbenheimer movies - some of you would really benefit from watching something out of your comfort zone, so you don't end up looking like some bright colours, loud sounds addicted ipad toddler on one end of horse shoe theory with insufferable film bros on the other


Just because Barbie is pink doesn't mean it's shallow.

Maybe we should scrutinize the types of value judgments that somehow place Barbie beneath Oppenheimer on a scale of serious to not serious.

Why is the life of a 20th-century icon like Oppenheimer more important than me exploring my life through the lens of an iconic toy like Barbie?

Why is choosing not to watch male centered Oppenheimer bad but choosing not to watch female centered Barbie is just a choice?

I smell misogyny.

at which point am i saying barbie is shallow, please tell me?or where i said that oppenheimer is better? where i used obvious hyperboles on how internet decided to divide the audiences? barbie is for girls and oppenheimer is for boys? do you honestly think that "insufferable film bros" is a compliment? are you done building up that strawman and maybe ready to actually reread what i wrote?

i said that from time to time it's good to engage with content outside of your comfort zone, so you can evolve as a person instead of sitting in the echo chamber of easy choices, whatever that easy choice is, depends on the person. and since reactions on tumblr, that i've encountered, are the way they are, the post is worded appropriately, but shit goes both ways. if someone told me they're not watching barbie, bc they think it's shallow and they're only into "serious" movies, i'd say exactly the same, that it's stupid they're not allowing themselves to engage with something new.

i smell reading comprehension issues

It was inferred.

Comparing those who choose to watch Barbie only aren't challenging themselves and relating such behavior to that of "toddlers" is a pretty judgemental statement.

If you had made the statement you made above for Oppenheimer watchers, my criticism would've been invalid and out of place, but you didn't. You chose to make a comment ONLY about Barbie watchers, and you chose to compare those who choose Barbie only to toddlers.

Maybe I read too much into your statement, but maybe YOU should use kinder and more tolerant language when making a statement about how others may be perceived.

As it stands comparing an audience of largely women and queer people (as it's clear that's who's most hyped about Barbie) to children simply because they choose not to engage with what is OBJECTIVELY a movie with a more serious tone is infantalizing. A commonly used means of oppression under patriarchy.

So, nope, not taking back what I said, not backing down off this hill, don't like it? Block me.

honestly, the fuck are you talking about, you didn't reread shit nor understood anything. your criticism is invalid and out of place not bc of which movie it is about, but bc you did not understand what post is about.

reactions that i've seen to barbenheimer on tumblr are the way i described in og post, with a lot of ppl not wanting to watch the latter and thinking it was just a joke. therefore post is about them and not some theoretical, exactly opposite reactions. are there some? maybe, idk, haven't seen them here. i've seen some screenshots of ppl being mad at barbie or ben shapiro apparently having 43min meltdown over barbie, idk haven't watched his vid, and ppl here on tumblr dunking on them, rightfully so. however i didn't see those mentioning oppenheimer, so doesn't even apply to comparison. and the post is not about "those who choose to watch Barbie only", it's about reactions of some of them to ppl watching both movies.

you don't get what's actually written, so you keep putting words in my mouth. those who choose to watch barbie are not toddlers, those who refuse to watch anything out of their hyperbolic bright colours easy choices can end up looking like toddlers. and those who refuse to watch anything out of their hyperbolic only supposedly "serious movies" easy choices, bc that makes them feel superior for no reason, can end up as insufferable film bros. hell yeah those are judgemental, both of them are, but your tunnel vision doesn't allow you to see that. if i put those on opposite ends of horse shoe theory, then by definition it means they're both equally bad in my opinion. it's common on tumblr to laugh at those film bros, what i'm pointing out is that the other end is also bad.

the og post is essentialy about exercising, about forcing yourself out of those easy choices, about enriching your eclosure by adding something new and unusual from time to time, about over coming that natural kneejerk reaction of "ew i don't want to try something new", bc succumbing to that is bad for you. if you basically refuse to watch anything but cartoons for kids, then it's bad for you and your media literacy. same about watching just tarantino type of movies. damn, same about even the most acclaimed authors, reading exclusively shakespeare over and over won't be that good for your development either.

you didn't read to much into what i wrote, you did "how dare you say we piss on the poor". you misread something, put words in my mouth, based on that misreading put a label on me and would rather double down looking like a dumbass, than just reread what's actually written - that's on you. but to then try shift the blame and basically demand from other ppl on the internet to write on their own private blogs in a way you prefer, bc you have reading comprehension issues - LMAO

Just because you didn't intend to say it doesn't mean the implications aren't there.

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