
An Artist and Fan of Anime

@ina-bon / ina-bon.tumblr.com

Carolina. She/Her. 30+. I'm an artist and a fan of many types of anime. I often draw some of my favorite series and post them up here. I'm multifandom so there will be a lot of different series in my blog, along with anything I find interesting. Everything is tagged so use them to help navigate around. I hope you all have a nice time.

As someone who was recently in Fukui, this isn't even scratching the surface of how mad the town is for dinosaurs.

For example, here is the outside of the train station:

If you thought that they were only outside the station, think again!

The last dinosaur has a crab, because the region is known for seafood.

You can even buy coffee emblazoned with dinosaurs!

And that's not even getting into how you get to the nearby Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum. Behold, the Dino-Liner:

And if you're like, man I don't know how the museum will top all of these dinosaurs, boy do I have news for you.

And then you get to the cafe:

But, eventually, it was time to head back to the train station...on the dino bus.




先日サムレムをクリアしたのですが、伊織殿&セイバーが予想を遥かに超えてあまりにも好きになってしまい 最近彼らの事ばかり考えています…… これが脳を焼かれるという感覚なのですね…

FGOの方で シロセミ、オベ&キャスちゃんに加えて、伊織殿&セイバーもLv.120目指そうと思います

Source: x.com

It is May 17, 2024. Happy 20th Anniversary to legal status for same sex marriages here in Massachusetts.

Never forget how recent some of our victories are. And how many more fights still lay ahead.

For our Trans siblings, our disabled siblings, our POC siblings, we fight on.


Maybe this is the wrong platform to pose this question given the average tumblr user but

Is it just me or did our generation (those of is who are currently 20-30 ish) just not get the opportunity to be young in the 'standard' sense?

Like, everyone I talk to who's over 40 has all their wild stories about their teens and 20s, being young and dumb, and then I talk to my friends and coworkers and classmates, and we just... dont.

My mom tells stories of skipping school to sneak across the border and spend the day at a bar in Mexico. I was threatened with not being allowed to graduate because of senior ditch day. One of my friends had to go to his first hour class on senior ditch day because the teacher, who almost exclusively taught seniors, arranged a huge exam that day with no available makeup days, specifically to punish kids who took part in ditch day. Our wild and crazy ditch day was playing mini golf and then stopping for ice cream on our way back to one of our friends' houses to play cards against humanity.

Don't get me wrong, we had fun. But all of that, threats of not graduating, threats of failing classes over a single test, over some mini golf and ice cream?

Throughout high school and early in college, my friend group got kicked out of malls, stores, and even a parking lot just for being there wrong. Not being loud of disruptive. Not causing problems. Just being there too long, or without buying anything.

My mom graduated high school, after repeating her senior year, without a single grade above a D, and was offered a full ride scholarship to a state university to play on their women's football team. I had a 3.8 GPA, multiple extracurriculars, a summer job, and over 100 hours of volunteer work, and barely got into that same university, and then couldn't afford to go there anyway.

We've made getting into college so important and yet so difficult that kids are sacrificing their childhoods for it.

Then they become adults and it doesn't go away. Your employer/ potential employers are searching your social media and internet presence so you'd better hope no one has ever posted a picture of you at a party, or with alcohol, or wearing revealing clothes, or whatever else they've deemed unprofessional. And if you want to go out it's a 10 dollar cover and drinks are at least 8 dollars, and you need to tip if there's any kind of live entertainment, who can afford to do all that regularly?

My physical therapist, when I was 18, told me about his 21st birthday, how the last thing he remembers is people taking body shots off him. I spent my 21st birthday alone, was in bed by 10pm because I had to be at work the next morning. My boss had already told me that they knew it was my 21st, and if I called out, she'd write me up for improper use of sick leave because you're not allowed to use sick leave for a hangover. I don't know anyone whose 21st birthday was a big deal. No one went out and partied for it.

I dont really know where I'm going with all of this. I guess I just don't understand the point of it all. We spend our youth working hard to provide a future that we still can't afford. We have to be responsible and professional as teenagers. And we get nothing out of it. We can't afford life or friends or fun. At least our parents got to have fun being young and dumb, we just got groomed on kik.

So I'm not the only one noticing this. I wish I had an answer or at least something to say about it. But I dont. I'm just tired.


Original report (waybacked PDF) is from 2007. That's Gen Z kids.

When I, Gen-Xer, was about 12 - in my rural home, I had about a three-mile range. (Could've pushed it to more, but didn't want to walk that far.) In the city, it was about a mile. Not that anyone was checking; again, that was about the distance I wanted to walk, and besides, that covered all of "downtown."

My kids? Closer to that 300 yards limit at the same age. Not because I wanted to restrict them, but we live next to a freeway on-ramp and between two sets of train tracks... and there is absolutely nothing kid-friendly within a half-mile for them to visit.

I spent my 21st birthday bar-hopping. My kids spent their 21st birthdays at home with a nice meal. I don't think either of them wanted to go bar-hopping - but yeah, as a society, we've removed a LOT of teen-friendly options.

See also: End of Third Places, switch from video game arcades to home consoles (hey, then every kid has to buy their own copy--great for game-makers!), shutdown of malls or restrictions on youth at them, closure of public parks, reduced/removed after-school programs, etc. Plus the places that think it's illegal for a 12-year-old to walk to the corner store unsupervised.

I am, however, DELIGHTED to hear that the booze & other vices industries are panicking over Gen Z not going out to party. Like, you spent 30-odd years removing all the places and ways people can hang out together and have fun outside of someone's personal house, and... guess what, when people hit milestone events (graduation, milestone birthdays, job promotion, whatever), they don't immediately flock to the Party Zone that they have never been welcome at. How shocking.

It sucks that Gen Z does not get to party, does not have good celebration options. REALLY sucks that that's often because school or job has decided to tell them not to celebrate, rather than just not having places to go. I'm just not upset over party capitalism taking a hit.

I really thought I was the only one who was “boring”. Though, thinking about it, I never had a friend my age who acted erratic or had stories where they were trouble makers.

That's what businesses get for not wanting to pay people fair wages - no one has the time, money, or energy left to go out and *spend* money. Sucks to suck, asshats!

(sigh) I'm... An 'X'. (They want me to be a 'late stage Boomer', but fuck them with a rusty chainsaw) Our classes were tiny. We went to college under Reagan. They invented the term 'Binge Drinking' to make us feel bad about getting in a week's worth of drinking on Friday & Saturday (after they ruined smoking and free sex- THANK you so MUCH, Senior Boomers!)

We were the 'latchkey generation', true- shoved out the door in summer or given chores if we didn't have anyone to hang out with- which, given how small our age groups were... yah.

I'm afraid I'm not going anywhere with this, but- the world HAS gotten smaller and darker for kids- because Old People are casting a shadow over it. Because they remember the crimes that they would have cheerfully gotten away with.

And now I'm depressed. Sorry, folks.

All of this, plus an increase in surveillance. Everyone films everyone else nowadays just to post on the internet. Everyone's unintentional mistakes, wild nights, and accidental wedgies are posted for the world to see. Of course people don't want to go too wild, they don't want their life posted by a stranger.


There's also the ever increasing culture of fear associated with the increased surveillance. We're not putting cameras everywhere just because - it's specifically because of 9/11 and the 24/7 news cycle that erupted out of it. Columbine a few years before didn't help.

I was a 90's kid. I had huge freedom - I could wander for what felt like miles. The rule, depending on where we lived, was pretty much "Let us know which direction you're going/what park you're gonna go to, then get back home when the streetlights come on".

I do remember having slightly less freedom when we lived near the city, but there was also generally less fun stuff to do, whereas when we lived on military bases or out in the country there was usually lots of countryside to go get lost in, or playgrounds to go find, etc.


it's so annoying seeing posts about Jewish culture—cutesy posts about fighting with g-d that appeal to Christian atheists' religious trauma, posts with Jewish music, posts with pictures of beautiful Jews—getting tens or even hundreds of thousands of notes, but the moment someone makes a post about antisemitism—about how it's built in to Western society, about how it's insidious and creeping, about how you've probably internalized it, about the difficulties we face and the grief we feel—they fail to break jumblr containment. Don't get me wrong, I love that goyim are celebrating Jewish culture as something beautiful and wonderful, but that can't be all we are to you. We're real people with real problems that you can't just ignore in favor of reblogging posts about bagels or whatever


@drowkarios why would you hide this in the tags, this is SO TRUE. There's also ex Christians who treat Judaism as though it's the exact same as Christianity, just without Jesus, and thus must have all the same beliefs that caused them to leave, so they criticize the faith wholly inaccurately

The perversion of what they think “chosen people” and “Tikkun olam” means is genuinely sickening to me.

We’re fictional characters and literary devices, that’s what Jews are to billions of people.

As soon as we stop being figments of an Aesop’s fable they were told as a kid they close up shop and move out OR they have a temper tantrum that we’re not like the Jews in their head at all, and say actually we have nothing to do with the Jews from their books

the Jews of their literary imagination and folklore *is* the anti-semitism

“People love dead Jews” thats why they reblog the funny Jewish stuff and not the antisemitism education, and more than a few history and religion blogs are guilty of promoting Dead Jews over the living Jews on tumblr

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