
we just don't know

@dedkake / dedkake.tumblr.com

lauren | 30s | ace | charles/erik, star trek, star wars, stargate

TW: Alcoholism

With Atlantis grounded, home feels less like reality and more of a construct for John, who starts to unravel when his feelings for Rodney are forced suddenly to the forefront.

A little bit about this fic before you go in.


God! Miller, just kiss me already! No, not like this! That, that… What? What does that mean? No, I didn’t… Nothing. I just, I didn’t mean it like that. I just, we can’t like that because that’s not… Do you know, like…? It’s very, like, you don’t… That’s not what it…

New Girl (2011 - 2018)


I was just thinking about how important it is to have authors (both fan and professional) with whom I feel... safely unsafe, if that makes sense.

Like, this is going to hurt, there are going to be things that happen to these characters that I absolutely Do Not Want to happen, but I trust you and I trust this ride.

@prosocialbehavior you're right and you should say it.

Seriously, this is the philosophy of kink. And theatre. And tabletop RPGs. And rollercoasters.

"I want to experience the emotions of a situation that would be unsafe in real life, but in a safe, make-believe environment, and I need someone I trust to help create that and hold me through it," is a surprisingly common and very powerful thing.


k for live oak! and b for mark on you


Live Oak, K is for............oh, crap it's Kolya

Kolya gives him that sneer, and Rodney wants to roll his eyes, wants to tell him he looks like he just walked in from fascism central casting, but all he can do is stare at the knife and try to keep himself from backing away.

Mark on You, B is for the very latest line I've written in it so far:

Blunt, strong fingers close over John's hand, and he doesn't realize just how weak he is until he tries to squeeze back and can barely manage it.
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