



Reminder. If you’re rping a canon character and feeling insecure about your writing, or fearing replacement, simply remember that your muse is not just a duplicate. No one else will be able to breathe life into that character the way you do. No one else will feel the exact way you feel about your muse. There will be people who value your muse and never stop writing with you no matter what. There will be people who appreciate your portrayal, no matter how many other versions are out there. Always remember why you made your blog. Never let anyone or anything cast your passion out of your heart !!


Skull dips whilst calloused hands busy themselves with the task of sharpening her blade. “You ‘vonce doctore?” Gaze lifts, thick accent heavy upon keen tongue. Saxa despises the Roman tongue, though seldom speak her own - save for her brethren. 


Keen mind watches closely as Saxa’s hands go about their task. Chin lowers slightly in affirmative answer. “Mantle assumed shortly before Gannicus earned freedom upon the sands.” 


@addonexus | continued from here.


“Gannicus speak high of you. Say you both ‘vith honor and can rip 'zhe throat of Roman shit.”


“Gannicus stands as my oldest brother, and dearest friend.” He’s still amused by Saxa, even if not completely over the betrayal he felt. Still. Bonds of brotherhood and love are not so easily broken. Strained, damaged. But not broken. “You are Saxa?”


@addonexus || starter


          ❝—–They once stood as Gladiators. Citizen’s eyes set upon them as they entered the arena of bloodied sands, roars to cheer them as they slaughtered their opponent. Though I shall never taste the victory as they once did, I would seek to be shaped as one…❞


           Mouth twitched into ghost of smile before sobering. “Training already begun, if you’ve learned from my finest pupils. Spartacus has asked I resume mantle of Doctore, to shape those new to our ranks.”


So hello to everyone! I’m still settling this tumblr up, getting gifs and icons and such.

But I’m so glad this fandom is experiencing a resurgence. 

And I’m working on making sure I didn’t miss anyone.

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