
Panoply of Assholes

@ennead13x / ennead13x.tumblr.com

I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of fandom.

i hope they find a stupid tiny fish or something on mars and make mining illegal, just like the devil’s hole in california

these endangered bastards and their bathtub-sized habitat (just the surface shelf of a giant cave structure thanks) singlehandedly pissed off SO many businessmen lol


@wannakissrobits How dare you hide this in the tags!

Anonymous asked:

purge of 2002? of 2012? what ARE those?

Oh, how quickly the past is forgotten. 

They are part of the reason A03 is a thing now. Not the whole reason, but part of it. 

The Great Purges of 2002 and 2012 are when ff.net got a wild hair up their ass about THINK OF THE CHILDREN and nuked any fic posted on there that was explicit. Thousands upon thousands of nc-17 smutfics were lost.

It’s what led to the creation of alternate hosting sites for smutty fic…AdultFanfiction was the one I went to…but thousands of fics would never be recovered. 


Shit like the Great Purges and the Strikethrough of Livejournal eventually led to fans banding together to create A03, which I would have absolutely KILLED for when I was 15.


Back up ao3 was created by fans?

It’s…right on the main page. 

I love this because I will bet you that persefv has read that bit we are all so inundated with hyperbole and advertising that says that the consumer is somehow in charge of whatever product they are shilling that we all just assumed this was another sales tactic.


But we’re not even… selling anything…  *quiet sobs*

No ads. No subscriptions. No data selling.

We are the definition of “what it says on the tin.”


Is there any way to spread this info? 


Nonprofit, so that nobody could ever say, “this isn’t making enough money; it’s getting shut down.” (See: Geocities, Quizilla, Figment, G+.) With lawyers involved and a firm awareness of the legalities of fanfic, so nobody would decide “we’ve gotten a nasty letter from a megacorporation with lawyers, so we’re hiding because we can’t afford to face a lawsuit. (Jedi Hurtaholics, Trevizo’s Millennium site.) With teams, so that an argument between co-mods didn’t result in the destruction of a whole archive. (Gryffindor Tower, Detention.)


It is by fans, for fans. Fans do all the coding. All the legal paperwork. All the abuse/tos violation complaints. Fans make all the choices about policies. Fans decide how to run the fundraisers. Fans write the blog posts. All the volunteer staff are fans; all the people who train them are fans. Fans wrangle all the tags. 

(And the other OTW projects, too. Fans manage the entries at Fanlore. Fans run the Open Doors project. Fans publish Transformative Works and Cultures.)

EVERYONE WORKING FOR THE OTW LOVES FANDOM. Wants it to survive. Wants it to be awesome for everyone.

(Knows that it can’t be awesome for everyone; some approaches to fandom just clash hard. But they strive to minimize those clashes as much as possible, because they love fandom.) 

AO3 is not some company that decided, “we’ll make a site for fanfic and then…” I don’t know what people are thinking is the reason. Money? Data harvesting? Tax shelter? Amusement and pity?

Nope; AO3 was fans saying, “Livejournal sucks; we’re tired of this fucked-up ‘rebuild every three years’ garbage; WE NEED TO OWN THE DAMN SERVERS.”

That’s the “of our own” part of the name. OTW isn’t a “them” running the site “for us.” It’s “us” making places for “us” to share what we love with others of “us.” 

This this this.

I was there for all of that shit, and AO3 is a godsend. If you enjoy or create fanworks, support AO3, donate if you can, and remember why it’s there in the first place!!

Fandom history really does get lost quickly. For current 20-something fans, AO3 has always been there.


And the Purge wasn’t just the smutty stuff. I lost three stories because they had song lyrics in them (it was a thing in the late 90’s, okay?) and FF.net didn’t want to worry about copyright claims.


I got all the way through drawing this and realized it isn’t really even that much of an exaggeration of what actually happened in the book.


i don’t fuckin care rn, daddy’s tipsy, & any [censored] bodies should have me blocekd by now for their own Concerns 

look at what im about


ADHD is spending your whole life being told that you’re not doing your best and that you could do better if you tried harder and worked harder until you believe it yourself, becoming convinced that your your best work is actually only your average, and there’s a mythical, hypothetical, never-before-seen Your Best, which is surely the work of gods.

So you end up with this inflated ego and stalwart belief that you should be capable of curing cancer, discovering new planets, composing new opera pieces to take the world by storm, if you only tried harder. But for some inexplicable reason, you simply won’t put your mind and focus on it, and now you hate yourself for not being the spectacular specimen you were taught you ought to be.

And that’s why you end up having these conversations with your therapist where they are like “normal people don’t put this kind of demands and expectations on themselves”, and you dead seriously fucking answer

“Yes, but I’m not normal people.”


While I was processing my depressive shame spiral about not wanting to continue in academia, I remember having these conversations with my therapist that went round and round going: “I know I COULD do it, I know I CAN do it, but I don’t WANT to do it.”

And she looked at me one day and and went, “Maybe you CAN’T do it.”

And I was shook; I was so offended; I went home and didn’t stop thinking about that for the entire two weeks between appointments.  And the more I stewed on it, the more I started wondering why it was so important to my self-identity that I definitely be able to do the thing I didn’t want to do.

It’s funny, because it made me so mad, it’s something none of the loved ones in my life would have ever suggested to me, and yet it turned out to be something I really needed to hear, because it was the first time I’d ever paused to ask myself if it was okay if I couldn’t do a thing.  


Noiz is touch starved and Mink loves to cuddle. I think its a perfect match actually.


*Mink having his reading glasses on while reading the newspaper in the morning like an old man*

Noiz: Why don't you just watch the news like everyone esle?

Mink: I don't want to have to listen to white people talk for more than I already have to with you.

Noiz: ....

Anonymous asked:

People on disability shouldn't get a stimulus check, theirs should be donated to repaying all the money they've mooched off taxpayers.

This is not the first time I’ve gotten a message like this. I always find it curious. Because if you have this attitude you are either invincible, rich, or a fool.

I used to be in this tech nerd community and there was this older fella who slowly revealed himself to be a super right wing asshat. He complained about immigrants mooching, black people mooching, poor people mooching… everybody was mooching his taxes. Meanwhile, he was 65 and working hard. Paying his own way. Doing things proper like a good American. 

He was no damn moocher, that’s for sure.

Then he got sick.

He could not work anymore.

Lost his medical insurance.

His savings ran out in about 3 months.

And he became a fellow moocher.

He had to sign up for Medicare and disability.

But then he realized that wasn’t enough to live on. Boy, was he mad. ALL CAPS POSTS about how he can’t afford rent. He can’t afford food. He started posting links to his Paypal asking people to donate. He got furious at people because no one would give him money. Called us all bad people for not helping him in his time of need. He had to move to a smaller place. Sell a lot of his tech.

He was so very angry.




Even after his experience, he viewed himself as different than other people trapped in the safety net. He deserved more because he had a bootstrap attitude. It didn’t occur to him that a lot of people on welfare or disability probably worked hard too. That he was no more or less deserving than them. It was sad to see his experience didn’t instill any empathy.

He’s a lost cause. But maybe you aren’t. Maybe you should think about how long you could last before you’d have to mooch. Are you set for life? If you were in an accident and unable to work ever again, would you be able to live comfortably and manage your expenses? Think about that. And think about the fact that disability pays less than minimum wage. Could you live your life on $750 per month? What changes would you have to make to accomplish that? Use your imagination and really try to put yourself in those shoes.

$1200 is not a windfall for me. It is maybe 4 months of having slightly less financial anxiety. That anxiety is a part of my life. It is inescapable and I have conceded it will always be there. It is the dread of seeing $14 in my bank account towards the end of the month and hoping I didn’t forget about an automatic payment. It’s the fear of looking in my freezer and wondering if two bags of frozen chicken nuggets are enough to last until I get my next payment. 

But now I am getting $1200 and for a few months maybe I don’t have to feel some of that anxiety. I can reallocate that anxiety to the world being on fire and worrying about my dad getting sick.

But you want me to send it back?

What’s even sadder about your attitude is you are focusing on the wrong people. I’m not a moocher. I’m an insignificant financial speck in the grand scheme. I’m probably a percentage of a penny on your tax bill. But then you look at companies like Amazon who used loopholes to pay no taxes. They also got cities to subsidize offices and warehouses. So not only did they not pay taxes, we paid them for the honor of giving people low wage jobs with poor benefits and dubious working conditions. 

What about our F-35 fighter jet program? For years they didn’t even work properly and they still haven’t even been used for anything and they will probably rarely be utilized because of drones. But we will spend a trillion dollars on them anyway. 

What about oil subsidies? About $20 billion of our tax dollars goes to the fossil fuel industry every year. An industry that has never struggled to turn a profit. Just look at pictures of Dubai and ask yourself why we are giving them subsidies. 

We give corporations billions upon billions of dollars even though they are making record profits. And then we find out they were operating so close to the edge that they can’t even last a month without us giving them billions more. 

But my $750 per month makes me the moocher.



Also, if you’re struggling to pay your bills, some of the resources listed here could help:


I saw another one of those posts going around about how hiring cleaners is immoral and I just want to scream into the tumblrs for a second.

I have employed a cleaner ever since I got post natal PTSD. They used to come once a fortnight, but after my second child was born they came once a week. They’ve been with us for more than ten years now. They come every week and do one hour of basic cleaning - they vacuum, dust, clean the bathroom and mop the floors. That’s it. It’s one hour and it does SO MUCH for me because it means I tidy up for them. I make the house CLEANABLE which my depressed and adhd ass would not do unless I knew someone else was coming in to do something for me.

Also I pay them. Well. I pay them more per hour than I got as a teacher when I first started work. A LOT MORE. I recognise that they have travel and material expenses, and I put their pay up every year to accommodate for inflation. 

They’re amazing people, I consider them friends, we chat a fair bit when they come to do their jobs if I happen to be at home, we exchange presents on significant holidays. 

They keep me SANE.

If you treat workers well, NO WORK IS IMMORAL. My cleaners get paid well above minimum wage, obviously enjoy their work and are fulfilling a need. Is it a luxury need? Yeah. But guess what? I have disposable income and this is a luxury I choose to spend it on. Because I fucking hate cleaning, and I wouldn’t do it properly or consistently even if I didn’t. 

So fuck off telling me what I can and cannot spend the money that I’ve earned on. I’m not Jeff Bezos, and if I was I would treat my employees as well as I treat my cleaners. 

I’m going to keep screaming about this until people understand that all labour is valuable and skilled labour, and that nobody’s job is inherently bad so long as they are treated with respect and paid a fair wage.

That’s why we don’t demean sex work, either. Because work is work, and labourers are labourers, and shaming people’s jobs does nothing to help them to get the salaries and respect they deserve.

Stop discouraging people to fire their cleaners and start encouraging them to pay their cleaners handsomely with benefits. JFC.

YEP! This is exactly what I’ve been suspecting, too. Same concern trolling bullshit in a shiny, new wrapper. If a SWERF can get their foot in the door by pushing everyone to agree that it’s inherently exploitative to hire a cleaner, it makes disseminating all their anti-sex work talking points infinitely easier in the long run.

I do not really trust the motives of anybody negating the argument that work is work.

What’s this? A post on this topic where people are not horribly wrong in some direction?

Last big post I saw about this was half people arguing that anyone who hires a cleaner or other domestic helper was a white woman who was personally responsible for the exploitation of poor immigrant WoC, and the other half was people saying their family had cleaners when they were kids and their cleaner loved them and loved cleaning and was grateful to have a job. It was interesting to see what common assumptions were being made, like that all white women are wealthy and all women of colour are poor, that it was always directed at women for hiring other women to do traditionally female work, that there was little consideration of disabled people (or if there was, that it was ok if it was a disabled person but not for anyone else, as if that was what made it exploitation or not)…quite a lot of saviourism on both ends of it. I’ve noticed it’s very common for leftist white people to take a fact like “PoC and immigrants have higher burdens of poverty” and turn it into “all PoC are poor and it’s up to us to save them by scolding everyone else,” which circles back into some very weird assumptions about class with paternalistic overtones.

The type of work isn’t what makes something exploitative. Whether you’re cleaning a toilet at your own house, cleaning a toilet as a housekeeper at someone else’s house or hotel, or cleaning a toilet at your job at KFC, the work is the same. What makes something exploitative is when you are not paying someone enough for their time and/or making them work in unsafe conditions. If you’re going to go full Marx and say that any labour you do for someone else is inherently exploitative, I guess you can, but then you can’t single out domestic service industries or sex work for that ire. But this topic tends to draw people who are one of two extremes, where they either assume a worker must in a certain industry must always be treated poorly/taken advantage of or they deny that exploitation could exist around them and that maybe that cleaner your parents paid under the table didn’t ACTUALLY love cleaning or you but had to take whatever jobs they could because they needed the money. It’s definitely a case of “more than one thing can be true at once” and people seem to like to miss that. I definitely believe there are a LOT of people who just can’t see the nuance in anything, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these were SWERF trolls trying to lay a foundation for their bullshit, you’re right.

This tea is boiling.


Saturday morning, I read Cupboard Love by the amazing @shealwaysreads and immediately had to make a loaf of bread and also do this painting. Everyone needs to go read it bc food as a metaphor for love is the best trope, it’s a law, I don’t make the rules.


Getting Ready

“I didn’t think you’d pick up,” Draco says.

Harry huffs, not quite a chuckle. “Yeah, me too. Things okay?”

“I—yes. Happy Birthday.”


“Is it okay? That I’m calling?”

“Yeah, of course,” Harry says, rushed. They broke up three months ago, but Draco’s words are like Felix Felicis; he has a good feeling about this.

“Alright,” Draco says. There’s a pause. Harry closes his eyes, imagines Draco wetting his lips; waits for Draco to ask, “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting dressed. Ron’s set something up for me at Hog’s Head.”

“Wear the—sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. Wear the…?”

“Wear the green shirt,” Draco murmurs.

“Alright,” Harry laughs.

“You’re really going to wear it?”

Harry cradles the phone against his cheek. His heart has no business beating this fast. He says, “Why don’t you see for yourself?”


For today’s @drarrymicrofic prompt, getting ready! The prompt asked us to choose a song that we listened to while getting ready, so I chose Birthday by Disclosure, Kehlani, and Syd.

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