
mogai frog

@bees--on--toast / bees--on--toast.tumblr.com

MOGAI blog! Requests: closed

_-* About Me *-_

Hi! Welcome to my MOGAI blog :) (although sometimes i do reblog funny/interesting things)

My name is Percy, I’m 20 years old, nonbinary transmasc + a lot of xenogenders, bisexual and aspec (and more labels lol). Here’s my super disorganised google drive of flags I use!: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fOTYUHFl8WyNCBDLjIrnQCE7Cc-HNcf1

My pronouns are they/them always, and I will edit this post regularly with what neopronouns I’m currently using :)

Current neos:  

  • bat/bat/bats/bats/batself
  • bite/bite/bites/bites/biteself
  • bone/bone/bones/bones/boneself
  • cor/corpse/corpses/corpses/corpseself
  • dead/dead/deads/deads/deadself
  • ghost/ghost/ghosts/ghosts/ghostself
  • knife/knife/knifes/knifes/knifeself
  • mor/morgue/morgues/morgues/morgueself
  • mu/mur/murs/murs/murself
  • rat/rat/rats/rats/ratself
  • rot/rot/rots/rots/rotself
  • san/sang/sangui/sanguis/sanguiself
  • te/teeth/teeths/teeths/teethself
  • vam/vamp/vamps/vamps/vampself

I am autistic, persodivergent and am physically disabled with fibromyalgia. I also have depression and anxiety.

I am white, british, plural (unintegrated whole) and a non-religious pagan.

DNI, boundaries, request rules and taglist below the cut!


Disabled people who can’t shower/bathe, or groom, or do skincare, or just do any kind of personal hygiene tasks very often are just as epic and hot and cool as everyone else actually. perhaps even more-so. psa I love/care you SO hard if you have poor hygiene because of some kind of disability, whether that’s mental illness or neurodivergency or physical disabilities or anything!!! you’re so cool!!! people who treat us like shit bc we can’t do that stuff suck so hard and I suggest we all come to my house to plot against them :)

Happy disability pride month! :)


Fibromyalgia Pride Flag

Fibromyalgia pride flag

I know there are a couple fibro flags out there but I wanted to try my hand at making one! I'm really pleased with how it turned out so I hope y'all like it too!

Colour meanings:

  • Very dark purple: People of colour with fibromyalgia
  • Dark blue: Fatigue and brain fog
  • Purple: Community
  • Magenta: Determination
  • Coral pink: Chronic pain

The colour purple and the butterfly are things I see associated with fibromyalgia a lot, so I wanted to include them for sure. I know every symptom and experience isn't present in the colour meanings, but those are just what I thought fit best. You are of course welcome to attribute your own meaning to the stripes! I would ask that nobody changes the poc stripe meaning apart from poc themselves, however.

Obviously anyone with fibro can use this flag, but I'd still appreciate if people read my DNI first.

[Image I.D.: Three flags. The first flag has nine horizontal stripes. The stripes are, from top to bottom, very dark purple, dak blue, purple, magenta, coral pink, magenta, purple, dark blue and very dark purple. In the center of the flag there is a butterfly symbol. The outline, body, antenna and wing veins are very dark purple. The upper wings are purple, and the lower wings are magenta. The second flag is identical, without the butterfly. The third flag is identical to the first, but it has colour meanings written on the left of the first five stripes. The text reads: 'People of colour with fibro, fatigue/brain fog, community, Determination, Chronic pain'. End I.D.]

Happy disability pride month yall :)


I've recently found out that July is disability pride month.

I personally still struggle to apply the word disabled to myself, primarily because of the classic 'not enough' mindset. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few months ago, after my symptoms worsened drastically following a car accident and concussion.

Maybe it's partly because this time last year, most of my body worked the way it's supposed to, minus some pain.

Maybe it's because I can still walk and function, though the duration and frequency I'm capable of has plummeted.

Maybe I would still feel 'not disabled enough' if I was paralyzed. Who knows. But 'disabled' is a word I struggle with right now, despite fibromyalgia being listed as a disability. Classic imposter syndrome, really.

However, it's a lot easier to use the words 'disability' and 'disabled' when talking about my 3 year old daughter.

Not because she's currently, actively disabled in the way adults with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome are, but because of how likely it is that she will be disabled to some degree as an adult.

  • My 3 year old, who has already had a dislocation.
  • My 3 year old, who has been in physical therapy since before she could sit up.
  • My 3 year old, who will most likely be in physical therapy her entire life.
  • My 3 year old, who won't be able to play the majority of sports in school.
  • My 3 year old, who will inevitably notice all the things her (fraternal) twin can do that she can't.
  • My 3 year old, who already knows when to bring me the children's tylenol.
  • My 3 year old, who is already familiar with chronic pain.

I'll tell you right now, that last one is gut wrenching. To know that my tiny, innocent child deals with chronic pain already... There truly aren't words.

So, while I'm still a bit uncomfortable "claiming" disability pride month for myself, I will loudly claim it for my child.

Fibromyalgia flag credit: @bees--on--toast

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome flag credit: @eddies-spaghetti

Anonymous asked:

Hey Percy, just a quick question/g

We fall on your DNI list, but identify with some of your terms. Would it be alright to use them?

Have a good time zone!

You can use anybody’s terms regardless of anybody’s DNI /lh

You can ask people not to interact but you can’t say ‘only people I agree with can have this experience and use this label for it’ go wild man do whatever you want, I just don’t wanna talk to certain people :) /gen


NPD + futch, NPD + butch and NPD + femme combo flags

(ID : Three rectangular flags with seven equally-sized stripes. The first flag’s colors, from top to bottom, are : muted purple, medium purple, light cyan, light chartreuse, orange, carmin red and dark fuscia. For the second flag, the colors are, from top to bottom : dark purple, gray-orange, gray-yellow, off-white, lilac, muted purple and dark muted purple. The third flag’s colors are, from top to bottom : vibrant purple, pink, gold, white, brown-orange, fuscia and dark fuscia. End ID)

from left to right, npd futch, npd butch and npd femme

i wanted to just make npd + futch for myself at first but i made femme and butch as well while we’re at it !


u are appealing to my weaknesses do u know that? i am literally named rook and u DARE send me images of corvids. i cannot believe u /pos /t


A wistigender related to dreams of ancient times and old omens.

Stories told from thrown bones, practices long since forgotten, prophecies of cards and sticks and stones, songs of sorrow lost to the winds. Fields of flowers, violet and waving in the breeze, and the frost that dances among them. Snow that coats wooden rooftops, and the smell of dusk as autumn turns to winter.



[ no IDs, help appreciated ! ]

requested by anon

TVobjehead: when your gender is related to TVs and object heads, having a TV as a head, your gender has a TV as a head, etc.

Etymology: TV, obje(ct), head

Pronounced: TV ob-jeh head (TV obje head)

[ID: a divider of a line of waves with a light blue to darker blue gradient. End ID]



A gender related to having NPD and being a freak, it is a freakgender.

This gender is exclusive to folks with NPD

Freak in this instance is not used in a demeaning/negative way, it is simply to reclaim the term in use.

If reblogged please add a trigger warning for the freak slur to the tags, thank you 💚

Coined by me, request by also me

Flag colors based on this NPD flag

If already coined, consider this an alternate flag

Seriously, read this ^ and our DNI. Sysmeds/ableists are not welcome on our account.


[Image ID: a rectangular flag with four horizontal wavy stripes made to look like waves. The stripes are in the following colors from top to bottom: pastel blue-gray, pale blue-gray, medium blue-gray, and dark blue-gray. In the centre of the flag is a dark gray ring with a dark gray wave on the bottom of the ring. A dark gray overlay in inside the ring as well. /end ID]


plain text: Aquashiftian.

— A gender that feels like shifting water.

— Aqua + shift + ian.

— Coined by us. Requested by anon.



ID START ; a flag consisting of 7 irregular wavy stripes, colored dark brown, brown, beige, pale blue, light blue, blue, dark blue. the entire flag emulates a wave washing over a beach. ; END ID

telalen !

  • a gender that is pangender for all ocean genders. a gender related to being everything about the ocean, such as water, fish, plants, weather, depth, and darkness.
  • te + la + len
  • from "telo", meaning water, "ale", meaning all, and the suffix "n"
  • requested by @bees--on--toast, coined by us
  • id by me



The Lavender Clinic is the ONLY source for gender affirming healthcare in the state of Hawaii.

They have less than 48 hours remaining to raise the funds they need in order to stay open.

Please join me in donating if you can, and PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. They are in immediate need!


[Image ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes. The stripe colors in descending order are dark grey, grey, off-white, red, and dark red. End ID.]

Genderhydroth: gender related to hydrothermal vent communities. This includes the lifeforms (e.g. tube worms, deep sea octopuses, bivalves) and characteristics of the habitat (e.g. darkness, isolation, extreme heat, the abysmal layer).

Flag: The greys and white come represent the different hydrothermal vent fluid and the reds represent magma.


Monstrihuman [mawns-tree-human, mons-tree-human]

Name credit to @bees--on--toast


Mon - Monster
Stri - Stripped
Human - Human

An alterhuman identity where one's trauma/traumatic event stripped away their humanity. Thus, resulting them to be a monster [rather a specific monster, or just a monster].

[With and without nonhuman/alterhuman symbol]

Symbol below


homo ass idea

you know how we have animal-related labels for gay people like bear/otter/cub/peacock etc. and, assuming that no one has thought of this before me, I would like to propose:


for goths of any gender and orientation. any goth person can use this fuck it!

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