
Check out what I can do with my hands guys :)

@once-ina-blue-moon / once-ina-blue-moon.tumblr.com

Helo I am blue :D| she/her | minor | curent interests: good omens, sanders sides, the magnus archives, various dnd things, and doctor who (no spoilers pls I'm only on s4) | interact with me please I am very friendly and do not bite | peep the pinned please

hi hello glad you’re here!! I’m blue, she/her, really just here to draw and reblog stuff and have a good time 

current interests: doctor who, good omens, the magnus archives, hadestown. not currently that into sanders sides but I am one actual plot important episode away from falling into that hole again + it also fundamentally changed my brain. same w undertale/deltarune honestly. recommend me books please I have nothing to read !!!

about my ocs: dont have a load of oc content up rn but the dnd campaign i’m in (which will have a name and a tag soon, I promise,) is the font from which most of the characters I draw spring. the main one is castor diamanté, my pc, who I will GLADLY infodump about the SECOND anyone asks. he’s my favorite little guy you must understand. Blorbo from my campaign. he’s the only oc I really draw a lot, but if you ask about him or any other dnd/misc oc content I will be delighted 

art boundaries: not that I expect anyone to need them, but use anything of mine you want, as long as you put credit! idrk what u use it for tbh (as long as you don’t sell it, then I’ll be sad)

misc info:

- I do take art requests for the fandoms I’m in and I love getting them even tho it’s not often lol so. ik I’m not by any means great at what I do but I do love doing it so don’t be shy skdhkshs 

- I try my very best to tag stuff for triggers, & usually will tag the thing itself and then tw (thing). if I miss anything, especially in regard to flashing in animation or eyestrainy stuff, please lmk & I will tag it pronto!

- to reiterate what’s in my bio, I’m a minor, so if you’re an adult & you don’t want to interact with minors there you go! also, for anyone really, I don’t draw nsfw/nsft stuff, so don’t go requesting it lol. if you do more than one or two times, I will probably block you because at that point it makes me uncomfortable. thanks!


To celebrate pride month I've decided to make a part 2 of the killing transphobes post since it was given a community warning. (🚗🔨⚒️💥)


For every note this gets I will kill one (1) acephobe AND one (1) arophobe with my bare hands.



so I’ve decided that since I haven’t been drawing very much in the past few months, I’d create a little daily art challenge for myself to get back into it before artfight starts so I don’t suck when it rolls around lol. thought I’d post it here in case anyone else (participating in AF or not) wants to give it a go! You can skip the free days or just draw whatever you want to on em :)

06/03: do some dynamic pose studies

06/04: draw a favorite character(s) from a fandom/media you interact with a lot

06/05: draw a favorite character(s) from a fandom/media you don’t interact with enough

06/05: do some style/pose studies from favorite artists

06/06: design a new outfit/form for an oc you draw a lot, and put it on their artfight profile!

06/07: redesign an oc you haven’t drawn in a while/forgot about

06/08: draw something for pride month! 

06/09: free day - do whatever you want

06/10: do some outfit studies of your own fits or other people’s

06/11: do some studies of a body part/pose that is especially difficult for you (hands, feet, side profiles, whatever!)

06/12: do some studies of interesting perspectives/foreshortened poses

06/13: design an oc for any media you enjoy

06/14: draw a character in the style of a few different medias you enjoy

06/15: do some anatomy studies; could be on form, color, shape language, or all three!

06/16: plein air drawing/painting: sit outside and draw a landscape!

06/17: free day - do whatever you want

06/18: create a new oc based off of all your favorite design tropes

06/19: people watching: draw interesting people you see out and about! Best done at coffee shops/malls

06/20: design a character from any kind of mythology or ancient story you like (gods/goddesses, monsters, heroes, whatever you want!)

06/21: pick a subject matter you’re not super confident or familiar with and try to figure it out/find a way to draw it

06/22: draw a landscape with a focus on color & composition rather than accuracy

06/23: draw your friends!

06/24: pick any celebrity/actor you like and draw them in multiple of their roles

06/25: free day - do whatever you want

06/26: draw a character from a fandom you used to be in, but don’t interact with anymore

06/27: set your tablet to grayscale, pick a random color palate from a randomizer or your color wheel, and draw !

06/28: draw yourself (not a sona) as many times as you want 

06/29: make a sona for the team you plan to be on and put them on artfight!

06/30: make sure your profile is 100% ready for artfight and put in anything that’s missing

Good luck every body!


I wonder how feminists will react to this

Probably ignore it then go back to making male tears mugs and gifs 


Actually this is a very common idea among feminists

It’s something feminists have been talking about for years it’s called toxic masculinity and it’s one of the common threads among the topic of ‘Patriarchy hurts men too’. If fact the first time I read about toxic masculinity was on a feminist blog.

If you actually read things feminists talk about instead of straw manning them you might know this but OH WELL

This is actually such a massive part of feminism. Why are people so ignorant?

Source: maraudere

It’s amazing how much baking you can do when you follow all the goddamn directions. Baking is not a category in which you can fuck around unless you have tons of experience.


"Cooking is an art, but baking is a science."


"i am a god" in the most neutral possible tone


do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets

her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.

remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.

thank you, Marsha. we remember you.


Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.

It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.

no white gay boy will ever reblog this, watch:

no white gay will reblog this

no white lgb person will reblog this

Without Stonewall, without the efforts of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, the LGBTQ Community wouldn’t be where it is today. Don’t forget the roots, don’t forget the catalyst.

and then TERFs wanna be like, “hmm well the LGBT community existed before Stonewall!”

but like…Becky, of course LGBTQ+ people existed before Stonewall. We’ve all existed since the beginning of time. But the movement got a shock to its senses, a jump-start, a rocket-into-space when that glass shattered via Marsha P. Johnson, and when Sylvia Rivera was up on-stage protesting guess who was on the sidelines heckling her?

The same fuckers who won’t ever reblog or acknowledge this


My apologies to the original poster as I photo captured this post to add to the thread-I reposted this last year for pride and expect to repost it every year I have left-it’s our history people.


Marsha P. Johnson allegedly died of suicide in 1992, and her death was never investigated. Even I, a mere prole, could catch the “she was murdered” vibes from the circumstances surrounding the discovery of her body.

Without a trans black woman, LGBT+ rights would not exist. Never forget. Never “pay it no mind”.


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