Anonymous asked:

how would austin propose to reader?

Be mine forever?

He’s been dreaming of this moment for so long and every time he saw himself doing something so over the top and special for Y/n, but then he’d take a step back and remember who he was actually dating

Austin’s had the ring for a while now and he carries it with him, just in case one moment feels just perfect

He tries not to think too hard about the time he almost lost the ring, when he forgot his jacket at a restaurant, right after he really felt like that was it, but then the food came and you started to gossip and talk and he forgot

Kiss it better

Part of “The delicate beginning rush” (click for the whole series) can be read in it’s own

Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader

Warning: hard language, curses, aggression, mentions of blood, assault

Plot: while visiting Austin on set of the bike rides something not so great happens, that has Austin pull out his protective side

Word count: 1.8k

A/n: this was a request so if you have some more feel free to send them to me

"Do you know how much I love you?" Austin asks, kissing my cheek, the facial hair he had to grow for the role making me giggle with the way it tickles my soft skin. "I think in might have and idea about it." I say, turning my head slightly and catching his lips in a warm kiss, tasting his breath on my tongue. My heart beats so fast I can almost hear it in my ears, as he adjusts his hand, to hold my lower back better making sure I don't fall off the bike. He's filming for the movie Bike riders and I'm just passing through, visiting for the month, which has been great since we often get to fool around the set in between filming.

 "I think I might go to your trailer and get some sleep, I'm kinda tired." I tell him, brushing my hands through his hair, pulling slightly at the root, making him groan. "Ok, want me to walk you?" Austin helps me get off the bike safely. "You think they'll let you keep it after you're done?" I ask referring to his bike, praying for a 'yes' "Probably not." He shakes his head and I pout, truly disappointed. "That's too bad, maybe I'll buy you one for your birthday!" I say absentmindedly, walking my hand over the handle of the bike. Austin chuckles, pulling me in a tight hug. "Ok sugar mama, if that's what you want to waste your pension on." He jokes shrugging his shoulders, making me laugh with my head thrown back. "Well baby, if you behave." His lips catch mine and I sigh into the kiss, biting his bottom lip, smiling when I hear him groan. 

On set of Dune II

This part of “The delicate beginning rush” universe- whole series HERE

If you want to be tagged


Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader

Warning: smut 18+, blow job, cursing, MINORS PLEASE BE AWARE

Word count: 2k

Plot: you want to surprise Austin on the set of dune 2 and he gets shy about his fight scenes, but that is all forgotten when you work your magic on him.

A/n: this was a request by someone and it was so exciting to write, if you have more, send them to me and I’ll get to them as soon as I can.

With my busy schedule I barely got my assistant to fit this surprise flight to Budapest, so I could visit Austin on set of Dune 2. We haven't seen each other in person in 5 weeks, filming taking all of our time, on opposite sides of the world. It's not easy and it definitely is not pleasant, but we aren't the first nor the last to go through long distance. I have a few days off, time which I should have spend in the studio with Taylor, who's working on her new album, but I could not stay any longer without seeing Aus.

"Y/n so nice to meet you in person, I'm Denis. I have to say, I look forward to some day working with you, you're amazing!" The director says, putting his hand forward for me to shake. I smile kindly at him and take his hand. "Oh that's so beautiful of you to say, I look forward to that day as well, your work is so detailed and ambitious." I giggle, blushing a bit at his compliments. "Now I know this is a surprise for Austin, I did not say anything" he zips his lips closed chuckling "but you do have to sign some papers, just formalities you know." I nod and sign away, promising not to tell anything that I see today to anyone. "He's working, full make up, so brace yourself, it's really, it's a bit scary, come on."


Bro I fuckin love Robert Plant so much. Like who the fuck in the outer-sphere decided that he would exist? Who gave him the audacity to be the most beautiful man I’ve ever set eyes upon?

He’s changed my life in ways I never thought possible.

8th House Stellium (Natal):
If you have 3 or more planets in a house it is called a stellium.
I felt like I had to share my take on this placement.. in-depth
  • Sexual magnetism.. 📈📈📈 (effortless)
  • Misunderstood sweethearts.. 🥺🤧
  • Deep people.. Intuitive..
  • Big transformation.. (life)
  • Interest in psychology..📈📈
  • Unconsciously probe other's emotions.
  • A desire to be the authority figure. A strong desire for control.
  • Bully magnet during school days.
  • Gossip magnet during adolescence.
  • Women enemies. (In a women's chart) (same gender enemies)
  • Sexualised at a very young age.
  • Attract dominating people..
  • Back stabbed. Humiliated. Belittled. Character assassinated. Mostly by the people they trusted...
  • Others insecurities are often projected onto these natals. (And it's not their fault at all..)
  • Will resort to pleasing people to explain their side of the story & to clear misunderstandings.. (just fucking don't.. let people think what they will.. screw people who choose to believe in rumours.. 😒)
  • Abuse is also a possibility.. (afflicted)
  • Attract competitive people.. earlier in life..
  • Perve / creep / stalker magnet... (Of the opposite sex obviously)
  • People sense the natal's potential.. their presence is attention grabbing.
  • Sudden Riches.
  • Hate from relatives.
  • Reputation for being rebellious.
  • Attract people who have negative emotions. Hate, Jealousy, Manipulators, Gasliters.. etc.,.
  • Were shamed or criticized for what they are passionate about.
  • Pro healers.. will make sure that no one goes through what they've gone through...
  • It takes time for them to acknowledge their gifts..
  • They are unforgettable.. (for the above reasons.)
  • Witness the paranormal at some point.
  • Sleep paralysis.. Astral projection.. Lucid dreams..
  • Witness buried secrets.
  • Vindictive.. (underdeveloped)
  • Not afraid of death..
  • Feel helpless when young.. The most powerful people.. after they grow up..
  • Intimidating af..

Just like Scorpio Rising / Scorpio stellium. These natals receive powerful reactions (mostly negative reactions) from everyone around them & it is not their fault.

I repeat...


Not gonna lie.. this is the most complicated stellium to live with.. especially if the planets in this house are aspecting your ascendant.. (but all the hardship is only in the beginning)

So.. Hang in there.. ❤️

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

Fantasy Come True CH 1/?

Chapter  1: Lumber Jason

Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, sexual discussion, relationship troubles

Series Summary: Breaking into the acting world has been a life long dream. It's been tough, plus your relationship with you partner has some struggles, but who doesn't have struggles. A new guy shows up to your improv classes who seems strangely familiar. He seems rather interested in you and you feel unusually comfortable around him, like he projects calm and reassurance. Once you realize who he really is, and what he really likes... it's game on. 

SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.

A/N: This little gem is per request for the lovely and talented @purejasmine . It's been a collaborative project designed to meet her every Austin need as best I can. Here's to you darling! <clink> I hope ya'll enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed the creative process with parameters not wholly my own!!

Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes

Anonymous asked:

⛅️ Austin with reader who is struggling with ed/is recovering from an ed. feel free to delete if you don’t feel comfortable writing this!

hi friend! this one hits close to home, so i had to jump right on it. i wrote this with my own experience in mind, but i hope it brings you a bit of comfort. stay safe! ❤️

austin butler h.cs | comforting you through your eating disorder

tw: mentions of body image/eating disorders

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