
Ikemen Sengoku Imagines

@goddess-of-writing-wars / goddess-of-writing-wars.tumblr.com

Blog Owners: Yukari & Toreishi
[Ask Box: Open for Chit-Chat & Closed for Requests]
"In CYBIRD & Hiroaki Miura We Stan"

IkeSen Questions Meme #2

Whooo, I got bored and made another one. Send in a warlord’s name in the ask box and I’ll answer the question! Feel free to reblog and have others do the same for you too! -Admin Yukari

Nobunaga: What is one goal you wish to achieve in your lifetime?

Masamune: What is your favorite dish to eat/cook for yourself or others?

Hideyoshi: What is your ideal self-care day?

Ieyasu: Are you easy to approach or do people find you intimidating?

Mitsunari: What is your favorite book/fanfic to read?

Mitsuhide: Can you keep a secret?

Ranmaru: What is one thing that people misjudge you on when they first meet you?

Kenshin: What is something that you will always fight for?

Shingen: What do you look for in a lover?

Yukimura: What is the boldest thing you have ever done?

Sasuke: If you could make a career out of it, what would you love to study/do?

Yoshimoto: What is your personal aesthetic?

Kennyo: Have you ever sought for vengeance against someone or something?

Motonari: What is one thing that you treasure the most?

Because I saw Admin Yukari’s first question meme floating in the tags, maybe y’all may be interested in this one too.

-Admin Toreishi

Anonymous asked:

I started playing the game but now it's making me buy a kimono and I can't buy the normal one or the premium one. So what can I do?

Late reply. Sorry. But if there are any newbies out there, save your gold until you can clear the challenge. You can accumulate gold by greeting friends, selling extra gacha pieces, and from logins, events, etc.

- Admin Toreishi


Hi I saw your head canon of Ikemen Sengoku where mc was majoring history in university and how that would change the story. You mentioned the Scarlet Heart, the Korean drama buy here's some insight on that bc I read the original Chinese novel as well. The Chinese name roughly translates to each step full of fear, how the main character knew the fates of everyone around her, but not her own. That causes her to act cautiously because she's knows the risk one mistep would be. I hope this helps haha


I know this was meant for Admin Yukari, but I do find it interesting. Thank you for the insight.

- Admin Toreishi

Anonymous asked:

A surprise birthday party for MC with the warlords (Oda, and if possible the Uesegi-Takeda forces but if it's too much then just the Oda please) who try to give her a birthday in the past but with mementos from the future because they won't allow her to get too homesick ^^ (Chaos and hilarity ensues since none of them know how to incorporate modern tradition into theirs and asking Sasuke doesn't help much XDD) Thank you for all the content you've made, I love them!

I’m just going to do the Oda army. Sorry for the very, very late reply, btw. I don’t know about Admin Yukari, but I have lost my will to write fanfics much less headcanons (I’m not good at these). Bear with me.

- Admin Toreishi

  • If they were to ask Sasuke for tips on a modern birthday, I’m pretty sure Sasuke would mention balloons and streamers. They managed to make poppers for Mitsuhide, and they have made those floating lanterns before. He might suggest making the lanterns colorful to make them more festive.
  • Obviously, cake is a must. Sure, they can come up with some interpretation of it. Didn’t they make a sushi “cake” once? But, I imagine they would try with other confectionaries available to them. Were castella cakes around back then? Perhaps Nobunaga can ask foreigners or missionaries for help.
  • I feel like MC got to eat her favorite foods on her birthday growing up. After spending all this time with the warlords, I imagine Masamune would know what MC likes to eat in their time period. In any case, MC loves his cooking in general, so anything is fine with her.
  • Ieyasu is the bearer of all secrets, and is the event planner. You would think it’d be Hideyoshi, but everyone knows he can’t keep a secret. He’s very pushy and overbearing. The warlords need someone with a calm level headed mind. Ieyasu is perfect for the job.
  • Mitsunari tries to help. Much to Ieyasu’s chagrin, but Mitsunari offers his own input whenever he can. While he can’t pour a cup of tea, he does assist in decorating the hall with the others.
  • That said, do not expect Mitsuhide for help. He will not lift a finger. On the contrary, he sits and watches.
  • Ranmaru offers his services as host and entertainer. As the resident idol, he practices an instrument (or two) to liven the party. It’s the closest MC will get to an actual concert.
  • I’m not sure what kinds of mementos the warlords would give MC. They strive to make her feel included, and she sees them as family. I imagine Hideyoshi would instruct everyone to buy MC gifts that she would like. Since she’s a seamstress, I’m sure bolts of fabric (probably something fancy) would be among her gifts aside from hairpins and kimonos. I’m sure each warlord will gift her something that suits their hobbies as well for example, Mitsunari and books or Ieyasu and medicine.
  • Regardless of what they come up with, MC will ultimately feel their love and appreciation for her. She’s always celebrating them. It’s her turn to be pampered for once. ;)

A Word of Advice.

Good evening chatelaines,

We see that there’s an appreciation chain post going around the ikesen fandom, and Admin Toreishi and I have noted the sentiment and thank those who have tagged our blog in it. But we also briefly talked about this and I have decided to share some insight with you all.

To content creators (writers, artists, meme creators, etc.), it’s more meaningful to them if you drop a comment on their creation and let them know what you liked about it, your thoughts/feelings on it, etc. It really does motivate us when we read these lovely comments and receive good feedback from our followers/fans/readers/etc. This is our craft that we work on and polish, and we appreciate it when people can admire it and let us know.

However, things such as “please update” or hurtful words aimed at the content creator aren’t really a great starting point to keep content creators around in a fandom. Always be mindful of content creators and their time. If you enjoy what you see, feel free to leave a nice comment or like the post. It’s free of charge and keeps everyone happy.

With that said, we hope you all will understand a little bit better and spread the love for content creators in a more productive and efficient way. It’s not that tagging content creators in appreciation posts is wrong/bad. We just want to remind you all of simple things you can do in the fandom to keep your content creators active and here. Fandoms aren’t forever and people come and go. I hope this advice reaches out to many of you.

-Admin Yukari


Happy Halloween!

Wishing everyone who is celebrating tonight a safe and fun evening! Please remember to take care of yourself, and don’t drink and drive!

What did you guys dress up as this year? My best friend and I went as Dib and Gaz Membrane from the cartoon show, Invader Zim! 👽🧠👓💜🖤

-Admin Yukari


Ikemen Vampire: All 3 New Characters Unveiled

  • Absolute Monarch × Pure Madness Vlad (CV:Sōma Saitō)
  • Genius Doctor × Brute Johann Georg Faust (CV:Shinichiro Kamio)
  • Wants to be loved × Immoral Charles-Henri Sanson (CV:Ryuichi Kijima)

This is literally the best thing that could happen to Ikemen Vampire and I love the new song too. ( ´∀`) So lovely to see HypMic voice actors of Gentarou, Hifumi, and Riou come and join the CYBIRD series! I’m excited!

-Admin Yukari


So, to preface my question, I just recently discovered otome games and I've been hooked on them for the past few months. After I realized how much I liked ikemen sengoku, I decided to branch out. Problem is I have little to no way of meeting other fans in person. Im 21 and I work as a battle tower secretary. All my friends are law students and my coworkers are all middle-aged. So my question is; whats the best way to make friends online with other otome addicts? Oh, and i love your blog! -Vic


Hey! Welcome to the otome game world! We hope you enjoy your stay! 

In the honest truth, the best way to make friends online is to probably just reach out to people first. You can follow people, shoot them a message, and maybe try to strike up a convo from there. Making friends online or in real life still requires you to make a connection with that person and you need to put in the effort to develop it into something deeper. After all, it takes two to tango, right? But of course, since this is the Internet, remember to be wary of how much info you’re sharing with someone else and be safe too! You never really know who you’re talking to when it’s the Internet.

I know that there are discord servers for specific games like Ikemen Sengoku and Mr Love: Queen’s Choice. There are tons of Facebook groups that you can join too. Just keep your eye out for people who are promoting them and ask to join! Or look them up too.

Sometimes if you’re a content creator (writer, artist, etc.) or you make original posts on your Tumblr blog, you’ll have some interaction with your followers or fellow content creators about a series you like too. It’s not a guarantee that everyone will be your friend, but at least you’ve immersed yourself within the community/fandom and can hopefully enjoy your experience from there.

And sometimes trying to make new online friends may not always be successful just like in real life, but that’s okay! This is just the Internet. There are a lot of ways that friendships can develop, so this isn’t the only place. I hope this helps!  

-Admin Yukari


Share this and tag them for everyone to see !

This also applies to writers and memes creators and any kind of content creator as they are also considered artists in my opinion!

@otonymous @azuchi-princess @kasugayamaisforlovers @ikesengoficss @ikesenhell @forallyourikemensengokuneeds @acrispyapple @weird-konpeito @rimalovegood @rubyleeray @toreii @incorrectikesenquotes @dear-mrs-otome @dreams-written-in-violet-ink @goddess-of-writing-wars and many more! I want to thank you all for taking the time to make and write and draw all the content you post. Its thank to all those that we can be considered an active community ! If not those people i would never have become a content creator too.

Reblog this and tag all your favorite artists !

Thank you for the mention! Ditto on Admin Toreishi’s words too! But we honestly wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for people like you who read and support our content! So thank you for always showing us your lovely support as well! We hope you will continue to inspire others with your works too! :)

-Admin Yukari

Anonymous asked:

Hi I'm new to the fandom! I just started playing the Ikemen series this week. Do you know of any other good blogs that write for them??

Thank you for the mention! Admin Toreishi and I appreciate it!

-Admin Yukari



So in my Japanese class today, we were practicing conversations with classmates and this girl quietly asks me, “Do you...play Ikemen Sengoku?”

Out of shock, I stopped talking and was like, “Uhh, yes? How do you know?”

She shyly responds with, “I saw your pencil pouch. I thought it had Kenshin on it.”

*Note: This was @rierru’s pencil pouch that she designed and sold earlier last year too haha

And then we ended up becoming friends, exchanging our social media pages and numbers, and talking about the latest collection event in ikesen, which is the Host one. ; U ; She’s so sweet and nice. It’s really fun to meet people like this ahhhh!! It’s been a good day to make friends. I have yet to find out who her favorite character is, but I’m sure I’ll find out soon!

-Admin Yukari

Update: She’s a Yukimura fan girl and her older sister likes Mitsunari. They’re both exactly like my younger sisters, who also love Yukimura and Mitsunari. sksksksk I’ll pour my love for Kenshin still! Lol

-Admin Yukari


Omg!! I love it when that happens! I was in uni looking for people to interview for an assignment when I approached this girl, and literally in the middle of explaining my assignment I saw Mitsuhide on her phone screen and just cut in with “OMG I PLAY THAT GAME TOO”- she was so confused and shocked for a second but it was a nice moment!! I love spotting other fans in the wild 😂


LOL AHHHH THAT IS SO FUNNY!! Haha, it reminds me of the time I was at Anime Expo in 2018 at CYBIRD’s booth and someone saw my Tumblr home screen page for goddess-of-writing-wars and they’re like, “ARE YOU ADMIN YUKARI OR ADMIN TOREISHI?” I was trying so hard to be low key that year too haha

But ugh, yes, the feeling of meeting other fans in the wild is so fun and amazing! It’s nice to know that I can fangirl with others at my university too ; U ; We are an uncommon species.

-Admin Yukari


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