
Well That Happened


JSE, Sanders sides, and markiplier egos are what I write. She/her pronouns
Icon credit goes to Teardroppeddew who made this for me via commission

imagine you're in a timeloop and everything goes exactly the same every time, except for a random user that just posts completely differently each loop. sometimes they don't post at all. they never post about the timeloop, though

during one loop you message them to ask if they know what's going on and they immediately block you and go back to posting


My uncle, who grew up a poor immigrant on a pig farm, became a heart surgeon and keeps marrying into wealth.  His third wife is from old money.  She’s very sweet and I do love her to death but she’s completely out of touch with anyone who is not born wealthy.  She told me “Oh you simply MUST rent a villa in Italy for a summer.  It’s so great.”      Bless my uncle, he just started laughing his ass off and said, “Joan, normal people don’t do that.” 

She was so confused.  

Can “Joan, normal people don’t do that” be added to the “Harold, they’re lesbians” litany?



i think about this video a lot

Wtf is going on

Hey y’all film crew member here. For those of you asking, they’re running like that to stay out of the shot.  For us crew we TRY OUR HARDEST TO NOT GET FILMED. IT’S IMPORTANT. It’s like playing the floor is lava but with a side of “you’re fired” if you lose too many times.  We’ll do anythING to not be seen. Duck around corners, dive under tables, jump in the bushes, assume fetal position on the floor, climb trees, get in the robot, hide in the trojan horse, become a vampire, you fuckin name it.  My fav game while watching a movie is “guess where the crew is hiding in this shot” it’s great fun you should try it.  The only problem in this particular shot is there is nowhere to hide except behind the camera which IS MOVING REALLY FAST.  Why they didn’t just leave the room I have no idea. it could be any number of reasons. Time, lack of proper equipment, need to supervise/direct, etc.  The real question is how the hell did Gaga not fucking lose it seeing a herd of film nerds scamper desperately in circles behind the camera

Love all the film crew people in the notes sharing their dumb hiding locations


In Shrek 2, the king tells his wife that he has an "old crusade wound acting up" implying the existence of both the catholic church and islam in the shrek universe


Well that can be disproven given that a crusade can technically be any religion. There may be a religion in the Shrek universe that has the same righteous entitlement as the Catholic Church, but there is no proof that the Catholic Church actually exists.

The word "crusade" comes from the French "croisée" which means "to be marked by the Cross", the most important symbol in Christendom. Now we could perhaps entertain the possibility that there is another, different religion in the Shrek universe that considers the cross to be a holy symbol, but the evidence for the existence of Catholicism in Shrek 2 does not stop there.

Later in the movie, Puss states that he was once the most renowned thief in Santiago de Compostela. This is a city in Spain named after St. James (Santo Iago) and contains the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in Catholicism since the early Middle Ages.

Ah yes, because being married IN A CHURCH BY A BISHOP in no way shows Catholicism existing in the Shrek universe, and we have to rely on where Puss in Boots was stealing from.


It might be a mystery forever if there’s Catholicism in the Shrek universe.

Excuse me, that scene does not take place within Shrek 2, and thus arguably doesn’t count for the purposes of proving the existence of Catholicism within Shrek 2.

Oh, I'm so terribly sorry to have cited ORIGINAL SHREK to prove the existence of Catholicism within Shrek 2, which takes place ONLY A COUPLE OF WEEKS after the first movie.


real proud of Shrek for destroying the catholic church in just a few weeks


May he plow the Lord’s fields in heaven


Dave Brandt was probably the longest running no-till farmer in the state; he'd been running his land no-till since 1971. He experimented with fertilizers, cover crops, and different irrigation techniques and he'd been doing all of that for a very long time.

The guy was an institution all on his own; look at this.

  • The “A” profile in his soil is now 47 inches deep compared to less than 6 inches in 1971 and acts like a giant sponge for water infiltration and retention.
  • From 1971 through 1989 David used an average of 150-250 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer per acre to grow his corn crops. After adding peas and radishes as a cover crop mix, he cut his nitrogen needs in half and was able to get it down to 125 pounds per acre.
  • When he added multiple species and became more aggressive with his cover crop mixes, he was able to achieve an additional drop in applied fertility. His starter fertilizer is now just 2 lbs of N, 4 lbs of P, and 5 lbs of K. His corn crop now only requires 20-30 lbs of N throughout the entire growing season. He requires no fertility for his soybeans, relying on fertility gained solely through his cover crops. He uses only 40 lbs of 10 N – 10 P – 10 K for his small grains.
  • Ten years ago (source study published 2019) David stopped using any fungicides and insecticides. This occurred at a time when fungicide and insecticide use has increased significantly with the average commodity farmer.
  • Four years ago he stopped using any seed treatment, including neonicotinoids.
  • His cash crop yields have been increasing by an average of 5% annually for the past 5-6 years, with far less fertilizer and no fungicides, insecticides or seed treatment.
  • What started as a basic heavy clay soils when David purchased the farm in 1971 have been officially re-classified by Ohio State University soil scientists as a highly fertile silty loam soil.

So many boob drawers dont get it... its abt the weight. Its abt the sag and the tension. Sphere anime boobs frighten and scare me. Show me that thang is made of flesh n it has give. What is the FUCKING point of 'instead of shirt she has bandages/vines/ribbons to cover her modesty/make sure shes not just free swanging' if they're still gonna be perfectly spherical??? Show me the gravity, let me see the places where the bandages compress which squishes it on either side... u guys get what I mean

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