
Keaton Bol

@keatonbol / keatonbol.tumblr.com


This turned out so much better than I thought it would. This was a commission and the instructions were to design two zora brothers based on an armoured carp and a sanke carp. Character design is my favourite thing and I am far too attached to these, haha.


Quick Sidon doodle for practice? Tweaked his design a little to look more like a hammerhead shark.


Another sidlink comic! There's 2 more panels to this, but for god knows what reason, Tumblr is axing the whole post from view if I add them! So they'll be in a reblog.

This is part 1 of 3, but the rest is going to take a while. I have last month's Patron art to do and there's a Mass Effect comic I don't want to push off any longer that I'd like to get done, but you can expect another part eventually!

(And if you don't want to wait, the roughs for part 2 are up on my patreon)

The other two panels, as promised, plus a bonus panel 5 with the fire removed under the cut:


Thought I'd make a post showcasing what my pricing is and what it would look like.

How does it work? Send me a message with what you want me to draw and include references. We will discuss the commission and your budget. Once everything is settled, I will make a sketch and during this phase, you may suggest as many edits as you want. Once you have approved the sketch, I will no longer make edits. I will show you progress pictures and ask for your input, to ensure the artwork is to your satisfaction. I will accept payment when the commission is fully done, after which I will send you the file in any format you want. I will only accept payment through PayPal.

Do's: -I draw zora, humans, elves and (most) animals. For other species feel free to ask (please send a reference). -I will happily draw NSFW. -I will also happily draw you a custom adoptable/character design. Note me for pricing.

Don't's: -I will not draw complex weapons, jewelry, or anything else that I feel I can not do justice. Feel free to ask and I will tell you if it's too complex. -I will not draw anything that I deem unethical.


Wow! I am still alive? Yep! I was off writing a book for a few years, but I have returned with a new illustration of Enu and Zaris, because these two still bring me life. How has everyone been?

Full resolution version is available on my Patreon! And yes, commissions are OPEN!


Short Story: Wretched Door

When he wandered his way back into the castle, not a single thing had changed. The sun was shining, the people were smiling and the staff was rushing to prepare today’s meal. Yet nothing felt the same. Whenever he passed someone, they would greet him with either a smile or a nod, and every time he had to look away. It felt like if he looked any of them in the eye for too long, they would know.

They’d know that he was going to betray them. In a way, he already had.

He didn’t want them to know, yet he proceeded to walk down the hall until he reached the prince’s room, completely powerless as his body moved on its own. He didn’t want to be near him, because he knew what he was going to have to do, yet he couldn’t stop himself. He had to see him. Even if it was just one more time. The crying on the other side of the door sent a jolt up his spine.

Bursting through the door, he scanned the room as quickly as he could, half expecting one of his father’s men to be inside, but they weren’t. There was only one of the maids desperately rocking the young prince back and forth.

To no avail. The infant proceeded to cry.

Meeting eyes with him, the young maid’s eyebrows drew together. “He’s been like this all morning,” she squeaked, her face red as if somehow all of this was her doing. There was a helplessness in her gaze, one he knew very well. He’d felt the exact same way every time Kota wouldn’t stop crying. “I’m sorry. I’ve tried everything.”

Although he felt his heart pounding in his chest and his cheeks burning up, Verim stepped forward without a single word, reaching forward to take the prince from her.

She didn’t protest. Perhaps she should have, but he was grateful that she didn’t.

His arms slid around the little prince as if his arms were made just to hold him, his racing heart slowing down when he rested the child against his chest. And once again, his body filled with that loving warmth he never knew he carried inside him. Not until he’d met Kota. The sensation had his eyes stinging and a shaky breath evaded his throat. “Go,” he told the maid.

Nodding, she rushed out of the room, grateful to get away from the crying infant.

He couldn’t blame her, though it stung that she trusted him so easily. After all, he was the one who was appointed to protect him and he’d done so since the day he was born. They had every reason to trust him and if it weren’t for the simple fact that he’d just been appointed to be his murderer as well, they would have been right to trust him.

The memory clawed at his eyes, an overwhelming dread that caught him completely off guard. It was the exact same thing that happened every time he was with Kota, that overpowering instinct wiping away every little crack in his spirit, reversing every little lesson his father had ever forced upon him. It threw everything out of balance, like the whole world was collapsing in on itself, the ground shattering beneath his feet. Yet nothing felt more right. It wasn’t fair.

The first tear fell with the weight of the world, landing on the child’s forehead before it rolled down onto the ground. The unexpected sensation briefly stopped the prince’s crying, whose eyes wandered up to meet with Verim’s. At that moment, he could swear that the prince understood what was going on. In those big round eyes, he could see that he knew that the man was going to betray him and that thought had him choking on his breath.

Yet he stopped himself from crying, not because of his father’s voice screaming at him in the back of his mind, but because the little prince deserved better. He’d known that since the day he saved his life.

Now all of that was in vain. Now he was going to be the one to end what he’d saved.

It wasn’t fair. Nothing was.

Breathing in sharply, he took a few moments to recompose himself. He’d learned pretty early on how to soothe the little prince when he was crying and it couldn’t have been any more ironic. It was the one thing he’d always done that defied his father, the thing he’d sworn never to share with a single soul. No one but this small bundle of joy, who would never know just how much he meant. Not to the kingdom, not to the king and queen. None of them would ever know what he meant. No, to him. Even if he couldn’t allow himself to admit it, he knew no one would ever love him as much as he did.

Taking one more breath, he finally let his shaky voice roll off his tongue to form a soothing lullaby. “I will be the fire and the cold winter shelter,” he sang in his mother tongue. He could think of a thousand reasons why. Because he didn’t want the maids to hear his words, because he wanted the prince to learn his language, because it sounded better in song. The one reason he’d never admit to was that it simply felt like the home he’d never had. “I will be what you breathe. I will understand what you have inside.” The words were his own, words he’d never have found without Kota, and ones that no one else would ever hear. “And I’ll be the drinking water, the meaning of good. I will also be a soldier or the light in the evening.

As he had a hundred times before, the young prince fell quiet, his big eyes staring right into Verim’s soul as he sang. And although he didn’t smile, there was a loving joy written across his face, like a child eyeing his father. Fuck.

And in return, I ask for nothing, just a smile,” he continued, his voice wavering under the weight of the words. Yet his crying didn’t stop him, knowing full well he’d never get to make his intentions a reality. “Every little tear you shed is an ocean above my face. In return, I ask for nothing, just a little bit of time.” Why couldn’t they have more time together? All he wanted was to see him grow up, to teach him all he knew. Finally letting the tears flow, he pulled the prince as close as he could. “I will be your banner, shield, or your silver sword.

He finally had what he wanted. He finally had a son. And now his father had to take that too, like he’d taken everything else.

He couldn’t do this. Not anymore.


Short story: The Potion

The first time he took the potion he was eight years old.

It was a simple spell, originally created by the wild elves—a culture known to embrace people like him. And although the spell only lasted about twenty-four hours, the effects were life-changing. Drinking this potion allowed the user to change into the opposite sex, which for some would be no more than a parlour’s trick, a funny joke after losing a drunken bet.

For Verim, however, it had allowed him to be who he’d always hoped to be. And at age twenty-one, when he’d escaped his father’s clutches long enough to find himself, he tracked down the witch that could make the change permanent. In many ways, his life started at that very moment. And although he didn’t know it at the time, it would lead him right to where he was now. 

At the royal feast as General of the Ethral Army. Not just any feast, but King Tyon’s birthday, whom he’d come to call his friend over the years. Now in his early thirties, Verim had little reason to look back on his past, but he’d certainly not forgotten.

For that reason, he found himself distracted after taking several sips of his wine. He’d been so caught up in his conversation with Lady Enu and her knight, that he hadn’t noticed it until now. Although distinct, the familiar flavour was so subtle that it was difficult to pick up. It probably didn’t help that even after all these years, he still couldn’t figure out what it actually tasted like. But he knew one thing, which was that he only had a couple of seconds to make his escape.

“Please excuse me, my lady,” he said to Lady Enu, offering her a nod before spinning around to make a quick line through the banquet hall.

But not quick enough to escape the elven lady’s comment. “That must be number two,” she joked. Of course she did. Lady Enu certainly wasn’t known for her elegance.

Verim didn’t have time to come up with a witty response, nor to figure out who had spiked his drink. Right now he needed to get away from everyone, from all the prying eyes. As he burst through the door, he soon found himself in the palace’s decorated hallways, before making it to the next door. This one led to the bathrooms and in a stroke of pure luck, it was completely vacant. He wasted no time locking himself in.

Fuck. Now what? He found his heart racing in his chest and his eyes darting around the room as if somehow he’d find something to put a stop to this. But he knew very well that wasn’t possible. That bitter taste that had made its way into his wine could only be one thing. It was the very potion that had saved him when he was eight years old, somehow mixed into his drink at possibly the most important event of the year. And although he’d never know who did it, he already knew who was behind it.

His father. Who else?

“Uh, Verim?” A familiar voice sounded from the other side of the door, startling the man inside. It was Reviro, the guard he’d befriended on the very first day he came to the palace. In fact, for the longest time, he was his only friend, but there was one thing that Reviro didn’t know about him. That he was born in a woman’s body. He was about to find out. “Are you alright? You ran in here looking rather upset.”

“Uh, I’m constipated,” he squeaked, his heart sinking once he heard his own voice. It was already too late. He looked down to see how his body had changed. Even in his male form, he’d always been slim, but now he was even slimmer than before, with curves in places where he’d never wanted to see any. It was as shocking as it was surreal, not having seen himself this way since he was a child. This body felt even less like his own than back then, a heavy weight pulling on his chest while his uniform grew too tight around his hips.

This was not good.

“Wait, who’s in there with you?” Reviro demanded to know after a few seconds of thought. “What’s going on?”

Right. His voice sounded nothing like his own. Scraping his throat, he tried to lower his pitch as far as he could. “It’s me, Verim,” he muttered, cheeks turning red at how ridiculously the words came out. Fuck. This was really bad.

Although he couldn’t see him, he knew his friend was shooting a puzzled frown at the door. “I know what Verim sounds like and it’s not you,” he grumbled. “What did you do to him? Tell me now or I’ll break down this door.” Knowing Reviro, he wasn’t making an empty threat.

“Uh, well—” How was he even going to explain this? Perhaps his friend wasn’t as perceptive as he was, but there was no way he was going to lie his way out of this one. He took a deep breath. “You know that rumour that’s been going around lately?” He asked. “Of me secretly being a woman?” He’d gotten several questions about it over the past few weeks, until finally discovering that the whole palace had been talking about this. Another courtesy of his father, he supposed. “Well, it’s true.”

The silence that followed was deafening, not a single noise sounding from the other side of the door. Until eventually his friend opened his mouth again, his tone surprisingly gentle. “May I come in?” Was all he asked.

The last thing he wanted was for anyone to see him in this awful form, let alone his friend. And considering how he’d made quite the ordeal to deny this rumour, it was more than just embarrassing. Just the idea of someone laying eyes on him felt like a violation. Yet there was no use in saying no now. And so with a heavy sigh escaping his lips, he carefully creaked open the door.

Blinking as he studied the other male, Reviro visibly had to recollect his words. “Uh, that’s— I—”

Fuck. He didn’t have time for this. No one else could see him like this. Letting out a frustrated growl, he swung open the door to forcefully pull his friend into the bathrooms, after which he locked them back in.

Bouncing back, Reviro ran his eyes over him again, his expression remaining baffled. “Alright, so this is how you actually look?” He asked him, tilting his head to the side as he raised a brow. “I mean, I’ve seen you naked more than enough to know you don’t normally look like this.” The thought brought a chuckle to him.

At least his friend believed it was him now. Verim wasn’t so sure if that was a good thing or incredibly bad. The effects of the potion would last a lot longer than he could remain hidden in this bathroom and he wasn’t so sure if he wanted to be recognised the moment he stepped outside. After all the rumours about him, this was the last thing he needed. “No, this is just a damn potion,” he spat, shaking his head before he began pacing around the small room. “Some elven witch at the black market made the change permanent a little over ten years ago. Before that, I drank a potion for it every day. Apparently, the potion works the other way around now. It’s only temporary, but—”

Staring at him, the other male burst into laughter and Verim’s face burned red.

“What?!” He snapped, freezing in his tracks and balling his hands into fists. “Is this funny to you? Everyone in this damn palace will know the truth if they see me this way!”

Shaking his head, Reviro could barely recompose himself long enough to speak. “I’m sorry, but you look ridiculous,” he said.

His eyebrows drew together as he glared at the other male. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” He sneered. Just because he felt absolutely ridiculous, didn’t mean his friend got to treat him that way!

The man was laughing so hard that his whole face turned red. “Because this is nothing like you,” he said. “You don’t even look like a woman. You just look angrier than usual. And tinier.”

Wait. What? His frown deepened. “Take this seriously, man,” he growled.

“Why?” His friend said, leaving no time for the other male to respond. “This doesn’t prove anything, because you’re not a woman. It’s just some stupid potion.” He finally stopped his chuckling to study Verim. “How’d you even accidentally drink that?”

“I didn’t,” he said, letting out a deep sigh as he rubbed his face with his palms. “Well, I did, but—someone must have slipped it into my drink. Probably paid off by my father.”

Frowning, Reviro tilted his head to the side. “Why would he do that?”

“Because we’re at war with him, remember?” He said. “I bet he thinks that if he can prove this, it will get me fired. He must be really desperate to resort to this. He was the one that insisted on keeping this a secret all my life.” His head was spinning, hundreds of thoughts echoing in his mind. “Ancients, this is fucking disgusting. No one in Ethral is going to care enough to fire me, but they’ll all know.

Stepping further into the room, Reviro let his gaze wander around before landing on the cup of wine the general had placed on the sink. “Is this the one with the potion?” He said, picking it up to sniff the contents.

Shooting him a puzzled look, he nodded. “Yes, but are you not hearing me?”

Seemingly without a second thought, Reviro downed the rest of the cup, letting out a content sigh once he finished it.

Verim’s eyes went so wide they nearly popped out of his sockets. “What are you doing?!” He asked, stepping over to him.

His friend’s lips curled into a bright smile, a nonchalant shrug coming over him. “Now everyone will think I’m secretly a woman too,” he murmured.

He frowned. “Of course not,” he barked. “All you did was drink this stupid potion.” He could already picture his friend marching around with a grin from ear to ear, making lewd jokes to everyone he knew in the guard. For him this was just a joke, but—

“So did you,” Reviro said. “Now either you walk around with a sour face and leave everyone wondering what the fuck happened, or we just go have some fun together. I mean, who cares what they believe?”

He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. It wasn’t nearly as simple as his friend made it seem, but—perhaps that didn’t matter.

Then, the change happened. Reviro’s broad shoulders slowly morphed into a delicate figure that barely fit his clothes—a thin waist, broad hips and a chest that stuck out. He looked entirely different, yet also perfectly the same. Had Reviro known how to carry himself, perhaps he could have actually looked like a woman. But he didn’t. He still looked as nonchalant as ever. Perhaps physical appearance wasn’t everything.

Entirely unexpected, Verim found himself bursting into laughter, much like his friend had mere moments ago. “If you think I look ridiculous, you should see yourself in the mirror,” he told him.

Spinning in his position, he quickly studied himself in the mirror above the sink, growing an overly entertained grin across his face. “We should totally try and seduce some of the male guards,” he said, eyes wide as he stared at himself.

He laughed again. “You mean the ones that don’t want to sleep with you normally?”

Reviro joined in on his laughter. “Says you,” he shot back.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied, though his tone was far from genuine. “I am General of the Ethral Army—it would be highly unethical of me to sleep with any soldier.”

Turning back to face him, the man rolled his eyes. “You weren’t always a general, were you?” He briefly ran his gaze over him. “Why not sneak out and relive the good old days for one night?” The gleam in his eye was a familiar one, that ominous look when he was about to do something that would most certainly get them in trouble.

“No,” he said firmly before a smile crept its way back onto his face. “We left those behind for a good reason. I just got this job, so I’d like to keep it.”

Though the ominous expression remained on his face, Reviro didn’t push any further. “Let’s at least make it a fun night,” he said, taking a step forward to place a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “For all I care we tell everyone we lost a bet. Whatever makes you feel comfortable tonight.”

Smiling back at him, Verim took a few moments to think. The man was right. What was he so concerned about? It didn’t matter what body he had—he’d accomplished many great things and none of that had anything to do with his gender. He knew exactly who he was and that person was someone that people respected. Whoever would treat him differently if they knew the truth, was not worth his time. “You know what? It doesn’t matter what they think,” he told him. “My father would want nothing less than for me to live in fear. Even if it’s solely to spite him, we’re going to have a memorable night.”

Reviro’s smile widened. “That’s the guy I know,” he said, before stepping over to the door, not a single trace of hesitation in his step—this was exactly how he knew him too, scaling the thin line between confidence and stupidity.

It was exactly why he’d grown to like him. And maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t so bad to do the same every now and then. Picking up his empty cup, he followed after the other man and back into the banquet hall. “I need a refill on this,” he told his friend, holding up the cup. “But maybe this time I’ll pour it myself.”

His friend barely spared him a smile, quickly darting off to wave at the first male guard he could spot.

Right. This was going to be a disastrous night. But it would be great.


New account! Please please please take a look at this!


Got a little creative with censoring haha. I love my hammerhead man Verim. He’s a smug bastard haha.


Six wonderful Koi ladies are up for adoption! PM me if you want one. <3

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