


Julia • life and things to enjoy • co2020

Avoiding Burnout

Hello! I got super terrible burnout last year and it lasted the entire 3rd quarter and then by at the end of my exams. I found some good ways to avoid this and I am using them this year to avoid it!

Don’t go hard from the start/short amount of time: When you spend a week doing 6 hours of studying a day on top of school, burnout can happen, so space this out. 

Stay on top of your assignments: If you have a three-week long assignment, break it up so you don't have to pull an all-nighter the day before it is due.

Stay organized: Whether it is digital or paper, make sure to have everything written so you can avoid surprises. I personally have teacher websites bookmarked and use an agenda and Google Calendar. 

Take breaks: When you are spending a lot of hours studying it can be exhausting. Watch a youtube video, take a shower, or read to destress for a little while before continuing again. 

Take a day off: I personally don’t think about anything to do with school (unless I have to) on Saturdays and this breaks up the week for me. 

Have something to look forward to after-school: I usually have clubs after school and this breaks up my day and gives me something to think about before going home to do homework. 

Try to not take a nap: Once you get in the habit of taking 1 or 2-hour naps can be a very bad habit and if you avoid doing your homework, it means very late nights. If you have to, take a 10-15 minute nap for a quick power nap!

Burnout can be very hard to overcome so avoid it in as many ways as you can.  Keep your head up and I will shortly have a post on how to deal with burnout when you already have it!

Thank you! Julia 



Hello everyone!

This may be far fetched but I love the idea of doing some sort of study group and since I’m taking 2 APs I would love to work with others also taking these classes!!! I don’t know logistics but please message me and we can make it happen!!!!

Thanks you!!!



Tips for Staying Healthy During School!

Hello everyone! This is something really important to me because I actually lost a good amount of weight over the last year and it has impacted so many parts of my life in a positive way. 

1. Pack your lunch - eating lunch at school can hide a lot of calories and are pretty unhealthy for you. 

2. Find short times to exercise - If you are someone like me who does not like exercising, I spend 15-20 minutes a couple times a day to do different exercises. I find this a little bit easier and more bearable!

3. Listen to your body - I know that it is really easy to fall into diet trends, make sure to know when you are hungry and EAT! I personally always have something healthy in my bag. 

4. Don’t ‘feed’ into stress! - I know that it is super easy to eat uncontrollably when you are stressed but what I do is when I am in my kitchen I think about what I want and what I should have. If I decide to have what I want, I will eat a little bit of that but before will eat an apple/fruit. 

5. Drink water!!!!! - This does not only help with health but can improve your skin! I set mental goals and then try my best to reach them. I know there are plenty of apps you can also try if you need reminders!

6. Be smart when you’re with friends but never deprive yourself - This can lead to eating disorders (like binging) if you are out with your friends or want to eat something unhealthy, just eat in moderation and enjoy it!

7. Don’t worry about the number on the scale! - This was something that took a while for me to get through my head but make sure that a lower number isn’t your only goal. Sometimes there is water weight etc. I recommend you judge your journey on how you feel and/or how your clothes fit.

8. Make rewards that have nothing to do with food! - I know that food can be associated with awards but getting this thinking out of your head can disconnect your brains thinking about food. If you do well on a test, go out for mini golfing with your friends rather than choosing to have a treat!

9. Get sleep! - This can be difficult but if you have a lot of energy, doing things like homework and tests is much easier when it is running on sleep! 

10. Be happy - this seems silly and simple but this step is the most important. I found that adding 10 minutes of meditation makes me happy and I also enjoy reading a light-hearted book right after getting home from school! Find out what makes you happy and do it! 

I hope this is helpful! Health is something that is very important to me and although I know that it is very hard to stay healthy 100% of the time, listen to your body and if you are always tired, then adjust the things you eat and see if you feel better. Worry about how your body feels rather than a number on a scale! 

Thank you so much!



Why I don’t have a 4.0!

Hello Everyone! Although I am a studyblr and feel very passionate about my studies, I decided to post this because I want everyone to know that getting a 4.0 isn’t everything!

I love extracurriculars! This isn’t an excuse for many but I love to spend my time in clubs and sometimes this takes time away from studying!

I work! Many students have to work through high school for their families, etc. and although I do not need to work, I enjoy doing it to learn responsibility and make some extra $ not from my parents! 

I have had personal problems! Last year was a very difficult time for me in regards to friendships and health so I decided to make myself a priority. This was important for me and when I was finally in a good spot, I decided to again focus on my grades. 

 My grades don’t define me! I love earning high grades but know that it does not change me as a person. I would much rather spend my free time helping out my community or getting involved rather than reading or doing homework.

This was very important for me to post because I want everyone to be proud of their own accomplishments. Personally this year I am planning on working harder this year on my grades but it is personally because all of the personal mindset is 100 times better than last year. 

I want you all to enjoy your time in school and if that means not getting a 4.0 SO BE IT! Be happy with you and your character before your grades. 


First Day of School!

Hello Everyone!! I just came home from my first day a little while ago and wanted to say some things!

Be nice to underclassmen! It’s a stressful time for them and don’t be a jerk for no reason. If they’re asking for directions, then at least tell them the directions and be on your way! 

Sit in a good place of the class!  If you don’t have assigned seating, make sure to sit near the board and where you are going to learn the most (not have the most fun with friends): 

Be positive and think about the year to come! The first day can be overwhelming but you have control of a brand new year! (Take advantage of that)

This is super short but I thought it was important to quickly post for those who have had their first day recently!!

Thank you! Julia


Class Schedules!

Hello! Just wanted to post this and then see if there are any classes that you would like me to post tips for!

1. Chorus

2. Open (Journalism, S2)

3. Spanish 4 Honors

4. AP Lang and Comp.

5. Algebra 2

6. Chemistry

7. APUSH (U.S. History)

8. Open 

With this, I am also taking Chamber Singers which is something that meets after school once a week and it’s a half credit as well as VHS Criminology Honors first semester and VHS Practical Law S2. 

Also! My school started doing a lunch wave and block scheduling (2x times a week) so I can also talk about my experience with that!)

I hope this is helpful!

Thank you, love you all!



When you’re in school, remember...

don’t stress (too much) do things that make you happy don’t let drama drag you down it’s okay to get bad grades do the best YOU can don’t compare your grades get sleep! study but don’t obsess learn and grow be independent  be nice to others be healthy take mental health days try not to procrastinate

I wanted to do something different since I am going back to school next week. Please feel free to reblog and add to the list!! Thank you and love you all!!!!!!!


Balancing a Job and School!

Hello Everyone! 

I wanted to do this post because I have started working this summer and plan to continue during the school year. Here are some tips and I hope they are useful!! 

**Disclaimer** This is coming from someone in High School so I can’t speak for balancing college and work!!!!!

#1: Be realistic!

If you are planning on doing sports, clubs, or focus solely on your education then be very realistic with yourself and see if or when is the best time for you to work. 

#2: Talk to your boss (manager)!

If you know that you should only work 3 days a week and you prefer weekends, let them know and hope they are understanding. Most of the time you can work with them for your best possible schedule.

#3: Make sure you are organized!

If you are working, studying, participating in clubs/sports, you need to know exactly where and when you need to be. I personally have a weekly/monthly planner from Staples and I over organize the hell out of my life. 

#4: Work close to your home/school!

If you are working 30 minutes away, then you are wasting time in your day. Make sure you find the best place to work for you without wasting time commuting there. 

#5: Ask yourself why you are working?

Obviously there are many that need to work, but personally, for me, I like to work because it clears my head and I earn money that isn't from my parents. 

#6: Know that you are not sacrificing your shot at college to work!

I was recently talking to a friend currently in college who told me that they worked all throughout high school and couldn’t participate in extra circulars. He explained that the college admissions were super understanding and understood that he was saving for his family and college!

#7: Make sure you are still having free time!!

Balancing anything with school can be difficult but make sure you have at least one day or afternoon a week to just relax and regroup! This will prevent burn out and make sure you are fully charged for everything you need to do. 

I hope this is helpful for everyone! I personally only worked weekends last year so I will be using these tips when school starts again in a couple weeks! 

Thank you!!


Touring Colleges Tips!!

Hello Everyone!! Since it is summer and the best time to tour colleges I have some tips for before, during, and after the tour! I hope these are helpful! 


1. Narrow down your interests!  It is understandable that you may not know exactly what you are doing!

  • One tip I heard from a tour guide that was really helpful was to eliminate everything you know you DO NOT want to do and work with that. 

2. Research the college! Ask yourself why are you spending your time touring this college? Is it the majors, academics, or opportunities, etc. Also, see if you can afford the college because some are ridiculously expensive and not worth even looking at. 

3. Have questions and don’t be afraid to ask while there is downtime! I know it can be stressful but between walking from place to place you can ask a question. Tour guides are there for questions and happy to help in any way they can!

4. Tour your state schools! I know there are a lot of people who are very against state schools because they want to get away but they are so inexpensive and are worth it (your parents are already paying taxes that goes into funding)

5. See if your grades and extracurriculars can get you into the school! This can sometimes be disappointing but if the average GPA accepted is 4.2 and you have a 3.4 you may have a more challenging time being accepted


1. Look at the papers they give you! See what the class sizes are, if there are actually interesting majors, and if there is a campus map!

2. Pay attention to your interests and think during the buildings that aren’t your major! Personally, I know that I will not be going to anything for science so during that part of the tour I will look at information and see if there is anything you can ask at other stops. 

3. Look at dorms and meal plans! Depending on the college there is different levels/concentration but if they don’t explain it ask the tour guides about their own meal plans and rooms. 

4. Don’t worry about memorizing the location! This sounds a little weird but if you are completely lost don’t feel bad. If you decide to go to the school then you should worry about it and just enjoy moving from building to building and look at the vibe you are getting. 


1. Go the website and see if you can answer all your questions! No tour guide has all the answers but looking at the website it very helpful

2. Think about if the people and the location can be something that works for you! Sometimes a great location doesn’t have the same types of people as you so think about whether the school is a party, sports, or artsy school. 

3. Talk out your tour highlights! If you are going with your parents, talk about the different things you saw and see if the college is a place you can see yourself going to.

Touring colleges will give you the best chance of finding your dream school so keep exploring until you finally find your best fit! Although college is a great investment, know the cost of attendance and understand that there are so many colleges that will be perfect for you!

Thank you all!!


Pass the happy yaaay~~ when you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! ☂️💜


Hello! Thanks @jungcinema  and @blackcatsstudies for the questions and I hope that these also make people happy!

1. A really great book

2. Sleeping in and having a relaxing morning

3. A clean room/closet

4. Working really hard on a project and that amazing relief

5. Movie marathons! 


Hi! I saw you had a kanken laptop 17 inch backpack. I'm looking to get one myself, but I didn't know if the 17 inch looked too bulky or too big and wanted to ask your opinion. I'm debating between getting the 15 inch or the 17. Thanks and hope you're having a good day :)



My opinion of the backpack might be a little harsh but I personally stopped using it after my 3rd quarter because it was a little hard to use with all of my school supplies! :( I found it really great for traveling and the 17in is not as big as you would think. If you tend to have a lot of things in your bag and constantly throw it around the backpack is not the best but it is a great bag if you are planning on really taking care of it. It is pretty expensive so if you want to invest in it go ahead but I was personally happy with a 17in it is great for life use but not necessarily for school. 

Sorry if that wasn’t exactly the best review but the 17in is great if you're carrying a lot of school things in your bag but it also isn’t the best bang for your buck. If you want a little bit more of my opinion please feel free to message me and sorry if it wasn’t exactly the most raving review. 

I hope you have a great day!!


20/20 Game!

Thank you @biochemstud and @danystudies for tagging me!

Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to know better!

name: Julia 

nickname: I have had a few but some but usually Jul or my last name

zodiac sign: Scorpio

height: 5′3ish 

languages spoken: English and I am learning Spanish

nationality: American

favorite fruit: pineapple

favorite season: fall

favorite animal: dogs and elephants

coffee, tea, hot chocolate: coffee

average hours of sleep: depends but usually 7

favorite fictional characters: Tessa gray (Infernal Devices)

no. of blankets you sleep with: 1/2

dream trip: Spain and Australia

blog created: last summer 


When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (Non-negotiable, positivity is cool! ✨


Thanks for this!! @studying-withjulia

Um.. The five things that I like about myself is:-1) My perfectly imperfect hair2) (What ??…this is so hard!!) Uh.. I like dresses on me..3) Me reading books has got a nice ring to it…4) Me listening to music and dancing like nobody’s watching is good ..5) Me writing down my thoughts in my journal is one thing I like my mind that does that for me …That’s all …I guess This question is for@studying-withjulia @s-t-a-y-i-n-g @perks-of-being-chinese @pre-party @amazinglybeautifulphotography@siftaka @thegoodvybe @thegirlwhonevershutup @nature-hiking@tygermama @thecheshirecass




How to Build a Resume!

Hello! I really wanted to do this because I have had to make a resume for interviews I have had this year and will need to keep adding things to it as time goes on!! 

1. Look up templates! Most school guidance counselors will have some templates but there are so many online that can help you when you are first beginning. 

2. Before you even start trying to create a resume, have a list of everything you’ve done and see what will be the best for what you are applying for. I personally have a list in my notes app and I add things as I do them! 

3. Join things in and around your school/community to have amazing things to add on your resume. This obviously makes sense but a lot of times when it comes down to actually making a resume you may find that you have not done that many things that would be helpful in the resume. 

4. When you first begin, you need your name, address, phone number, and email clearly stated on the top. If this is for college/jobs there will be people looking at it quickly so you want them to immediately know who you are.

5.  Know whether or not you should have a listed resume or a bulleted one. This really applies to what the resume is for. If you are applying for something around your school that requires a resume, a bulleted list is really all you need but when it comes to college applications, you want to make sure you are getting as much as you can out there. My rule of thumb is if you have an interview, you can explain yourself but if you don't then think about maybe just doing a list.

6. Lastly, don’t make a resume in one day! This resume represents a lot of time and effort and there are things that you can forget that you did and this could really impact your resume. Take your time make a list and impress who you need to impress!!!

This is an example of a resume I used in the past! The reason there is things that are deleted is to make sure I am not sharing anything too personal!

I hope this helps!!

Love you all, thank you!

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