

Katsu | 21 || they/them |Eternally waiting for more yuri on ice content. S2, a movie or honestly anything at this point :(

it's been kinda surreal seeing people and blogs that have been inactive for half a decade now come back to mourn ice ado with everyone else. this anime truly did touch so many people that even after 7+ years since the finale aired we are still coming together to remember how wonderful it is 💙💖


Yuri on Ice officially going down in history today as the most insane fumble of a franchise that i’ve ever seen in my life


what an unceremonious end... i wish we had gotten any sort of closure. for such a well known and loved show, it sucks to see it get shelved like this


YURI!!! on ICE the movie : ICE ADOLESCENCE Officially Canceled

YURI!!! on ICE the movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE Cancellation Notice Thank you very much for always supporting "Yuri!!! on ICE." Regarding the postponed release of "YURI!!! on ICE the movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE," we have come to the decision to unfortunately cancel its production. We deeply apologize for not being able to meet the expectations of all those who have been waiting and have continued to support us throughout these years. The production committee and staff have been in constant discussions to create and to deliver the movie, but due to various circumstances, we have had to make the difficult decision to stop the production. We sincerely apologize to everyone who has been anticipating its release and thank you once again for your continued support. Yuri!!! on ICE PROJECT MAPPA Co., Ltd. Posted on the official Yuri on Ice twitter, @ yurionice_PR

Figure some YOI folks may still follow me, here's the news.


tumblr developers cranking it into overdrive to make sure one of the few unique and usable social media sites remaining becomes a half-formed failed homunculus clone of tiktok like every other fucking website

Anonymous asked:

Ooof I am also in my feelings about YOI. I can't believe I actually watched it as it was airing. I was still a teen and related to Yurio the most, now I come back to watch it and I'm older than Yuri!! And he's so relatable, it's like I was missing a whole part of YOI then suddenly I rewatch as an adult feeling weirdly sentimental despite that year being pretty bad for me and just oooofffffff.

I was tearing up constantly. Like when I watched as it came out I thought Victor seemed kinda cold and far away and I liked Yuri well-enough but thought he got over his anxiety quickly, my main focus was Yurio. Now going back it's just holy shit, I lived Yuri's life, minus the sporting achievements lol but I felt everything he felt, and Victor too was so much more interesting, clearly so much going on under the surface and profound loneliness covered up with a cheerful facade. I can't believe how different it was to rewatch years later at a different age. I still love Yurio too but now it feels like oh god please someone help this child rather than relating to him.

I remember even thinking at the time later that maybe it was overrated but going back to it now is just like god, no it wasn't at all, it really *was* that great, it really *did* deserve the hype. And I don't really know where I'm going with this but I just wanted to share it with someone bc I was never really that involved in the fandom and it's kinda died off now and I have no one to say it too in irl so it's just my farewell ig to YOI. Like I love that I can rewatch it but the whole hype around it at the time was so cool, it reminded me of watching shows on tv then talking about it at school the next day. Like it somehow re-created that experiance but even better bc it was sooo many people all at once. It was just so optimistic and sweet, and I feel weirdly sad now whenever I see anything about it. I almost wish it had done multiple seasons and movies and milked it for all its worth so I could just move on from it like anything else but now everytime I see it I'm suddenly thrown back to being a teen and comparing my life from then to now and suddenly remember every emotion I was feeling, it's so brutal.

This is overlong and kinda clumsy but basically I want to send the show off somehow like kiss it on it's cheeks and wave goodbye but I don't know how so I'm writing this all to you. Please don't feel pressured to reply, I know I've sent paragraphs. But if you do want to anyway, I'd love to hear all and any thoughts you have about YOI and what it was for you. I feel strangely lonely about it now bc I never had irl friends who watched it and I never paticipated in fandom. Now I'm like, idk mourning it, on my own. YOI coincided with a little bubble of time where I was relatively happy and hopeful, It's hard to let just that go now.

I understand you. I was 16 when yoi aired and I was actually waiting for it's release months before because the trailer seriously caught my attention, so I've been here since before the first ep was even out. To this day I count being able to watch Yuri on ice as it aired as one of the most positive experiences of my life. When yoi came out, I was in a particularly dark spot in my life, and this anime was my anchor through and through. It taught me the power a piece of media can have on a person as I do believe I couldn't have pulled through that year if yoi hadn't come in to save me at the last minute.

I remember it being so fun, I actually don't think I've ever had more fun with any other piece of media, it was magical.

Anonymous asked:

ice adolescence kinda makes me think of when i would work on an assignment desperately trying to finish in time and then 12:00 hits and its like, ok its already overdue so ill spend all of tomorrow working on it, then tomorrow comes and iv left it too late again its 12:00 again and the cycle keeps going, and every day theres a late penalty added and it gets to a point where it cant be handed in as it originally wouldve been bc it has to be perfect just to even pass and then i have a meltdown over it and dont hand in anything at all. Point being, yea i definitely think theres a burnout/personal conflict/ohshitweleftthissolatenowitneedstobeperfect issue going on.

but like...handing in a bad assignment is still better than handing in nothing at all. And a ice adolescence thats not perfect (but still lovingly created) would still be amazing. Yuri on ice wasnt perfect, there wasn't enough time for all the characters and for the emotional moments to rest before zooming to the next scene. but we adored it anyway bc it there was so much love and care involved. i get they realise now that this movie will probably be the send off and naturally they dont want to sour the series with a bad/mediocre movie but cmon now, i was in highschool when it came out and ive since finished uni and work full time, weve all grown up and the characters are remaining static in 2016 on hold.

I use to want a season 2 but now i dont think i do, i cant even think of a plot that wouldnt either be a rehash of s1 or just breaking up yuri/victor for the sake of conflict. A prequel is a good, safe option. We really dont know that much about Victors life, theres so much to work with! And they could even have little cuts to present day, that could just be sweet and domestic bc they wouldnt have to worry about coming up with drama to fill a season with. Its a great option, now all they have to do is make and release the damn thing lmao. sorry for the long rant, this show just hurts my heart so bad, i cant believe its making me feel nostalgic for 2016 of years.

I agree with you. Heavy on the season 2 storyline being difficult to come up with. I would even think that a hypothetical S2 could only be made yurio-centric in order to avoid rehashing S1 plot points. Yuri on ice really wraps up nicely, the only thing it's missing is we really don't know much about Victor.

This is what I imagine happened in the good timeline:

  1. Yuri on ice S1, Yuri MC

2. Victor-centric prequel movie

3. Yuri on Ice S2 Yurio as MC (and it still would be called Yuri on Ice lol)

4. multiple OVA's and short mangas like WTTM

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