
Ask True Labs Gaster

@asktruelabsgaster / asktruelabsgaster.tumblr.com

Hello visitor! I am Dr. Gaster, and I am currently working as a scientist under King Asgore, stationed in Hotland.
Please, feel free to ask anything of me, and my colleagues! I set this in place to allow free communication with the public. Nasty rumors spread when secrets are kept, you know!
(Ask/RP Blog for W. D. Gaster (and assorted others) from Undertale. My OOC posts and art will be tagged separately.)
Askblog's art blog http://truelabsafterdark.tumblr.com/

Final Blog Announcement

Hey guys, anyone who’s still around.

I’m sorry I haven’t been very active recently, things have been weighing very heavily on me and I just haven’t been in the right place to work on this blog and it’s story anymore.

So I guess it’s about time I admit to myself, and all of you still hanging on, this blog is dead. I don’t think I’ll be coming back to this anytime soon, if ever.

Thank you all who sent in asks and interacted with me. I appreciate all of you, and I had a lot of fun working on this. I learned a lot, as well.

If you want to follow me, my twitter is @Hyenamon and my toyhou.se is gannymede though I’m rarely active anywhere these days.

I’ll leave this account up just in case I ever want to return to it.

Anonymous asked:

.. Undyne, no offense, but.. Dr. Al kind of treats you like garbage... He pushed you to and past your limit for no good reason, and was disappointed in you despite how impressive it was you made it as far as you did. But don't feel bad! I want you to know I'M proud of you, and I'm sorry about your eye. Maybe we could be friends instead?

“You take that back! Dr. Al is the best, okay? He knows I totally rock, and pushes me hard so I get even stronger!”


Opening Commissions!

That’s right folks, Nemo’s opening commissions, and it’s about time I made a post about it.


Busts/Torso: 8$ +3$ per extra character

Full body: 10$ +5$ per extra character


Busts/Torso: 10$ +3$ per extra character

Full Body: 13$ +4$ per extra character


Busts/Torso: 14$ +3$ per extra character

Full Body: 17$ +5$ per extra character

Things I will draw

Ships(canon or otherwise)

Fanart (mainly Undertale, Pokemon, Digimon or a few various anime/cartoons)


Mild NSFW/shippy stuff

Things I won’t draw

Explicit NSFW

Other people’s OCs without permission


Complex backgrounds


Price will vary by complexity.

Payments through paypal only, thanks!

If you’re unsure of anything, just shoot me a message! I promise I don’t bite :3

(I’m also taking small donations here, http://ko-fi.com/nemonemi )

Giving this a quick reblog here!

Anonymous asked:

School sucks when it swamps you with work, it's okay to sort out the work and not work on this blog. Take your time :3

Thank you anon :>

Anonymous asked:

is this dead?

No it's still going! I'm so sorry for the absence I've just been swamped with school. It's just a temporary hiatus until I get caught up, which should be very soon.

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