
∂яσωηιηg αмσηgѕт ℓιgнтѕ

@shadowbend-blog / shadowbend-blog.tumblr.com

in a sea full of ѕтαяѕ.
indie bnha oc ; est. 4/9/2017
he understood that this sort of invitation may have seemed odd, but there was no better time to go exploring than in the dead of the night. it set the mood && not to mention, there would be less witnesses — even heroes-in-training could be reprimanded for sneaking into private property. this way, if someone were to come by, tokoyami could easily conceal the both of them with dark shadow. 
the building he had in mind was less than a couple of blocks from the school. far enough that an awkward silence could form between them, but not so distant that it was physically exhausting. in front of them was a large mansion – it’s exterior so old that pieces were falling off && gaping holes were broken into it in numerous places. he could only assume that the inside was in a similar state. all he knew about this place was from what he gathered from several different online forums – each stating active paranormal entities inside. naturally, he was drawn to such a claim and wanted to see these ghosts for himself. 
        when inviting hoshi to come along, he had no idea whether or not she would have an interest in such activities. rather jumpy && anxious, he was unsure how well she would fare going into a building labeled as haunted. though, in the end he decided on leaving their destination ambiguous – simply asking her if she would like to hang out. perhaps if she was afraid, a more ‘spur-of-the-moment’ decision would be favorable. people tend to be more brave when put under pressure; their own classmates were proof of the matter. 
❝ the nakamura manor. supposedly, a terrible tragedy occurred here decades ago. ❞ tokoyami replied casually. still unsure of whether she would be interested in such an adventure, he wouldn’t allow that to obscure any of the details given. if she could not stomach such a trip, he wouldn’t force it on her to enter the manor. ❝ as of right now, the building is owned by the state — there are no known occupants. ❞ — ‘known’, being a key word. these sort of places were rumored to house villains as well as the less fortunate; && naturally, daring teenagers would break in from time-to-time ( illicit actions ensuing ).
       the way she asked about the paranormal activity within the building confused him – was she excited or was she scared. the sudden spike in her tone could suggest either. at least with that inquiry, he knew he had her hooked. as he answered her question, he wasted no time making his way up to the house – carefully listening to her delayed footsteps to be sure she followed. ❝ according to some, it’s suppose to be. though, i want to confirm it myself. ❞ finding truly haunted places was a rarity — most of the time, it was a product of people’s paranoia.
    recognition flashed in her mind at the name, she'd heard of this place before. but she wasn't entirely sure from where. an itch to ask about it's history presented itself in the back of her thoughts, && she did her best to ignore it -- she felt asking too many questions may be obnoxious. though... maybe one or two couldn't hurt. after all he knew more about this place than she did, && he’d taken her there, asking a few questions was to be expected.

    ❝ do you know what kind of hauntings ? malicious or moderately peaceful -- poltergeist or something else ?only after the small volley of questions did she fall silent -- && quickly so. being reprimanded in the past for her questions had effectively trained her to grow weary of asking too many at once, though she didn’t expect him to grow annoyed or upset over it ( although her brain was screaming otherwise ) -- he was generally rather calm about these things. nonetheless she looked over the manor -- the shambles it was in, she recognized the unease surrounding the building. picking up her pace she picked her way through the disarray that was the lawn of the place.

    ❝ it'd be interesting if it's actually haunted.hoshi mumbled those words more to herself as she followed him, looking downwards to the path to make sure she didn't catch her foot on anything -- of course leading her to nearly running into her companion again once he stopped. luckily she sidestepped in time, avoiding collision but stumbling nonetheless.

    clearing her throat she righted herself, giving tokoyami a sheepish smile before turning to manor. she hated that kind of embarrassment, like any normal person, it was always so... dumb the ways she managed to embarrass herself ( at least to her ). another reason why she avoided doing much outside of school && studying. her cheeks reddened some under the moonlight, && she averted her gaze to the manor.i'd imagine the entrances would be locked, && breaking the locks would cause a lot of noise... we should test the doors but maybe searching for another way in might be best...

    hoshi stared at the door, furrowing her brow in consideration. it was possible she could use her quirk to break the lock fairly silently, && given it was night she was at peak strength -- it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to do,though i might be able to break a lock quietly... if i get shadows in the lock and solidify them... or something along those lines... hm...thinking to herself she put a finger to her chin && fell silent, allowing tokoyami to do whatever it was he’d planned to do upon reaching the entrance.

    being invited to things wasn't common for hoshi, at least not in the past years. once she'd started at yuuei slowly the others began to include her in things, brewing a mixture of bafflement, happiness, && slight unease in the girl. when others included her in things it gave her leeway to mess up, to make others angry at her, the very idea haunted her ( she never wanted to make her classmates, whom she respected, annoyed with her -- even bakugou, though that was a losing battle a good portion of the time ).

    this invitation was no different, though it wasn't a group activity, tokoyami inviting her to hang out. the two had bonded some over similarity in quirks, && trying to figure out if she could assist with taming dark shadow some, && she knew their relationship was solidly between 'acquaintance' && 'friend'. he wasn't someone she wanted to lose as either of those options, so nerves did threaten to eat away at her. nonetheless, it was exciting -- she hadn't really hung out with... anyone before.

    she followed him quietly off campus in the dead of night, a small smile on her face && eyes bright. for once she'd caught up on her work, so there was no need to worry about anything school related now ( except maybe being caught sneaking out past curfew, but she pushed that to the back of her mind ). walking for time she considered possible topics to discuss, getting lost in her thoughts && nearly bumping into tokoyami when he stopped. looking to her right she spied the building he was turning towards, && she blinked. run down, musty, a dark aura surrounded the place. by the time she'd stopped gawking he'd already made it through a hole in the fence, through which she quickly followed.

    ❝ u, uh -- tokoyami-kun ? what is this place... ?her words came out a whisper, loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough that someone outside of a few foot range wouldn't pick up the words. the only thing making her nervous about the place thus far was the possibility of it being unstable, but she supposed, the two being heroes in training, they'd be able to handle themselves just fine,i, it looks really... run down. i, i'm assuming it's abandoned... ❞

    ❝ ... is it haunted ??the question came out louder than intended, but the notion excited her. hauntings && the supernatural where a rather morbid interest of hers, which she did her best to keep under wraps ( she'd only ever been criticized for it ). however she couldn't hide the newfound fascination in her eyes as the looked up through the darkness at the decrepit old building. // @obfuscous ; closed starter

a tiny giggle bubbled out as she smiled in amusement, her hand slowly covering her mouth in the process. normally, shiori was the one doing the worrying so it was most definitely an odd feeling being on the opposite end of things for once. her forehead was a bit red from the accident, perhaps it got a bit more irritated the harder she tried to rub the pain away. once recovery girl was brought into the conversation, shiori’s cheeks heated up as she frantically shook her hands in front of her. “n-no! i promise i’m fine. i’ll be fine, trust me. but, are you hurt, though? s-sorry again.. i really didn’t see you coming my way.”
    the small giggle caught hoshi off guard, && a baffled look crossed her face. why was this girl laughing ? wasn't she mad ? it didn't appear so, though nonetheless worry gnawed away at her gut. though the small burst of laughter seemed to leave upon her offer, && hoshi tilted her head slightly -- this was confusing,i, i'm alright ! && th, there's no need to apologize... i wasn't looking --

    ❝ b, but... uhm... i'm kurosawa hoshiko -- i, it's nice to meet you ! even if we did run into each other... l, literally... eheh...she let out a slightly nervous chuckle, fidgeting with her hands.


[ Hey guys! Sorry to announce, but @fishbitten is on an indefinite hiatus due to technical issues. The blog is still there, it can’t be deleted, but I can’t access it anymore! So the fish twins can’t be active…I’m not gonna be remaking the blog anytime soon, either. I’m so, SO sorry to the people I had RPs with on there! But please consider those RPs officially dropped. Again, I’m so sorry! ]

    ❛    i’m actually on the    last chapter right now , luckily for you . i read books in an unusually rapid pace lately …    ❜    a hidden glance to the side indicates concern for his own self , since it’s becoming more and more frequent that he spends the night reading or studying when sleep doesn’t reach him .    ❛    i’m positive that i’ll finish it tonight , so you can take it with you in the morning .    which reminds me … you should sleep , kurosawa-kun .    ❜
    tenya turns to look at the wall clock , its slim arms ticking around the number 1 silently .    it feels strange to the boy to stay up so late , yet he doesn’t feel the slightest hint of exhaustion .    still , the first thing that rushes into his mind is that his classmate is not sleeping when she’s ought to be …    ❛    i’ll go back soon as well , whether i feel tired or not .    we can arrange a study meeting tomorrow after school !!    it’s my utmost priority to help my classmate with difficult material after all .    ❜
    a nod is given silently, a small twinge of something going through her mind -- concern, was it ? something felt off about the statement, 'lately' -- has something changed ? nonetheless she smiles, nodding again -- however averting her eyes when he mentions sleep. she's so very tired, && nearly finished with her work -- but she wishes to continue talking with tenya, keep him company until he himself went to sleep ( or tries to. that twinge of concern comes back when he mentions he may not even be tired, unlike her -- why is he up ? ). however she doesn't wish to frustrate her classmate with an argument, especially after such a nice conversation.

    ❝ a, alright ! i'll be going to sleep soon... i, i'm nearly done... r, really sleepy... ❞ a yawn pushes its way past her lips, && her exhaustion fully hits her. doing this work is tiring && emotionally taxing for the girl, && she'd been at it for hours. covering her mouth as another yawn comes forth she shakes her head,i, i think... maybe i, i'll finish this in the morning... when i'm rested... j, just wake up a bit earlier... b, but !! thank you iida-kun, i, i'm looking forward to it ! i do hope it’s not too much trouble...

     he gives a bright smile towards the girl, and his tail begins to wag back and forth even as he sat in the stool, indicating his happiness. he reaches out and pats her head, ruffling her hair a bit, though being very careful so as not to hurt her head even further. “ that’s good. it’s understandable for you to feel tired, recovery girl’s quirk does use your stamina in order to heal you. “ it made him wonder if the girl’s injury was even worse than he thought it was, but he decides not to voice that.
     “ hm? i’m sure your teacher will understand. hell, i’m sure if you give them a note describing the circumstances, it’ll be just fine. so long as you make sure to make up your work it’ll be alright. “ he replied. he remembers getting injuries before himself and having to miss class, and that was usually how it worked. “ nah, you’re fine. i still got some time left in lunch break. you weren’t out for that long. “

    letting out a giggle at the ruffling of her hair her sheepish smile shifted to delight ( he wasn't angry -- he was staying ). she gives a small, careful nod at the mention of recovery girl's quirk. hoshi hadn't needed to go to her yet with a serious enough injury to warrant her treatment, she had been caught slightly off guard with how drained she felt.

    ❝ a, ah -- i, it's not my teachers i'm worried a, about... th, they're all wonderful p, people !her smile dissipated, && she shifted her gaze downwards to her hands -- now folded in her lap. she never liked admitting that she was struggling with school, it was always so embarrassing... especially when those who where aware of her high grades in the class reacted with disbelief,i, it's all me... i, i can do the work -- i, i just don't have e, extra time... i, it takes me a really long time to g, get through schoolwork... h, having to make up stuff... i, it might... m, make... my grades d, drop -- uuuuuuu --, && with the very real risk of this whole incident causing her grades to drop below that "acceptable" range -- panic seized her && tears came to her eyes.



  • “ you better get up out the way ”
  • “ i don’t give a fuck what you think and say ”
  • “ i hate that you breathe ”
  • “ i got one thing to say ”
  • “ you better know who we are ”
  • “ i’m like god ”
  • “ there’s a price to pay ”
  • “ you’re tempting me to run my mouth ”
  • “ i’ve been working at this ever since i was a kid ”


  • “ let’s get this party started ”
  • “ just get buzzed ”
  • “ i’ll blame it on this whiskey ”
  • “ make a move ”


  • “ i keep searching for something that i never seem to find ”
  • “ i left it all behind ”
  • “ i’m stuck with this ”
  • “ i spent my whole life choosing and i always choose wrong ”
  • “ you spent your whole life taking the best of me ”
  • “ can you hear me now? ”


  • “ i’m gonna chase this whiskey with pátron ”
  • “ if it feels so good, then it can’t be wrong ”
  • “ i’m already shitfaced ”
  • “ there’s nothing wrong with it ”


  • “ we are made from broken parts ”
  • “ don’t tempt me ”
  • “ nobody sent me ”
  • “ we never needed your blessing ”
  • “ is there no one to save us? ”


  • “ hold me close ”
  • “ i got all i need ”
  • “ i’m not afraid to die ”
  • “ it happened so gradually ”
  • “ it’s hard to swallow ”
  • “ i’m not afraid to cry ”

( requested by anonymous )

     “ i doubt it, but we can only hope. “ he muttered, trying to use his size in order to peer over the crowd of students gathered in the large hall, but even with that he couldn’t seem to find the dreadful cat that currently had his phone in his possession. “ honestly, he better not just leave my phone lying around somewhere. that’s how it’s gonna get stolen, and my mom’s gonna kick my ass if she has to buy me a new phone. “
     looking around, he catches a glimpse of those familiar ( irritating ) cat ears amongst the crowd. “ THERE HE IS!! “ abandoning the girl, he made a charge through the crowd. “ MASASHIIII!!! “ grabbing the person’s shoulder, he forcefully turned them around, revealing a rather scared girl with horns on her head, only similar to a cat’s ears. “ ah…. “ haruki froze up, losing his voice in front of the scared girl.

    his sudden yell shot a bolt of fear through hoshi, && she stood for a moment in shock before scrambling after him with surprising speed. for a moment she thought they'd caught him, but upon seeing the face of the girl he had in his grip her stomach dropped.


    ❝ i, i'm so sorry !!rushing forward she, with surprising force, shoved inuoka's hand from the girls shoulder. giving her distance from the pair by leading her senior away a few paces. she bowed several times, one apology after another coming forth from her mouth. luckily the girl seemed to understand the fact this was simply a mistake, pardoning the two. once she'd disappeared again into the crowd hoshi turned to her upperclassmen, her voice taking up a scolding tone.

    ❝ y, you have to be more c, careful inuoka-senpai !! s, stop && think before you grab someone -- y, you frightened that poor g, girl half to death !! m, maybe we sh, should wait by the doors as everyone l, leaves.

based on this suggestions blog.  warning:  these are pretty dark/angry  &  could be triggering to some people.  please be cautious before proceeding!!

‘  all i want in my life is for my friends to be able to touch me suddenly  &  me to not flinch away without meaning to.  when will this stop affecting me?  ’ ‘  all i want is to be soft  &  gentle,  but i’m made out of steel  &  anger.  maybe in another life,  i guess.  ’ ‘  beauty is in the eye of the beholder,  so choose to see beauty in everything.  ’ ‘  burning it all to the ground  &  force them to start again.  they made you lose everything.  now return the favor.  ’ ‘  do i ever even cross your mind or do i do all the thinking of us on my own?  ’ ‘  do you trust me enough?  do you trust me at all?  ’ ‘  don’t you dare abandon me.  ’ ‘  even after all you have done,  i will always want you fighting on my side.  ’ ‘  every time i see you smile i fall in love with your brightness all over again.  ’ ‘  everyone i have ever loved is long gone.  i sing to the sky alone.  ’ ‘  everyone i touch gets hurt,  but i can’t stop.  i touch  &  i touch  &  i touch  &  people get hurt.  why can’t i ever stop?  ’ ‘  everyone says i used to be a hero,  but i can still taste the blood in my mouth  &  still feel bruises blooming because of my fists  &  my eyes are still stretched wide  &  terrified.  ’ ‘  everything i love has been taken from me.  what do i have left to fight for?  ’ ‘  fall in love with someone that makes you feel strong.  ’ ‘  friends are more important than any material object will ever be.  ’ ‘  i am aching to hold you  &  keep you safe,  to be pressed against you so that nothing can harm you.  ’ ‘  i am divine  &  you will bow before me.  ’ ‘  i am fucking divine.  ’ ‘  i am in control  &  i listen to no one.  ’ ‘  i am not a good person.  don’t pretend i am.  ’ ‘  i am not accustomed to love.  this is a learning experience.  ’ ‘  i am not worth saving  &  i am not worth redemption.  let me stay in the dark.  ’ ‘  i am so tired all the time,  all i want to do is rest.  ’ ‘  i am too tired to deal with any of this.  ’ ‘  i bow to no man.  ’ ‘  i broke into sharp pieces when i broke  &  i expect someone else to hurt their hands on my edges just to put me back together.  i’m sorry.  ’ ‘  i can give you your wings back  &  i can show you to fly once more,  if you only believe in me.  ’ ‘  i cannot be saved.  ’ ‘  i can’t ask for help because if i ask for help it hurts people.  i can bear this weight on my own.  i have to.  ’ ‘  i could taste the lies in your mouth every time i kissed you,  but i loved you too much to notice.  ’ ‘  i crave affection in the simplest way.  ’ ‘  i deserve to hurt.  i deserve to bleed.  ’ ‘  i didn’t ask for any of this so don’t you dare blame this on me.  ’ ‘  i don’t care if you say my name like it’s poison or like it’s a prayer,  as long as it leaves your lips.  ’ ‘  i don’t fight for you anymore.  ’ ‘  i don’t want to let go of you.  not now,  not ever.  ’ ‘  i don’t want to talk about it.  i don’t want to remember.  i don’t want to heal.  all i want is for it to go away.  ’ ‘  i don’t want you to touch me.  please don’t touch me,  just go away.  ’ ‘  i feel anger deeper than my bones.  i feel anger in my very soul.  ’ ‘  i feel nothing at all,  except for when i feel everything all at once.  ’ ‘  i have fallen  &  though i may miss the sky,  i belong here now.  ’ ‘  i have fallen from a height your mind cannot even imagine.  ’ ‘  i have no home anymore.  ’ ‘  i remember collapsing in the flames with a sword in my hand  &  then i remember nothing.  ’ ‘  i see beauty in everything,  but especially in you.  ’ ‘  i should never have fallen in love with you.  ’ ‘  i thought for a long time that i was so terrible no one would look at me.  now i know it’s because i shine so bright they are forced to look away.  ’ ‘  i was so caught up in the feeling that i forgot how to breathe.  ’ ‘  i will never amount to anything.  i am a failure in the worst type of way.  ’ ‘  i will tell myself that the burn of my loneliness in my chest completes me  &  maybe someday it will be true.  ’ ‘  if that’s what a hero is i’m glad i’m not one anymore.  ’ ‘  if you ask me to,  i will set the whole world on fire,  my dear.  it’s all for you.  ’ ‘  is it my fault?  it’s my fault.  it’s always my fault.  ’ ‘  it’s not murder if they deserved it,  right?  ’ ‘  i’m drowning in emotions that don’t belong to me,  choking on anger  &  suffocating on sadness.  ’ ‘  i’m in love with everything that hurts me.  ’ ‘  i’m okay.  i’m alright.  this is all in my mind.  ’ ‘  i’m ready to give up everything i’ve ever had if it means someone will love me.  ’ ‘  i’m so cold  &  i can’t stop shaking.  i am not who you think i am.  ’ ‘  i’m so tired all the time  &  i just want to be awake again.  ’ ‘  i’m tired of fighting against the pain of being forgotten.  i just want someone to remember me.  ’ ‘  i’m tired of fighting everything in my life.  just make it stop.  ’ ‘  i’m too tired to care.  blow up,  get angry at me.  i’m sure someday i’ll realize i deserved it.  ’ ‘  jealousy burns within me.  ’ ‘  just let me go in peace for once in my damn life.  ’ ‘  loneliness is a disease  &  it leaves me empty  &  hollow,  like sound goes through my body  &  bounces back.  ’ ‘  made of starlight  &  sunshine,  i shine brighter than they all know.  ’ ‘  my anger is righteous  &  my actions are pure.  ’ ‘  my chest aches  &  my lungs burn.  this sickness comes from the inside.  ’ ‘  my chest hurts  &  all i need is some comfort  &  understanding.  ’ ‘  my chest hurts  &  i ache to go back to the sky.  ’ ‘  my shoulders are aching where wings used to be  &  all i want is for them to stop hurting.  ’ ‘  pull me apart  &  piece me together in your own way.  make me perfect.  ’ ‘  righteous fury throws through my veins  &  if you touch the people i love i will destroy you.  ’ ‘  rise up.  you can’t keep being small when you were made for so much more.  ’ ‘  say my name like it’s the only one that’s ever been on your tongue.  ’ ‘  so much blood has been spilled in my name.  time to make you believe it was in yours.  ’ ‘  so you’ll worry about me when i fall silent,  but not when i scream  &  plead for help?  fuck off.  ’ ‘  sometimes people have to get hurt for me to get what i want.  ’ ‘  stay away from my fucking friends.  stay the fuck away or so help me i will destroy you.  ’ ‘  stop treating me like i’m an idiot.  you aren’t better than me in any way  &  you better remember that.  ’ ‘  the bitter taste of regret is ever present on my tongue.  ’ ‘  the world is spinning far too fast for me to stay on it.  ’ ‘  to love them is my divine right.  ’ ‘  voices whisper from the shadows  &  they fill my mind with thoughts of you.  ’ ‘  what did i to wrong to be so unloved?  ’ ‘  what is the point of power if i’m not supposed to use it?  ’ ‘  who the fuck do you think you are?  ’ ‘  why can’t i ever fucking stop crying?  ’ ‘  with a new year comes new tests  &  triumphs.  let’s try to make the most out of it.  ’ ‘  would it really kill you to be honest for once?  ’ ‘  yes,  i remember my wings breaking  &  being destroyed.  i was powerless to stop it.  ’ ‘  you are not required to love your parents,  or to even like them.  ’ ‘  you can’t hate me more than i hate myself,  but you are more than welcome to try.  ’ ‘  you may say you love me,  but you love only a part of me.  i am too complex for you to ever love my entire being.  ’ ‘  you never fucking cared about me.  don’t fucking lie about it.  not to me.  ’ ‘  you remind me of mint.  fresh,  sharp,  kind of cold,  but in a nice way.  i always knew there was a reason mint was my favorite.  ’ ‘  you shine light in even the darkest parts of me.  you are my sun.  ’ ‘  you should fear me,  but you don’t.  i will be eternally puzzled,  yet grateful.  ’ ‘  you touch me  &  my skin burns  &  it burns for you,  always you.  ’

“itaaai,” a pained squeak escaped the softness of her lips as she clutched onto the very source of discomfort in the middle of her forehead. she somehow managed to avoid colliding with an unsuspecting student only to crash into another walking down the corridor. it was an accident, of course, as she didn’t want to hurt anyone in general. “i-i am sorry !” shiori mumbled as she continued to rub her forehead before sneaking a glance up at the girl. “are you okay ?

    her own head spun as she felt her rear connect with the ground after the impact, && she blinked several times as the other girl rubbed her own forehead. a surge of panic overtook hoshi at the sight, had she hurt her ? was she going to be angry ? none of the girls word’s processed as her own apology spilled forth,o, oh gosh -- a, are you okay ?? i, i'm so sorry i w, wasn't looking where i was g, going ! u, uhm -- d, do you need to go to recovery girl -- uuuu --

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