the safest road to hell is the gradual one

@jxeyhudson /

Em | They/them | Queer | 22
Sam started off just wanting to save Joey and Staci from Joseph. And then she wanted to save all of her newfound friends from Joseph. And then she wanted to save Faith from Joseph. And then she wanted to save Jacob from Joseph. She just wanted to save them all. No matter the cost. Or, Sam saves everyone from Joseph Seed, and they all try to return the favor.

Main Pairing:

(Established) Joey Hudson/Original Female Character.


Hurt/Comfort. Angst. Fluff. Bed-sharing. Enemies to friends. Huddling for warmth. Unrequited love. Injury recovery. Smut (just a little bit, though).


Canon-typical violence. Suicide attempt. Torture. Implied/Referenced abuse. Drug use. PTSD & other mental illnesses.

In-progress. Currently 195k words.

Read it on AO3.


It is deeply, deeply beneficial to TERFs if the only characteristic of TERF ideology you will recognize as wrong, harmful, or problematic is "they hate trans women".

TERF ideology is an expansive network of extremely toxic ideas, and the more of them we accept and normalize, the easier it becomes for them to fly under the radar and recruit new TERFs. The closer they get to turning the tide against all trans people, trans women included.

Case in point: In 2014-2015, I fell headlong into radical feminism. I did not know it was called radical feminism at the time, but I also didn't know what was wrong with radical feminism in the first place. I didn't see a problem with it.

I was a year deep into this shit when people I had been following, listening to, and looking up to finally said they didn't think trans women were women. It was only then that I unfollowed those people, specifically; but I continued to follow other TERFs-who-didn't-say-they-were-TERFs. I continued ingesting and spreading their ideas- for years after.

If TERFs "only target trans women" and "only want trans women gone", if that's the one and only problem with their ideology and if that's the only way we'll define them, we will inevitably miss a vast majority of the quiet beliefs that support their much louder hatred of trans women.

As another example: the trans community stood relatively united when TERFs and conservatives targeted our right to use the correct restroom, citing the "dangers" of trans women sharing space with cis women. But when they began targeting Lost Little Girls and Confused Lesbians and trotting detransitioners out to raise a panic about trans men, virtually the only people speaking up about it were other transmascs. Now we see a rash of anti-trans healthcare bills being passed in the US, and they're hurting every single one of us.

When you refuse to call a TERF a TERF just because they didn't specifically say they hate trans women, when you refuse to think critically about a TERF belief just because it's not directly related to trans women, you are actively helping TERFs spread their influence and build credibility.

It's absolutely wild to me that someone saw this post and took away from it that I am Forever Poisoned By TERF Ideology and cannot ever be trusted, and genuinely, if that's what you're taking from this, I need you to understand that you are far more in danger of ingesting and spreading TERF ideas than you think I am.

The entire point of this post is that because I didn't know what TERFism looked like outside of their hatred of trans woman (which was, at the time, the only reason I cut ties with any of those people), I continued to exist in radfemmy spaces and continued to unknowingly associate with people who promoted lesser-known aspects of TERF ideology in an effort to groom me and others into accepting their more overtly transphobic ideas.

Let me be clear: most of the people I was talking to at the time were trans. One of them was a trans woman who came out during this period, and her transition was met only with support by those around me. This was even framed as "removing a man from the world" by some.

What I'm referring to are people who existed on the fringes of these circles, injecting radical feminism in an effort to eventually lead individuals down the TERF rabbithole.

If you don't know what that looks like, it doesn't matter how much you love and support trans women. It doesn't matter how much you hate TERFs. There are other aspects to TERF ideology that are dangerous, that have nothing to do with trans women, and you can and will make yourself vulnerable to them if that aspect of their ideology is all you think is important.

I'd argue that a lot of people in online queer spaces do, in fact, actively participate in and promote radical feminism currently. Those who think trans men are Evil Male Oppressors are top of the fucking list.


If you think Man = Innately bad oppressor, you have slurped the radfem juice.

If you think sexism ends by addressing the problems of women alone, you have partaken in radfemmery.

If you think it's a shame to be attracted to men or to be a man, you are thinking radfem thoughts.

If you think men should refrain from talking about issues that impact them because they're taking focus off the real issues, this is also radfem.

At its core, these are the beliefs that some people are inherently better than others because of their gender. Take a while to sit with that. There are plenty of trans inclusive people who have bought into these beliefs. Radical feminism is dangerous, period. But people can recover from these beliefs.

All humans participate in gendered oppression as a system, and all have negative impacts from it.


things to say to a person having a weed panic attack

damn that sounds really scary. ive never heard of that ever happening to anyone else who did weed. you probably broke your brain and it's gonna be stuck like that forever

Anonymous asked:

are you doing ok? haven't seen you on my feed for a while lol

omg im just now seeing this i’m so sorry! thank you so much for checking in tho that is??? so sweet??? i’m doing okay! just dealing with a lot in my personal life and havent spent much time on tumblr because of it, but i’m still alive and well and here


shipping fictional characters together as an adult is actually very fun and i encourage it. it is also one of the worst things you can do to yourself and should not be attempted. it's very simple really.

pros of shipping fictional characters as an adult: having a more mature and experienced outlook on people and relationships actually opens up a lot of new funny, interesting, and even thoughtful ways of engaging with the concept of fictional people kissing. also, it's fun.

cons of shipping as an adult: you will inevitably form an extremely niche and personal interpretation of the relationship between your favorite fictional people who you want to smash together like barbie dolls or possibly on-fire waste disposal trucks, and become extremely annoyed by the popular fan interpretations that are bland and formulaic by comparison. but since you are also involved in the deeply cringe activity of getting emotionally invested in a fictional relationship you have no chance of being taken seriously if you complain about it, and therefore no choice but to try to ignore it and make your own content that is liked by 3 of your friends who are the only like-minded people you respect and that one account that likes everything you post anyway

maybe i am no more than these hands / than this heart / maybe there are no poets / maybe there is this / you and me / maybe / there is no dawn between us / (maybe the sun will never rise)

i know i haven’t been very active lately, but i was so fortunate to get this commission from @minilev of sam and joey just getting some rest together (with achilles, of course) in the months following the war and i had to share! there’s so much to love about this, but honestly the overall softness of this it what gets me feeling so emo every time. thank you again so much. this turned out far better than i had even imagined, and i could not be happier with it.

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