
Stimboard requests open!

@helluvastimblog / helluvastimblog.tumblr.com

♡Run by an alter in a system♡ Read the pinned please! ♡

Welcome to HelluvaStimBlog!

I offer:

Stimboards (main focus)




Source list:

-disney princesses

-disney in general (not live action except Little Mermaid bc that slaps) (not marvel)


-helluva boss


-animal crossing


-irl animals such as breeds of cat or like, cows


-vocaloid (preferably just the characters not the songs, also i love project sekai send project sekai reqs)





Killing stalking

Happy sugar life

Live action sources or real people

idk I'm not up to date on stuff. If you aren't sure please ask!



T3rfs or r☆dfem



Proship in the context of p3do/incest stuff


Aphobe or exclus

Anti pnc or gnc people

I'm cool with all systems interacting because I simply don't believe in fakeclaiming my stance on endos is irrelevant, I'm not pro or anti I just don't care what other ppls brains may or may not be doing

Anonymous asked:

Sources for your Bluey camping episode stimboard didn’t save

Oh no! Ill check that out in a sec i might have linked the wrong doc

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