
Hitsuhina life


Aqui podran ver algunos de los dibujos que realizo, sobre personajes existentes o creaciones propias.

It truly boggles my mind how so many ppl take Shinobu’s apparent dislike of Giyu at face value and use that to claim giyushino is toxic. Not only has she never said that she herself hates Giyu (a common misconception treated as a fact), but when she said “that’s why everyone hates you”, she’s pointing out how Giyu’s poor social skills and unwillingness to open up to his fellow hashira puts strain on his interpersonal relationships. 

“You still suck at talking as usual. If you want, I can explain for you. Okay?”

“As usual, you say too little.”

She has taken note of this strain and just wants to make him aware of his communication problem, bc he doesn’t get it (he never noticed that ppl dislike him). If she truly hated him (she doesn’t), she wouldn’t go out of her way to help him as often as she does.

She teases him often, but it’s not malicious in nature at all. Gyomei even says that Giyu likes talking to her (or more accurately, he likes when she talks to him lol) and vice versa. Why would you enjoy talking to someone you hate?


Bueno..la verdad es que estuve pensando bastante sobre algunos detalles de la serie, que me tiene con algunas dudas..y algunas de ella es sobre chiro y skeleton king en el capitulo 13, final de la temporada 1..,cuando chiro se da cuenta que skeleton king tiene todas sus cosas cuando era mas paqueño..y me gustaría analizarla bien..en mi captación,observacion y opinión, ya que esta claro que chiro,unos de los protagonistas mas misteriosos...de la infancia..,y creo que esta claro que esconde algo..que no hemos visto(o si) creo yo..,supongo..(ya que se nota que todos nosotros tenemos bastantes dudas que no se han resuelto o si..., o que están muy bien escondidos..ya que dolió bastante la cancelación de la serie...pero como fans que somos de la serie, somos determinantes),pero continuando..,quisiera analizar muy bien esos tipos de detalles,y mas aun el misterio ante esa escena y alguno que otro secreto[esto es nuevo para mi,y es normal equivocarse y lo acepto, y mejorare,pero daré mi esfuerzo.. :')]


Well... the truth is that I was thinking a lot about some details of the series, which has me with some doubts... and some of it is about chiro and skeleton king in chapter 13, end of season 1.., when chiro realizes that skeleton king has all its things when it was more small... and I would like to analyze it well... in my uptake, observation and opinion, since it is clear that chiro, one of the most mysterious protagonists... of childhood.., and I think it is clear that it hides something.. that we have not seen (or if) I believe.., I suppose.. (since it is noted that all of us have enough doubts that have not been resolved or if... , or that they are very well hidden... since the cancellation of the series hurt a lot... but as fans that we are of the series, we are decisive), but continuing... I would like to analyze those types of details very well, and more even the mystery before that scene and some other secret [this is new for me, and it is normal to be wrong and I accept it, and I will improve, but I will give m i effort.. :')]


Ohhhh me provoca curiosidad saberlo! :0

En lo personal esa escena me dejó muy confundida. Sobre todo por lo corta que es, el poco contexto que dieron y el hecho de que nunca vuelven a hacer referencia alguna de ella en el resto de la serie??

Me parece muy extraño como decidieron simplemente incluir eso sobre Chiro (sobre todo siendo un personaje del cual no sabemos casi nada al respecto de su pasado) y más aún dejando claro de que SK y él estaban relacionados de alguna forma desde antes que Chiro fuese “el elegido”.

Otra cosa que me llama la atención es como Chiro se rehusa a hablar de su pasado. Qué pasó? Por que razón no lo hace? Acaso le ocurrió una clase de evento traumático o algo así? Y sus padres? Tienen algo que ver ellos en todo esto? Por qué nunca aparecen? Qué les pasó??

Son muchísimas preguntas las que deja esa escena y en el poco tiempo que llevo en el fandom, he leído algunas teorías XD me encantaría escuchar la tuya en algún momento senpai! ^u^

Muchas gracias ghostly!! :"D, y la verdad todo eso lo que dices también me tiene muy clavada en mi mente,y es verdad!!, por que chiro no quiere hablar de su pasado??,por que sus padres no son mencionados por él??o nisiquiera una pista?, aunque sea la mas pequeña pista??,,pero no dice nada...y eso es muy extraño y sospecho de él..,que causo skequeton king a chiro cuando era mas pequeño?..,que le hizo en el pasado para que actuará de esa forma y ante ese desprecio al ver esa habitación??,que esconde chiro ante todo lo que sucedió en ese entonces??,y mas aun..,sabiendo que chiro es él más cercano a antauri,por que no le cuenta??,sabiendo que antauri lo entiende cuando tiene confusiones,problemas,y lo siente en su poder primate ante esas tipos de cosas,sesaciones,...por que no tiene el valor de decírselo en secreto,esa confianza,donde esta?, Ya que chiro y antauri son muy cercanos,pero algo impide a chiro decírselo...,además,gibson fue presencia ante todo lo que vio en esa habitación,en esa pequeña cueva, y vio la expresión de chiro al ver todo eso y la forma en la que se expresaba en ese momento..y su respuesta...

Todo eso da mucho de que hablar..y quiero saberlo..,ante todo esto que sospecho.., este lo mas cercano a lo que oculta chiro ante todo esto...y si, puede que por que chiro es el "elegido" y es verdad,pero hay algo mas profundo y extraño ante eso...(e "inquietante" y "perturbador")...yo también me quede demasiado confundida ante esa escena..y algo perturbada...la verdad.. y por lo corto que fue,yo llevo ya algo de tiempo en el fandom..solo que no sabia como expresarme...jeje..qwq..pero ya tendre que serlo, asi que todo esto llevara mucho tiempo,pero valdrá la pena,yo lo se jejej qwq

[I will translate to English as best I can xd sorry qwq ...]


Thank you very much ghostly!! :"D, and the truth, all that what you say also has me very nailed in my mind, and it is true! Why does Chiro not want to talk about his past? Why are his parents not mentioned by him? or not even a clue?, even if it is the smallest clue?? , but it says nothing... and that is very strange and I suspect him.., what caused skequeton king to chiro when he was younger?.., what He made him in the past so that he will act in this way and in the face of that contempt when he sees that room??, which hides chiro before everything that happened back then??, and even more.., knowing that chiro is he closest to antauri, why don't you tell him??, knowing that antauri understands it when he has confusions, problems, and he feels it in his primate power before those types of things, sensations, ... because he doesn't have the courage to tell him in secret, that trust, where is it ?, since chiro and antauri are very close, but something prevents chiro from telling him... also, gibson was a presence before everything he saw in that room, in that little cave, and saw the expression of chiro seeing all that and the way he expressed himself at that time... and his response...

All this gives a lot to talk about... and I want to know.., in front of all this that I suspect.., this is the closest thing to what chiro hides before all this... and yes, maybe because chiro is the"chosen one "and it is true, but there is something deeper and stranger to that... (and" disturbing "and" disturbing")... I too was too confused by that scene... and somewhat disturbed... the truth. And because of how short it was, I have been in the fandom for a while... I just didn't know how to express myself... jeje... qwq... but I will have to be, so all this will take a long time, but it will be worth it worth it, I know jejeje qwq

-> (Sorry if some words in English do not match the words in Spanish or on the contrary, I did what I could ;w;... Sorry! :'u)

Oh si concuerdo totalmente con lo que dices de la confianza entre Chiro y Antauri. Es bastante extraño, ya que al parecer nadie en la Hyperfuerza sabe sobre su pasado tampoco, y no se atreven a preguntar. Gibson claramente tuvo la oportunidad de hacerlo cuando estuvo en ese cuarto con las cosas de Chiro, pero aún así no lo hizo. No se atrevió.

Y como mencionaste, es muy raro que no le de respuestas ni a Antauri, quien es básicamente una figura paterna para él. Cual sea que fuese el recuerdo que le trajo de vuelta esa habitación a Chiro, debe ser algo serio. Lo suficiente como para que no le cuente absolutamente a nadie al respecto.

Jeje se que tu teoría será genial ^^ tómate tu tiempo, como dijiste hay muchísimas cosas que abordar de ese misterio XD entre más tiempo le dediques a algo mejor va a ser el resultado!! >u<

Hola, no olviden que el mayor miedo de chiro es volver a ser un niño pequeño sin poderes, como se demostró gracias a mandarin 2 en noche de miedo(night of fear). Cualquier cosa que oculte su pasado no será del todo feliz.

Honestamente pienso que si chiro no es un huérfano, fue prácticamente abandonado por sus padres debido a que éstos estaban tanto tiempo fuera de casa al punto que chiro no recuerda sus caras.

Ahora, el por que el rey esqueleto tendría los juguetes de chiro, eso es mas. Headcannon que teoría.

Es cierto!!pero eso lo diré mas adelante,ya que tenes mucha razón ante los padres de chiro y el episodio y lo demás, intentare paso por paso unir cada fragmento,pero no he dejado el miedo de chiro y otras cosas de él aun que se vea un poco jeje pero tenes bastante razón y ayuda bastante :D enserio!!


Looking Back: Analysis and Thoughts on Hitsugaya and Hinamori's Recovery

This was all originally going to be part of my headcanon post about how Hitsugaya and Hinamori reconciled after Aizen's defeat(which I will hopefully be posting sometime this weekend), but it became so long and unwieldy that in the end I decided this needed to be a separate post. Here I'll be analysing and giving my thoughts on:

If Hitsugaya and Hinamori reconciled in canon
Why Aizen hated Hitsugaya and Hinamori (looking at what he did to them, who he is, and why I think he treated them the way he did)
Hinamori's injuries and why it took her so long to recover
Hinamori's view of Aizen and how it's changed
Daiguren Hyourinmaru's Completed Form (the result of his training after Aizen's defeat) and how it relates to Hitsugaya's goal of protecting Hinamori

Why am I doing all this analysis in the first place? Well, aside from being for a bit of fun, these were the topics that just came up while I was thinking about how Hitsugaya and Hinamori reconciled. I feel like these all feed into how and when they would reconcile and where their character arcs go from after everything that happened in the Fake Karakura Town arc.

Also, I would like to thank@troius, who's insights have not only made me rethink my view on several characters but also was an inspiration for some of the analysis in this post. I will be mentioning this blog a few times in this post and including insights they have made, but please check out their content if you haven't already; their rereading of BLEACH is so enjoyable to have on the dashboard.

Final note before we get to it: I know I can absolutely go overboard with these kinds of posts, so if you're looking for short and sweet versions my analysis and throughts on the topics I'm covering here, skip to the end for the tl;dr versions.

So, with all of that out of the way, let's get started!


The Reconciliation of Hitsugaya and Hinamori: Headcanons

Okay, it’s time. I decided to finally sit down and write all the headcanons and ideas I have around how Toshiro and Momo reconciled after Aizen’s defeat. I’ve scattered a lot of these ideas across my fanfics, with some having come up more than once in different or similar forms.

You can read this as either as platonic Hitsuhina or a shipping post, I really don’t mind either way. There’s also some brotp moments here (Momo and Shinji, Rangiku and Toshiro, and a smattering of others).

However, what started as wanting to make a simple list of headcanons quickly turned into a mega post. Firstly, it turns out I had a lot more headcanons then I thought, and I think it's becomes more of an outline of the events that I headcanon took place in between the end of Fake Karakura Town arc and the Full Bringer arc.

And second, while this post is specifically for headcanons and my ideas based on my interpretation of the source material (mainly the manga), I’ve also done some analysis over in this post (I couldn’t help myself!). The analysis was originally going to be part of this post before it got too long. You don't have to go read that post to know what's going on with the headcanons, but if you're interested and have some time, I would appreciate it if you could check it out!

With that said, let’s get to it!


Is been a while, well A year, means that’s May, meaning Jinmay month! One day, one Jinmay drawing, one challenge. Hope you enjoy!

Necesito hacer esto! 🌟

Hace mucho no dibujo, pero estoy mirando nuevamente mi serie favorita de la infancia y uff que potencial tenía la serie. Maldigo el día en el que terminó el último capítulo. Me hubiera gustado verla con una nueva versión en Disney+, pero bueno. Solo queda dibujar....


Yesterday they were playing La leyenda del Charro Negro on TV and welp I had the sudden urge to draw Leo in his evil charro look from the movie. Haven’t drawn my son in a while, I missed him.


Hitsuhina Gift Exchange 2020

Hi everyone,

As with the last few years there will be a gift exchange. for those who haven’t participated in the Hitsuhina Week Gift Exchange, here’s what you need to know

1) If you are interested in participating, please either comment on/reblog (a ‘like’ doesn’t count) this post letting me know, or send a message to either this blog or mine (@rays-of-fire-and-ice​). I will then message you about any sort of theme preferences for the gift (the default will be the themes of the last day of the week). Let me know by no later than Monday November 23rd if you want to participate.

(2) After the 23rd, everyone who agreed to participate will be randomly assigned a partner. They’ll have any theme preferences that their partner put down in their submission, and it’s encouraged that everyone to try and incorporate them into the gift in some way (so long as it’s within the rules and & guidelines set out here and the additional rules down below). Keep in mind that all the partners will be randomly assigned, so just because you have someone doesn’t automatically mean that they also have you!

(3) On the last day of Hitsuhina week, everyone who participated will send their partner their gift. This can be done through either a private message, or submitting a post to their blog. When you’ve gotten your gift, make sure to post it and tag the person who gifted it to you. However, if there’s an issue with trying to do either of these things, please post your gift to your partner on your blog and tag them.

Here are some additional rules to keep in mind:

a) anything counts as a gift (it can be a fanfic, fanart, misc, edit,  gif set, etc.). As long as it’s an original work, anything goes.

b) We ask that no gifts be NSFW. Since not everyone is into that, best make sure we keep it light and fun so everyone can enjoy it!

c) Any gift that you receive should be posted and tagged giving the original creator credit. Even though the gift was meant for you, I’m sure we’d all love to see how amazing it is!

(d) If you put your name down to be included in the event, please actually do participate. People put a lot of time and effort into their gifts, and really work do look forward to receiving one in return. So if you suddenly end up not being able to participate for whatever reason, let me know so I can work something out and make sure that the person that was supposed to receive a gift from you still gets something.

You can read about day 7′s default theme and the other themes here. If you have any questions send them either to this blog or mine.

- Admin Rays ❄️


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