
@danchouforgetaboutme / danchouforgetaboutme.tumblr.com

Attack on Titan has fascist pro-genocide undertones but the pun in my username so good :(((( if you can think of another funny pun hit me up

okay we've all been joking about how it's a crime that now the bots are taking ACTUALLY GOOD urls that could have gone to real people but this is my fucking breaking point. you put that back where you found it NOW


This just seems the right time to share that my grandmother once told the family her second cousin had "erotic autism" instead of an aortic aneurysm


it’s always the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, but never the Irritating Ordeal of Being Known

someone: [correctly infers something about my personality based on my patterns of behavior]

me: [seethes with rage for some fucking reason]


Ok folks, we all like having fun with the ides, but you realize that our boy Gaius was the good guy here, right? Or well, calling Gaius Julius Caesar "good" in any sense is just stupid (*cough* galli genocide *cough*), but the fact is that the guys who stabbed him were the generational-wealth posh folk who didn't like he was filling the Senate with plebs and actually using money to make the life of the low-class Roman folk better, so I'm not sure in that particular case they were the good guys.

you know what? fair.

also, I love you all, folks, tumblr is the only place on the net where we can spend two days discussing about who was the good guy in a political assesination from over 2k years ago and not doing it from a "I must show them I'm right and they aren't" perspective, and even actually have fun about it. You all are fantastic.

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