


Italian, she/her, ENTP, chaotic neutral
Anonymous asked:

some stucky shippers are people fetishize gay relationships and it makes me so uncomfortable like there’s much more to who tops or bottoms and what position they fuck and where they fuck but as long they can masturbate to it they don’t care and it’s :/

I feel like this kind of thing is grossly over exaggerated in fandom. These characters are fictional, meaning they can really be anything anyone wants them to be. I don’t mean to be rude, anon, but unless you yourself are a queer man you really have no leg to stand on and it seems you’re just complaining about other people for the sake of it.

I try to keep this blog as positive as possible, but lumping an entire group of people together and saying they all do a certain thing is redundant and extremely naive. As a gay man myself, this sort of discourse pisses me off more than anything, since I have read more than my fair share of queer fanfic written by straight women over the years, and I have never felt fetishized.

I understand if you feel uncomfortable with the prospect of gay shipping, but really it’s not my problem or anyone else’s.


This. Especially with the whole "top and bottom discourse is homophobic!" I'm an mlm person. I care who tops and bottoms. I don't understand why people are acting like it's not also a thing in gay culture that matters.

"But it's not a personality!" It's literally fictional. And likely a projection of the author, their fantasies, or just what they like in fiction. What matters is how they treat real life gay people.


I’m just now finding out Anne Frank was bi??? OMG


Yeah okay, those edits were made by her dad, a cishet person - and also her dad, a Holocaust survivor, who would have been brutally aware that when the diary was first published in freakin’ 1947, had he included anything which people could use to demonize his daughter or tar her as some kind of “pervert”, it would prevent the message he was trying to send about the horrors of the Holocaust and the heroism of his daughter from being properly understood and accepted the way he hoped.

That isn’t fair. It isn’t just. But it is reality. If Otto Frank had let this be included in the published version, there’s a large chance the homophobic backlash would have prevented the book from reaching the audience it did and spreading the message it needed to. It was NINETEEN. FORTY. SEVEN. The Holocaust had ended TWO YEARS AGO. The acceptance of LGBT identities was basically nonexistent. Otto Frank made a decision based on the time and place he was living in, about what the world at that time was and wasn’t ready to accept. 

Let me say this as bluntly as I can - I am a bisexual Jewish girl and I would have made the same decision Otto Frank did. Making sure Anne Frank was unambiguously seen as sympathic and heroic was more important. Making sure people weren’t sidetracked from the main issue of the Holocaust was more important. He shouldn’t have had to make that decision, without doubt. Anne Frank’s sexuality (however she would have identified in modern terms) shouldn’t be considered relevant to her status as a hero or a sympathetic victim. But in 1947, it undoubtedly would have been.

Otto Frank survived Auschwitz and lost his entire family (a wife and two teenage daughters) to the horrors of the Holocaust. He hoped that publishing his daughter’s diary would spread awareness and sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust. If he had to make sacrifices to do that - well frankly, so fucking be it. I don’t know who alive today has the right to judge him. 

Let’s also look at this thread from a queer Jewish person who brings up the fact that ANNE FRANK EDITED HER DIARY HERSELF


PLEASE do not forget that the gay men who survived being put into concentration camps by the Nazis WERE NOT FREED BY THE ALLIED FORCES. They were deemed rightfully convicted criminals and moved to prisons. This was not the battle Otto Frank was fighting and judging him as if he should have been fighting all the battles at once is not fair or realistic.

Also, being queer did not “add to the danger” Anne Frank was in. Does anyone really think Nazi soldiers are going to read her diary after capturing her and go “oh, this one’s a Jew AND a queer. She gets extra death.” Like… ??? She died because she was Jewish, and only because she was Jewish. What could possibly be more dangerous than actually dying? How does it get more dangerous than being a victim of genocide?


for real once you realize that you can actually wear whatever you want and call yourself whatever name and pronouns you want and have whatever interests you want and be whatever gender you want your life gets so much better and more fun


Folks, friends, y’all…. esk*mo is a slur. I understand a lot of people don’t know that, I don’t want to be a dick about it, but I’ve been seeing it in fics. Wanna write “esk*mo kisses”? Just say “nuzzled noses” or something.

I’m not here to call anybody out, it’s been in multiple fics, I’m not vague posting. This is just a psa. 👍🏻

If you could help me spread awareness about this by reblogging, I’d really appreciate it.


I’ve had this post on insta saved for sometime ❤️

[Text Description: “Hey! Reminder: Eskimo is a slur. It means ‘snow eaters’ in Cree and is a slur against Inuit . Also don’t use ‘Eskimo kisses’. It’s called Kunik. It is a greeting mostly used for family… Kunik was how I’d greet my mom and grandmother as a small child.” /TD]


Rebloging for the awareness and especially for the alternative words

And so people who are just learning this now know the proper usage: “Inuit” is plural. The singular is “Inuk”, as in “he is an Inuk”


There are a lot of other Peoples referred to by that term in Alaska as well: the Iñupiat, Yupik, Aleut, Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, and Northern Athabaskan. One slur to rule them all I guess.

(When you do your research just make sure you have the right region.)


I love that the internet saw people comparing women and other alienated groups of people and went, “they’re dating,” and, “they support each other.” We’re improving as a society.

Does anyone know who these artists are?? They’re brilliant and I’d like to credit them!!




The best genre to ever have existed


These improved my day


these are the only things in the world i find worth crying for becayse it’s so fcking cute and wholesome wtf



The “guys I respect” artist also came out as non-binary, generally got more accepting. It’s growth.


I am so tired of people claiming that beauty standards around women being hairless is about pedophilia. It's not. It never has been. A hairless woman does not look like a child and literally no man believes otherwise.

It's about LUXURY just like every other beauty standard for women. Western beauty standards used to be about being pale and full-bodied (fat by modern standards) because that meant that you weren't outside working the fields and could spend your days relaxing inside and eating good food. Now those beauty standards are about being thin and tan because luxury now is about having free time for shit like vacations and regular exercise and having the money for personal trainers and special diets and all that crap.

Shaving and waxing is another sign of luxury. That's it. Body hair was framed as unhygienic to get women to start shaving and then it became popular because famous women with the time and money and energy to get close shaves or professional waxing pushed it as something that all women should be doing. That's why not shaving is seen as lazy.

(The "ideal" look for women also isn't child/teen-esque; women are expected to constantly look like they're in their mid 20s to early 30s, not like they're children.)


no but let me add the context here!

these are two pretty well known german tv personalities

palina, the woman on the left here, gets a lot of really gross comments on her body, especially her boobs. stuff like (paraphrased cause they’re in german) “woah, i wanna cum all over those fat tits” or “she’s such a fucking hot slut i wanna fuck those tits” or “with her, half of the guys would cum before reaching her hole” and who can forget “palina, you are and always will be a juicy piece of meat i would drink out of”. and the media tends to really sexualize her too.

so she and klaas (dude on the right), with the help of their team and and lovely ass-model decided to just drop this picture as an instagram, with the caption “finally got that nice necklace with my zodiac”

the media was quick to pick it up as “ah she says its about the necklace but she wants to show her boobs!”, and of course there were more comments like “i jacked off to this like seven times in an hour” and “those tits should milk my cock dry”

like a week later, they dropped the making-off video to that video and the rest is history



“...but how will <the thing> be done under anarchism?”

Honestly you’ve already told me a lot just by asking this question.

First of all, Anarchism isn’t something that you’re “under”, that wouldn’t be anarchism. But notice the normalcy of an outside body dictating parameters that is communicated in this phrasing.

Additionally, It’s the passive voice…”thing will be done” implies that you’re expecting someone else to do it? or that it’s done by some authoritative body and not by people choosing how to do it for themselves?

One of the appeals of anarchism to me is the idea of doing things yourself, if, and how, you want to do them.

what if you instead asked me “how would YOU do the thing?” 

or sit down and asking yourself “hrm, how would I do the thing?” instead of expecting some 3rd party to tell you how and/or be responsible for it?

Ultimately I think when you start asking “how might WE do the thing?” you’re starting to get it

& then nine out of ten times, the answer is a combination of;

  • We’ll do it the way we did it before the state tried to make it their job.
  • We’ll do it the way anarchists are still doing it now.
  • We’ll find even better ways to do it because it will be a shared process and the people who are good at doing the thing can share their experience and put that into practice without needing permission or following ridiculous rules their boss made up.

Don't laugh at this because "Oh those silly monster f*ckers." This is a giant freaking RED FLAG just like with Only Fans.

so there's some people in the tags wondering "hey why are lots of sites cracking down lately/why is anything sexual being removed"

once again, it goes down to platforms and payment processors. platforms, aka, app stores, and mostly Apple: that was the issue with Tumblr, and with OnlyFans. Fandom, the company that hosts all the fan wikis, also produces D&D Beyond. If they're trying to make a Fandom app, this might be why it's happening - or because they are self censoring before trying to do something else that would involve an app store or credit card payment processor.

This is why people need to pay ATTENTION to what happens with the mainstreaming of SWERF rhetoric. For example: there is a supposedly anti-trafficking movement called Exodus Cry about "protecting children not porn", that uses trafficking survivors, the media environment of trafficking panic and people's real fears, to push this stuff, when in reality they are an evangelical Christian group. Without researching the nefarious background, the New York Times wrote a whole piece about their supposed "work", which, being the NYT, got a ton of attention and got payment processors like the major credit card companies to start cracking down HARD on porn sites. (Look up the TraffickingHub campaign. The irony here being that Mindgeek, the GIGANTIC media monopoly that owns sites like Pornhub and Redtube, is very unethical but not for the reasons these mf say).

They've made Netflix documentaries, TikTok is chock FULL of trafficking panic videos with false information, Congress has already used "protecting children" to enact SESTA/FOSTA, which put sex workers and many others in danger (see: the immediate fall of Backpage), and there's more on the horizon.

I IMPLORE people - this is not about fandom shipping discourse. This is not about antis. This is about 1) internet privacy 2) sex worker rights 3) how to REALLY protect trafficking and abuse survivors 4) the police/surveillance state we live in getting bigger. I'm rambling here, but to learn more:

1. Follow Hacking/Hustling on Twitter/etc. They have an infinite amount of resources on this.

3. Listen to these episodes of the You're Wrong About podcast for a good summary:

4. Some necessary reading:

5. LEARN ABOUT THE EARN IT ACT from Republicans in Congress. It is another "oh we're trying to protect the children" situation that will hurt sex workers first and everyone else in the process.

6. LEARN ABOUT SECTION 230 and the ongoing debates about platform responsibility. As Facebook enters its meta virtual reality phase this is crucial as well.

Thank you for this excellent addition.

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