
Not gonna be using this account anymore, I’m sorry


You can talk to me through here. Ralsriel#2612Luke | Male (he/him) | 16 years old | Bisexual❤️💜💙 (mostly gay) | Aries/Pisces Cusp ♈♓ | 💖I love Ralsei and Asriel💖 | Happily taken by the best guy ever💖💕 | Lovey-dovey Fool | Guitarist and Music lover! | Icon by @thefloatingstone | Very loving and affectionate | Professional goat lover | Don't be shy now! 💖

Small month update.

Well, I still don’t think I will be coming back here anytime soon. if not.. ever now. being on here is just gonna make me.. depressed now. for a reason that I don’t really want to explain. I’ve been dealing with something that.. I didn’t want to happen... and it’s just.. it’s really hard, and it’s stressing me out bad...

But, on the brighter side, I’m okay. Orion (spoony) has been taking such good care of me.. and I couldn’t be more happier with him. heheh. and, I’ve also made two friends. who also take care of me too..

I’ve also been popping in on here every now and then to see what’s going on.

And, I don’t think I’m gonna coming back at all soon guys. unless some sort of crazy miracle happens. I doubt it though... but, I can still be really hopeful.

Anyways, goodbye again guys. just thought I’d let you know I’m okay rn. and I’ll let y’all know when I come back. if I do.

Again, if you want to reach me at all, my Discord is Fluffy_Boyo#2612 and my newer Twitter is @/Ralsriel716. which I forgot to mention.

Bye y’all. Again, I love you all. I really do.


Leaving Tumblr. (temporarily?)

Yeah, I figured it was only a matter of time, since all of my closer friends left, I might as well too.

And to be quite honest, I’m so sick of this place. I don’t know why I still use it. I can not handle all this. all this negativity, drama, toxicity, discourse... it’s really, really starting to affect me. and I just can’t handle it at all anymore. 

I mean, this place isn’t all bad. I guess. ‘cause, I’ve made my all of bestest friends on here. and, I even made 2 lovers. 

But, I just can’t stand seeing this.. this hate anymore. people hating and hurting themselves, and people hating each other... I just, don’t want to see it.

Yeah... now, it’s pretty safe to say, that I’m done. for awhile, at least.

Will I come back? probably. it’s most likely. but, I don’t know when.

Tumblr’s just not fun anymore. I’m sorry.

I just... I need a break now. of some sort.

*sigh* So... I guess this is goodbye? for now, I guess.

Oh, and.. to be clear, I won’t be deleting this account.

If you want to still keep in touch with me at all, my Discord is Fluffy_Boyo#2612. feel free to message me anytime.

Bye guys, gals, and pals. I love all of you. don’t y’all ever forget that. *hugs* ❤️


how are “homestuck is good, actually” and “homestuck is bad, actually” both Hot Takes on this site


It took me forever but I did it


i made more of the silhouette edits, added simple backgrounds, and here we are. next post will have all of the images individually.

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