

@missvgj98 / missvgj98.tumblr.com

And that's all there is to it.
Little Temari spending the day with her father the Kazekage. Baki and Rasa talking about something.
Rasa: and that concludes-
Temari tugging his robes and looked up at him.
Temari: Up
Rasa: right away Princess *picks up Temari*
Baki: you’re the Kazekage you can tell her no.
Rasa: why would I do that? She’s my princess she gets whatever she wants.
Baki: she’s three...
Rasa: your point?
Temari: Baki go away I don’t like your face.
Rasa: you heard her, go away Baki she dosnt like your face *Baki leaves*
Temari: the council is next daddy!
Rasa: yeah let’s go ruin their day too!

Right before a meeting Temari always stands her brothers in front of herself and checks them out.

Gaara usually needs no help looking proper and sophisticated but she still straightens his collar just for that extra sharp look, always calls him handsome after. He stands patiently and thanks her when she’s finished adjusting his look.

Kankuro always has a little line of paint smeared at his cheek and she knows how much he hates it when she licks her thumb and began to wipe at it until she is happy enough with the perfect makeup look for him. He complains the entire time she does it, but doesn’t move so she can make sure it’s good.

When she leaves to live in Konoha with her husband Kankuro and Gaara take turns making sure the other looks proper for their meetings. They never admit it, but they miss her every time they fix the others collar or wipe away a stray paint line.


When she marries Shikamaru, she continues the tradition and fixes his coat every morning before work, he’s half asleep most of the time. When he does complain she calls him a crybaby, he calls her a troublesome woman.

This later passes down to her son, Shikadai, who gets embarrassed every time she succeeds in giving him a peck on the cheek after she’s done tying his hair up.

The habit continues on when Shinki joins the family, but this time it’s his father and uncle who pass down the tradition that Temari had started all those years ago.

Uncle Yashamaru babysitting Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara.
Yashamaru: Temari don’t touch that.
Yashamaru: Wait Kankuro, not the vase! *vase breaking*
Yashamaru: Gaara no playing with sand indoors.
Yashamaru(frustrated yelling): Alright everyone sit and be quiet or else you are all grounded!
The kids stop playing and sit down.
Yashamaru(surprised): wow that actually worked.
Rasa: wrong. *leaning against the doorframe*
Rasa: they just knew I was here.
Kankuro: so are you excited to have brothers?
Shikamaru: not really...
Gaara: we’re brothers and I’m still not excited about it.
Team Baki on a mission, Kankuro gets hit by a kunai.
Baki: Kankuro I said duck!
Kankuro: and I said where!
Temari: we are in the middle of a desert where would there be a duck?!
Kankuro: uh hello! In the sky! Ducks fly Temari.
Temari and Baki facepalm.
Gaara: I see why we ignore him.
Sand Siblings being introduced by one another
Gaara: this is Temari, she can come off as being a mean person to new people.
Kankuro: she can also be mean once you get to know her...we are a little bit scared of her.
*Gaara nods*
Temari: this is our little brother, he’s a amazing Kazekage, very mature for his age.
Kankuro: but he has murderous tendencies when you look at him for too long.
Temari: just a small fault.
Kankuro: minor detail.
Temari: this is Kankuro, he’s an idiot.
Gaara: but we love him.
Temari: sometimes.
Gaara: yes, sometimes.

The gang having brunch at Yakiniku Q after a heavy night out

Kiba: so did you take that girl home last night, Chouji?

Chouji: not exactly... but I did get her number

Shikamaru: why do you never ask me if I took anyone home? One of those girls was really into me, it could have happened

Kiba: no it couldn't - Temari already has dibs on you.

Shikamaru: ...excuse me?

Shino: he means on your virginity. Temari called dibs years ago.

Shikamaru: you can't just call dibs on someone's virginity.

Kiba: well she did and none of us were about to argue with her.

Shikamaru: but she doesn't even like me

Ino: oh, honey... oh, honey, no.

Naruto, arriving late: hey everyone! What's going on?

Kiba: we were just discussing Shikamaru's virginity

Naruto: I didn't know Temari was back in the Leaf!

Shikamaru: this is ridiculous, why wouldn't she say anything?

Kiba: she did. Just not to you, apparently.

Naruto (on the phone): Gaara? It's me. Listen, is your sister there? I think Shikamaru needs to talk to her. Yeah, he only just found out! What an idiot!


Hi! Now I draw Temari in Antion Egypt theme! In my mind, Sunagakure is a prototype of the Gobi Desert, but in this time i want to fantasizing about another desert area.

(Other sands ninja in progress)

Temari: I hate this.
Shikamaru: me too.
Temari: everyone is looking at us. It’s so annoying. We should tell them to leave.
Shikamaru: Temari it’s our wedding day we can’t tell the guests to leave.
Temari starts pouting.
Shikamaru: but we can leave our clones here and ditch this for some dango.
Temari: this is exactly why I’m marrying you.

Shikamaru: I mean, I'll go for twenty minutes if that's as long as we've got, but really I need at least an hour, sometimes three, sometimes ten.

Shikamaru: In bed is great but I'll go on the couch, on the floor, in the office... Hell, nothing beats doing it outside on a nice day.

Shikamaru: I don't even need to get undressed - I'll go for hours, fully clothed, until I don't even know who or where I am anymore.

Gaara: ...

Kankurou: ...

Temari: he's talking about napping.

Shikamaru: what else would I be talking about?


Shikamaru: sometimes Temari will join me at first but after she leaves I'll just carry on by myself for the rest of the afternoon


sand siblings rkgk a friend requested temari but i ended up drawing them all🤷


in which Shinki learns the consequences of his Aunt’s disappointment


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