
listen. given the chance i would fuck a dragon to the moon

@xxxdragonfucker69xxx / xxxdragonfucker69xxx.tumblr.com

sin with your body, and you sin as a beast sin with your mind, and you sin as a man sin with your soul, and you sin as the angels sin by fucking a dragon, and god looks down upon you and gives you a thumbs up check out my games

Inverse Omelas where when you come of age you spend a week going to various miserable people's houses and looking at their miserable lives, and the tour guide says "if only we only could torment just one child instead of letting thousands suffer through neglect,,,,, but that would be wrong". Most people feel shock and horror at these miserable people's lives, but eventually get over it, thinking "it would be wrong to purposely torment a child even for the delight of many". and yet, a few, a brave few, lurk outside the orphanage with a burlap bag and a intro to omelas engineering textbook.


quora is one of the most terrifying social networks on earth which i think is why all the most powerful posters can be found there


I just adore how Donna’s arc never positioned her as “not like other girls”, but as a grown ass woman.

It would have been so easy for the show to take a cheap shot at Martha or Rose here, but no. Donna takes a shot at THE DOCTOR, calling him out for conveniently always picking out younger girls who won’t talk back.

Like OF COURSE she’s not going to take crap from some space twink. She’s an adult, not some kid who thinks he hung the moon and stars. I love her so much


Legion of Gays Roll Call

The legion of gays is now in session.

It is the purpose of the legion to align our infamous forces against the heterosexual patriarchy, leaving us the rulers of Manhood.

To do this, we have gathered here the 13 most infamous gays in all of faggotry

the sturdy Bottoms:

the perverse mind of the Pigs:

the aging Zaddies and the Jocks

the frenzied PNP gays and Masc4Masc guys

the DL men and the Bears

the Scene Queens and the ever-flexible Versatiles

the feminine yet ferocious Drag Queens and the hideous Twinks

not to mention the brilliant leadership of us, the Tops.


happy pride month


Published May 31, 2024

Any common face mask provides significant protection against the virus that causes COVID-19, but N95 masks are most effective at slashing the amount emitted by infected people, according to a University of Maryland-led study released Wednesday.

So-called “duckbill” N95 masks scored highest in the study, which measured the exhaled breath of participants who were tested both masked and unmasked to measure comparative outputs of SARS-CoV-2. The inexpensive masks, which have two head straps and a horizontal seam, captured 98% of exhaled virus, according to the study published in eBioMedicine.

The researchers also found that—in what might come as a surprise to many—cloth masks outperformed the specific brand of KN95 mask that was tested. Surgical masks brought up the rear in performance out of the four types, but even they blocked 70% of the virus, the tests showed. (To reflect the general public's use of masks, study volunteers were not fit-tested for their masks or trained how to properly wear them.)

“The research shows that any mask is much better than no mask, and an N95 is significantly better than the other options. That’s the No. 1 message,” says the study’s senior author, Donald Milton, a professor of environmental health and a global expert on how viruses spread through the air.


If you are currently sitting or laying down this moment ask yourself if you are resting or rotting. Change your behavior accordingly

There is no romance in decay when the decaying is easy

You are naught but pawns in my game

I hope some of y'all take this as a sign to rest intentionally too.

if you're "resting" but thinking of all the things you have to do, that's not resting, that's rotting. Even if you haven't done anything all day, give yourself some time to rest and truly relax. When you let yourself relax guilt free, you actually regain energy for your responsibilities.


My latest essay is about Un-Navigatable by Kaden Ramstack! I talk about my naruto OC, the internet's perpetual state of amnesia, and use the word "smexy" in a sentence.

I absolutely love this game, and if you grew up on the mid-2000s internet, I think you should absolutely click around the CUSTOM WEBSITE THAT HOSTS THE GAME for a blast from the past.


im so sick of hetero fetish photography where the (always female) bondage model is beautifully made up and dressed in some thoughtful outfit with perfect grooming and then the rope guy is also in the shot for some reason and has visibly been wearing the same smeary glasses, cargo shorts and tech conference t-shirt for three days. either get out of the way or put some effort in youre fucking everything up


or put the woman in the glasses and cargo shorts i mean who said that


Once, there was a girl who learned the name of an ancient god. It burned in her, the name, it shouted out to be spoken, but she dared not speak it. It was a holy thing, a precious jewel of worth in this worthless world, but it was not a name that should be spoken.

There were some who thought otherwise—princes, hierophants, dead men, sorcerer-kings. They employed their means of persuasion, but still the girl demurred. Even as they led her to the gallows, she did not speak—she did not speak—

She was going to die. She had a duty she’d never asked for, a sacred obligation, and it meant more than her life—but, she realized, she wasn’t willing to die for it.

She spoke five syllables, and the world fell away.


No one tried to persuade her, after that. It wouldn’t have done them much good, anyway. She’d have just given them a mischievous grin, and gleefully demonstrated the absence of her tongue.

She got older. The regret never faded, the blood on her hands never washed away, but at least she got to live an uneventful life, for a time.


It’s almost a joke, in the end. The princes and sorcerer-kings never got her, but some kid, all belligerent from drinking away a broken heart, waving a sword around like a jackass? That’s who does her in. He isn’t even trying to kill her, just stumbling in her direction sword-first.

She has no choice. Her tongue is gone, but the name had never needed a tongue to be spoken. It spills from her mouth like a star exploding:

“Beatboxing Puppy.”

A cutscene triggers. Non-diegetic music fills the air. A thing more beast than god romps and frolicks about. The blade moves no closer to her heart—that isn’t part of the cutscene. And time, real time, isn’t part of the cutscene either, even with the sword’s tip less than a second from her skin. But it can only last so long—

“Beatboxing Puppy.”

The cutscene begins again, but there’s just the slightest interval between one’s end and the other’s beginning. It’s enough. The sword pierces skin, nuzzles the soft meat of her heart. She is going to die, once the cutscene ends, and it is almost—

“Beatboxing Puppy.”

No interval this time—the cutscene plays inside the cutscene, like space and time folding in on themselves. She can’t feel the pain, not while she stands outside the world, but the interruption in her blood flow is starting to impair her cognition. All she has to do is keep saying it—

“Beatboxing Puppy.”

They say that if you go there, you can still see it—the wound in time, the hole in the world. The cutscene, unending. She will never die. You can see her, if you’re close enough, can hear the non-diegetic music and see for yourself the face of god.


Some Fire sword for your Sunday. 🔥

I had such a great time with all my flowmies down at Gasworks park this Friday.

One of them even let me borrow their fire sword and oooo boy, I am so hooked. I can't wait to finish my fire shield and other props with the help of Dan Treichel and get some of my own fiery steel swinging.


Now it's back to the shop to get more orders finished up.

I hope you're all having a fun weekend. :)

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