
Possibly Lifeless

@imaginationtrain-storm / imaginationtrain-storm.tumblr.com

I'm sure I won't post anything, but I like anime, books, k pop, and hot guys. She/her please

hello friends, i’d like to tell you a story about the beautiful place i call home. long post coming up. 

  • do you think climate change is bad but you know the responsibility of a solution does not rest on the individual or you’re just not sure what you can do?
  • do you like seeing birds and other animals around your home and where you live and think they deserve safe, undamaged habitats?
  • do you think we should do as much as possible to preserve our clean water sources?
  • do you think the military spending budget in the united states is way too much?

if you answered yes to any of these you might be interested in this story. 

i live on cape cod, in massachusetts. it’s a peninsula that reaches out into the atlantic ocean, so it’s surrounded by salt water. you might wonder how does such a place get fresh drinking water without having to pump it in from miles away?

we’re fortunate enough to have one of the most productive ground water systems in new england, but it’s highly permeable and susceptible to contamination within its watershed. [source]

this groundwater system has been designated as a sole-source aquifer. that means almost two hundred thousand people rely on this water source year round, and in the summer the population here literally doubles with tourism. 

wow it sure would be bad if something happened to it.

wait—something bad did happen. between 1989 and 2009 an area here was listed by the EPA as a superfund site. the national guard had contaminated their military base on cape cod with spilled chemicals and fuels, landfills, and munitions, including lead bullets and live explosives. [source]

let’s see where that military base is located. 

the military base is located on 22,000 acres of land directly above the largest part of the aquifer. unrelated to this specific issue, but don’t you think we could so something better with and for this land? i don’t know, just a thought, seems like the military doesn’t need 22k acres stolen from the wampanoag especially if they’re just going to pollute it. 

so here’s why i’m angry. they want to do this again. the national guard wants to spend $11 million to build an eight-lane machine gun firing range right above the water source. 

the national guard has been going forward with this plan without providing outside environmental review (they reviewed it themselves and said it was fine) and without engaging in dialogue with the community. 

also a fun note, the brigadier general-whatever-the-fuck that is of the national guard has threatened the local chamber of commerce and is quoted in the above linked source with some expectedly bad takes. 

so let’s review:

  • cutting down 170 acres of trees in a region that is essential habitat to hundreds of species of migratory birds, as well as other animals, is devastating 
  • cutting down 170 acres of trees that could remove and store carbon from our declining atmosphere for decades to come is irreversible damage
  • cutting down 170 acres of trees and shooting toxic ammunition over an area of 5,000 acres above a water source that hundreds of thousands of people rely on is just a really bad fucking idea

if you’re read this far, thank you. i’m going to tell you one way you can help. right now facing climate change as an individual feels hopeless, at least to me. the best tools we have to fight with are our voices, and they always have been. the association to preserve cape cod has created a form you can use to email appointed officials who have the power to stop this. you can also donate to the apcc, but i’m not asking you to. i’m just asking you for your voices. 

please reblog this post, because someone might come across it who lives here who doesn’t even know this is happening. i love this little spit of land with all my heart and i know others do too. 


underrated kataang moments

their cute lil wave goodbye in “the headband”

making each other laugh at sokka’s expense in “the library” 

how her eyes go all shiny when aang calls her sifu katara

their hug at the end of “the warriors of kyoshi” because aang is a brave idiot and she loves him

katara bloodbending to save his life

their two reunion hugs in “crossroads of destiny”

aang bringing a smile to her face when she’s mourning jet just with a touch of his hand

their interlaced fingers and aang lovingly staring after her in “the cave of two lovers” 

katara gratefully holding onto him when he’s safe and sound in “the beach”

aang’s exhausted but grateful smile he gives her when she brings him back to life

katara deciding that if aang’s banished from her village so is she, and her being heartbroken even when aang steps in to keep her from having to choose between him and her family

katara crying over losing aang when zuko steals him at the north pole

and aang’s absolutely adorable “you go first” when they both start speaking at the same time in “day of the black sun”

and every kataang moment ever tbh bc so many of y’all sleep on them



Stop says the red light, go says the green

Wait says the yellow light, twinkling in between. 



I’ve only seen this legendary post in screenshots


i literally can’t stop thinking about this video and i lose it every time


okay everything about this video is absolute gold:

  • the fact that the guy argues via the puppet the entire time
  • the music
  • “let’s discuss the contradiction”
  • the overuse of the word “camera”
  • the way the puppet goes from trying to placate the guy to actively arguing against the guy and like turning it around on the guy
  • “youre consciously making a conscious choice”
  • the fact that by the end the puppet is basically screaming and the music is just. so loud.
  • “YOURE BREAKING THE CAMERA” as the video abruptly ends

for anyone who wants to see more stuff like this, you can probably find clips of it on YouTube. it came from a show called “Wonder Showzen” and it’s responsible for these gems, too:


You have to remind men that they don’t have power over you and you don’t owe them attention, emotional investment, love, time, or consideration just because they like you or because he’s a “nice guy”.

There are a lot of white women relogging this.

You have to remind white people that they don’t have power over you and you don’t owe them attention, emotional investment, free teaching, love, time, or consideration just because they like you/your culture or because they’re an “ally”.

Reblog this too.


I’m reblogging this with a small addition after reading through way too many of the previous comments, some of which were quite aggressive or vitriolic, and some that were genuinely confused and could have needed a kind pointer.

Fellow white people: the second and third part of this post are an addition to the first in that the core idea is the same. If you agree with the first sentiment, -that a woman does not owe a man anything for being “a nice guy”, then a black woman does not owe a white woman anything for being “an ally”. It is meant to have you look at yourself in comparison to other groups, the same way you look at other groups in comparison to yourself. Basically, check your privilege now that you have a chance to see the same aspects of different situations.

I do recommend that you don’t go and read through other comments though, it was quite demotivating. 


Mind if I hop on this to say cis ppl arent entitled to trans ppl’s love, trust, or to know about their body in addition to the previous points

Let them know!!


cinderella marries the prince

and it’s… fine. The prince is great! They’re in love, he’s very sweet and passionate, writing her poems and songs, giving her anything she wants. The time she spends with her husband is great.

but cinderella is not royalty, her family was noble but she never spent time in those circles. She’s used to being busy, she’s used to cooking and cleaning and mending. There are hours, days, where she has nothing to do.

time passes. cinderella learns the fancy lady type of needlework. Learns to ride horses. Reads a lot.

as is normal for royalty at the time, they travel and are hosted by nobles or stay at castles owned by the king. But even that variety begins to become routine. The prince is distracted, there’s a lot of young women living and working on their route. Daughters of nobles. Younger and prettier with soft hands that have never done a day’s work.

cinderella needs something to spend her time on, and there’s a part of her thinking a couple-only trip might get her husband’s attention again, so she suggests making an old castle that’s fallen into disrepair their “project.” It was built in the time when castles were made to be defensible, so it’s quite sturdy, but it’s overgrown and secluded. The prince doesn’t know why his family stopped living there either. A hundred years ago it was their summer home.

so they go. And they work. And for a while it’s great! But when they leave for winter cinderella’s husband forgets her once again. cinderella resolves to make the best of her life and stop worrying about a man who has gotten what he wanted from her.

summer comes again and this time cinderella goes alone to the old castle (minus staff, of course, but cinderella manages to narrow it down to only repair workers and one maid). She can cook and clean and mend again, but this time it’s her own choice. She is happy.

this summer they make more progress on repairs. The workers say that most of it can be salvaged, except one tower that’s been completely overgrown with vines and briars. It will have to come down, eventually, but for now it can be safely ignored.

cinderella has more free time now. The old castle has a surprisingly untouched library, though time and moisture have damaged many of the books. Behind a collection of greek poetry cinderella finds an old diary. Very old, in fact, at least a hundred years. It’s rude to read a diary, of course, but whoever wrote this is long dead, and cinderella is bored, so…

from the description of activities the author looks to have been nobility. Maybe even a princess. She’s sensitive and sweet and smarter than she seems to realize. If circumstances had been different cinderella wishes they could have been friends…

after the summer ends cinderella returns to her husband. He’s spending a lot of time with a young musician and cinderella can’t even work up the energy to care. She does some research about the castle and the family she’s married into, finds out the name of the princess who wrote the diary.

aurora. Cursed and forgotten. She died young, they say, in a plague that also took out the castle staff and her own parents. Luckily they avoided a succession crisis, but not so lucky for the dead.

time passes. cinderella goes to the old castle again and again, even out of season. Soon enough all that remains to be done is the old tower, and the builders say they should tear it down and fill the gaps before it gets cold.

one night cinderella is restless. The princess from the diary had been fond of that tower, and cinderella is far more attached to a dead woman than she ought to be. She gets out of bed, reads by candlelight, and finally goes to walk the empty halls.

she finds herself going to the tower. Pushing past the vines that don’t seem so troublesome really. They almost part before her. The stairs are perfectly intact, the door at the top is already cracked open. As if she should have done this years ago, cinderella steps into aurora’s bedroom.

she’s as beautiful as the stories say. And sitting under her hands, crossed across her stomach as it rises and falls, is a book of greek poetry.

years later, people will tell the story of cinderella as a cautionary one. Don’t seek above your station. Don’t marry for prestige. After all, a girl who grew up as a servant once married the crown prince, and disappeared after only three years. She ran away, they say, she couldn’t handle the lifestyle.

two old women who run a bookshop together agree with the lesson. Marrying for the wrong reasons never ends well. It’s best to wait for someone you have things in common with, shared interests.

or, failing that, the more linguistic of the two says, wait a decade or ten for someone to fall in love with you from your diary.

her partner laughs and hits her with the socks she is mending.


“In his first year in office, President Trump has weakened LGBT protections in employment, schools, and housing and has appointed officials and judges seen as hostile to LGBT rights.

Chandler is among an estimated 40 transgender candidates running for all levels of government in the November 2018 elections, an unprecedented number. Many of the candidates will have the backing of advocacy groups such as Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organization in the US.”

Read the full piece here

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reblog if you hate nazis and don’t think they should speak on college campuses

reblog if you hate nazis and don’t think they should speak.

Reblog if you hate nazis.


Reboot if you support Jewish people, Rroma people, LGBT people, and all other people targeted in the past and present by Nazis.

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