
the Moonless

@moonless-if / moonless-if.tumblr.com

Devblog for WIP Interactive Fiction The Moonless, run by author spacedfoxes. MINORS DNI // PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MOONLESS IS A STORY CONTAINING MATURE THEMES AND THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG

My partner and I cancelled our Adobe accounts today because of this. Imagine if makers of physical art media had the right to pilfer your sketchbooks because you used their pencils and paints. That’s basically what Adobe is trying to foist on everyone.


Adding tags from @plebeian2logist because this absolutely NEEDS to be spread, knowing what Adobe is doing is vital but just as much so is knowing what to do about it:

Cancel your Creative Cloud subscription as soon as you're able to. If you encounter any difficulty canceling it, document it (screenshot, screen record, whatever is necessary) and file a complaint with the FTC for unfair business practices.

This is so transparently about stealing customer data to use in AI training datasets, hoping people will click accept and it will go unnoticed. We need to not just tell Adobe what we think about this - unless we want more and more companies thinking they can get away with doing the same, we need to stop them in their tracks.


Here are our contributors for the Interactive Fiction Raffle for Palestine!

Over 50 artists and authors from the IF community here on tumblr have joined together to run a donation drive this month! The raffle will be running from June 7th - June 21st. A separate post will be made with more information, including the rules and ticket submission form, once we're ready to launch.

Our goal is to raise as much money as possible for five specific fundraisers; we hope with us focusing our efforts we'll be able to make a tangible impact for these families. Tickets will be the equivalent of the minimum GoFundMe donation ($5USD/€5), and you will be donating directly to the families and then providing us proof of donation in exchange for your ticket(s).

We plan to raffle off all prizes. Below the cut is the list of contributors for both prize tiers, along with the prize they'll be offering. (Beware, this is a long post.)


Interactive Fiction Community Raffle for Palestine!

Over 50 authors and artists from the Interactive Fiction community here on tumblr have come together to offer an array of prizes for a focused donation drive! We are aiming to raise as much money as possible for five families who are currently trying to evacuate Gaza. These fundraisers have been vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi (thank you for your hard work!)


  1. You MUST donate a minimum of €5/$5 USD to one of these five fundraisers to qualify for a ticket. These are the currencies the GFMs are in (3 in euro, 2 in USD). We chose this amount because it is the minimum GFM allows and we are hoping to encourage as many donations as possible. Please be mindful that GFM does not show the conversion rate if you're donating outside your currency.
  2. Donating once to all five GFMs will get you five tickets. And for each extra 5 you donate, you will get an extra ticket. (ie donating 10 to one GFM gets you 2 tickets, 15 gets you 3, etc.)
  3. There are two tiers we will be pulling prizes from: one tier for writing, and one tier for art. When you submit your proof of donation, you will be asked to specify which tier you want your ticket to go towards. If you are submitting for more than one ticket, you will specify the tiers for each ticket-- you can spread them out between both tiers or put them all towards one.
  4. You will be required to share a receipt/proof of donation via uploading a picture through google forms. We will not be handling any money. You are donating directly to the GFMs, and then showing us proof that you have done so. Please include the GFM and the amount you've donated in the screenshot you upload. We are only taking donations starting from June 7th onward.
  5. We plan to raffle off all possible prizes using a random generator. Once the drive concludes on the 21st, we'll take a few days to gather up & organize the tickets and draw names, and then we will be in touch with winners both on tumblr and via email.

Please understand that these prizes are pulled blind and assigned at random. You cannot pick or choose which writer/IF or artist you get. It is completely randomized. You get what you get-- even if you aren't familiar with the writer or their game. Artists and authors also have the right to refuse your request at their discretion. Please be respectful and remember that our main goal and focus here is fundraising for these families.

We encourage you to share these families and their fundraisers here and elsewhere. We're hoping by focusing our efforts we can really make a big impact for all of them.

Ticket submission form:


Here are our contributors for the Interactive Fiction Raffle for Palestine!

Over 50 artists and authors from the IF community here on tumblr have joined together to run a donation drive this month! The raffle will be running from June 7th - June 21st. A separate post will be made with more information, including the rules and ticket submission form, once we're ready to launch.

Our goal is to raise as much money as possible for five specific fundraisers; we hope with us focusing our efforts we'll be able to make a tangible impact for these families. Tickets will be the equivalent of the minimum GoFundMe donation ($5USD/€5), and you will be donating directly to the families and then providing us proof of donation in exchange for your ticket(s).

We plan to raffle off all prizes. Below the cut is the list of contributors for both prize tiers, along with the prize they'll be offering. (Beware, this is a long post.)


Here are our contributors for the Interactive Fiction Raffle for Palestine!

Over 50 artists and authors from the IF community here on tumblr have joined together to run a donation drive this month! The raffle will be running from June 7th - June 21st. A separate post will be made with more information, including the rules and ticket submission form, once we're ready to launch.

Our goal is to raise as much money as possible for five specific fundraisers; we hope with us focusing our efforts we'll be able to make a tangible impact for these families. Tickets will be the equivalent of the minimum GoFundMe donation ($5USD/€5), and you will be donating directly to the families and then providing us proof of donation in exchange for your ticket(s).

We plan to raffle off all prizes. Below the cut is the list of contributors for both prize tiers, along with the prize they'll be offering. (Beware, this is a long post.)


STOP. DON'T SCROLL. READ THIS TO SAVE LIVES IN GAZA. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support Gazans. These people have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. Donate and share widely.

(may 27th)

Do not scroll past this list without contributing. This list makes it easy for you to find a fundraiser to support. Choose at least one. Your contribution will save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.


🩸 Hours after the Israeli Knesset approved the preliminary reading designating UNRWA as a “terrorist organization,” Israel slaughter more than 30 displaced Palestinians sheltering at a UNRWA center in Rafah.

🩸 The number is expected to rise dramatically with dozens of injured already reported.


gazafunds seeks to uplift stagnant or otherwise struggling fundraisers for gazans seeking evacuation or simple necessities. i know many of the images crossing your feeds today are harrowing and impossible to fathom, but those in the line of fire need your help, not your complacency. gazafunds also urges those who are able to adopt a fundraiser to amplify to do so (you can contact them via their twitter.)


this is a formal interest check for a charity raffle with the IF community

if you are an IF author or artist and you're interested in participating in a charity-drive raffle, please check out this form! we are aiming to do one big raffle with a single prize pool, where people submit proof of donation in exchange for a raffle ticket.

prizes we are currently considering would be things like a spicy snippet or a cosy snippet, etc. potential sketches from artists or a rendered bust, etc. and we'll allow the authors & artists to dictate how much/what exactly they're comfortable offering. donating to multiple gfm will mean more entries into the raffle. we'll be offering a list of potential gfm to donate to (we're going to try and focus on ones with low funds) & any artists/authors offering prizes can specify if they want to sponsor specific gfm.

this is subject to change! we are just trying to gauge interest right now and see what we can put together on our side of things which depends entirely on the people willing to contribute & if we get enough interest.

here is the google form for artists and authors to fill out:

this was inspired by the book auction for gaza as well as the many other art raffles i've seen here and on twitter.

thank you everyone for the response so far! i want this form to circulate for a bit before we move forward with anything else, and in the meantime i'll start compiling a gfm list (i'm hoping we can focus donations and really help a handful of fundraisers or even get one fully funded?) as well as putting together forms for getting a ticket.

i will be organizing a discord server later for contributors, if you filled out the form i'll be in touch :-)


🌈 Happy #TransDayOfRemembrance Reading Rainbows! This is a day to remember all of the trans people who have lost their lives to transphobia/transmisia and violence. This is also what marks the end of Trans Awareness Week so we are back one final time with a list of 20 trans books for you to read and love!

What’s your favorite trans book? Drop us the title and author in the comments! Authors please feel free to self-promote your trans books in the comments!

Books listed above their respective graphic.

ID: a post of six slides. All slides have the background of a horizontal transgender Pride flag. It’s has five stripes: blue, pink, white, pink, blue. An opaque white square with a thin outline is overlaid. The first slide says “20 trans books for trans day of remembrance”. The 20 is in the colors of the trans flag and each line below it is a different color of the trans flag. Slides 2-6 have four book covers in two rows of two each. End ID.

Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution by Kacen Callender

Fake it by Lily Seabrooke

Man O’War by Cory McCarthy

Junker Seven by Olive J. Kelley

A Milky Way Home by Hsinju Chen

Cheer Up!: Love & Pom Poms by Crystal Frazier

The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White

The Rebel Foxes by Noah Hawthorne

Cute Mutants Volume 3: The Demon Queer Saga by SJ Whitby

Redefining Realness by Janet Mock

Obie is Man Enough by Schuyler Bailar

And They Lived by Steven Salvatore

Bad Girls by Camila Sosa Villada

The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimmons

Horse Barbie by Geena Rocero

Venom & Vow by Anna-Marie McLemore & Elliott McLemore

Dear Mothman by Robin Gow

The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon

Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars by Kai Cheng Thom

Heart Haunt Havoc by Freydís Moon


I did an illustration for Trans Day of Remembrance today at work.

Our little community contains so much anger and grief, but it's because we love each other so fiercely. We remember our dead because their memory keeps us stubborn.

I love all of us today, and I hope you do too.


a short update


as a few of you might've noticed, there's been close to zero activity from me here on tumblr for the past month (and not a whole lot before that either) and i wanted to give a bit of an update just to assure you all that none of my projects (@moonless-if - @thankyoufortoday-if - @nectarlake-if) are abandoned.

long story short: the past couple of months have been very chaotic for me work-wise with the past three or so weeks being the worst.

october is always a busy month with student evals happening before the autumn break and it's a lot of work wrapping assignments up and writing those evals and having parent-teacher meetings and it's a lot, even during a normal year. this year though... oh man, it's been so far from normal.

between my school getting a new principal and a new school unit opening up i've had A Lot of extra work as a union representative to deal with too, and then of course having stuff happening in my personal life (pottery class, studying for driver's license, etc.).

then we had a threat made against the school staff about two weeks ago and the school has been in literal crisis mode, trying to make sure parents feel calm about the situation, and students feel safe, which has been a fun experience when i've felt neither calm or safe.

but! things are calming down and slowly going back to normal (with new security measures in place). it's still probably going to be busy for a while, with only six weeks left until winter break, but i'm doing ok considering and am slowly getting back into the swing of things.

i'll probably still be a bit quiet on here (no regular updates) so i can focus on other things (like writing!).

hope things have been better for all of you and i miss you!

-- andy

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