

@nki-stories / nki-stories.tumblr.com

Nina | Suppose I occasionally do art? See side-blog for all my art in one place: Ninja-Arties

fanart for @nki-stories 's amazing work, To Be Yours, which you should go read and comment on 💕 I was feeling grumpy and disgruntled, and this sweet little slice of fluff and pining and happy ending was just what the doctor ordered!


Oh my goodness! This is beautiful! I feel so flattered that my fic could inspire this beautiful piece if art!

I am so happy you enjoyed my fic this much! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us all 🥰🥰🥰


Many years ago I started this project, and it was actually almost finished when the program I used started acting up. I fixed it a few years later (by actually buying it), but by that time I had forgotten stuff and things and changed here and there, so I got overwhelmed ^^;

But now I had the courage to pick it up and complete it! Just in time to wish my favourite plant man a happy birthday 🥰 💖🪴💐

(the soundtrack is a collection of sounds I found on freesound.org)

Anonymous asked:

I got 2 nart hcs and they're both kinda contradictory: -Gai and kakashi get married and it takes literally years for the konoha 13 (or like...90% of Konoha) to find out bc it was a private wedding and kakashi just never mentions it. Gay tries to but he uses such flowery/poetic language that ppl just tune him out - lee, sakura, tenten, and neji occasionally try to spy on gai and kakashi to figure out whether or not they're dating (naruto sometimes is also there)

I fuckin LOVE these. I love hcs where gai and kakashi are just kinda together and no one really knows. they like, don’t try to hide it, but they also don’t like..announce it. I love it.


Written for @yamagaiweekend

Pairing: Yamato | Tenzou / Maito Gai | Might Guy

Rating: Teen and up audiences

Summary: Tenzō hoped to find something similar one day, to meet a person he could just be himself around, someone to trust and depend on. It had been an unrealistic future before, but after the war, he wasn't so sure.


Sixth Hokage - Hatake Kakashi


Gah!!! Everytime you draw, I get so inspired!!! Here’s a piece I wrote based on the art you did, the peeks you gave us in the @tenzoscabin’s Discord about the other versions and the Tenzo art you gave us another peek at!!! I hope you like it!!!  >>> Visits by Kaoruhana In the morning, he visited to say hello to Minato and his father, to Jiraiya and the people who shaped him. He said thank you and asked for advice, speaking to them of the troubles he faced the day before, the decisions he was worried about making, hat tugged low over his head, crouched low in front of the Memorial, robe draped over his lap.  In the evening, after he dismissed Shikamaru for the day, he would go back to visit Asuma, tell him of the student who he could never see, of the future that he had worked so hard to build. He would go away, to eat somewhere, with someone– with Tenzo, or Team Seven, or Gai on those rare nights he could.

 And then he would be back, at night before bed.

One last visit to Obito and Rin, to the comrades he missed. He would tell them he was doing okay, wish them well, tell them of the anecdotes from his days. 

Tenzo always watched him on those nights, standing sentinel in a tree, the moon’s waters reflecting off the nearby lake. He always watched and waited, hoping that one day, his name wouldn’t be one of the many Kakashi visited every day. 

Your characterization of Kakashi is beautiful! He is a person who lives for the people of his past. And then I feel a hint of sadness that he cant spend more time with the people who are still there because duty is such a heavy weight on his shoulders, and it always has been. Kakashi is honestly the most caring character I have ever encountered, he is someone who would do anything for others and rarely anything good for himself.

Then you have Tenzo who understands this part of Kakashi, and he worry that he might add to the list of names that means so much to Kakashi 😭

This was beautiful, and I feel like I don't have the words to give how much I love this justice! And I am so incredibly flattered that my art inspired this ❤️❤️❤️


Sometimes the only thing my menthal health needs — a b99 with my comfort ship.

some poorly drawn kakairu with peraltiago quote.

naruto: WHY? why did you give sakura a KNIFE?!
kakashi: i’m sorry. she said she felt unsafe
naruto: now i feel unsafe!
kakashi: i’m sorry.
kakashi: …would you like a knife?
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