
Certified Simp



Of Rats and Men Part 1

Pairing: Silco x Reader GN

Rating/Warning: teen, violence

Summary: You are a traveling medic, journeying between Piltover and Zaun. One night, you stumble upon a man and take him in. His presences caused havoc on your practice.

a/n: First non-star wars fic. Para-Medic is a reference to MGS3 but I think the story is more from Daredevil. Oh well. I also just kind of decided to post this without really rereading it so I don't change my mind lol so I hope it's not completely awful. For @imalovernotahater

You lived your life on the edge between worlds, or so it felt when you when you traveled between Piltover and Zaun. While a Topsider by birth, you never felt you fit in. You took to becoming a surgeon but noticed even in Piltover proper, favoritism of class and wealth applied there.

Eventually, you quit, citing the injustices you saw in your cases. You took an oath to help anyone and everyone, not just the highest bidder. This did not go over well with anyone; your family was upset, more due to having an outcast in the family. The hospital you worked for was angry to lose an impressive surgeon, also losing clientele.

In truth, your decision could be looked at as moral one, selling most of your belongings and buying a building near the bridge that connected the two different worlds. You turned it into a home but a small practice, mainly taking in those who couldn’t afford the medication they needed at Piltover prices. Topsiders viewed it more as a cautionary tale, saying how you went mad, and others should avoid doing xyz. Something to push their own agenda. The lower class in Piltover, lower only because if everyone had the same wealth no one was rich, saw you in secret and you gave them your discretion.

The people that were more likely to come to you, though, were from Zaun.


What Could Have been - Prologue

Silco x reader

Synopsis: In the aftermath of a failed revolution Y/N learns a lot more than they bargained for as old secrets resurface and old wounds open. What will happen when everything Y/N thought they knew about what happened between their oldest friend and lover was a lie? What will Y/N do when they find out the truth?

Content: Mild angst (will have more angst off and on as the story progresses)


The Last Drop was full of people as it is most nights due to it being the warmest place in all of Zaun. “When you are at The Last Drop you are with family.” At least that is what Vander always says…I don’t know if he is the kindest or most naive man I have ever met. “I’d say it varies from moment to moment,” is what Silco usually says to that. Those two bicker like children sometimes I swear, brothers. Easily the most stubborn people to plan a revolution with-

“It is rude to write about people behind their backs, my dear~” I nearly jump out of my skin, closing my journal out of pure reflex. Glaring back at the culprit, I lay the journal down on the table and cross my arms over my chest as I stand up to greet him.

Therapy is expensive, but Silco is free

Got this idea from @/itto hourly on Twitter so credit to them for the idea


you're right and you should say it


Secret Ingredient - Chapter Five

Paring: Silco/Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Canon typical violence, dark themes, Angst
Summary: You had grown up on the streets. You knew the Underground. Which is why you decided to try and stay away from the main parts of it. Baking was safe and easy.
Helping to take care of a Crime Lord’s daughter? May have been easier to join up with a gang

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For a brief moment, you had forgotten what had happened the night before. You woke up, curled up in your warm blankets. You thought briefly about breakfast for a moment, wondering if Jinx would want pancakes or eggs, or some sort of odd unholy mixture of the two. 

And then you remembered. And any hunger soured in your belly, as you instead curled the blankets more around yourself, until they covered your head. Instead you waited, keeping your breathing low as you waited for the steps. They came not long after, one set going down, and then two going up. 

You slowly emerged from your blanket cocoon, leaving the warmth of your bed and moving to put on clothes for the day. Yet you felt odd, as you moved out of your room. Jinx had been a constant companion in the near month since you had first met her.

It felt odd as you moved into the kitchen. You did end up making eggs and some toast, but even then you had doubled the amount of scrambled eggs without realizing it. You sighed, and moved to season them with a generous amount of salt and pepper, before moving a good portion onto your plate. Then added some toast to it, before you moved to the table. 

You thought it had been fine, being alone. That you had chosen to be alone, and that you weren’t in fact lonely. And now you felt it. A loneliness that ached, and you knew you had felt it before. You just had forgotten how bad it could be. 

When the kitchen door opened and Sevika pushed her way inside, bags under her eyes, you eyed her. Her golden arm was fully visible in her tight brown shirt, her red covering for it gone. “Rough night?” 

Her gaze narrowed at you. “Silco was pissed for the most of it. Luckily he headed to bed early, so he could wake up in time to be with Jinx.” Her glare was more prominent as she approached. “Who I now have to deal with all day in the office.” 

You frowned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t mean for all this to happen.” And yet it had. And you weren’t sure if you would change anything. Besides maybe talking to Jinx before she began to ask Silco motherhood related questions. You gestured to the spare plate behind you. “Eggs?” 


Arcane developers be like:

-Ok, I like this Silco character, very well written. Now, what about the design, how can we make him more interesting? -What about we make him... not attractive? There's plenty of boring sexy villains out there. -Oh, I got it: let's make him old! Like 45/50-ish. Not elder, but let's give him some actual wrinkes. -But not silver fox- -No, not silver fox, more like we give him some 1950's republican-gay-in-denyal haircut turning grey. -Not bad, not bad... and not buff or super tall or anything. Average body. -Guys guys guysss: let's give him teef. -... -Like his jaws went through a cocktail shaker. -You're a fucking genius.



let’s clear this shit up

jinx: bisexual

vi: lesbian

caitlyn: nothing but lesbian

jayce: straight

viktor: hextech

silco: dad


Underratedly hysterical part of Arcane is Silco’s face after Sevika doesn’t betray him because it’s just 100% “HOLY SHIT. HOLY SHIT I WAS BLUFFING I WAS NOT CONFIDENT AT ALL THAT SHE WASN’T GONNA KILL ME HOLY SHIT. HOLY SHIT I COULD HAVE DIED—”


Hey, could you please write headcanons for Silco and Viktor where they’re in a situation where they have to warm up reader, but they kinda of enemies? If that even makes sense.


They Warm You Up - Arcane Headcanon

  • Warning: Fluff and a bit of Angst on Silco's part
  • I just woke up so please excuse me if this isn't that good, I'm still a bit weh


  • Really you and him had a very love hate relationship, the hate part was just a way to hide both of your feelings for each other.
  • So imagine the look on his face when he sees your so called "best friend" push you off the bridge and into the water.
  • He sees you struggling and immediately goes in to help; he has been in a similar situation and it is NOT gonna happen to you too.
  • Once he finally dragged you to shore and back onto the bridge, he noticed how much you were shivering.
  • He sighed, and began taking off his jacket to wrap around you. Honestly it didn't help much, but at least it was something.
  • Tears welled in your eyes as the realization of what just happened settled in. You covered your mouth to keep your sobs quiet, but he knew, of course he knew, and wrapped his arm around your head, pulling the side of it into his chest and sliding his hand down to rub your shoulder in whatever comfort he could give.


  • Viktor often times never came to bed due to him wanting to work on more Hextech stuff.
  • One day he decided to take a day off to have some time with you as he realized how little time he was spending with you.
  • You two had spent all day together and soon enough, it was about time to get to bed.
  • Once you curled up in your shared bed, Viktor put his hand gently on your arm, only for it to be cold to the touch.
  • Was it always this cold when you went to bed?
  • He wrapped himself around your middle and started drifting off.
  • If it was always this cold then maybe he should come to bed more often, he decided.
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