
Clemmington 🍊📎


16 y/o || they/she/he || cartoon enjoyer 💋 || tophucius founder || current main interest is clone high (specifically mine and others’ ocs), will probably change within a week || DNI and other basic info: https://clemmyballsfriday.carrd.co/
Anonymous asked:

art trades open?

nope sorry 😓 my life’s really busy rn so i don’t really have the time to draw…also i don’t do a lot of art trades to begin w unless it’s with friends bc i get anxious at the idea of owing things to people


tophabe fankid ‼️ he’s a know-it all who thinks he’s gonna be president someday bc he has presidential genes… no one likes his annoying ass though so whatever

Anonymous asked:

Proship is anti harassment, anti censorship. Does not necessarily involve with what you said, I'm not trying to change ur mind, you have all right to be uncomfortable with them and don't want them in your page, I just think your meaning is actively wrong and is just spreading missinfo

A lot of people consider themselves proship and hate those relationships yet don't harass them, proship comes from a lot ago by anti shippers as a positive counterpart, a lot of baiters have made it look bad

That doesn’t really change anything. People who call themselves proshippers and don’t support those relationships still don’t CALL OUT people who do. You’re allowing those people to keep on believing that it’s okay to support and fetishize those kinds of relationships. Doing nothing about those people is just as bad as supporting them, you’re convincing them that they’re right for being into those sorts of things.

If you were really anti-harassment, you’d call out the people who are drawing literal incest, pedophilia, child porn, zoophilia. (which all include sexual harassment/abuse no matter the circumstances (children and animals CANNOT consent)). There’s a difference between hating a healthy, legal ship because it just isn’t your cup of tea, and hating an ILLEGAL ship because it’s ILLEGAL. One of those is absolutely rightful. People who are proudly and confidently into that shit deserve to be shamed, or they’ll never learn.

I am NOT for being disrespectful when it comes to healthy and legal ships, i think people should be allowed to ship whatever they want. as long as it’s HEALTHY AND LEGAL. But people who fetishize ILLEGAL shit deserve a little disrespect imo.

If you call yourself a proshipper and you claim to be against those relationships, you are still grouping yourself in with nasty people, and aren’t doing anything to STOP and CORRECT those people. And you’re part of the problem. End of story.

Anonymous asked:

I'm curious, why you dislike proshippers? Aren't they just anti harassment, and let people ship?/gq

They do not all have to ship stuff or be invasive, you don't need to answer this ask, I'm just gen curious

proshippers are people who actively support and make content for abusive, incestual, pedophilic, zoophilic, etc. ships, and i do not like people who take enjoyment in stuff like that. even if it IS fictional, if you enjoy seeing fictional characters in fucked up relationships, if you FETISHIZE said relationships, then who’s to say you aren’t also into relationships like that in real life. it’s gross and i don’t want to engage with people like that.

Anonymous asked:

would you rather have a tail? or wings?

wings. wings all the way. if i had a tail some bitch would yank on that thang also wings are just cooler

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